The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1)

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The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1) Page 8

by Robyn Wideman

  “Because he is a vampire,” said Cain, maintaining eye contact with Jess.

  Alright. This is getting weirder and weirder. “So you’re a vampire as well?” asked Jess. She almost regretted fact he had not said satanic cult. That would have been easier to believe.

  “You don’t sound shocked.”

  “To be honest, I’m not sure how to react. Crazy people do crazy things all the time. Drinking the blood of rapists is pretty crazy, but I’ve had a couple weeks to think about it. I decided I would try my best to understand whatever you said tonight. It’s the least I can do to show my appreciation for saving my life, and I truly enjoyed our writing each other. I don’t believe you are sane, but I’ll give you the opportunity to explain.”

  Cain laughed. “Well, this is refreshing. Normally after I tell a woman that I’m a vampire, it’s not that well received. Perhaps you’d like to know a little bit about our history? I’m sure you can imagine details of our origins are pretty hazy.”

  “A history lesson on vampire origins from a vampire himself?” Jess asked with an amused expression. “Sure, why not?”

  “Perhaps we should order another drink before I start,” Cain said, signaling the bartender.

  While they waited for their drinks, Jess looked for Mandy and spotted her talking to a blonde man with deliberately disheveled hair. She caught Mandy’s attention with a wave and signaled that she was following Cain, who had their drinks and was leading the way to a table in a quiet corner. Mandy nodded once in acknowledgement and turned her attention back to the blonde man.

  Cain began as soon as Jess was settled into her chair. “As far as I know, vampires have been around for as long as Homosapiens. Modern research done by vampires suggests somewhere along the line, a genetic mutation caused the original vampires. The vampire virus that creates new vampires is real, but it happens very rarely. Most vampires cannot control the thirst long enough to not drain their victims. Not all vampires drink human blood. There are some who prefer the blood of animals. They would be the vampire equivalent of a vegetarian,” he added with a smirk. Cain paused for a moment, looking at Jess. She stared back at him and said nothing.

  “You may be interested to know that werewolves are also real,” he continued, “as are other shifters who can change into animals such as bears and lions. The genetic mutation involved with shifters is different than that of vampires but close enough for our discussion.”

  Vampires, werewolves and shape shifters? “What about zombies?” Jess asked sarcastically. As charming as he was and as much as she’d been determined to keep an open mind, Jess was having a hard time believing everything Cain was telling her.

  “Actually, zombies are real,” Cain said with a smile. “Or rather were real. People inflicted with a particular version of the black plague were called zombies. The walking dead whose flesh would literally be falling off as they walked around. The disease affected the victim’s brain, their higher thought process was messed up, but their basic instincts and muscle memory were not. So they could walk around and try and eat anything they could get their hands on. Often it was other victims of the plague or the weak or elderly who couldn’t escape. Thankfully that nasty strain of virus died in the middle ages.”

  “How would you know that?” asked Jess.

  “Because there are still vampires alive who were there.”

  “So you are immortal.”

  “No, vampires can die. The whole put a stake in the heart or chop the head off mythology is rather accurate, the silver and garlic not so much. And the natural life span of a vampire is much longer than that of a normal human.”

  Jess did the math in her head, “So, you’re saying you’re six hundred years old?”

  “No, I was certainly not around then. But yes, there are a few vampires that are that old. Not many are left, that is exceptionally old for a vampire. It would be equal to turning a hundred in human years.”

  “So how old are you?”

  “I’m one hundred and thirty-seven. Still just a young boy,” he said with a wink.

  “You don’t look like a young boy,” said Jess with a raised brow as she looked him over.

  “Vampire puberty is fast, thank goodness. When I was twenty, I looked twelve. I didn’t fully mature until thirty.”

  “So now that I am caught up on vampire history, how do you intend to prove it? You planning to drink my blood?”

  “No. I don’t drink human blood. I had something different in mind.”

