The Kaitian War

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The Kaitian War Page 3

by Sami Salkosuo

  But from the orbit, all ships fired their weapons toward the planet.

  It was a terrible sight.

  "Holy Hell," whispered Nick as the Kaitian ships leveled the planet.

  "What are they doing?" said Louis. "Why are they doing this?"

  At that moment, the Kaitians ceased firing.

  "What are they doing?" repeated Louis, now surprised.

  "Analyzing," said Aileen.

  "They are launching dropships," said Nick and saw how a large number of dropships descended from the orbiting cruisers and frigates toward the planet.

  "The Kaitians destroyed all the cities," said Aileen, "with the exception of cities near the industrial facilities."

  "What industrial facilities?" asked Nick.

  "Mining and mineral processing," said Louis. He was looking at the system data. "This is one of the Arash Empire's mining colonies."

  "That makes sense then," said Nick. "They destroyed cities and population everywhere except near the mining sites. Now they intend to occupy the planet and take the resources for their own use."

  "The dropships are on the ground," said Aileen. "We are too far away to get detailed view. Do I go closer?"

  "No," said Nick, "we can't risk it. We have no idea about the level of their technology. They might detect us."

  "What do we do, Nick?" asked Louis.

  Nick thought about it and said, "We go on with our mission. We go to the Kaitian home world and try to find out what happened to the infiltration teams."

  Louis nodded in agreement. "We are in a good position to go behind the enemy lines. As long as we don't get caught," he added.

  "Arash cruiser entering the system," said Aileen as the cruiser entered the system.

  "Show us!" Louis commanded.

  The Arash cruiser was at the edge of the system, beyond the orbit of the farthest planet. Five Kaitian ships started to move toward it, led by a single Kaitian fighter.

  "What are they doing?" wondered Nick; as a response, the Arash cruiser disappeared to hyperspace.

  "They fled," commented Louis.

  "Good," said Nick. "They wouldn't have had a chance against the Kaitians. And they can report what they saw to others. Although . . . I'm sure the Coalition already knows about the Kaitian attack."

  "Perhaps not," said Aileen. "The Kaitians very effectively blocked all communications to and from the system. It may take a while before others realize that communications blackout means a Kaitian attack."

  "That's a good point," said Nick, "but they will know soon enough. Now it's our time to leave. Go directly toward the Kaitian home world. Monitor everything you can without risking that they detect us."

  "Yes, Nick," said Aileen. "You should know that I've already started monitoring and several worlds have gone silent in the Arash Empire. And also the Mehar Empire home world."

  Nick and Louis silently looked at each other and Nick shook his head and sighed.

  "As careful as you can, Aileen," said Nick, "toward the Kaitian home world."


  "Commander!" called Udo. "Have you heard?"

  "Heard what?"

  "Several Coalition worlds have ceased all communications," said Udo. "We also intercepted a report by an Arash cruiser that said something about an invasion."

  "Show me," said William, and scanned the report.

  "They didn't recognize them? Any images?"

  "No, sir," said Udo. "At least, not in this report."

  "Try to find out," William ordered.

  "Yes, sir." Udo saluted, and left to carry out his orders.

  William had a suspicion about the enemy and hurried to the office.

  "Yes?" answered William to an incoming call, and a hologram of Milton appeared in the office.

  "Have you heard?" asked Milton.

  "We intercepted a report from Arash," said William, "about an invasion."

  "So did we," said Milton.

  There was a pause. Both men knew what the other was thinking.

  "The Kaitians have attacked," William stated.

  "Yes," confirmed Milton, "the Kaitians have attacked. I've called a group meeting. We need to coordinate our actions. And we need to move fast. The meeting is in one hour but I called now to ask a favor."

  "What is it?" William asked.

  "Rachel is on the Arash home world," said Milton. "She was there when we heard that contact was lost to infiltration teams. And I ordered her to investigate the matter.

  But we've lost contact to Arash home world and I fear the Kaitians have attacked there," Milton continued. "I know you have ships close and you could order them to investigate--and, if needed, rescue Rachel."

