Diamond Dreams

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Diamond Dreams Page 7

by Zuri Day

  Jackson continued with his explanation, but Diamond didn’t hear it. All she could do was feel the heat emanating from his body and imagine how it would feel on top of her. His hand rested on the paper, and she imagined it massaging her body, imagined sucking his fingers into her mouth, one by one and imagined setting him as on fire as she was right now. Even with her three-inch heels, Jackson was still taller, with a virility that oozed out of his pores. There had been other moments of celibacy in her life, and never before had she been so flustered; never before had she wanted a man as much as she wanted this one. Now all she had to do was make sure that Jackson never found this out.

  “Diamond? Are you listening?”

  “Of course. I agree that an expanded glass ceiling is a wonderful idea. What’s the added cost?” Jackson looked at her and smiled. A smile like that should come with a warning label and sirens or something to give a sister a chance to brace herself. “Did I say something funny?”

  “Your question would have made sense two sentences ago—when I threw out a proposed figure for the upgrade, along with the fact that I’d already brought additional proposals for your dad and the finance department.”

  There was no comment for that one; Diamond buried her embarrassment under the pretense of studying the drawings on the table. And what was it about being near this man that made her lose her hearing?

  “The accelerated schedule shouldn’t be a problem, especially since you’re willing to approve additional manpower. And with the holidays approaching, the guys will relish the work.”

  Diamond’s office phone rang. “Hey, Dad,” she said. “We were just talking about you.”

  “Who’s we?”

  “Jackson is here going over the additions we discussed. He’s worked up some figures, and if you have a moment, we’d like to stop by your office.”

  “Ginny and I have a date tonight. So you’d best stop by now.”

  Diamond smiled at her father’s words. Her parents had been dating for thirty-five years.

  Moments later, Jackson and Diamond stepped into the massive corner office of Donald Drake. Masculinity oozed from every pore of this tycoon’s body and every fiber of his office, from the dark mahogany and black leather furniture to the framed 1930 Winchester Model 12 shotgun that had been given to Papa Dee when he was sixteen. Jackson felt right at home. “Mr. Drake,” he said, walking in with hand outstretched, “good to see you again.”

  The men exchanged a firm handshake.

  “Likewise, Boss,” Donald said, with a scrutinizing gaze. “And how many times have I said you can call me Donald?”

  Jackson smiled. “More than once, sir.”

  “All right, then. I toured the site again yesterday, and I must tell you that I’ve never seen finer workmanship.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “I wasn’t too crazy about your idea of the stone-rock setting for the Jacuzzis, but it works. Makes it look as though those pools spring right from the ground.”

  “I’m glad you’re satisfied.”

  “More than pleased, son.”

  Son. And again, visions of wedding bells danced in her head. Diamond gave it a subtle shake. She was more than a little troubled at the effect Jackson had on her. She wasn’t thinking about relationships right now, let alone marriage. And when she did, it would be to someone logical and practical, not to this stallion standing tall beside her, the one who made her lose her mind. And losing it she was. Why else would she be standing here with thoughts that were delusional?

  “Dad, we have the drawings for the glass ceiling I discussed with you.” Diamond walked toward Donald’s large desk as she spoke. They viewed the drawings, discussed the upgrades and then, as Jackson and Diamond prepared to leave his office, Donald made a suggestion that suggested to Diamond that she wasn’t the only crazy in the room.

  “Jackson, I know you’ve tasted our wine, but have you perused our vineyard?”

  “No, Donald, I haven’t.”

  Donald looked at his daughter. “Diamond, why don’t you give Jackson the grand tour?”

  Chapter 12

  Jackson and Diamond left Donald’s office and, after stopping by Diamond’s office for the key to the golf cart used to tour the grounds, headed for the parking lot. “I thought Dexter had shown you the grounds,” Diamond said, trying to still her rapidly beating heart. The thought of her and Jackson alone between large, shielding grapevines away from the hubbub of the business had all kinds of thoughts ping-ponging inside her head. “This is such an inspiring piece of property that it’s sure to further enhance the skills you and your team are bringing to the renovation.”

