The Cinder Earl's Christmas Deception

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The Cinder Earl's Christmas Deception Page 9

by Em Taylor

“And you think him a brute?”

  “I do not know for sure. I hear the maids talk. He does not force them. He whines until they give in, but he is not gentle.”

  “You said some people enjoy a little pain with their pleasure.”

  Gabriel ran his hand through his hair, clearly an act of frustration. “Yes, my love, but one is meant to gain the consent of the person to inflict pain on them. And then it is generally the case that one soothes the pain and cares for the partner. Cedric takes his own pleasure and cares not about the pleasure or the pain of the woman he beds.”

  Kathleen nodded. She did not understand but Gabriel seemed to think this was important that she understand that Cedric was in the wrong.

  “Do you think that Cedric would beat me?”

  Gabriel pursed his lips for a moment then shrugged. “In all honesty, Kathleen, I do not know. I would like to say no, but I cannot say for certain. My father beat Christina and me and he beat my mother until her death.”

  “He does not beat you now?”


  “Why not?”

  Gabriel walked over to the fire, picked up the poker, dropped a couple of coals on the flames and jabbed at the burning embers viciously. He replaced the poker and straightened without turning to face her.

  “I grew large enough to hit my father back. I told him if he laid a finger on Christina again, I would kill him and be happy for the title to fall back into the hands of the crown when they hanged me.”

  A knot formed in Kathleen’s stomach and she suddenly felt like casting up her accounts. Not because of the threat he had levelled at his father. The man was obviously a brute. But at what Christina and Gabriel must have gone through as children and then as youths until Gabriel was large enough to confront his father.

  Without even considering what she was doing, she stood and walked to him, tugging on his coat sleeve until he turned to face her. He looked pale and withdrawn as if all the memories of the past haunted him. Impulsively, she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his head onto her shoulder. She wanted to hold him and let him know that people cared for him. She knew Christina and Lord Stalwood did. She was sure Lord and Lady Beattie must.

  His arms slid around her waist and he drew in a deep breath. He smelled of shaving soap.

  They stood for a long moment, just holding each other until she could think of something to say. Something that did not sound too reproachful.

  “So, you have had no choice but to deceive me.”

  Gabriel groaned against the skin of her neck and she felt little wet pecks travelling slowly up her neck. Was he planting little kisses there?

  “Oh, my darling Kathleen,” he said eventually when he reached the underside of her jaw. She dropped her head back to allow him better access. Was this very wanton? She did not care. “I have deceived myself, it seems. I deceived myself into thinking I could give you up and hand you back to Cedric. I did not expect you to beguile me. I did not expect to want you as much as I do.”

  “I do not even know you, my lord. Who is Gabriel and who is Cedric?”

  “I was only Cedric in front of other people. For the most part, you got to know Gabriel.” He raised on hand over her breast as he captured her lips with his. She gasped at the sensation as he rubbed his thumb over her hardening nipple and Gabriel took advantage of her open mouth, pushing his tongue inside. Her second kiss. But he was not coaxing and gentle as he was before. She entwined the fingers of one hand through his dark curls and grabbed hold of the back of his jacket with the other as his hand slid down the satin of her evening dress and onto her bottom, urging her against his hard body.

  There was an unleashed need in Gabriel as his tongue lashed the inside of Kathleen’s mouth, his thumb stroked her aching nipple and his fingers kneaded the soft flesh of her breast.

  They kissed for what seemed like hours and Kathleen was growing breathless. An ache settled in her most intimate area and she had the strangest urge to rub herself against Gabriel to relieve it. Something hard and long was prodding her in the belly.

  Gabriel trailed his lips over her chin and down her throat.

  “You must stop me,” he murmured. “I have no control to stop myself.”

  He tugged at the small sleeve of her gown and Kathleen understood what he meant.

  “Gabriel, stop. We must stop.”