  William wondered if Milton meant the Lake of Fairwater; if he did, William didn't like it.

  "I do have a ship in the Arash space," said William. "I ordered it to investigate the infiltration teams as well. But I can't order it to Arash home world."

  Milton showed his disappointment.

  "They are under orders not to use any communications. But I can order another ship there. The Sea of Boston

  was ordered to patrol the Kaitian border and they should be near the Arash space now."

  Milton sighed in relief.

  "Thank you," he said.

  "You welcome, Milton," said William. "It's been a long time since I saw Rachel. If she's alive, we'll rescue her."

  "Thank you," said Milton again.

  "I have to prepare for the meeting. We'll talk later."

  After Milton disconnected the call, William went to his desk and wrote the mission briefing for the Sea of Boston. He had missed Rachel from time to time and he wondered whether or not Milton noticed his reaction when William had heard her name.

  William had good memories of Rachel and he regretted not to have found time to visit her again after humans joined the Coalition.

  He leaned back in his chair and sighed. Even for an immortal, time was very limited resource.


  "Ladies and gentlemen." Milton started the meeting of the group of influential individuals. "By now you all have heard."

  They all had heard. And they were also very discomfited to see that neither their peers from the Arash Empire nor the Mehar Empire were at the meeting.

  "Analysis?" asked Milton.

  "There was no warning," said Juno, Minister of Agriculture and Mining of the Gemono Empire, "but this is what we have gathered."

  Juno presented a map of the galaxy that showed in bright white lights all the Coalition worlds. Animation showed how bright white lights dimmed one by one from the Arash and Mehar worlds until third of the worlds in each Empires were dimmed. Then the animation started again.

  "These are the worlds we have lost all communications with," said Juno and pointed to the dimmed lights. "This data is current."

  "The Kaitian force is formidable," said Milton, "and they had surprise on their side. We must decide our response. Suggestions?"

  During the short silence that followed, one light representing a Mehar world dimmed.

  "What was the time between that and the previous one?" asked Hans, Admiral of the Mopian Empire Navy. His voice betrayed his worry, as the Kaitians were moving toward the Mopian Empire.

  "Three and a half standard rotations," said Juno. After quick look at the data, he continued, "Their pace seems to have slowed. Half of the initial attacks came within one rotation."

  "Projections?" asked Milton.

  "Based on this limited data," said Laura, Matriarch of the family Pirha of the Saami Empire, "they seem to have a phased strategy. The first phase was to launch surprise attacks against nearest neighbors, quickly eliminate opposition, and seize vital resources. If I remember correctly, nearly all of those worlds that were attacked were mining or agriculture worlds. And, of course, the home worlds of the Arash and Mehar Empires.

  "I believe we now see the beginnings of the second phase," she continued. "They've secured the conquered worlds and are moving toward the next t
argets, namely the Mopian, Ooktian, and Gemono Empires."

  "We are also near Kaitian borders," said Mr. Grey, "but they have not attacked us yet."

  "They didn't attack Miccvan either," said Laura, "probably because your turn will come later. I believe after they have completed the second phase."

  "If so," said William, "they can attack both Rg'Tkeen and Miccvan from two fronts. From their own space and from the conquered Coalition space."

  "Exactly," Laura confirmed.

  "Based on what Laura said," said Milton, "suggestions?"

  "We must stand together," said Juno, "and launch a counter-attack."

  "But where do make our stand? Where do we attack?" asked Hans.

  "We know they attack home worlds and resources first," said Laura. "I suggest we gather our forces to Ooktian and Mopian home worlds. I also suggest that we do hit-and-run attacks in their supply lines and attack them in already conquered systems."

  "What about our home world?" asked Juno. "What if the Kaitians attack our home world?"

  "Do we have enough forces to concentrate on three different worlds?" asked Kaldan, Minister of Defense of the Ooktian Empire.

  "No," said Laura, "but I think you don't have to worry yet."

  "Why not?" asked William. Juno also wanted to know why.

