The Nautilus Sanction tw-5

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The Nautilus Sanction tw-5 Page 3

by Simon Hawke

  “If there are no further questions for the moment, I’ll continue. I’ve received an order for complete mobilization of the First Division. Both Temporal Intelligence and the Referee Corps are proceeding on the assumption the object of the hijacking is blackmail, on a nuclear scale. It’s the only scenario that makes any sort of sense. We-”

  Andre raised her hand. “Yes, Corporal Cross?” said Forrester.

  “Excuse me, sir, but it occurs to me that we should have the means of dealing with a threat of this nature. Satellite detection, combined with BPW technology would-”

  “If I may anticipate you,” Forrester interrupted, “there’s a basic flaw in your reasoning. It’s essentially good reasoning and it would certainly solve the problem if it were not for the submarine now being capable of temporal translocation. We can’t exactly put satellites in orbit in every conceivable period of time where the submarine might show up. It simply isn’t practical. Moreover, even if we had the logistics to accomplish such a task, there exist certain insurmountable problems. While Beam Particle Weaponry might well neutralize a ballistic missile threat, there are certain scenarios in which we would not be able to employ BPWs. For example, suppose the submarine was clocked into the 20th century. Its advanced design would still enable it to avoid detection by the world powers of that time. However, keep in mind the technological capabilities of the governments of the 20th century. It’s extremely doubtful we’d be able to deploy surveillance satellites and BPWs without their being alerted. The United States had their space shuttle already operational by the early 1980’s. The Soviets also had orbital vehicles of their own. If we put up so much as one orbital satellite, chances are it would be discovered fairly quickly and orbital missions would be launched to investigate. Do you really want either the 20th-century Americans or Russians to find a Beam Particle Weapon in orbit?”

  Andre grimaced and nodded. “Yes, sir. I see your point. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. What we need now are ideas. If anyone has a brainstorm, fire away. The worst that will happen is your idea will be shot down. Meanwhile, we will proceed with the only other option currently available to us. Several teams are going to be held in reserve, in case any temporal adjustment missions come up that require immediate action while all this is going on. The rest of you are going to be clocked to various locales in Minus Time to investigate reports of sightings that could be the submarine. It’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack, people, but there isn’t much else we can do at the moment. We have to locate the sub first. Then it has to be destroyed. I have here a list of assignments which I will give to Major Priest. Immediately upon receiving your assignment, you will report for mission programming, then draw your equipment and clock out to your designated time periods. You will have full Observer Corps and IAA support. In the meantime, there is already an extensive effort under way to locate the ERG these people are drawing on for power. If it can be located, then it can be destroyed or taken off-line, and at least then the submarine will no longer be capable of time travel or teleportation within any specific time period. However, I don’t need to remind you of the odds for locating their ERG. The trouble with an Einstein-Rosen Bridge is that it’s trans-temporal. It could be in our time period or in Minus Time. For that matter, it could be on another planet or on an asteroid or even aboard a ship somewhere in space. Don’t hold your breath waiting for it to be found. It ain’t very damn likely.”

  Finn raised his hand. “Yes, Delaney?” Forrester said. “What happens if these people start issuing demands before we’re able to do anything about them?”

  “In that case,” said Forrester, grimly, “we’re going to do exactly what they tell us to. The situation’s just too damn scary to attempt calling their bluff.”

  Another soldier raised his hand. “Captain Sullivan?” said Forrester.

  Sullivan stood up. “What about clocking a warp grenade out to Jan Mayan Island and blowing it off the face of the map before the hijacking could occur? Then the hijackers would wind up materializing in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. They wouldn’t survive more than a few minutes, at the very most.”

