Project: Rogue (Project Series Book 2)

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Project: Rogue (Project Series Book 2) Page 13

by J. L. Beck

  I left the office without even a glance backward because there was a double cheeseburger, and nice cold beer calling my name. The click of my heels sounded against the floor as I headed out into the hallway. The courthouse was a relevantly new building, so the parking for the employees was right out back of the courthouse. Lucky enough I worked on the first floor so I could easily access the walkway and make my way outside without having to talk to anyone because that’s what introverts did.

  I unlocked my Jeep with the key fob and got inside my skirt making it fairly easy to glide across the leather seats. As soon as I started my baby up, the one and only thing I got to keep from the divorce a Garth Brook’s tune blasted through the speakers. I changed gears, setting the Jeep to drive and heading out of the parking lot before anyone could say anything to me.

  And believe it or not, people did follow each other out of the courthouse, just so they could keep up with the latest drama the city had to offer. I enjoyed the small slice of quiet on the drive over to Avenue Tap, which was located downtown, about ten minutes where my apartment was.

  I pulled into the dirt parking lot, taking note of all the cars, motorcycles, and trucks that were also there. I growled out loud in frustration, did I want to people tonight? Was a cold beer worth it?

  My decision was made as I pulled the visor down, adjusting my locks in the mirror to the best of my ability. I fixed the strands that were out of place and applied some light mascara and chap stick. I had learned a long time ago that looks didn’t keep a man, and no amount of makeup or clothing did either.

  I knew the moment I walked into the bar that I was sticking out like a sore thumb. I always did, but that beer was calling my name and after the day I had I needed a twelve pack.

  The bar was packed at max capacity with people from all walks of life. Off to the right side of the bar was restaurant seating, with a huge handcrafted wooden bar directly to the front. Pushing through the crowd of bikers, nine to fivers, and rugged looking men and women I found an unoccupied both in the back, away from all the chaos.

  “What can I get ya, Rae?” Lenny my usual waiter questioned startling me for the first time ever. I clutched at my chest in distress, and a ghost of a smile formed on Lenny’s old face. I had known Lenny a long as time, and smiling wasn’t something he did often so I would give him this one time.

  “Beer. Cheeseburger. No onions, extra pickle please.” I dropped my hand from my chest, and onto the wooden table in front of me. Lenny tipped his chin at me and walked away headed to the back of the bar and kitchen to hand in my order ticket. The faint sound of AC/DC blasted from the speakers above me. I had always loved this bar, the homey atmosphere, mixed with the industrial look kept me coming back. That coupled with the awesome burgers and the fact I was known by name was pretty awesome.

  While I waited impatiently for my food I pulled my cell phone out of my purse and checked my messages. I swiped a finger across the screen as soon as I saw I had a text from my mother.

  Mom: More boxes for you.

  I had to grit my teeth just to get through the text message. I hated Thomas. I hated him so badly for the things that he had done to me. I squeezed my phone tightly in my hand contemplating if I should text her back or not. She didn’t deserve my anger either way. If it weren’t for my parent’s I’m not sure where I would be. After the divorce they allowed me to move in with them for a short while so that I could piece myself back together. Knowing that Thomas took it upon himself to deliver my things to my parent’s house enraged me, and I didn’t even know why. Maybe it was because he was still walking around with balls that I hadn’t gotten to cut off yet?

  “Cheer up.” Lenny’s gruff voice met my ears just as I released my hold on my cell phone letting it fall onto the thick wood table with a loud thud. I looked up and smiled because Lenny had brought me my beer, finally. And of course, he was gone in a flash, leaving me unable to thank him until he showed up moment’s later with my burger and fries in hand. He placed the red basket in front of me, and the aroma of freshly seared beef with freshly sliced cheese filled my nostrils.

  “Thank you!” I thanked him, before picking the burger up and sinking my teeth into the delicious goodness. Lenny smiled and a deep rumble of laughter left his throat.