  Gabriel lifted his head and gave her a slow, sleepy smile. His hands moved behind her and she steadied herself by holding on to his shoulders.

  “I know I have no right to ask it or to expect an affirmative answer, my love, but will you marry me?”

  “Marry you?”

  “Of course. There is nothing else for it. You cannot marry Cedric. You cannot break off the engagement. You shall be ruined. You are American. Your father is in trade. You shall damage your sister’s chances of an advantageous match. And you want me as much as I want you.”

  It was then that Kathleen realised he was undoing the buttons at the back of her gown.

  “My lord, are you undressing me?”

  “Good God, Kathleen, you make me even harder when you call me my lord. Few people have called me that in years. Just the servants in my sire’s house and more recently Stalwood, but from your lips, there is a certain erotic quality to it.”

  “Gabriel, I…”

  “I apologise. I am being crass and ungentlemanly. I must say what is on my mind. You enchanted me the evening of the ball and ever since. I care about your well-being and I desire you. I lay awake half of last night just thinking about what you must taste like and what it would feel like to be inside you. It was like torture.”

  “Taste like?”

  Gabriel sighed and led her to a loveseat. He urged her to sit and turn her back to him then he re-buttoned her gown and placed a delicate kiss just above her top button on her bare flesh. She shivered and he wrapped his arms around her, laying his chin on her shoulder.

  “I forget how innocent you are. You make my blood boil. I have no idea if you could be happy with Cedric. My gut instinct is that no woman could be happy with him. But perhaps I am being unfair because I know him to be a bully. He may treat a wife differently. If you wish. I shall go and stop Stalwood from debauching my sister, and let you go home and we shall never talk of this again. Or we can marry, live an impoverished life until my father dies and I inherit the dukedom.” He glanced at the closed door. “I should probably still stop Stalwood from debauching my sister, even though, no matter your answer he will still marry her. He is merely pre-empting his vows.”

  “My lord, this has all been very inappropriate.”

  “Yes it has. And you could ask your father to pack all your cases and you could all flee London and be on the next boat back to America. But your father will want to see his deal complete. Your father seems like a sensible person and a shrewd businessman. I suspect he has put on his initial contract that one of his daughters is to marry one of my father’s sons. He would know something could go wrong, someone could die or someone could refuse to do their duty. The Duke will be tied into a contract with your father come what may.”

  “My father will have tricked His Grace?”

  “Not tricked. No. He will have made sure that he got his contract fulfilled despite the vagaries of humanity. Your father is clever. My sire knows that. He would have gone into the deal knowing the contents of that contract. He would have just assumed if Cedric had fallen drunk out of his bedchamber window that Godfrey would marry you instead.”

  “I need time to think.”

  “We do not have long. Cedric is getting stronger by the day.”

  “You cannot push me into a decision to marry you.”

  “Why ever not?”

  “There is too much to consider.”

  “We shall survive financially. Stalwood and Beattie shall help.”

  Kathleen shook her head. The money was of no importance. “We can use my dowry.”

  “No, that is your money.”

  “It is
yours. It would be our money. But it is not the money. It is the scandal, letting down my parents. The reaction of your father. Would you be in danger, Gabriel?”

  “I do not know how His Grace will react. We can only try it and see what the consequences are.”

  “I need time. Will you take me home now?” She turned in his arms and hugged him and then kissed him softly on the lips. He opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, but she withdrew. “I cannot let you befuddle me with erotic kisses, my lord.”

  “Oh, my love. They had not started getting erotic.” One side of his mouth tilted in a wicked grin and the candlelight caught his eye making it glint. He suddenly looked like ten years had been lifted from him. Perhaps if he was given the opportunity of a happy life then he could always look this way. She wanted to make him happy. She just had to make sure it was the correct decision for her. Something had been bothering her since their kiss. Oh, he would think her a ninny for asking but she had to know.

  “Gabriel, I would like to ask a question, but it is very improper.”