  “Oh, so you’re interested in my skills, huh?” Jackson teased.

  “Are you always so cocky?” Diamond cut Jackson a look. “Behave.”

  They reached the golf cart as Jackson replied, “I make no such promises, sweetheart. Beautiful day spent in a beautiful vineyard with a beautiful woman?” He turned sultry eyes on Diamond’s lips as he licked his own. “Anything can happen.”

  Diamond started the cart. “Anything” couldn’t happen fast enough. In this moment, it was decided. She was going to sleep with this man. It was either that or lose her mind, and there was no way she could do that with a building project that needed to be completed in thirty days and Oprah’s people arriving two months after that. She knew just where the seduction would take place. Now. Today. Rules be damned! Of course, these thoughts were fleeting. There was positively no way she could be with this man. No way!

  “Ideally I’d start the tour at the eastern edge of the vineyard,” she said as she came to a stop in front of a large farmlike structure just down the lane from the executive offices. “But since we’re so close, let’s start here, our shipping headquarters. The wines are stored in the cellar below it.” She hopped out of the cart, and without waiting to see if Jackson followed her, she walked to the ornately decorated double doors.

  She and Jackson stepped inside and it was if they’d entered a large showroom housing row after row and case after case of wines that were ready for shipment. “Wow,” Jackson said, whistling softly. “This is impressive.”

  Diamond smiled, her chest swelling with pride. “This is the heartbeat of Drake Wines, where the wines are housed once they’re bottled.” They began walking down a long, wide aisle. “The wines are shelved by type and year, beginning with the whites, reds, burgundies and then moving on to the sparkling varieties.”

  They reached the last aisle, and Jackson noticed a stairway. “Where do those steps lead?”

  Diamond looked at Jackson. “The cellar,” she said, a bit breathlessly. “That’s where the wines are aged. Now, on to the vineyards.”

  “Aged in those large oak barrels, like we see in the movies?”

  “Yes,” Diamond said, over her shoulder, taking into account the fact that Jackson hadn’t moved. “They are sixty-gallon containers made from premium oak.”

  “I want to see them.”

  “We don’t have much time.” She was halfway to the door.

  “Unless you’re scared.”


  This is how she’d ended up climbing trees, eating bugs and lying facedown in a shallow creek bed, covered with mud—because her brothers had dared her. She should have learned her lesson. But “should” was on vacation and “would” turned around and marched back to where Jackson stood.

  Determined to wipe the smirk off of his face, she squared her shoulders and sounded as businesslike as she could with wet panties. “Follow me.”

  She started down the stairs. Jackson’s eyes darkened as he watched her from behind. Actually, as he watched her behind…the way the pencil skirt caressed each cheek that clenched—first left, then right—with each step she took. He felt himself harden and
did nothing to control his ardor. He wanted Diamond, pure and simple. And he wanted her now.

  They reached the bottom step, where there was a small landing with heavy metal doors on three sides. “Different rooms are used to house the different wines,” she explained matter-of-factly. “The temperatures vary depending on which grape is being used but for the most part hover around fifty-eight degrees.” Even as she said this, she realized that her thermometer had been stuck on one setting since first laying eyes on Jackson Wright…hot. I will not give this man the satisfaction of seducing me, she vowed, after unlocking and then opening one of the doors. That’s probably what he’s used to, what he expects. Determined to control her uncontrollable passion for him, she took a calming breath and turned around. “These barrels—”

  Jackson swallowed Diamond’s gasp as the lips he’d claimed the moment she turned parted and welcomed his tongue. The kiss was forceful, demanding—his hands searching, finding, massaging soft flesh. He wrapped strong arms around her before burying one hand in her soft, spiky hair and using his other one to press her against his burgeoning manhood. His tongue mimicked the hips that were grinding against her, leaving no doubt as to what he desired. He ran his hand up her back and around to the soft breasts crushed against his chest. Brushing a finger against the soft material that hid part of her treasure, he smiled when a hardened nipple was his instant reward. But there was a problem: too much fabric between them. Thrusting his tongue deeper, Jackson reached for the belt that cinched Diamond’s blouse at her waist. One would have thought he’d designed it—so quickly was he able to undo the clasp. Butter. That’s what Diamond’s skin felt like. It was silky smooth and on fire. He placed his hand on her lacy bra, rubbed her areola through the fabric and then he tweaked it.