  “The trouble with that suggestion is it would also kill the personnel at the meteorological station there,” said Forrester. “The question of whether or not that could be justified under the circumstances is highly debatable. It would entail some risk, in any case. However, what makes the point moot is the presence of the Soviet sub just off Jan Mayan. The last thing we want to do is set off any large explosions in the vicinity of a strategic missile carrier. It could have unfortunate consequences. Besides, any interference with the hijackers before the fact would raise the possibility of creating a timestream split. We already have proof they’ve managed to bring off the hijacking successfully. If we go back and prevent it, we’d be creating a temporal disruption and risking the creation of a parallel timeline in which there was a nuclear sub on the loose.”

  Sullivan made a wry face. “I’m sorry, sir, I should have thought of that.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about, Captain. You have a few things to learn yet about this unit. When you transferred in from Ordnance, you left the regular corps behind. In the First, no one’s going to jump on you for making mistakes. Here in Plus Time, it’ll only help you learn. In Minus Time, it’ll cost you. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, Captain. Just be sure you make them here.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you.”

  “All right then, if there are no other questions, let’s get the show on the road. We’ve got us a submarine to sanction. Dismissed.”



  “Please,” said the thin, elegantly dressed neatly bearded man, smiling in a self-effacing manner and holding up his hand. He spoke in English, but with a French accent. “While I am flattered at having a professorship thus conferred upon me, I do not merit the title. I am trained as an attorney. Besides, I am only thirty-eight years old. Being addressed as Professor makes me feel rather like a hoary academician.”

  The reporter from The New York Times smiled. “All right, then. But you did write Mysteries of the Great Submarine Grounds, so let’s not be too modest about your reputation in academic circles.”

  “Only in a somewhat obscure branch of natural history,” said the man, with a slight smile. He was all too well aware of how American reporters had a tendency to blow things out of proportion. One small, theoretical work, published in France in two slim volumes in an exceedingly small print run, and they were ready to seize upon it as an excuse to quote him as an expert. He had far too many friends in the scientific community and far too much respect for their accomplishments to want to be cast as a colleague on an equal footing.

  “Well, we won’t split hairs,” said the reporter from The New York Times. “The point is you have been invited to represent your country on this expedition and obviously-”

  “No, no, please,” said the man, looking pained. “Really, sir, you quite embarrass me. I beg you to communicate the details correctly to your readers, if only to spare me future discomfort when I arrive back home. In point of fact, the kind invitation from Secretary Hobson did mention your government would be pleased to see France represented in this enterprise, however, he was speaking purely as a matter of form, you understand. In truth, it was I who requested permission to sail with Commander Farragut aboard the Abraham Lincoln. I practically begged myself a berth. Your government was merely humoring a somewhat presumptuous novelist who only dabbles in scientific matters.”

  “Nevertheless, Mr. Verne,” the reporter persisted, “the very fact your request was granted obviously indicates that your opinion as a ‘dabbler in scientific matters,’ as you say, is valued. In that context, surely you have some theories as to the nature of this phenomenon?”

  “Well,” said Jules Verne, “I prefer to keep an open mind. However, I do have some ideas, and I stress that they are merely ideas, theories, you understand. We have, as yet, no empirical evidence to support them,
so making any sort of conclusions would be extremely premature.”

  “Yes, well, what do you think it might be?” the reporter pressed him, anxious for a good quote.

  Somewhat hesitantly, Verne replied. “After examining one by one the different theories, rejecting all nonsensical suggestions, it seems necessary to admit the possibility of the existence of a marine animal of enormous power.”

  The reporters on the dock scribbled hastily.

  “The great depths of the ocean are entirely unknown to us,” continued Verne. “Soundings cannot reach them. What passes in those remote depths-what beings live, or can live, twelve or fifteen miles beneath the surface of the waters-is something we can scarcely conjecture. Either we do know all the varieties of beings which exist upon our planet or we do not. If we do not know them all, if Nature still has secrets in the deep for us, nothing is more conformable to reason than to admit the possibility of the existence of fishes or cetaceans or even of new species heretofore unknown inhabiting the regions inaccessible to soundings. It is certainly within the realm of possibility that an accident or an event of some sort has brought such a creature at long intervals to the upper levels of the ocean.”