  “You’re a vegetarian, that’s comforting,” said Jess, smiling. She’d found the conversation entertaining, but wasn’t convinced Cain was telling her anything more than some made up nonsense. As charming as he seemed, it was time to put an end to whatever game he was playing at. “So, how are you going to prove it?”

  “I’m going to kiss you,” said Cain.

  Jess caught her breath. She hadn’t expected that, but she was oddly intrigued. There was no doubt that she found him physically attractive, and the thought of being kissed by him made her stomach flip in anticipation. Cain could have killed her at any time when she was drugged, but she didn’t feel threatened by him, despite his strange vampire tales. They were in a crowded nightclub and somewhere Mandy was hiding in a corner pretending to not be watching them. She was safe. “Alright, I’ll play along.”

  Without saying a word, Cain pushed his chair away from the table, stood up, and held his hand out to Jess. With a nervous gulp, she put her hand in his and let him pull her to him. He slid a hand around her waist to the small of her back and pulled her in close while he lifted her chin with his other hand. Jess closed her eyes just before his lips touched hers.

  She enjoyed his kiss. When his tongue pressed against her lips, she let it into her mouth. She let herself forget why he was kissing her and just enjoyed the moment. Jess could feel her desire rising and returned the kiss, her tongue pressed back into his mouth. Then she felt the strangest thing. Something sharp was pressing her tongue down. Realization dawned on her: Cain’s canine teeth had grown during the kiss. She almost pulled back in surprise, then stopped herself and continued kissing him. As her tongue explored the sides of his canines, she could feel them retracting back to normal.

  Cain pulled back and looked at Jess, his eyes searching hers, looking for a reaction.

  I just kissed a fucking vampire, thought Jess in shock. Cain’s story had been interesting and presented a certain degree of logic, but she hadn’t actually believed him. His teeth growing and retracting was not something that could be faked. As weird as the situation was, Jess was not frightened. Cain, vampire or not, did not frighten her. Something about him drew her to him.

  Cain looked over the top of her head as something caught his eye. “Your friend is coming back.”

  Jess pulled away from him. She had to figure out what to say to Mandy.

  “You two seem to be getting along well,” said Mandy with a smirk as she came up beside Jess. “I’m Mandy,” she said, reaching her hand out to Cain.

  “I’m Cain. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I’m not sure how well we’re getting along, but Jess asked me how she could repay me for my gift and I said a kiss. I’m afraid I am now in Jess’s debt. Her kiss was worth far more than any gift I could give her.”

  “Damn. That’s hot,” Mandy said with a grin.

  “Mandy, Cain and I are going to go somewhere for a coffee so we can talk some more. You okay here for a while?”

  “Of course I am,” Mandy said with a nod of her head in the direction of the blonde man she’d been talking to earlier. “Text me when you’re done chatting. I’m going to go get my dance on. Cain, it was a pleasure meeting you.” Mandy bounced off towards the dance floor, leaving Cain and Jess.

  “Where would you like to go?” asked Cain.

  “There’s an all-night coffee shop two blocks up the street. Let’s walk there and grab a cup.”

  Cain nodded and led Jess through the crowd to t
he club’s main exit. It was a clear night and stars could be seen shining in the sky despite the bright lights of the city. The streets were empty except for the odd young partygoer making their way to and from the club. They walked without speaking, close enough that their arms brushed against each other. Jess itched to feel her hand in his, but wouldn’t reach out to place it there. She was glad Cain wasn’t forcing conversation. The silence didn’t feel awkward and she needed a little time to process what he’d told her in the club. His story about the existence of vampires still felt like a fantasy, but the evidence presented in his kiss told her otherwise.

  They were a block up the street before Jess spoke. “So, why did you save me?”

  “Why did I save you?” Cain stopped walking and turned to look at Jess. “Because it was the right thing to do. I’m a vampire, not a monster. You don’t have to be human to think drugging and raping a woman is a bad thing.”

  “So, you’re a do-gooder, vegetarian vampire who’s a little sensitive,” she said with a smile. “Do you have any vices?”