  “Improper seems to be the theme of the evening, Kathleen.” He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “Ask your question.”

  “When we were kissing, something long and hard was pressing against my belly. Was that… that could not have been… I mean surely…” Gabriel chuckled.

  “It was. Would you like to feel it?”

  “Oh, I…”

  “Over my evening breeches of course.”

  Her cheeks were getting hotter by the second. “Yes,” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

  He took her hand in his and placed it on the placket of his breeches. It was so much bigger and thicker than…

  “Cedric’s was much smaller in his inexpressibles.” Gabriel let out a guffaw.

  “You looked?”

  “It is difficult not to look.” She felt indignant.

  “That is true. They are a truly vile garment. I would wager that Cedric was not fully aroused when he met you and your family in your drawing room and it seems that not all half-siblings are created equal.”

  “So, you are saying that he should flaunt it less if it is not much to be proud of.”

  Gabriel shrugged. “In fairness to poor Ced, it is December and they do tend to shrink a bit in the cold.”

  “Yours has not.”

  Gabriel chuckled again. “No, but then, I have you to make me very, very warm.”

  There was a knock on the door just then.

  “Who is that?” Kathleen asked.

  “Let us find out. Come!”

  The door opened to reveal Stalwood holding out his arm to allow Lady Christina to walk through ahead of him. She looked rumpled but not ravished.

  “Good evening again,” said Stalwood, smirking at them.

  “Am I to slap a glove in your face, Stalwood?

  “Do not be ridiculous, Gabe. Stalwood was showing me the portraits in his gallery.”

  “That’s a new euphemism,” Gabriel drawled.

  “You sound like Cedric,” Christina said tartly.

  “You have a nasty tongue, sister.”

  “I apologise, brother. But you disparaged the honour of my fiancé.”

  “I know Stalwood of old. He has no honour.”

  “I shall slap a glove in your face for saying that,” said Stalwood, drawing himself up to his full height.

  Gabriel lifted his hands, palm out in a gesture of surrender. “My sincere apologies, friend. I am used to jokes among the servants. I sometimes forget myself.”

  “Hmm.” Stalwood looked slightly mollified but not much. “I shall give you the benefit of the doubt this time, Cindermaine.”

  “Have you agreed to marry him?” Christina asked for a quick change or subject, looking directly at Kathleen.

  “I need time.”

  “I think you should. Cedric is not to be trusted. I should not like a friend to marry him. I am sorry we lied to you, Kathleen. Can you ever forgive me?”

  “You were protecting Gabriel. You are already forgiven. Now, I should like to go home so that I may consider the matter alone.”

  Gabriel sighed but offered her his hand.

  “Miss Roberts, we shall accompany you home.”

  Chapter 10

  Gabriel had been waiting two days for Kathleen to be “well.” He had visited the Archbishop of Canterbury and received a raised eyebrow from the man, who must be aware of some of the happenings of the ton. He had purchased a special licence at the same time Stalwood had and had then visited Kathleen. The butler informed him she was not receiving visitors as she was incapacitated.

  It was no good. Cedric was beginning to move around the house. He looked gaunt and a bit thinner than he had but Gabriel’s days of gadding about town were definitely numbered.

  They had not told the Duke that Kathleen was unwell and so Gabriel had accompanied Stalwood and Christina around town to afternoon teas, balls and musicales. It was not the same without Kathleen’s light-hearted chatter and interesting observations as a newcomer to the ton.

  Today he was going to her house and he would barge into her bedchamber if necessary.

  He spoke to the butler who said he would see if Miss Roberts was at home. Gabriel explained to the butler that he was not leaving until he had seen his fiancée. He used all the belligerence and obnoxious arrogance that Cedric used when he wanted something he should not have. He hated himself for treating a servant in such a way, but he was supposed to be Cedric and he needed to see Kathleen.

  He was in a small parlour at the back of the house, looking out over the back garden when he heard footsteps.

