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Warsinger Page 19

by James Osiris Baldwin

  “I’d donate if I could.” Suri looked up at me from under her crimson eyebrows. “Pity I’m not a dragon, hey?”

  She was startlingly beautiful by lamplight, the golden light caressing her dark skin in ways only a dragonman – or a bird – could see. But even as my breath caught, I struggled not to fixate the pulse jumping on the side of her long, smooth throat.

  “Yeah,” I croaked. “I’m sorry… I gotta go. See you in the morning, okay?”

  “Okay, lover. Get some rest.” She stepped back, toward the bed, and let go of my fingers.

  It felt wrong to leave, but I sketched a bow for some damn reason and fled the room at a quick walk. I angled for the outside as quickly as I was able to, stalking through the Volod’s rose gardens toward the stairs leading up to the Parade Ground and the Hangars. There was an elevator you could take, but I desperately needed to feel the cold mountain air on my face, the creak in my knees and the heat in my muscles. When I reached the base of the stairs, I had a powerful, sudden urge to run. To just run, and run and run… and when I closed my eyes, I could sense Karalti’s heart beating in excitement further up the mountain.

  The half-hour walk became a fifteen-minute sprint as I took the stairs two at a time, shot by the startled guards, and evaporated into shadow around a minister who squealed and dropped a stack of papers as I blew my way down the ramparts. Karalti wasn’t moving from her nest, but I felt as if I were chasing her, somehow… laboring, panting with mingled hunger and lust, I jogged until my stamina recharged and then boosted myself across the flat square. When I rounded the corner of the hangar bay, I found the dragon sitting bolt upright, looming high enough that the arch of her neck vanished into the shadows of the roof.

  “Uhh… hey!” Her eyes, normally a clear purple streaked with silver, had filled in with simmering white light. She repositioned herself awkwardly as I stumbled in, heaving for breath, and collided with the bunched mass of her hind leg. I slapped a hand on it.

  “Tag,” I gasped. “You’re it.”

  The dragon shuffled, curling her tail tight against her rump, and sat on it. Then she reared her head back, undulating her neck and fluttering her horned crest in a way I’d never seen her do before. It was oddly hypnotic, and as I watched her, I felt a sudden jerk deep down in my lower belly. There was something about it… and about the way she smelled.

  Karalti telepathically cleared her throat, and then flattened all seven horns against her skull. Just like that, the spell was broken. “So, you know what I was saying before, about you picking up on how I’m feeling now that I’m grown up and, you know, things are starting to happen?”

  I rolled my eyes to look at her, still heaving for breath.

  “Yeah. Well, boy dragons chase girl dragons when it’s time for… you know,” she said, embarrassed. “But, haha…oh! Yeah! I just remembered it’s potion day! Let me guess: you’ll be needing some blood, right?”

  Chapter 20

  We were ready to leave just after dawn, while the sun was simmering on the horizon and Archemi’s enormous moon, Erruku, was a translucent golden ghost against the pale blue and pink sky. Karalti had taken Cutthroat on a test flight, and now the hookwing hung from her chest, sulkily licking the bone ‘combs’ that fringed her wrists and rubbing them through her head feathers. Suri and I stood side by side, facing Ignas, his Kingsguard, and some new faces I didn’t recognize who looked to me like a soldier and two servants. The Volod was effortlessly majestic, a fine red cloak draped over his saddle and over the base of his hookwing's long stiff tail.

  “Look at her, all trussed up!” He laughed, yanking on his mount's head as the male hookwing began to posture and flare his glossy raven feathers at the preening female, who glowered down on us through the bars of her muzzle. “Divar finally feels it's safe to flirt with her, eh?”

  “Flirting with Cutthroat is never safe. She's the original femme fatale, heavy on the 'fatale'.” I felt a real, warm smile flush my face. “I’m sorry we have to leave so soon. Thanks for hosting us, Your Majesty.”

  “It is my greatest pleasure.” Ignas inclined his head. “But don't think you're leaving just yet. It would be in poor taste not to send you away with a gift.”

  “Really, you don't have to,” I said, glancing at Suri. She nodded. “You've already been really generous to both of us.”

