Her Protectors: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Her Protectors: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 8

by Victoria Belle

  I tore my gaze away, forced myself to say the words that tasted bitter on my lips. “Britt. You’ve been through a lot. If you think-”

  “I think this may be just what I need,” she said.

  I faced her head-on. In her eyes was a question – one only pure action could answer. So, I lowered my face to her breasts and suctioned my lips around her nipple. Oh, fuck yeah.

  Her hand slid over my head, clasping me to her more tightly. As I sucked, I walked her to the other edge of the pool, kissed my way down her at the same time as I lifted her up and out.

  My lips continued their journey down her luscious body.

  Every new moan of hers was another achievement that spurred me on, kissing my way around her bikini line. Around and around the delicious trembling wet flesh.

  When my hands slipped under her ass and squeezed, we both groaned together. Such ample firm flesh.

  And the way Britt’s eyes were gazing at me, like she could hardly believe this was happening as much as I.

  When her hands went for my boner, I let her. As she stroked and felt its outlines, I kissed her harder. Everything was going at top speed now, not that I wanted anything to slow down. We were cresting the top of a hill, and soon, there’d be nowhere to go but down.

  When she pulled my shorts down, I had just started untying her bikini bottoms. They flopped down just as her hands made contact with my bare cock.

  Fucking – YES.

  Immediately, they glided up and down, as my fingers stroked their way between her legs. Her thighs parted to accommodate my fingers.

  I could hardly think as her little fingers pumped me expertly, making me grit my teeth with the pleasure.

  I slipped one finger in, then two. Britt’s thighs quavered.

  “Sure you can take more of this?” I asked, pumping my fingers with lazy slow thrusts.

  Britt gave me her most boner-blasting stroke yet, smirking at me with raised brows. “Can you?”

  My answer was halfway out of my throat when she dipped her mouth to my cock. Then, everything disappeared. All there was, was here sweet soft mouth and my gloriously erect cock. I quickly flipped her so she was on top of me, her glorious pussy right in my face as she sucked my throbbing cock.

  My lips dove to her clit and my tongue joined in too, sucking and swirling.

  “Fuck yes,” she groaned. And I was pleased to hear her moans heighten, battle with mine for supremacy.

  That’s what it seemed like now. A race to the finish – as she sucked me fast and hard, and I sucked her faster and harder. By the way our bodies were shaking, it was anyone’s guess who’d come first.

  Although I was determined not to lose it. I was going to give Britt the best night of her life – no way was I going to let myself come too soon.

  So, as her moans reached a feverish pitch, and holding my orgasm back became actually painful, finally, she cried out, her whole body collapsing into uncontrollable shaking.

  Finally, I let loose too, both of us shaking and groaning together, until we fell back into a heap.

  I repositioned myself so that I could drape my arms around her.

  “You ok?” I asked her.

  “I am,” she answered, wiping the last of me from her lips. “You?”

  I laughed. “I’m better than I’ve been in a long time.”

  She smiled and cuddled against me as we lay in a long, comfortable silence under the perfect starry night.



  “So, tell me everything.”

  “What do you want to know?” I asked, hardly able to contain my grin.

  “Oh my God, you totally did have sex!”

  “Shh,” I hushed her.

  A quick look around found that luckily no one had overheard us. Walter was lurking in the back, probably waiting for one of us to venture back so he could make some pervy whale overture.

  Simone’s smile was pure wickedness. “So was it pure deliciouse debauchery?”

  “No,” I said. “I mean, yeah, it was amazing, but… it wasn’t just that.”

  Simone eyed me warily. “So you like like him too?”

  “Who said I like like any of them?”

  “Me,” she said breezily. “I saw how you looked at that grumpy one – Brandon, was it?”

  “Bradley,” I corrected her. “And yeah, maybe. I don’t know, at this point I have feelings for all of them.”