  “I don’t know that I am a do-gooder by any means,” Cain said as he began walking again. “But I have principles, and, to be honest, I’d noticed you dancing inside the club. I watched the two men buy you drinks, and saw the roofie being dropped in your drink. That’s when I sent my brother to the roof and came outside. If I hadn’t been interested in you, I wouldn’t have been outside. I wouldn’t consider that a do-gooder act.”

  Jess laughed. “So, being sexy almost got me raped, but also got me saved. Guess I don’t have to chop my hair off and start dressing like a hobo after all.”

  “No, being sexy didn’t almost get you raped. There was a vulnerable loneliness about you that night. That’s what drew me to you. I wanted to know what you were trying to escape. And that’s also what those men were looking for; they were predators looking for what they perceived to be a weakness in their prey. Besides,” Cain said, changing to a lighter tone, “you would be equally attractive with short hair, and it’s too late to hide your body with bad clothes.”

  Jess blushed. She had forgotten that he had put her to bed and had likely seen everything. “What about your brother?” she asked, in a not so subtle attempt to change the subject. “Why is he not a vegetarian like you? Why was it okay for him to kill those men?”

  “Jaden has his own code. For the most part, he doesn’t drink human blood either. He actually doesn’t like it. However, when he sees something like what happened to you, he gets angry. He feels preying on scum like them is fair and deserved. My brother and I are somewhat rare among natural born vampires in that we were raised to treat humans with respect. Many vampires look at you as food, or pets to be raised and kept like a dog or cat or a well-trained monkey. My brother killed those men for what they were going to do to you, and have surely done to other women in the past.”

  “So you’re a democrat.”

  Cain laughed. “It’s not that simple, but it’s possibly closer than I’d like to admit. Minus the economic side of things, both political parties are too short-sighted to understand long term economics. However, the basic idea of there being different factions of vampires with different social agendas is very true.”

  “Well, I’ve never dated a democrat, but I suppose it could happen. Do you date human women often? How does that work?”

  “Usually not very well,” Cain admitted with a sharp laugh. “I’ve tried dating human women, but most of my relationships tend to be short-lived. I’ve never actually told a woman I wanted to date that I was a vampire before they got to know me. This is uncharted territory. I’m surprised you’re still here, to tell you the truth.”

  Jess digested his confession. My rescuer is a vampire, I’ve just let him kiss me, and now we’re going for coffee. This is so fucking weird. “I’m a little surprised myself, to be honest.”

  “Do you mind if we talk about you for a while?”

  “That’s fair. You have been very honest with me. I suppose I can do the same for you. What would you like to know?”

  “That night at the club, I saw a lot of pain in your eyes. What was troubling you?”

  “Wow, you don’t mess around. Go straight for the jugular. I suppose that is the vampire way.”

  “Very punny,” said Cain, rolling his eyes. “Are you going to answer the question?”

  “I will.” Jess paused and took a deep breath. Talking about the past was never easy for her.

  “When I was in my teens, my parents were involved in a car crash and I lost them both. Two years later, the aunt my sister and I went to live with got sick with cancer and died within the year. Two years after that, my sister died giving birth. She and the baby died because of a bacterial infection at the hospital that hadn’t been noticed until it was too late. It seemed like everyone I loved and cared for was dead. I was the common denominator. Want to die? Let me love you. Then I met Mike. I fell madly in love with him, and let my guard down. I allowed myself to believe I wasn’t cursed, that maybe, just maybe Mike and I were going to grow old together. Six months ago, he was coming home early from work to surprise me for our anniversary. A drunk, finishing up an afternoon lunch of whiskey and more whiskey, T-boned his car and killed him. Once again, I am back to being cursed.” Jess started to choke up as she finished her story.

  Cain stopped walking and pulled Jess towards him, giving her a hug. He held her tight, just standing there holding her while she cried.

