The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1)

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The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1) Page 15

by Robyn Wideman

  “Apocalypse? You mean end of the world stuff?” asked Jess.

  “Yes. It makes sense. All the wars that have started this year under strange circumstances and the rash of mysterious deaths can likely all be connected by a single thread: the council.”

  “So why do that? Why start a world war? Wouldn’t all the vampires die too?”

  “The biggest fear the vampires on the council hold is the idea that humans have become our equals because human technology has grown to a level where vampires are no longer the dominant species. In truth, humans, by their sheer numbers, have been the dominant species for a long time, but the council has chosen to ignore that fact. But if a world war is started, and the armies of the world decimate themselves, then power will shift. Vampires could roam freely. It would become a chaotic world for humans to live in.”

  “But if a world war breaks out, won’t it be nuclear? Won’t the entire world be decimated?”

  Jaden shook his head. He wasn’t certain how to answer the question because he didn’t know what the vampire council was thinking, or what they had planned. He could only guess. “They must have a plan for that. The council moves slowly, so this plan must have been building for years, if not centuries. But now that they are attacking vampires in public, it means things have reached a tipping point. The council no longer fears exposing the existence of vampires. Their plans must be far enough along that they can act so blatantly.” Jaden paused. He needed to figure out a plan. “I might have someone on the council who will tell us what is going on, but I’ll have to wait and see if she contacts me again.”

  “You have a friend on the council?” asked Jess.

  “Yes, the one who ordered the attack,” said Jaden.

  “Good friend.”

  “Yes, but she’s also the reason you’re still alive. It’s complicated.” So fucking complicated.

  Jaden got up and went over to the other couch to inspect Cain’s wounds. They were healing nicely. By morning, he would be his normal self. “Let’s get him to his bed, that couch is not as comfortable as it looks.”

  Jess watched as Jaden effortlessly lifted up Cain and carried him across the room to a wide hallway with four doors. She put her wineglass down and followed him.

  “It’s the second door on the left,” said Jaden.

  Jess slipped past him and opened the door to the bedroom. She went straight to the king size bed and turned down the black and white striped bedding. Jaden put Cain down on the bed and pulled the covers back over his brother. He turned to Jess. “You can sleep here,” he said, gesturing to the empty spot next to Cain. “Or in the guest bedroom across the hall.”

  Jess glanced quickly at Cain. “He still looks so weak and pale, I’ll stay in here. I want to keep an eye on him.”

  Jaden nodded, suppressing a smile. Just as I thought. “Okay. See you in the morning then.”


  Jess followed Jaden to the door and closed it gently behind him. She turned back to the room and surveyed her surroundings. Cain’s room was large and modern. The black and white bedding contrasted nicely with the cream marble floors and white walls. The room was very masculine, simple, and elegant. It was obvious that the room had never had a woman’s touch.

  She slipped out of her shoes and, after hesitating a moment, slipped out of her jeans as well and then slid into bed next to Cain. Jess studied his face as he slept. She had been touched by the tenderness Jaden had shown towards Cain when he’d carried him down the hall and placed him on the bed. There was obviously a very strong bond between the Butler brothers. Jess reached out and traced a finger over his jaw line. Even pale and weak, he is a beautiful man. She snatched her finger back suddenly from his face, as if she’d been burned.

  God, what am I thinking? I’m falling for a vampire. She said the word aloud, “Vampire.” It gave her a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Earlier that day, vampires were creatures of fiction and now she was lying in bed next to one. The events that had unfolded in the few short hours previously had proven to her that vampires were indeed very real. This is so ridiculous, yet it feels more right than anything I have ever felt before. Jess continued to watch Cain sleep while she wrestled with her new reality. Finally, her eyes grew heavy and she fell into a slumber beside him.

  Sometime during the night, Cain rolled over without waking and threw an arm over her shoulder, spooning Jess. Startled, she awoke, and then smiled as she nestled in closer before falling back asleep.