  Last night, after Kingston and I had cuddled for another hour or so, he’d driven me home and left me with a sweet goodnight kiss. I’d spent hours more up lying in bed, trying to figure out what had just happened, and why I felt like skipping around the room about it.

  “And let me guess,” Simone said, making a face. “You’re conflicted.”

  I shrugged. “Yeah, but I’m also happy. And so far, no drama has come of it. So I’m not going to complain.”

  Simone patted me. “That’s the spirit.” Her face fell. “Speaking of not complaining, table seven looks pissed.”

  I sighed. “I asked that girl four times if she was sure she wanted the chocolate waffles.”

  Halfway there, the whale bell on the door jingled. A throwaway glance at the door held.

  “I specifically said I wanted the strawberry muffins,” the triangular-headed girl was saying, although I could barely hear her.

  Not under my heartbeat that was resounding like a drum: thump – thump – thump.

  Because there at the door was not our typical tourist and/ or seafood-loving clientele. The three men there were as atypical as they came: Bradley, Wyatt, and Kingston.

  Oh shit.

  “I’ll handle this,” Simone said beside me, turning to the girl and waving me away. “You have some men to say hello to.”

  I wandered over, feeling shy and ridiculous. What could they be doing here?

  “This was my idea, if you were wondering,” Kingston said.

  “No,” Wyatt protested, “I was the one who went to you saying-”

  “Yeah, but I was about to invite you along,” Kingston said firmly.

  “Good to see you,” Bradley said, ignoring them as he gave me a quick side-hug.

  As I stood there, staring at them dumbly, Kingston waggled his brows. “Would asking for a booth be pushing it?”

  Rotating to the window booths, I sprang to life. “No, not at all. Just follow me.”

  As we walked over to the window booths, with their cracked linoleum seats and scraped-up wood tables, and everyone else staring at us as we passed – probably since they were in full uniform, the whole thing had the feel of a dream.

  Once they’d all sat down, I smiled again. “You guys want to hear the specials?”

  “What could be more special than this?” Kingston asked. “The three copsketeers, reunited with their favorite bowling waitress.”

  “Nice one,” Wyatt said flatly. “You get that from some game handbook?”

  “No, I got it from your stepmom after I left her last night,” Kingston shot back.

  “You weren’t at his stepmom’s last night,” I blurted out without thinking.

  As all their surprised gazes went to me, I rushed away. Shit, shit, shit. Why the hell had I had to do that? That had obviously been a joke and now it gave away just who I’d been with then.

  “Am I going to have to serve them?” Simone asked, smiling over at the boys, who were now talking, their eyes resting on me.

  “No,” I said, grabbing the coffee mug and looping some mugs on my fingers.

  Going back there, they all accepted the offer for some coffee.

  “We were just saying,” Kingston said. “How you whaley haven’t said one whale pun to us yet.”

  “Don’t start,” I said, frowning.

  “Why not?”

  “My boss does that enough. And believe me, he’s not the guy you want to be reminding me of.”

  “Why?” Bradley asked, looking genuinely concerned now.

  “It’s nothing serious,” I said. “He’s j
ust kind of a pervy jerk.”

  “Well,” Bradley said, frowning. “You need us to talk to him?”

  “No!” I said quickly. “It’s nothing I can’t handle myself.”.

  “Well if it becomes more than that, you call us,” Kingston offered, his joking tone gone.

  Wyatt’s gaze, however, was on the artwork surrounding us. “Forgot this place had art. Why’s yours not up there?”

  I shrugged. “Walter handed me back my sketches an hour or so ago. Told me he didn’t think they matched the ambiance of this place.”

  Wyatt scoffed. “Screw that. If they’re anything like what I’ve seen, they’d definitely match.”

  “Thanks,” I said, resisting the urge to beam at him.

  “Don’t thank me,” Wyatt said stubbornly. “Get your art on the wall here or somewhere else.”

  “Easier said than done,” I said, although I was smiling.