  “That’s attractive.” I could hear him mumble as he walked away, and over to the next table. I ignored him and continued my assault on the burger, devouring it in minutes. I wiped my face where juices from the burger laid with the back of my hand. I lifted my eyes from my booth and out onto the open floor, it was then my eyes collided with a pair of steel gray ones. There was a thunderstorm going on in those eyes, and believe it or not, I was drawn to it.

  I took a large gulp of my beer, letting the yeasty taste fill my mouth. The coldness of it was refreshing, as the temperature seemed to rise every time my eyes clashed with that of the handsome strangers across the room.

  My heart pounded like a jackhammer in my chest as I looked the man up and down. He was tall, and bulky, not in a fat way though but merely an I work out, and have muscles way. He was rugged looking with a smug look glued to his face.

  Tattoo’s covered both of his arms in an interact array of colors that snaked up his arm. I followed the path of said tattoos until I could no longer see them. Then I wondered what other kind of ink he was hiding under that dark shirt of his, the temptation to ask was gnawing away at my tough exterior.

  An exterior I had spent months maintaining all for this fucker to come into Avenue Tap and blow the entire thing to smithereens. I averted my eyes to anywhere but him but my body and mind had other ideas.

  The dark blue jeans he wore were loose and fit at the same time showing just enough off to keep you curious. I spotted a pair of black leather boots that covered his feet and then my eyes were raking back up his body, imagining the very things that I couldn’t see.

  He caught me staring, and a smile lingered on his lips. He looked like the devil in the flesh. Tempting you to do bad things without even speaking.

  “You think you have you handfuls with your ex? Don’t even think about it babe.” Lenny whispered as he dropped off another beer.

  Of course, my heart sank into my stomach because I knew he was more than likely right and I didn’t need any more trouble in my life than I already had.

  Grabbing my wallet I pulled out a twenty and placed it on the table. Then I got myself together and got up from the booth. I was a millisecond away from heading towards the door to leave when Jefferies' voice filtered into my mind.

  “What a surprise it is to see you, Rae.” I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath telling myself that even if I wasn’t still at work it wasn’t right to go full bitch on my boss. I whirled around with the fakest smile I could on my face.

  “Yes. What a surprise.” I tried to sound cheery but honestly, I was at max cap for bullshit today. I could see that Jefferies was with a bunch of other coworkers, which only plunged my mood further into the ground. They all gawked at me, watching and waiting as Jefferies' mouth started to move but my ears refused to listen.

  “Huh?” The words slipped out before I could stop them.

  “Did you want to come and sit with us? We're going to have a couple of drinks, and eat some wings.” Jefferies flashed me a smile, one that would’ve worked on any other girl but me.

  I blinked and brought myself back to the present forcing my mouth to finally move. “I actually just ate so I’m heading home, but thank you for the invite. You guys have fun.” I lifted my lips, enlarging my smile and waved to the rest of my coworkers in the booth across the room. Jefferies must have just sneaked past me as headed towards the bathroom.

  His face fell, and disappointment radiated out of him. This was why I never should’ve accepted the job working under him because he literally wanted me to be under him and I didn’t want a relationship, even a sexual one, or at least not with him. I wanted to say sorry so badly but knew I really wasn’t.

  “I’ve just got
a lot going on right now… Don’t let me ruin your night.” My tongue was tied in knots, as I tried to stop myself from apologizing. It was something I did all the time with Thomas. I wasn’t sorry, not for having an opinion or for not wanting to do something.

  Jefferies shook his head in disbelief. “Whatever you say Raeann. I’m just trying to help you get back to normal.” He sighed, his eyes rolling. My fist clenched at my side. This asshole.

  A throat cleared next to me, and a loud deep, rumble emitted from said throat. Jefferies and I both turned in the direction of the noise. The saliva in my mouth turned to sludge as soon as I realized that the sexy stranger who I had shared fleeting looks with moments ago was now standing beside me looking as if he was about to speak.