  “Thank you for saving Jeffery, Garg,” said Erica as she stood just below the gargoyle. “I suppose I need to stop calling you Garg, and call you Dante instead, now that I know who you are, or who you were.”

  Erica peaked up at Garg, looking to see if he looked any different. Nothing seemed different.

  “Assuming you are Dante, and not just a gargoyle, I have something to talk to you about. Brad, my husband’s partner, the one who had you brought to America, wants to bring more people here. He wants this to become a safe place for shifters to come that are being hunted by the vampires, who are trying to kill me.

  “It sounds like a good idea to me, but I’m worried. His whole plan depends on you, and other than the mysterious death of those vampires, I haven’t seen much to suggest you are indeed Dante. I want to believe, but I can’t ask others to risk their lives based on a belief. I am already in this. The vampires will come back for me, and you will save me or you won’t. That is beyond my control. However, who else is here is under my control. So until I know you are truly Dante, I will not agree to his plan.”

  Erica reached up and put her hand on Garg’s thigh, “Thank you again, for saving Jeffery. It would have devastated me if someone died trying to protect me.”

  Erica walked back into the house, she was going to wait a while before letting Brad know of her decision, but her resolve was strong. The house De Bello would not be a shifter sanctuary, at least not until she knew that Dante was indeed her protector and would do the same for the shifters.


  Dante was torn. He could easily have spoken to her. Even in his stone form, he maintained the ability for speech. He could also have simply shifted into human form and spoken with her as a man. His intention had been to stay in stone, to maintain a distance, until he had decided if she was worthy of his ongoing protection.

  When Erica thanked him for saving Jeffery, it showed her character. She had placed a higher value on Jeffery’s life than her own. Whatever reservations he had about his commitment to being her protector were fast fading. Erica’s comments about using his mansion as a shifter sanctuary were intriguing. He liked the idea of making his home something more than just a residence.

  Protecting shifters, or even vampires, from persecution from the extremist vampires appealed to Dante. He was already committed to an eternity of watching and waiting. Perhaps having more bodies to protect was a good thing. This was something he would have to speak to Erica about. This was a project worthy of breaking his silence for.


  Erica found Jeffery in the garden. “You are looking much better today, Jeffery.”

  “Yes, well, I was only smacked on the head. It doesn’t take forever to recover from that,” said Jeffery gruffly.

  “Are you hiding out here because of all the visitors wanting to check up on you, or because Terra is still here?” asked Erica.

  Jeffery looked up at her big eyed, “Am I that obvious?” He shook his head and put down his gardening tools. “It’s a little of both I suppose. I hate all the attention. I failed to do my duty and don’t need sympathy. As for Terra, she is a werewolf and I am werebear.”

  “First, you did not fail. Last I checked, vampires are supposed to be bad ass, so two vampires versus one bear is at a disadvantage. That those vampires were smart enough to trap you means, they were good at what they did. Soldiers die or lose battles all the time, losing a battle is not a failure. Failing to recognize why you lost a battl
e is failure.”

  “When did you become so knowledgeable about war tactics,” asked Jeffery.

  “I’m an army brat, I grew up hearing about tactics and battle plans. I couldn’t fight my way out of a paper bag, but I could probably plan a decent assault against this house,” said Erica.

  Jeffery gave a small laugh. The idea of Erica leading an assault against the house amused him.

  “Now, about the whole werewolf and werebear situation, you better explain that one to me. You can’t tell me you two are not attracted to each other.”

  Jeffery sighed. Talking about his love life was worse than discussing his getting beaten by vampires. “Yes, I am very attracted to Terra, but it is complicated. Werewolves are pack creatures. Their family bonds are very strong and they stick together. Bears are more solitude seeking creatures. I want one mate and to spend time with her only.”

