Diamond Dreams

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Diamond Dreams Page 14

by Zuri Day

  “But what about your heart?”

  “There, too.” That’s what he said. But the lone, almost imperceptible tear that fell from his eye suggested otherwise.

  “I’m sorry about what happened to you, baby. Those experiences would have crushed a lesser man.”

  “Yeah, well, they almost did me in.”

  “But they didn’t. You survived and thrived, and for that I’m so grateful. I love you, Jackson.”

  Five seconds passed. Ten. Fifteen.

  Jackson’s arms tightened around her. “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 28

  Jackson and Diamond talked into the night. Dawn was streaking across the sky when she left his mansion, her heart full of love and dreams of a life with him. And more than what she’d ever hoped for had happened. He’d told her he loved her! This single declaration energized her, replaced the sleep she’d exchanged for a night of lovemaking. When she entered the great room for the meeting that had been arranged before the Wright/Burnett revelation, she was awake, aware and ready for action.

  “Good morning, everybody,” she fairly sang into the room.

  Genevieve’s brow rose oh-so-slightly. “Sounds like you’ve had a very good morning.”

  “Morning, sis,” Dexter mumbled around a freshly baked croissant, sent to the main house by David and Mary’s chef.

  Various greetings continued along with small talk as Donovan and Grandpa David entered the room. Papa Dee was the last to arrive, his steps precise and unhurried. He sat, accepted a cup of coffee and waited for the meeting to begin.

  Diamond took a last sip of her green tea and began, her tone as businesslike as her tailored navy suit. “Has everyone reviewed the proposal I emailed yesterday?”

  Nods and affirmatives resounded.

  “As I stated in the outline, I believe that restoring Papa Dee’s house to its original luster, while updating it with a pristine, top-of-the-line kitchen and spa bath, will create the buzz to make this a destination wedding location—especially after we install the Jacuzzi behind it and build a gazebo at the crest of the hill, for actual weddings, anniversaries and other such ceremonies to take place.”

  “Nice work, daughter,” Donald said, pride evident in his voice. “We’ve been wondering what to do with Grandpa’s house for some time. I think this is a brilliant idea.”

  “It’s all right,” Dexter drawled, all too ready to lessen the chance of any serious head swelling. “But if we’re going to have all different types of ceremonies there, we can’t call it a honeymoon suite.”

  Diamond typed away on her iPad.

  “This is good stuff,” Donovan chimed in. “But I think we should limit gatherings to those on the smaller scale, say a hundred guests or less. That way, we can focus on the quality and take into account parking, accommodations, et cetera.”

  “But the suite would be available to whomever, correct?” Genevieve asked. “Not just to those who get married on our property.”

  “Yes,” Diamond answered. “The suite would be booked on a first come, first serve basis.”

  “I especially like the idea of a chef and butler attending to the honeymooners or whomever stays there,” Genevieve continued. “Perhaps Mom Mary will even do the honors of preparing a signature dessert, based on one of Papa Dee’s favorites.”

  “Well, that would be pralines, hands down,” Papa Dee said, his voice raspy, eyes bright. “My mama used to make batches of ’em every Christmas and hand them out to the folk in the neighborhood.”

  “We could include them in the welcome basket along with a couple bottles of our sparkling wines, gourmet cheese, nuts, crackers, fruits.” Diamond typed these suggestions as well, her excitement growing with every keystroke. “Perhaps I’ll do a simple brochure detailing the history of the house and include a picture of Papa.”

  “You’re getting ready to be famous, old man,” Dexter teased, leaning over to pat Papa Dee on the back. “People coming from all over just to see your birthplace.”

  “Aw, you go on now,” Papa replied. But his eyes twinkled.

  Ever the businessman, Donald shifted gears from nostalgia to numbers. “What’s the cost of this addition?”