  “Can I help you?” Jefferies questioned. I couldn’t pick my jaw up off the floor fast enough. The sexy stranger next to me was way bigger than I initially thought and of course made my body feel tingles, and zings it didn’t need to be feeling in all the right places.

  “Just wondering what you’re doing with my date…” Sweet baby Jesus in a manger was his voice deep, and dark. The kind of dark that would make a woman like me sin again, and again just to hear.

  Jefferies' eyes grew wide in surprise, his mouth popped open and then shut as if he wanted to say something but decided otherwise.

  I licked my lips knowing it was time for me to speak up, “Uh yeah, this is…” I trailed off unknowing of his name but not wanting to let everyone else know that.

  “Wes, and you’re?” The stranger known as Wes signaled with his hand to Jefferies all while I stood there hoping not to embarrass myself. Never, not even once had I had a man come to my rescue like this man did.

  “Jefferies. I’m actually Raeann’s boss, and we were just inviting her to come hang out with us.” Jefferies turned and pointed at the group of our colleagues behind him. Wes then lifted his arm and pulled me into the side of his chest.

  I took in a deep breath, his rich scent filtering into my nostrils. He smelt of chocolate, and woods, such a strange combination, but yet intoxicating to the senses. I could practically taste the bittersweet chocolate known as his scent on my tongue.

  Normally I would have been bothered by a man’s touch but this man, this man was different. I could feel it in my bones.

  “Nah. That’s not what we have planned for tonight now is it babe?” Wes spoke indirectly at me. His eyes were a darker gray than I had previously thought now that I was face to face with him.

  I was a bit flabbergasted, and somewhat turned off, but I knew more than anyone that I didn’t want to be hanging out with Jefferies, and my collages from work so I played along, wrapping my arm around his midsection. The warmth of his body, melting away at my hard exterior as it if were a flimsy piece of paper burning in the breeze.

  “Right. What Wes said.” I nodded in agreement. I could see Jefferies repulsive comeback, something that would sting and as I braced for it I wondered what he would say about me out loud to this complete stranger that he assumed I knew.

  “Well have fun then, it was nice meeting you Wes.” Jefferies smiled, and my stomach fell to my feet. Astonishment smacked me in the face and I refused to move until he was finally out of sight, his steps heavy as he walked away, leaving me with the sexy as hell stranger who now had a name. The stranger who had rescued me from a night of hell.

  “You owe me a drink… Or two.” Wes’s gravely voice resonated through me pulling me from my thoughts. Immediately I pulled out from his side, putting much-needed space between us. My tongue was tied in knots. Never in my twenty-six years on this Earth had I been so tongue tied.

  “Yes… No…Maybe?” The impatient tick of his jaw told me I needed to find my voice, and do so fast.

  I licked my lips and averted my eyes to his chest. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great.” My mouth moved, and the words came out but I didn’t control them. I probably sounded like an idiot.

  A smile. The real kind pulled at his lips, lifting the sides of his beautiful lips. Lips I just might be okay kissing. Lips I would definitely be interested in getting close too. Lips, I should let kiss my throat…

  “After you…” Wes gestured and it was then that I finally noticed his trimmed almost to the scalp hair cut. Kind of like that of those in the military. All it did was add to the ruggedness.

  “Uhh… Oh yeah.” I stumbled over my words, taking my first step towards the first open bar stool, all while wondering what the fuck it was that I was doing.


  They say it takes a village to write a book and I believe it. From the author who writes said book to the cover artist, to the editor, proofreaders, and beta readers, and then to the readers, and hardcore pimpers. Every single time I write one of these I feel like I leave someone out. Like my words can never express how thankful I truly am to write these novels and be able to give them to all of you.

  Therefore, to anyone who has ever read one of my books thank you for your support, no matter it be, good or bad. Even if this is your first J.L. Beck book thank you because without you I wouldn’t be able to do all of this.




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