  “How about this weekend, then?” he said. “I was going to hit up this art gallery opening alone, but why don’t you come?”

  “Hey, an art gallery opening, that’s right up my alley,” Kingston said.

  I smiled. “Have you ever been to one?”

  “Nope,” he said, raising his coffee mug in a cheers.

  “I’d like to go too,” Bradley said, his gaze flicking to me.

  “We should all go,” I said.

  “Ok,” Wyatt said quietly. “It’s a date, then.”

  The rest of my shift, I glided through delivering them a seemingly endless supply of muffins and clam chowder, as well as served my other tables.

  “You look like you could hop on the counter and start singing,” Simone said wryly.

  All I could do was smile. Because she was right. I felt really, really good. While at first, I’d worried that this thing with the guys was fleeting, now I was starting to think that maybe whatever was happening between us was actually going to work.

  Today, instead of looking jealous, they just looked happy to see me. Like I was to see them. All I knew was that spending time with them made me feel like more than myself, uplifted and happy and limitless.

  Far too soon, it seemed, their lunch break was over and they left. Simone left too soon it seemed too, leaving me and Walter to contend with the last few lunch stragglers.

  When there was only fifteen minutes left in my shift and I went to the back to get some extra rolls, Walter pulled me aside.

  “You look nice today. Did I tell you that already?”

  “Yep. You did,” I said shortly, grabbing the roll box and wheeling around on my heel to go.

  “What – rushing off to see your boyfriends?”

  “No, I’m just trying to do my job,” I said.

  “You think you’re too good for me, don’t you?” Walter said, stepping to block my way to the front.

  I glared at him. “Like I said, I’m just trying to do my job.”

  “Well maybe I don’t want the sloppy fourths of those asshole cops out there anyway,” he snarled at me.

  That was it, the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  “Screw you, Walter,” I said before turning on my heel and walking out the back door.



  Really, there’s no question what the best work of art here is.

  With her black flapper-style dress, was there ever any contest? When I’d picked Britt up, it had been hard enough concentrating on the road as it was. Now, with the walls plastered with the lackluster ‘art’, it wasn’t any easier.

  Kingston clocked me on the back of the head. “You’re the one who invited us here. Explain some of this shit to me.”

  He jutted his thumb at a blank canvas with one small blob of blue paint by the left corner.

  “You invited yourselves,” I reminded him. “And that one, it’s meaning is pretty deep, I can see why you wouldn’t have got it yourself. It means Kingston is an uncultured asshole.”

  “Haha,” Kingston said, though Bradley was actually chuckling.

  “Whatever,” he said, striding off, “I’m going to get some complimentary drinks.”

  And whisk Britt away, as it turned out. Seeing Bradley’s jaw tighten beside me, I said, “You sure you’re ok with this? This whole, me and Kingston being free to go for Britt thing?”

  “No,” Bradley admitted. “But I’m not sure I’m not ok with it either.” He sighed. “All I know is I really like her, ok? And that’s more than I thought would happen after Melinda.”

  Watching Kingston and her talking, their heads dipped together, he continued, “It’s only twinges I get, the jealousy. Like right now, seeing her happy. I am.”

  “That’s how it is for me too,” I admitted. “Though when Kingston told me about the night he had with her…”

  “A part of me was royally pissed.” Bradley smiled grimly. “Thing is, this isn’t like other relationships, so I don’t want to play it like other ones. If I get more jealousy than I can handle, I’ll deal with that then. Right now, I’m just happy we’re all having a good time.”

  “Spoken like a truly eloquent good guy,” I said, patting him on the shoulder. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a girl I like to talk to.”

  At my approach, Britt smiled. I pointed to a sign on a standing billboard.

  “See that? Accepting submissions for this month.”

  Britt smiled. “What – you gonna submit stuff?”

  “You know that’s not what I meant.”

  Her smile drooped. “You’re relentless.”

  “You like it,” I said.