  “That ground will be covered in the meeting I’ve scheduled for this afternoon, where Jackson and Taylor will be in attendance.” She made sure to sound as businesslike as possible, but at the mention of his name a soft flush crept from her neck to her hairline. “I know it’s short notice, but hopefully we can all make it. I want the restored home to be unveiled along with the rest of Drake Wines Resort & Spa, and I definitely want it included in the O Magazine shoot happening in late January.”

  Genevieve watched as her daughter tried to maintain a businesslike veneer. But she’d seen the flush and knew the look. She’d worn that look many times after Donald had thoroughly and completely satisfied her. “Sweetheart, how did you come up with this wonderful idea?”

  Diamond took a calming breath and answered, “It was inspired by a comment Jackson made as we were touring the grounds. He was quite impressed with the quality of workmanship and thought, as we do, that it should not only be preserved but enjoyed.”

  “Is the house all he’s enjoying?” Donald asked.

  “No, Dad. It isn’t. You’ll all bug me until I tell you anyway, so I’ll say it outright. Jackson and I are officially dating. And I’m officially in love with him.”

  Donald and Genevieve exchanged glances. Donovan sat back in his chair and sighed. Dexter chuckled.

  “I know what you all might be thinking about Jackson’s past. But I’m not dating the boy who left Inglewood when he was thirteen. I’m dating a caring, thoughtful, amazing man who now runs a multimillion-dollar company. This is my life and my decision. When it comes to me and Jackson, please respect my wishes…and back off.”

  * * *

  Later, the family met again. This time, it was in the conference room in the center of the building that housed the Drake Vineyard executive offices. David, Mary, Donald, Genevieve, Donovan, Dexter and Diamond had been joined by Jackson and Taylor. For ninety-eight-year-old Papa Dee, it was nap time. He was not present. Normally the elder Drakes would not be present either, but since this was a family heirloom of sorts, Diamond wanted their contributions. The meeting went smoothly, and after a drive out to the house on the hill, and a walk-through with all parties coming together on the plans for Papa Dee’s birthplace—whose official name would become the Papa Dee Suite—the plans were approved.

  “I’m very excited about these plans,” Taylor said as she, Diamond and Jackson headed to the cart that Diamond had driven. “I already have some ideas that I believe would be perfect to both capture the turn-of-the-century feel when this home was built and give it the luxuriousness that a honeymoon haven and the like demands.”

  Diamond smiled at Taylor. “I can’t wait. How soon can we meet?”

  “The rest of my week is jam-packed, and my parents’ anniversary party is this weekend, but I can get my staff started on creating three proposed looks. I can also have them gather fabric swatches, search for furniture… Would Tuesday or Wednesday of next week work?”

  “How long have your parents been married?”

  “Thirty years,” Taylor proudly answered.

  “I’m so glad the accident with your father wasn’t more serious.”

  “He’s zipping around on the golf course as if it never happened.”

  “That’s wonderful, Taylor. It’s important that we take time out and celebrate what’s really important. Tuesday or Wednesday sounds fine to me,” Diamond continued, back to business. “But that only gives us two weeks for construction. Jackson, how do you feel about that?”

  Jackson shrugged. “It’s doable. But we’re going to have to get cranking and work aroun
d the clock. I’ll also have to subcontract some of the work with a couple other construction companies. They’re quite reputable and ones I’ve often worked with, so this won’t be a problem. With the expanded plans we’ve already added to the hotel’s dining and lounge areas, and now this… Let me speak to my foreman and let you know by end of business day today.”

  He was just getting ready to jump into the back of Diamond’s cart when Donald drove up in his. “Boss, why don’t you come along with me? I want to run a couple things past you.”

  “Sure, Donald.” He gave Diamond’s shoulder a quick squeeze and then walked past the cart that carried Donovan and Dexter to the one where Donald sat waiting. He hopped in and Donald began the hundred-plus-yard trek from the house on the hill to the office. “I have to tell you, sir…it’s a wonderful opportunity for me to restore that house up there. With all of the history it holds and what it means to your family, not to mention those who’ll begin their lives together under its roof, well, it’s an honor.”