  “So you’re saying a sea monster, then?” said another man, from the Tribune, excitedly.

  “No, sir, I said no such thing,” said Verne, carefully. “I merely said the possibility exists that there are creatures on the ocean floor belonging to species which have not as yet been discovered. If, on the other hand, such is not the case, which is also a possibility, we must necessarily seek for the animal in question amongst those marine beings already classed. In such a case, I should be disposed to suspect the existence of a gigantic narwhal.”

  “What exactly is that, Professor?” one of the other reporters called out.

  Verne winced slightly. “The common narwhal, or unicorn of the sea, is a large mammalian creature which often attains a length of sixty feet. Increase its size fivefold or tenfold, give it strength proportionate to its size and you will have the animal required. It will have the proportions determined by the officers of the Shannon.”

  “So you’re saying it’s just a big whale and that’s all?” said the man from The New York Times, with some disappointment. “How would you account, then, for the sinking of the Scotia just last week?”

  “I do not account for it,” said Verne. “I do not have access to all of the details. True, the last transmission from the Scotia did report the sighting of a ‘monster,’ however, we have no evidence suggesting it was this so-called monster which caused the sinking of the ship.”

  “But suppose it was the monster,” the man from the Telegraph called out. “I mean, how could a whale sink a steamship? How do you account for the explosion witnessed by the Moravian from several miles away?”

  “Well, so long as we all understand that what we are dealing with here is merely supposition,” Verne said, “we can suppose the narwhal-if it is a narwhal-might have caused the sinking. Such a creature would be more than just a big whale, as you say. The narwhal is armed with a sort of ivory sword, a halberd, according to the expression of certain naturalists. The principal tusk has the hardness of steel. Some of these tusks have been found buried in the bodies of whales. Others have been drawn out, not without trouble, from the bottoms of ships, which they had pierced through and through. The Museum of the Faculty of Medicine in Paris possesses one of these defensive weapons, two yards and a quarter in length and fifteen inches in diameter at the base. Very well.”-He paused for breath-”Suppose this weapon to be six times stronger and the animal ten times more powerful. Launch it at the rate of twenty miles an hour and you obtain a shock capable of producing the catastrophe required. As to the explosion, there is a better explanation for that than to imagine some sort of sea monster capable of breathing fire. Remember the Scotia was a munitions ship. Given an accident, something undoubtedly caused a fire on board, thereby resulting in the powerful explosion which the men of the Moravian saw from their great distance. Until further information, therefore, I shall be predisposed to suspect our phenomenon might be a sea-unicorn of colossal dimensions, armed not with a halberd, but with a real spur, as the armored frigates or the ‘rams’ of war, whose massiveness and motive power it would possess at the same time.”

  “What about some of the other theories, Mr. Verne?” another reporter called out. “What about this business that it’s a floating island of some sort or maybe even a submarine boat?”

  Verne chuckled. “Well, there have been quite a number of theories proposed, true, but I prefer to deal with rational scientific inquiry rather than wild speculation. Islands do not float. Rock and earth cannot float in water. Islands are simply the projecting tips of submerged land masses or mountains, if you will. Someone, as I recall, suggested that we could be confronted with the floating hull of some enormous wreck. While this may sound somewhat plausible upon the surface, this theory collapses under careful scrutiny. What would provide the motive power for this floating hull that would enable it to act in the manner described in the various sightings? Moreover, what would keep this hull afloat, if it were, indeed, a wreck?

  “As to the question of a submarine boat, I must admit to being personally quite intrigued by such a possibility. However, keep in mind that a submarine vessel of such enormous power could hardly remain secret against inquiries made both here and abroad. That a private gentleman should have such a machine at his command, while smacking of romance, is certainly quite unlikely. Where, when, and how could it have been constructed? And how could its construction, ambitious an undertaking as it would have to be, be kept a secret? It is possible a government might possess such a destructive machine; however, it is quite unlikely in view of what we know of submarine boats coupled with the technological capabilities we have.