  Diamond came undone.

  She reached for the hem of her blouse and broke the kiss just long enough to pull the silky fabric over her head. She noticed that Jackson’s chocolate-brown orbs were black with desire. What she didn’t know was that they mirrored her own. Resuming the kiss, she wrapped her arms around Jackson’s neck, crushing her breasts against his chest. But there was just one problem. There were still too many clothes. She reached for Jackson’s T-shirt, pulling it out of his jeans. Taking the hint, Jackson quickly shed it, tossing it in the direction Diamond’s blouse had gone.

  “I want to make love to you,” he murmured, sending a trail of kisses from her mouth to her neck and back. “Now.”

  It was time to wave the white flag, throw in the towel and join the one she couldn’t beat. “Me, too.” She reached behind her and unzipped her skirt. Shimmying out of it and enjoying the freedom, she reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. Her breasts seemed to cheer, swaying their silent invitation.

  Jackson was quick to RSVP. He rubbed one nipple and licked the other, lapping as if it oozed Drake Wines’ pinot noir 2002, one of the vineyard’s most popular winners. His fingers found the edge of her thong, and one of them slid inside, running along the folds of her pleasure then slipping inside for a more thorough greeting. Diamond’s head dropped back, her legs spread of their own volition. Another finger slipped inside, and he began playing her box like she was a piano and he was Duke Ellington. Taking the “A” train would have been too fast. So Jackson tapped her like a satin doll, and her slippery folds mimicked that material. She moaned, grinding herself against Jackson’s hand. He felt her hand slide up his leg and rest on his massive package. She squeezed him through the thick jean fabric.

  And Jackson came undone.

  Picking up Diamond as if she were a feather, he walked them to a row of barrels, placed Diamond on top of one and dropped to his knees. He spread her legs and placed soft kisses on alternating thighs. He felt Diamond’s hands rubbing the soft black curls on his head. It spurred him on and up her leg, where, after spreading her wider, he licked her through the lacy thong that matched the bra that was now who knew where. She hissed. Jackson chuckled that cocky, knowing laugh. Yeah, I’m on to something, baby girl. And I’m just getting started. With the precision of a fencer’s sword, his tongue tickled her nub. After a love bite on the same sweetness, he moved aside the lace and got down to business, reaching, it seemed, for Diamond’s core.

  And found it.

  Diamond’s legs began to quiver as an orgasm uncoiled from the pit of her paradise and spread throughout her entire body. She’d never experienced such an intense sensation, never witnessed such mastery of the oral organ in her life. She heard mewling, whimpers, and then realized that these sounds were coming from her own mouth. Feeling as limp as an abandoned double-Dutch rope, she slumped against Jackson’s shoulder.

  Jackson uttered three words, “I’m not finished.” And Diamond’s vajayjay began tingling all over again.

  Chapter 13

  He stood and kissed her leisurely, thoroughly, the taste of Diamond’s essence on his tongue. He stepped back, and she felt bereft and abandoned, her thoughts scattered like ashes in the wind. Then Jackson’s jeans and boxers fell to the cement floor and brought Diamond’s attention into laser focus. Was that for real, and if so…was that all for her?

  Jackson’s hardened, engorged shaft stood proudly before him, swaying from its own weightiness. Diamond’s mouth watered, and her swallow was audible.

  A small smile scampered across his face as, like a panther on the prowl, he walked back to her. “Do you want this?”