  "The Gemono Empire is not as large as the Ooktian or Mopian. If they attack you, both flanks are vulnerable against attack from Rg'Tkeen and also from Ooktian," said Laura.

  Juno had to acknowledge the logic in Laura's words and if he were commanding Kaitian forces, he wouldn't attack Gemono yet.

  "I agree," he said, "but nevertheless, I will reinforce our home world defenses."

  "Do so," said Milton and then changed the subject: "We must accelerate the construction of the combined Coalition fleet. William, you received the first ship of the combined fleet, the super-cruiser. I think it's the most suitable for hit-and-run attacks that Laura suggested."

  "More than suitable," agreed William. "We call the super-cruiser The Village of War; officially it's our 7th Fleet and it's the home base of our elite forces. They've already seen many battles and we just reinforced it with new ships and latest technology."

  "Excellent," said Laura, "I will provide you a list of targets that we think would hurt them most."

  "I will inform the 7th Fleet after this meeting," said William.

  "Very good," said Milton, as the meeting had nearly reached its goals. "We gather our forces to Ooktian and Mopian home worlds. William sends the 7th Fleet to attack targets provided by Laura. Anything else before one final item?"

  No one answered.

  "If not, there's one question that we must get an answer to," said Milton and all knew what that question was.

  "Why have the Kaitians attacked now? We all projected their attack would be hundreds, or even thousands, of standard cycles in the future as they readied their forces," said Milton. "So why now? What do we know?"

  "I don't know if all you've already heard," said William, "but there have been two events that cannot be coincidences. At least, not anymore, not after the Kaitian attack."

  "What two events?" asked Laura. She'd heard rumors but wanted confirmation.

  "The first one, or first known to me," answered William, "happened on Earth . . . Susan had an accident and appeared to die."

  From the looks of others, William knew that this was news to some of them.

  "The second one was that we lost contact with infiltration teams in the Kaitian home world," said William. This was known to all.

  "You are quite right," said Hans, "These two can't be coincidences. Not after the Kaitian attack."

  "There's more," said William. "Grand Admiral Z'eenkoo has informed that Lea has also disappeared. And I wouldn't be surprised to find out that others have disappeared, too."

  "Hrmph." Laura frowned. "That's correct. We lost Harry while he was in our space. He simply disappeared from our agents."

  "That, at least, seals it," said Milton, "Susan, Lea, and Harry have disappeared. Michael's whereabouts were already unknown. But where have they gone? We don't know yet, but it must be related to the Kaitian attack. And also to the loss of contact of infiltration teams."

  "We must find out," said Hans, and others nodded agreement.

  "I agree," said William, "and I've already sent a team to the Kaitian home world. I can't tell what's their current status is--they were in Arash space, en route to the Kaitian home world, when the Kaitians attacked. Unless they were caught in the middle of an invasion, they will avoid the Kaitians and proceed to their home world as ordered. I have full confidence in Counselors Nick and Louis, and we'll hear from them when the mission has been accomplished."

  "Nick and Louis," said Kaldan, frowning, but with a hint of respect in his voice. "The notorious spies. I've heard of them."

  "So have I," said Juno. "Their reputation precedes them. I'm sure we will know much more when they come back, William. Very wise to assign them to the mission."

  Others seemed to agree with Juno, and William was somewhat surprised by their comments. He'd known Nick and Louis were very competent and he'd read numerous reports of their missions, but he had no idea they were so widely known.

  "Thank you," said William. "As soon as I hear from them, I'll call a meeting."

  "Great," said Milton. "We all know what to do. And since we are now at war, we are now the Coalition Command."

  With that, the meeting was over and one by one, the participants of the meeting disconnected. Just before William did, too, Laura said to him, "A moment, if you please, William."

  "Yes, Laura," said William. "What is it?"

  "Your people," said Laura, "Nick and Louis, are good. But it may not be enough. Are you certain they can get to the Kaitian home world without being detected?"

  The way Laura said it made William wonder . . . did she knew about his cloak technology?

  "I'm certain," said William reassuringly. "They have one of our best ships and our latest technology."

  William paused and didn't continue although it was clear that Laura wanted to hear more about that.