  “We feel really good about it—especially my grandfather. He’ll be thrilled about the slab you’ve suggested, honoring our forefather, Nicodemus. And speaking of honor—” Donald continued, reaching the executive offices and shutting off the engine while turning to look Jackson in the eye “—I’d like to know your intentions where my daughter is concerned.”

  Chapter 29

  The air fairly crackled between these two strong, powerful men as Donald awaited his answer. Just then, Donovan and Dexter pulled up beside them and exited their cart. They saw Donald and Jackson eyeing each other and paused. The look told the brothers that they’d been on one accord: that Donald was now asking Jackson the question they’d pondered on their way down. They walked to Jackson’s cart without hesitation. Three pairs of chocolate-brown Drake eyes stared at Jackson, who looked up and saw Diamond and Taylor approaching. “Let’s take this powwow into your office,” he suggested to Donald, jumping out of the cart as he did so. “And then I can share exactly what is on my mind.”

  The men entered Donald’s office. He closed the door. The four men painted a formidable picture: all tall, dark, handsome, exuding testosterone and confidence to the nth power. Jackson looked just as capable of kicking butt and taking names as a Drake on any day. His air of authority gave one the indication that he believed this about himself, as well.

  “I care about your daughter,” he said to Donald. “Your sister,” he said to Donovan and Dexter. “I have no intention of hurting her.” The Drake men relaxed their shoulders somewhat, but their stances remained firm. “I respect the Drake name but am not intimidated by it, which is why I want to make myself clear on any issue regarding myself, my company and/or my family. If you want to know something…ask me.” He looked at Donald. “With all due respect, sir, your conducting an investigation into my life was way out of line.”

  “When it comes to my daughter, there are no rules of conduct,” Donald replied. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

  “We’re a close-knit family who protects our own and have each other’s backs at all times.” Dexter took a step in Jackson’s direction. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No problem,” Jackson casually answered. “As long as it doesn’t happen again.”

  “As long as Diamond is happy, we’re cool,” Donovan countered. “Don’t start none, won’t be none.”

  The merest smile scampered across Jackson’s face. “That’s probably something you should discuss with Diamond. But my guess is…she’s very satisfied. Now, gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me I have a five-star hotel to finish building and a homestead to renovate.” He reached out and shook each man’s hand, then walked out of the office with back straight and head held high.

  The men watched him leave. “What do you think?” Donald asked, after a moment.

  “Good man,” Donovan answered.

  “No doubt,” Dexter agreed.

  “We could do worse than a successful construction company owner in the family,” Donald said.

  “Absolutely.” Dexter rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “In fact, it might be time for me to build my dream home. Get the family discount, you feel me?”

  The men laughed. “Let’s just hope his dating Diamond has a better ending than she and Benjamin did,” Donovan said, concern for his sister showing in his eyes.

  “Yes, let’s hope,” Donald agreed. “Because if he hurts my daughter, he’ll answer to me. And I mean that.”

  * * *

  Down the hall, Diamond paced. She called Kathleen. “Are they out yet? Have you seen anyone?”

  “No, dear, and I’ve been looking.” Kathleen hadn’t felt this type of drama since As The World Turns had left the air. “I’ll buzz you as soon as I know.”

  “Okay.” Diamond remained tense. She’d seen the men talking when she drove up with Taylor and watched them walk into the building. Had Taylor not wanted to get clear on a few decor points, she would have marched down the hall and into the room right behind them. As it was, she was beside herself with curiosity. Her dad and brothers were a formidable bunch. But then…so was Jackson.

  Diamond’s cell phone rang. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hello, darling. Do you have a moment?”


  “Good. Can you come by the house? I’d like to have a little chat.”

  Diamond was torn. She wanted to talk to her mom but equally wanted to stand by should a referee be needed. The desire to confide in Genevieve won out. She trusted Jackson to hold his own.