  “You two are adorable,” Kingston said, beelining off for another drink.

  I leaned in, letting my lips brush her ear. “There’s an after party at my place – if you want.”

  The slightest hint of a smile crept on her face. “How many people at this after party?”

  I smirked. “Supplies for two.”

  Her face blanched. “Supplies?”

  My hand swept to her side, squeezed. “Bad girl. Nothing like that. Something – kind of arty.”

  “King of arty,” she repeated, as if by saying the words she could see what they actually entailed in her head. “Ok.”

  “Ok,” I said, and squeezed her hand.

  The rest of the night was one big waiting game. Kingston and Bradley hung around, chatted some more. We drank, toasted, looked at some art.

  And then, outside by our cars – Kingston’s and mine, I made the play.

  “So guys, I’m going to show her to the place, if you want to join.”

  I gave them a significant look to indicate that, at the end of the tour, they wouldn’t want to be around for the grand finale.

  “Sure,” Kingston said easily with a shrug.

  Too easy. Was he going to try a cockblock at the last minute?

  “I’m game,” Bradley said with a nod.

  “Excited to finally see your place,” Britt said.

  I smiled, though declined saying ‘me too’. Because really, I didn’t give much of a damn about the tour of our place. What I was excited for was what I had planned after.

  Britt and I got the car to ourselves as I drove back to my place.

  “I keep trying to figure out what you have planned for tonight,” Britt confessed.

  “Try away,” I said. “I’m not one for ruining surprises. Especially good ones.”

  “Ok,” she said, although she only sounded half-disappointed.

  A few minutes later, back at our place, we all gave her the grand tour. It really was grand, too. Britt was impressed from the first moment she set foot in the door.

  “This looks like something out of a catalog.”

  Kingston smirked at the navy blue walls with our marble-countertop kitchen. “Bradley was a bit inspired after his break-up.”

  “A bit,” Bradley agreed, cracking a grin.

  Hearing a squawk, we went over to his room. “Looks like Bob wants to meet you too,” Bradley told Britt with a smile.

  Inside his
big-ass cage, Bob was situated on the bars, peering at us expectantly. When Bradley opened the top of the cage and let the budgie on his arm, Bob immediately fluttered over to land on Britt’s hand.

  “It’s official,” Kingston announced. “Bob is in love.”

  “Not another contender for Britt’s affections,” I quipped.

  None of us laughed. The rest of the tour went quickly enough – Kingston’s room was all band posters and blankets. And then, finally, mine.

  The others got out soon enough, and then it was just her and me.

  “So,” she said.

  “So,” I said, reaching under my bed and taking out the box. “No pressure, but if you want, I think this would be really fun.”

  Britt took one look at it and laughed. “Edible body paint?”

  “You can’t say it isn’t arty.”

  “No.” She was still smiling. “I can’t.”


  She pursed her lips, nodded. “Ok.”

  “So.” I paused. If this was any other girl I’d have already asked the question. Why was I being squeamish now? “Do you want to do just your arms and legs or?”

  A smile played on her face as she considered the question – and its implications. “Let’s start with that, yeah.”

  My dick perked up at the sound of ‘start with’.

  “Suit yourself. But I’m going shirtless for this one.”

  As I pulled off my shirt, I didn’t miss Britt’s admiring gaze although her tone was cheeky. “You just wanted an excuse to show off your muscles.”

  “No,” I said, giving up. “Ok, fine. But you didn’t think I go to the gym every other day just for Kingston and Bradley?”

  “No, I--” All the humor was gone from her voice.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Just – you guys. You’re such a great group of friends. So close. I just don’t want…”

  “To be our Yoko Ono?”

  She grinned. “Something like that, yeah.”

  I took her hand. “Would you rather they be in here for our paint-a-thon too?”

  “Would you mind if they were?”

  “No, it’s fine.” Weirdly enough, it was.

  Kingston and Bradley were already holed up in their rooms, doors shut.


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