  "Very well," said Laura, just before the pause became too long. "I'll look forward to their report. And I'll send you the list of targets as soon as I can."

  "Until then," said William and disconnected the call.

  He sighed and walked to the window. War was upon them.


  "Commander Bainbridge." The intercom interrupted Jeffery's run in the exercise room. "Please report to the bridge immediately."

  "On my way," said Jeffery and ran to the bridge in his running gear.

  "Lisa," he said when he walked up to his first officer. "What is it?"

  Lisa didn't say anything, but waved Jeffery to her console and displayed the received message.

  Jeffery's eyes widened. He sighed and glanced at Lisa; they both knew what they must do.

  "Ladies and gentlemen!" said Jeffery, and his voice was heard all around the ship.

  "We have just received an Alpha Protocol message from the Command." He paused for effect. "As of now, we are at war. More information to follow as needed. Bainbridge out."

  Any Alpha Protocol message meant automatically that the receiver must consider itself engaged in a war and that he must communicate that immediately to all under his command. Or, in the case of a ship, all who served on the ship.

  "Okay, Lisa," said Jeffery, "let's see the message."

  Lisa and Jeffery opened the message together and read it quickly at first.

  And then they read it again.

  "Sandy," said Jeffery to Lieutenant Sandy Colon, the navigation officer, "change course to the Arash Empire home world. Maximum speed."

  "Aye, sir," Sandy replied.

  Jeffery nodded to Lisa and walked to the briefing room.

  "Bridge officers," said Lisa, "to the briefing room immediately."

  The bridge emptied as the officers went in to the briefing room and settled
around a large table. Jeffery stood near the window and looked out to the space.

  "You know what Alpha Protocol means," he said. "We received a situation briefing and new orders."

  The bridge officers held their breath, waiting to hear more.

  "The Kaitians have launched an all-out attack against the Coalition," said Jeffery. "They have already conquered a third of Arash and Mehar Empires. Including their home worlds."

  All the officers went pale. They'd heard about the Kaitians and rumors said they were preparing for war but no one had seriously expected it.

  "The Coalition is mobilizing defenses as we speak," said Jeffery, "but the message didn't give any details. All I know that we are not part of the mobilization."

  "Why are we going to the Arash home world if it’s already conquered?" asked Tricia.

  "Two reasons," said Jeffery. "First, we are the closest ship to the Arash home world and we need find out what happened, do reconnaissance, and send any findings to the Coalition Command. The second reason is that there is a Miccvan VIP that we must rescue," he continued, "or verify that she's dead."

  "Miccvan VIP?" wondered Darnell. "Who is this VIP? And why don't Miccvan rescue her themselves?"

  "I don't know the answer to the second question," said Jeffery, "but I know the first one. At least, I know her name. She is Aide Rachel. Orders don't specify why she's so important that we need to rescue her."

  Darnell nodded acknowledgment. He was curious to ask more, but understood that the commander didn't know the answers.

  Jeffery had also wondered the same question and he didn't like what he suspected. The discussion between himself and Jiao after the battle of Fexsol against the Miccvan frigates came to his mind, and he was certain that Rachel was part of something related to humans and Miccvans.

  "Sandy," said Jeffery, "when we approach the Arash system, exit hyperspace outside the system. We'll move in normal space toward their home world."

  "Yes, sir," said Sandy.

  "Dismissed," said Jeffery. The officers went back to the bridge and Jeffery hurried to his quarters to have a quick shower and to change from the running gear into his uniform.


  "What do you think was in that Alpha Protocol message?" wondered Ellen.

  "We're at war now," said Karl. "Whatever it was, it's real bad."

  "War against who?" asked Private Henry Smith.

  "Miccvans?" guessed Private Kyle Hamilton.

  "We did have a war with them before," said Ellen, "and we beat them. At Fexsol."

  "That was no war," said Caleb, "just a minor skirmish. They happen all the time. Remember those reinforcements for The Village of War? I'm sure they've had lots of skirmishes and that's why they needed the reinforcements.


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