  “My generosity is in proportion to yours,” Ignas replied. “Because I thought about what was said about Starborn in Parliament yesterday, and it occurred to me that you are not truly immortal. You do, in fact, die… and then rise to die again. It is death, not being dead, that is so terrifying and painful. Yet, you die by sword or fire or fall, and rise up again still committed to Myszno and Vlachia. That is everything I could wish for from a vassal, and your sacrifices ought to be properly rewarded.”

  I actually felt my face get hot. Suri, who had her visor up, also blushed.

  “I have three gifts for you both,” he continued. “The first will not arrive for approximately four days, but it shall arrive. I am sending a cargo ship with ten thousand bushels of grain to Myszno, which will be enough to keep the people of Racsa fed for the next three months or so. It leaves this afternoon. My people will not starve while I am king.”

  A wave of relief washed over me. “Thank you. That will make a huge difference.”

  “The second stands here with me today.” He gestured back to three of the people who had rode up with him for the farewell party. “I would like to introduce you to Captain Biru Vilmos, Livia of Kisvarda, and Rudolf Fazekas. Captain Vilmos is an experienced Castellan who has loyally served one of the Great Houses of Taltos for many years, until the last of the line expired last year. Since then, he has been the Warden of the Taltos Garrison, managing their hookwing stables and ensuring they are always fresh and ready. I asked if he would be willing to serve you, and he agreed.”

  “Oh.” I looked to Suri. She shrugged. She had been going to take that position, but… “Well, thank you. I’d be honored to have you help out at Kalla Sahasi, Captain. We need all the help and experience we can get.”

  “The chance to serve in the presence of a dragon is truly a once in a generation opportunity.” Vilmos bowed from the waist. He was an older man, round around the middle but hard through the arms and shoulders. “It will be my honor to assist the realm, Count and Countess.”

  “Livia is a talented chef who formerly ran the kitchen of a winery beyond the city walls, but who recently applied for a court placement,” Ignas said, gesturing to the woman as she curtseyed to us. She was thin and horsey, with the compact energy of someone who’d spent their career managing other people. “And Rudolf is a skilled butler who used to work for the Royal Gemcutter, Stef-”

  “Stefin Milosevic? I remember him,” I said, with a twinge of regret. I nodded to the tall, sober man, and he bowed his head sadly in acknowledgement.

  Ignas sighed. “Indeed. Fortunately, Rudolf was out of town on business for his Master when Andrik arrested the family. I assured Rudolf his livelihood, and given he has not married and has no children yet, he struck me as an excellent candidate for your service.”

  I didn’t know what to say. What did you say to a butler? Hey dude, don’t worry, I know how to dress myself. Instead, I blurted: “Thanks, and welcome to Team Myszno, Rudolf.”

  “It will be my most sincere pleasure to work with you, my lord,” he replied smoothly. “And it heartens me that you remember my old Master’s name, when to my knowledge, you only met him the one time.”

  Ignas nodded, satisfied. “I am yet to find you a Lady in Waiting who would suit your temperament, Suri, but my Valet has put out feelers. If we find someone, we will refer her to you for an interview.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Suri looked as bewildered as I felt. “But uh, if it’s anything, I know how to dress myself already.”

  The Volod chuckled. “My lady, your valet or lady-in-waiting does much more than pick your court outfits and lace your corsets.”

  Suri r
ubbed the back of her head, grimacing. “Bit of a learning curve there, then, I guess.”

  “The last and final thing is honestly less of a gift and more of someone demanding that they be released from my service and allowed to travel with you.” Ignas gave a small sigh. “She said she was coming, but... oh, of course. She’s riding Cocoa.”

  Another hookwing had emerged out of the tunnel, a stocky brown animal pulling a small cart behind it. Masterhealer Masha was perched on its back like a cork, wearing a huge leather hiking pack that was far too large for her diminutive frame. She was scowling and lying on the creature's feathered backside with a small switch, but the hookwing was oblivious. Instead, it stopped moving completely to stand one foot, bringing its hind claws up to scratch its jaw with an open-mouthed expression of avian bliss.

  “Cocoa, huh?” I glanced at Cutthroat, who was staring daggers at us. Long ropes of drool hung from her muzzle, and when she caught me looking, she hissed.