  “So what you’re saying is that the reason you haven’t made a move on Terra yet is because you don’t want to spend time with her family. Huh, somehow I thought shifter dating would be more complicated than human dating. Let me break it down for you, Jeffie. It doesn’t matter if you are a bear shifter, a wolf shifter, a goat shifter or a human. Love is difficult, and finding someone worthy of your love is always going to come with challenges. Avoiding Terra because you don’t like her family is a mistake. Having to spend some time with her family, okay maybe a lot of time, is worth it. Jesus, Terra is a total hottie, if you don’t go for her I might have to.”

  Jeffery raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think she likes your kind.”

  “She doesn’t like humans, or doesn’t like women?” said Erica cheekily.

  “Nosy,” said Jeffery.

  Erica laughed. “I am just looking out for my main man. You risked your life for me, and I care about you. You deserve to be happy. Don’t let a little difficulty stand in the way of something good. You deserve to be happy.”

  Jeffery lowered his head, blushing. “Thank you, Erica.”

  Erica could see that she was starting to make Jeffery uncomfortable. It had already been the longest and most personal conversation they had had yet, no point pushing too far. “Okay, great talking with you, Jeffie, but I am going to hit the library, grab a juicy romance, and vegetate for a few hours. This girl has had too much excitement that last few days.”

  “I think we all have had too much excitement,” said Jeffery.



  It was early in the morning when Jaden heard his cell phone buzz. He’d gone back to lying on the sofa after carrying Cain to bed. Even though he’d given a lot of blood to his brother, he couldn’t sleep. Thoughts of how close he’d come to losing Cain kept him awake. Vladimir would have to pay. The phone buzzed again and he sat up to look at it. It was an unsaved number, but he knew exactly who it was. “Hello,” he said, answering the call without hesitation.

  “You’re hard to kill,” said Serena.

  “I have a knack for staying alive,” said Jaden. “When you told me that your boss was power-hungry, you may have been leaving out a few details.”

  “Would you have taken me seriously if I’d told you I was helping to plan an apocalyptic event to destroy the world so that vampires could rule?”

  Jaden thought about it. She had a point. Several times she had tried to warn him that the council had it out for him and that the council was dangerous. He’d ignored her warnings. Not because he didn’t believe her, but because he didn’t want to believe. He was like an ostrich putting his head in the sand and it had almost cost him Cain. He would not make that mistake again. “No, you’re right. I would have ignored any more warnings, just as I had before.”

  “I’m just glad you’re still alive. Are your brother and the girl okay?”

  “Yes, I got there just in time. Thank you for that.”

  “I almost didn’t send you the warning.”

  Jaden knew it had to be hard for Serena. She was caught up in a situation beyond her control. Every time she helped him, she put herself in danger. “It’s okay, Serena, I would have done the same.”

  “Liar,” said Serena.

  “What can you tell me about what’s going on?”

  “The next few weeks are going to be hell on earth. There is nothing I can do to stop it now. If you can, try to get upstate. Some of your friends are there.”

  Brad, thought Jaden. So the gargoyle rumors were true.

  “There is something else, Jaden. Vladimir has ordered Nickoli to hunt you down.”

  “You’re full of cheerful news,” said Jaden. Nickoli, the vampire who hunted vampires, was coming to kill them. He sighed. It would have happened sooner or later. The Butler family had always been to at odds with the more fanatical vampires. On more than one occasion, he had been hunted. His participation in human wars had made him fair game for the vampires sitting on the opposite side of the war, vampires who used war as a cover for killing sprees.

  “Just stay alive. If you can defeat Nickoli, it will weaken Vladimir. He would have a difficult time keeping the council together. It won’t stop the wars, but it would help those who survive.”

  “Will I be able to contact you at this number?”

  “No, this is a disposable phone. I’ll call you again when I can.”

  “I’ll be getting a new number as well. I’ll leave a number where you can find it.”


  “Yes, Serena?”

  “I’m sorry I ordered your death.”