  After a minute, Jess stopped crying. “I’m sorry, I still haven’t figured out how to deal with it.”

  “Crying is good,” said Cain. “Weep for the loss of your loved ones, but don’t take blame. Life is chaotic and short, everyone you love will be taken away from you at one point or another. You’ll have to learn to accept that things happen beyond your control. Cherish your memories of Mike and your family, but don’t be afraid to love again. Everyone you know is going to die, you knowing them and loving someone is not going to affect that.”

  “Democrat, vegetarian, and therapist,” said Jess with a weak smile. It did feel good to open up and she felt safe in Cain’s arms.

  “I am a well-rounded vampire,” said Cain, “but you keep forgetting to mention good looking and charming when listing my qualities.”

  Jess laughed. “Well, you’re not really that good looking. A seven at best. And that’s only because of those dimples.”

  Cain feigned indignation. “That hurts, I suppose I’ll have to get by on my charm, humor, and intelligence.”

  “You are charming; I’ll give you that one. I suppose one out of three is not terrible.”

  Cain grasped his chest as if mortally wounded. “I submit. Your tongue is too sharp for me. I know when I am beaten.”

  “So what kind of coffee does a vampire drink?” asked Jess as Cain opened the door to the coffee shop for her.

  “Only the best,” he replied.

  As they sat down in a corner booth, Jess shook her head. Cain’s idea of only the best was vastly different than hers. “In what world does a caramel macchiato with three creamers constitute the best?”

  “Surely you jest! You can insult my looks and ignore my obvious charms and wit, but never insult my coffee. It is perfect.”

  “Democrat, vegetarian, therapist, and hipster,” said Jess with a twinkle in her eye. Teasing Cain was proving to be a fun pastime. She could get used to their verbal sparring, if she could just look past the whole vampire thing.

  “And don’t forget the dimples,” Cain reminded her with a smile and Jess felt her stomach flip when they appeared. God damn the dimples. She couldn’t help returning his smile.



  After returning to the villa with Jeffery, Erica decided to investigate the library. She perused the volumes. It seemed strange to go back to researching in a library. She wondered how many questions she could just Google and get answers from over the Internet. Erica loved the look and feel of the library. The large number of books, along with
the comfy couches to curl up and read on, were a comfort. However, beyond libraries being a good place to read, they were also great places to quietly search on the Internet. A laptop just happened to be on the massive dark pine desk. How convenient, she thought. She opened it. “Welcome Erica” was on the screen.

  Good, she wouldn’t have to feel guilty about using someone else’s computer. With a few prompts, Erica had a password set and with nimble fingers she started her search regarding vampires. The first thing she decided to read was Ten Things You Might Want to Know about Vampires. After a chapter, it became obvious that the article was a spoof, meant to be amusing. She chuckled over some of the funny comments and the joking nature of the article. However, the article did contain some gruesome facts about early stories in the 1700’s, where some count liked to only eat with dying men on spikes surrounding him. It was gory. She shuddered. Her mood lightened when she read how to find a vampire grave. Apparently, a naked virgin boy riding a stallion that was also a virgin was in order. When the horse stopped, it meant he was reluctant to cross a vampire grave. Erica shook her head.

  It was time to get serious about the myths; it was time to separate fantasy from fiction she decided. My life depends on this. The more she researched the more frustrated she became. She sighed. The sources sounded unreliable at best, the results of authors’ vivid imaginations. She needed to speak first hand to someone with expertise. Who better than Brad, her husband’s business partner, to help her with unlearning what she thought she knew and learning what she should know. She needed that business card again. A quick dash back to her bedroom, a dive into her unorganized purse, and the card was found. Along with his cell number was his email address. Minutes later, she sent Brad an email, a request for a crash course in vampire. Problem solved, she thought. About then her stomach growled. It was time to look for Jeffrey in the kitchen. Something smelled delicious. Having to leave her apartment wasn’t so terrible after all. A mansion with a cook and a bodyguard all in one were perks to be appreciated.


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