  “I am told you were very insistent about seeing me, Mr Onslow.”

  Gabriel turned slowly and noted the high colour on her cheeks and her pursed lips. Devil take it, those lips were very kissable. He wanted to take her into his arms and do just that.

  “I was rather rude to your butler, yes. When this is all over, I should like to apologise to him.”

  “He likes chewing tobacco, I hear.”


  “I have been unwell.”

  “You look well. So, you have not had the malady that Ce… my brother had.”


  “Your courses.”

  “My lord!”

  “I am no lord.”

  “Oh, this is ridiculous. Wait a moment.” She hurried out of the room and returned a few moments later with the butler. He carried Gabriel’s own greatcoat, hat and gloves and she wore her fur-lined pelisse, a bonnet and kid-skin gloves.

  “Thank you. And I apologise for my manners earlier.”

  “I do not know what you mean, Mr Onslow. You were perfectly polite.”

  “You and I both know that is not true. Thank you for your discretion.”

  “You’re welcome, Mr Onslow.”

  “Come, let us walk in the garden.”

  Gabriel followed her out into the frosty air. He was sure it was far too cold for a lady to be out walking but she seemed not to mind.

  “I do love cold days, do you not?”

  “I cannot say that I do.”

  “I prefer snow of course. I believe it may snow soon.”

  “It seldom snows in London. So, tell me what ailed you.”

  “I did have my courses, but I was actually avoiding you.”

  “Do you still have your courses?”

  She sighed. “Not that it is any of your business, but no.”

  “Then we can marry tomorrow by special licence and we can consummate it immediately. That way no one can say it is not legal.”


  “Stalwood has a small estate out near Richmond. We shall go there. He shall marry Christina and I shall marry you.”

  “I have not agreed to marry you yet.”

  “Do you want to marry Cedric? Do you want to take a chance on marrying a man who might beat you or force you into having sex when you do not feel like it?”

thought… sex was a wife’s duty.” She seemed to almost baulk at the word sex. Poor innocent Kathleen. If she knew of some of Cedric’s proclivities and the diseases he brought home from the brothels, he would be able to convince her to marry him immediately.

  “It is, but, God, Kathleen, if you are tired or feel unwell or have just had a baby or have your courses, I would like to think I would not force myself upon you. Marital intimacy… any intimacy should be mutual. I have no idea if Cedric has the common decency to go and slake his lust in a brothel or if he would just force you. He may just do both.”

  “You would slake your lust in a brothel when I had a baby?”

  Gabriel was not doing a good job of explaining this. He shook his head.

  “No, Kathleen. I would wait until you were well enough and wanted me back in your bed?”


  “Because I believe in fidelity. Look at what unfaithfulness did to my parents. Fidelity is vital in a marriage.”

  “I agree.”

  “I cannot guarantee that Cedric does.”

  “I do not want to marry Cedric. I have known that since I realised you were not him. It is you that I want to marry.”

  “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes. I will marry you, Gabriel, Earl of Cindermaine.”

  “Gabriel Oliver Marchby, Earl of Cindermaine.”

  “That sounds very grand.”

  “I shall pick you up here tomorrow at nine o’clock. We shall take some clothes and head to Stalwood’s estate.”

  “Are we leaving London?”


  “But it is nearly Christmas.”

  “But we cannot marry and still live in London. The Duke and your father will be angry with us. God knows what state Cedric will be in. And there shall be scandal.”

  “Can we not wait until after Christmas?”

  “You are to marry on St Stephen’s Day.”

  “That is after Christmas.”

  “Only just.”

  She sighed and her eyes filled with tears. “I may not see my parents on Christmas Day for years. They shall be back in America.”

  “I know.” He sighed and considered the problem. “All right, we marry, we consummate the marriage so that it cannot be put asunder and then we return to London as if nothing happened. On Christmas night, we flee London. Christmas Day is one week today.”


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