  Jaden didn’t respond immediately, uncertain about his feelings. He’d nearly lost his brother a few hours earlier and Serena was in part to blame, but the moment he’d answered his phone and heard her voice on the other end, all he felt was relief. He decided now was not the time to take serious stock of his emotions. “Sorry, Serena, I can’t forgive you that easily,” he said with a forced laugh.

  “No, I didn’t think you would.”

  “I think after this, I get to pick the movies we watch for at least a year. No more eighties chick flicks. It’s all action and comedy movies from now on.”

  He could hear in her voice that she was choking back tears when she answered. “You’re a big jerk. That’s excessive punishment. Stay alive, Jaden.”

  When she hung up, Jaden sat unmoving and stared straight ahead. His relationship with Serena had always been uncomplicated. It was based on their physical needs and was without commitment. They dated when it was convenient, they didn’t spend a lot of time together, but they meshed perfectly when they did. Jaden was beginning to realize that his feelings for Serena were becoming a lot more complicated, and that was a problem because she owed allegiance to the vampire who had turned her. She was one of Vladimir’s clan.



  After reading her novel, Erica went into the kitchen searching for supper. She found Jeffery there chatting with Terra. Erica was surprised.

  Terra greeted Erica warmly, “Hello, again. Jeffery was just finishing up supper while I supervised. I’m still convinced that hit to the head rattled his brains, and he will start doing crazy things.”

  Jeffery retorted, “You may be correct, I’m letting you two supervise me, which probably counts as crazy.”

  Erica laughed. She wasn’t sure if Jeffery was joking or not, but either way it was funny. “Are Luke and Stephen still here as well?”

  “No,” said Terra, “They went back to the farm. Now that the danger is gone, they have duties to tend to there. I stuck around to make sure everything was fine here. Brad left for the city again, but he’ll be back in a day or two to talk to you. It’s just the three of us here now.”

  Erica was curious as to the necessity of Terra staying around if Jeffery was healthy. The concern over his head wound seemed a bit of a stretch, but whatever Terra’s reasons for staying, Erica welcomed the additional visitor. Now that Terra was warming up to her, it was nice to have another woman around.

  “Normally when I supervise Jeffie, I like to have a gla
ss of wine. Would you care to join me, Terra?”

  Terra smiled. “Yes, supervising Jeffie is a taxing task. I would love a glass of wine.”

  Jeffery growled. “I’ll take it from you two, but if anyone else starts calling me ‘Jeffie,’ they are going to get a bear claw up the ass.”

  “Ooh, that sounds kinky. I better let Talia know. She will be over here in a minute.” Terra said, before turning and winking at Erica.

  Jeffery sputtered and stammered, “That is not what I meant.”

  Erica smiled at Jeffery’s discomfort. She could see the effect Terra had on him.

  Erica turned to Terra, “Talia?”

  “Talia is my sister, another of our pack. She has a large bear-sized crush on Jeffie.”

  “Dinner is ready,” interrupted Jeffery.”

  Erica shrugged, “I guess we’ll have to drink our wine during dinner. No more supervising.”

  “I can live with that. I do think our bear conveniently called supper being ready to avoid that conversation. I’ll bet the roast is undercooked,” said Terra to tease Jeffery.

  “What is it with you wolf-women? Can’t you get your own bear? This one is mine,” said Erica, returning Terra’s previous wink.

  “Ladies, don’t you think I should have a say in who owns me?” Jeffery asked, as he put the dinner on the table.

  The two women looked at each other and then over at Jeffery. They answered at the same time, “Nope.”

  Jeffery groaned. “This is why bears hibernate, so they can hide from women.”

  Terra snorted. “Bears hibernate so they can cuddle and have sex for months at a time. That is why I think bears are so hot.”

  Jeffery sat down. He could not win against these two. He tried ignoring them and started eating.

  Erica laughed. “I do believe you win, Terra. You made him blush first. He may be your bear after all.”

  Terra smiled wickedly. “Oh, he was always my bear. He just a little slow realizing it.”


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