  “Not to dismiss your question out of hand, sir,” Verne continued, “consider the history of the so-called submersible boat. Alexander the Great is said to have had himself lowered into the sea while encased in a barrel of glass. Leonardo da Vinci also experimented with the idea of an undersea craft. In the 16th century, an English carpenter named William Bourne designed a submersible boat, but was unable to provide it with any means of propulsion. Drebbel likewise constructed several watertight boats capable of being submerged and propelled by means of oars, with air supplied by tubes reaching to the surface. Not a very practical device. The first real step in the development of submarine boats occurred during your American Revolution, when Colonel David Bushnell built his Turtle, which rather resembled two large turtle shells joined together. Propulsion was achieved by means of a crude hand crank, which turned a propellor. It was quite an ambitious device.

  “In order to submerge, the vessel’s lone crewman operated a valve which would let water into a ballast tank. To reverse the procedure, the water was pumped out. A pair of brass tubes admitted fresh air into the vessel and, upon submergence, these tubes were closed with cork valves. That would leave enough air inside to allow for a submerged period of some thirty minutes. The purpose of the vessel was to approach British ships unseen and attach an explosive device to their hulls by means of a screw device. However, the Turtle never succeeded in its task, was slow and crude in the extreme and subject to navigational problems due to the effect of currents. Now this was the first practical submarine boat for which any record exists. The second was also built by an American, your Mr. Robert Fulton, of steamboat fame.

  “In 1800, he designed and built the Nautilus, expanding upon the same basic principles developed by Bushnell. He was unable to gain support in the United States, so he came to my country and tried to interest Napoleon in his vessel. He was given some funds, with which he managed to stage a demonstration in which he successfully sank a wreck placed at his disposal. However, Napoleon branded it a dishonorable device and, fearing that Napoleon intended to steal the Nautilus, Fulton destroyed it. He then tried to interest England. He failed there, as well. At that point, he apparently gav
e up in disgust and returned here to build his famous Clermont.

  “The most recent use of submarine vehicles was also in your country, during the recent war among your states. Doubtless, you gentlemen will recall the story of the Hunley, a Confederate craft some forty feet long and four feet in the beam. Its propulsion was provided by eight men, sitting side-by-side and operating a sort of crankshaft which turned a screw propellor. I believe it was on the seventeenth of February, in 1864, that the Hunley managed to sink the Housatonic in Charleston Harbor by means of a gunpowder torpedo on the end of a long pole. Given the nature of the craft, the attack had to be made with the hatch open so visibility would be possible. As a result, the Hunley was swamped when the torpedo exploded and it sank with all hands. To that extent, it is somewhat debatable as to whether or not this was a successful attack and even whether or not it can properly be called a submarine attack.

  “Now, gentlemen, the Hunley went down a mere two years ago. Are we to believe it is within the realm of possibility for science to have progressed so far as to enable, in two years, a submarine boat to be constructed which is capable of remaining submerged indefinitely and of attaining the sort of speeds reported in the sightings? Even if we were to accept such an astonishing development, well then, how would this submarine be able to resupply itself? What fantastic method of propulsion could it employ to attain such enormous motive power? How could it hope to attack other ships without risking damage to itself? How could its crew survive such long periods of submersion, even given the ability of storing oxygen in some manner which would enable such submersion, without being poisoned by the gases of their own exhalations? No, gentlemen, glamorous though the idea might be, it is quite ludicrous when examined from a practical standpoint. The technology simply does not exist which would allow for the construction of such a craft. That smacks of the sort of fantasy disreputable novelists such as myself indulge in.” He smiled. “What we are concerned with here is a scientific expedition, not one of my voyages extraordinaire. Although, I must confess, I find the idea of a submarine boat constructed by means of some sort of super science to be quite appealing. I may even write about it someday. However, it’s all nonsense, I assure you.”


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