  Diamond’s eyes never left his as she nodded. She couldn’t get any words past the constriction in her chest. And really, what was there to say? She’d thank Santa later for Christmas in October. This man was a gift, and right now she didn’t even care if he knew that she knew it. She let the longing show openly on her face as she watched him open the condom foil and wrap his package. Diamond swallowed again and licked her lips. In one fell swoop, Jackson picked her off the barrel, which was a good thing since her legs still resembled the abandoned double-Dutch rope. She wrapped her legs just above his perfectly round derriere, noting its hardness and making a mental note to take a closer examination at a later date. He walked them to the wall, penned her against it, and then the dance began in earnest.

  He stroked her slowly, inch by excruciatingly beautiful inch, allowing her body time to adjust to his sizable girth. Diamond’s fingernails dug into his shoulders as she absorbed a myriad of sensations, including the realization that nothing in her romantic life had prepared her for this moment.

  It took a while before he was fully inside her, but at the moment he settled flush against her, Jackson thought that he’d died and gone to heaven. And if that were so, this brother never wanted his feet to touch earth again. He sighed with contentment, turning his head to capture Diamond’s mouth in a scorching kiss. His tongue made leisurely circles inside her hot mouth, and soon his hips were moving in a circular motion.

  Not to be outdone, Diamond’s hips duplicated his motion, and her core ignited. Jackson pulled out, teased her with the tip of his penis and then plunged back in again—seemingly even deeper than before. Was it possible for a man to grow two additional inches on the spot? If not, this was the day for miracles, because Diamond swore that was what happened. He tickled her core with his determination; over and again he touched her there…slow and purposeful, fast and sure. His body tingled all over as he felt her kissing every part of his face. Emotions he swore were beneath him came rushing to the surface—emotions that spoke of commitment and loyalty and forever.

  Once again, Diamond’s legs began to shake from the strength of his desire and her conviction. It was as if her very breath was being taken away but she still managed to cry out as he pumped harder. Faster. Deeper. Damn! Her climax was meteorological, complete with stars and flashes of lightning. She had never been a screamer, but now short bursts of sound bounced off the cement walls as wave after wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her. Tears came to her eyes at the beauty of it all. Aft
er a series of staccato thrusts, Jackson joined her in the afternoon cataclysmic paradise they’d created. Had there been an audience, they would have stomped their feet in standing ovation and demanded an encore. Jackson wanted an encore his damn self!

  “What’s that sound?” Diamond asked, once she’d summoned enough strength to open her mouth.

  “My phone,” Jackson replied. He’d heard the vibration several times during the course of their lovemaking but had tuned out all but the feel of being inside Diamond’s delectable body. Yet now he admitted that since it was the middle of a business day and he was the owner of a multimillion-dollar company, he just might want to answer. It could be important.

  He eased out of Diamond and set her on the ground as if she were a delicate, priceless piece of blown glass. He kissed her lightly on the mouth and then walked away.

  Diamond watched Jackson stride across the room in all of his naked glory and retrieve the phone from the holder on his jeans. Indeed, his ass was all that and a case of Drake’s finest grape, but she quelled the urge to join him where he stood and give it the massaging it seemed to be calling for. He was trying to handle business, after all. So instead, she walked on still-shaky legs in search of the thong that had been carelessly tossed aside. Her stomach rumbled, and she realized that the calories from her light lunch had been more than expended. She thought that if Jackson’s schedule allowed it, she’d suggest they share an early dinner and then, maybe, go somewhere clandestine and have each other for dessert. She found her thong, and while daydreaming of Jackson and Diamond, Part II, she donned it and her bra, skirt and blouse. So deep was she in this daydream that she didn’t notice that Jackson had dressed quickly as well and that the face that just moments before shone with the afterglow of serious lovemaking was now etched with unease.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “No,” Jackson said, already heading toward the stairs. “Everything is not all right. I’ve got to go.”


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