  “Kat, I’m going to see Mom for a moment.”

  “You’re not going to wait—”

  “Until the dust settles? Not now. But if you hear a rumble, give me a call.”

  Genevieve greeted Diamond at the door. Her eyes glistened with excitement. For a moment, Diamond could imagine her mother at her age: young, beautiful, vibrant, full of passion. This closeness with her mother warmed her heart.

  They hugged, then Genevieve pulled Diamond into the living room. “My goodness, girl. I had no idea that Jackson Wright was such a handsome man!”

  “Isn’t he?”

  “You know, in some ways he reminds me of how your father was when I met him—confident, borderline arrogant, self-assured, intelligent as all get-out and handsome. Baby, couldn’t nobody bless a suit the way your father could!”

  “And I remember the story. You said you knew right away that Dad was the one.”

  “As soon as I laid eyes on that lanky joker, yes, sir.” Genevieve’s eyes sparkled with memories.

  “Mom, I’ve never felt about anyone the way I do Jackson. I thought I knew love with Benjamin but—” Diamond shook her head “—now I know that there are levels to loving, and what I feel now…I’ve never felt before.”

  “I felt the same way about your father,” Genevieve said as she poured tea. She handed a cup to Diamond. “At just the thought of Donald Drake, at the mention of his name, my heart would beat faster. Still does.” Genevieve put a hand on Diamond’s arm. “When the information regarding Jackson’s past came to your father, I was quite concerned. But after meeting him and seeing the way he looks at you…Diamond, I think he just might be the one.”

  “Really, Mom, you think so?”

  Genevieve nodded.

  These words made Diamond’s heart soar. “So you were watching him, right? How does he look at me?”

  “Diamond, baby, he looks at you like your father looks at me…with eyes full of love.”

  Chapter 30

  The next three weeks passed by in a whirlwind of love, work and bottles of Drake premier wine. Both were busy, but Diamond and Jackson still managed to spend quality time together. They carved it out where they could find it, like now, the day before the resort’s grand opening. Earlier, the family a
nd Drake Wine employees had toured the new facility. Their wide eyes and gape-mouthed expressions told Jackson of the bang-up job he and Boss Construction had done better than words ever could. Donald Drake couldn’t have been more impressed at what Jackson had pulled off in so little time. The only other time he’d seen quality work performed this fast was when Ty Pennington was screaming into his bullhorn and telling another family “Welcome home!” The thirty-room hotel was fully booked for the holiday weekend, and largely due to a lineup of R & B classic artists and smooth jazz favorites, their Sunday “Brunch & Beats” was sold out through Valentine’s Day.

  Diamond looked at her watch. She couldn’t believe it was ten o’clock and she was still working. Kathleen had left just moments before. Everyone was tired. This time tomorrow, it’ll be done. Drake Wines Resort & Spa will be officially opened for business. The day after that, Thanksgiving, her family had planned a private celebration. Diamond couldn’t wait.

  Placing her keys in her hand, she reached for the door and gasped as a tall, hulking figure blocked the path in front of her. “Jackson! Baby! You scared me half to death!”

  Jackson pulled her into his embrace. “What are you still doing here, baby? Where’s security? I don’t like the idea of you being out here alone.” While not sharing everything with Donald and her brothers, he had mentioned that there were people who’d like nothing better than to cause him problems, and with their relationship becoming public, Diamond may be targeted, as well.

  “Phillip is probably making his rounds,” she said, pulling out her cell phone. “But I’m going to call Donovan nonetheless, make sure that the extra security are on the premises.”

  After placing the call, she turned to Jackson. “Now, Mr. Wright, let me ask you the same question. What are you doing here this late? I’m sure you’re exhausted. Your men have been working around the clock. And the hard work has paid off. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again—the place looks amazing.”

  “Thank you, love.” He took her hand and walked them to the side of the building where the carts were parked. “Get in,” he told her, reaching beneath the seat to where he now knew they kept the keys.


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