  Ignas sighed. “Cocoa is possibly the stupidest ghora we have in the stables, but she is Masha’s favorite.”

  “Masha's coming with us?” Suri exclaimed.

  “Indeed.” Ignas nodded. “When she learned you had defeated the Demon and her home was in dire straits, she begged for leave to assist the recovery effort. As much as it pains me to let her travel at such an advanced age, she is still the best physician in the kingdom. The University of Karhad and its hospital were one of the finest in the land, providing doctors and alchemists that work in every city and province of the country. I would be unwise to not let one of our masters return to train others in the field.”

  [New Hero Available: Masha of Myszno (S-Grade Healer/Alchemist)]

  [New Facilities and Professions available: Hospital, Doctor, Nurse, Alchemist. Check your Kingdom Management System for details.]

  “Holy shit.” I was stunned - and thrilled. “Thank you, all of you. I don't know what to say.”

  “Don't thank him yet, Lord Tuun!” Masha barked as Cocoa finally ambled up, her tongue hanging out one side of her muzzle. “Because if you think for a moment I won't lay this whip on your hands if I see you using dirty glass in the laboratory, think again! Now, help me unload all of this nonsense with your supple young backs, eh? I trust you have a place for me to work?”

  Chapter 21

  The time difference between Taltos and Myszno was about four hours, so we left Taltos at dawn and arrived in Myszno at midday. That was just great, because I’d taken my helmet off and had forgotten to put it back on.

  “Ow! Ow ow ow!” My scalp prickled as the sunlight hit it, like I'd touched poison ivy with my head. I slapped a hand over it and hissed.

  Karalti let out a trumpeting cry as she dropped Cocoa the Hookwing to the ground, then touched down in the tumbled mossy stones of the courtyard. No sooner had she settled than the doors to the castle hospice opened, and Istvan strode out with one hand held up against the wind, squinting at us as two other familiar faces emerged from behind him. Or rather - one familiar face, and one familiar mask.

  “Rin? Ebisa?” I called out when my feet were on the ground. “Holy shit.”

  “Hector! You're back! OMIGOSH SURI!” Rin squealed and ran over as Suri shakily dropped to the ground. She turned just in time to catch two hundred and fifty pounds of metal and silicone as the diminutive Mercurion tackled her. Ebisa sauntered out into the yard with her hands jammed in her pockets, expression concealed.

  “You're alive!” Rin hugged Suri around the waist, squishing her cheek up against her breastplate. “Thank goodness! We were all so worried!”

  “Yeah, still alive all right.” Suri ruffled Rin's glassy hair, then smooched her on the head.

  “It's good to see you both again.” I offered Ebisa a hand when she pulled up beside Istvan. She looked at it, cocked her head, then slowly reached out. I clasped it, clapped her on the arm, and let go. The King's Assassin had forearms like steel cable. “What's the occasion? How are things here?”

  “Not good,” Istvan said heavily. He looked like warmed-over ass. His long hair was frizzy and rumpled, and his clothes and armor were starting to look grimy. He had deep circles under his eyes.

  “Uh oh.” Karalti lowered her head until her chin was just touching the top of my hair. “He's been drinking again.”

  “What happened? Is the province coming down around our ears?” I asked, frowning.

  “Maybe a little bit. But mostly, it's Vash.” Rin had sobered over minutes, letting go of Suri and returning to Ebisa's side.

  “Vash?” Suri’s eyes lit up with alarm. “Is he okay?”

  “He’s dying,” Istvan said flatly.

  Startled, I brought up the KMS without thinking and looked at my heroes list. “What? He was fine when we… shit. Why is he at 27% HP?”

  “His body didn’t take to the prosthetic properly,” Ebisa rasped, folding her arms over her thin chest. “He’s not dying, but his flesh is rejecting the artificed arm we installed.”

  Istvan scowled, and motioned sharply in the direction of the hospital. “What would you call it, other than dying? Rotting? Decomposing? Because that’s what that cursed thing is doing to him!”

  “Tuun! Are you just going to leave us up here!” Masha leaned over Karalti's back, scowling. “What's this I hear about a rejected prosthesis!?”

  “Master Masha?” Ebisa craned her neck in surprise. “Ignas sent you?”

  “Of course he sent me, you silver scarecrow! Now let me down! While I am very grateful to her holiness for consenting to carry me upon her sacred person, I have had enough of this particular religious experience for the remainder of my life.” She shook her gloved fist down at us.

  “Hang on! We have to let Cutthroat off first!” I called back to her, before turning back to Istvan. After a moment of hesitation, I stepped forward, and drew the man into a one-armed hug. He stiffened in surprise.

  “Look, man: if it’s anything, we just brought the best damn healer in the country here,” I said by his ear. “We’ll see what she can do for him, alright?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” He drew a deep breath, let it out, and stepped back. I could smell liquor on his breath.

  The three staff Ignas had sent with us – Captain Vilmos, Livia the Chef, and Rudolf the Butler – helped get Masha’s things organized up top. I helped Suri to the ground. Once she found her feet, I took her hands in mine and gazed into her eyes.

  “Okay,” I said. “Ready?”

  Suri drew a sharp breath, then nodded. I opened the Combat Management System and found her Hero entry. I opened up her profile, and then issued the command: “Send Suri Ba’Hadir a Faction Join request.”

  [No such player found.]


  Suri was watching me expectantly, her eyes wide and hopeful. I was about to start panicking when I remembered the error messaged I'd gotten when I'd tried to send her a PM.

  “Hang on, figuring out the menu.” I flashed Suri a bashful smile and went into my History, looking for the error message. When I saw how long it was, I swallowed. Dyslexia made this a lot harder than it should have been.

  “Send Faction Join request to NUMBFETCH-00-0000AA1-TypeXX-Dkh?-????BSKR.” I spelled it mentally, praying I'd read it all right.

  [Success! has been sent a faction join request!]

  “Did it...?” I held my breath.

  Suri nodded, pressing her lips together, and concentrated for a moment. “What the hell is this big fuckin string of gibberish?”

  “It's the reason you haven't been able to get a spawn point so far,” I said. “The Architects that bought you here fucked up your code somehow. Code being like... the Words of Power that identify you in Archemi.”

  “Huh.” She nodded absently, and a popup appeared - along with a small blank green circle that joined the icons already hanging beside Suri's head, along with her corona.

  [Player Suri Ba’Hadir has joined your faction!]

  “What the-?” Suri fl
inched, eyes scanning something I couldn't see. “What the hell's all this? I just a message from some fucko... Wait 'Welcome to Archemi?' I was fuckin' born here!”

  “Hell yes!” I grinned, then laughed before pulling her into a sudden hug. Suri blinked, but then hugged me back.

  “Okay, okay... you're in the system properly now,” I said, when I broke away. “You should be able to claim a spawn point here, and I should be able to assign you a role here at the castle. Castellana, right?”

  “You already got a Castellan.” She jerked her head towards Vilmos, who was helping Livia down to the ground. “And, well... I've been thinking about it, and... you know, I’m willing to give this Countess thing a go. The 'Your Grace' this and 'My Lady' that gets a bit old, but there's something to be said for the renown and everything. Besides... we earned our titles. It might insult Ignas if I didn't act the part.”

  “If you become Countess, well... people are going to think we're married, for one thing,” I said. “For another, it means you're going to have to learn to use the Kingdom Management stuff, and you'll probably get all the same quests I have.”

  “I know.” Suri nodded, and smiled.

  “Alright. Hold on to your fanny.” I bought up the KMS and issued the next command. “Give Suri Ba’Hadir the rank of Countess of Myszno.”

  [Are you sure? This will promote Faction Member to the rank of Clan Leader and give them access to the Kingdom Management System.]

  “Yes,” I said aloud.

  There was a chiming sound, and then the green circle turned into a small golden crown. Suri beamed at me, squeezing my hands in hers.

  [Suri Ba’Hadir has been promoted to Countess of Myszno]

  [Suri Ba’Hadir has claimed a residence: Kalla Sahasi]

  Suri’s eyelids fluttered shut, and she let out a soft sigh of relief. Her shoulders slumped, and she leaned into my chest.


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