The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1)

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The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1) Page 18

by Robyn Wideman

  Since learning of the existence of vampires, she had been having doubts about her ability to survive. The fact that there were vampires everywhere, and fleeing to some remote destination had been deemed a futile effort, made her believe that maybe it wasn’t a matter of if the vampires would kill her, it was when. However, having a gargoyle such as Dante, gave her a glimmer of hope. She had been putting on a brave front, but now she was actually beginning to think survival might not be an option.

  Not just survival for her but for others who were being hunted by the vampires. She didn’t know who they were, but she was ready to find out. In the meantime, she was playing hostess to Dante, showing him his own house. Granted, the house had been extensively renovated and modernized, but it still seemed weird. Dante seemed genuinely pleased by the way the house looked, and would quiz her on the simplest of things. They were currently in a bathroom. Dante was in the bathtub inspecting the showerhead. He had just finished looking under the sink.

  “You sure find the plumbing interesting, Dante. Perhaps we need enroll you in a plumbing course. You can be the world’s first gargoyle plumber,” quipped Erica.

  Dante laughed as he stepped out of the tub. “No, I don’t think that is necessary. I understand the concepts of modern plumbing, I just have had little actual contact with plastic piping and materials, I’ve been curious for years about the transition and I’m surprised at how modern my house now is. I may have to reconsider my opinion of Brad. His people have done a wonderful job of restoring the villa and it’s wonderful. The house looks better than it ever has.”

  Erica found the comment about Brad disconcerting. Did Dante know something about Brad that she did not? “Why do you have an issue with Brad? Is there something I should know?” asked Erica.

  Dante chose his words carefully. He didn’t know how Erica would react and he also didn’t know all of the conversations between Brad and Erica. “I have concerns about his motivations and where his loyalties truly lie. I am keeping an eye on him. However, I am a gargoyle, and it is my duty to watch everyone, so my distrust for him probably is unwarranted.”

  Erica relaxed. It sounded like Dante was just being extremely cautious, not a bad trait for a protector. “Well, I believe he has the right idea. I think turning your house into a sanctuary for shifters is a wonderful idea.”

  “We shall see,” said Dante. “It could also be a terrible idea. One that costs you your life.”

  “I won’t live the rest of my life in fear, Dante, and I won’t live a life without meaning,” said Erica, “I would rather take my chances, than do nothing.”

  “That is your choice, Erica Duvane. I’m simply letting you know what the risks are.”

  Erica was tired of the talk about death, especially since it was her own they were discussing. It was time to move on to a new topic. “How much have you learned about computers, Dante?”

  “It’s been a long time since I left my stone form. I’ve seen from a distance many of the changes, the invention of the automobile and telephones. I’ve watched as they morphed into the devices they are today, but in truth I’ve only observed from a distance. Many modern things are a mystery to me. I have an understanding of what computers are, but I’ve never used one.”

  Erica smiled, by looking at Dante it was impossible to tell that he was hundreds of years old and had seen much of history from his stone perch. “Come, let’s go to the library. I have a feeling once you understand how computers work, you’ll enjoy them.”

  Dante shrugged. It was possible that he would enjoy technology. He certainly was curious as to how many things worked. Some things might be beyond his grasp, but he would learn. Every time he had become a protector of the residents of his home, he had taken time to observe and learn how society had changed around him. This was nothing new to Dante, other than the fact that technology had changed drastically in the last twenty years, but most of it wasn’t a surprise to him. One could learn a lot just from observing from the rooftop.

  Eric led Dante into the library, “Has this room changed much?” she asked. “It certainly has an older feel than many of the rooms.”

  Dante looked around. “The room is very similar to the last time I was in here. There are more books, and everything is in better repair, but the room is definitely the same,” said Dante.

  Erica walked over to the desk and the laptop. “This is a computer. It’s the most amazing machine invented, and is your point of access to all the knowledge in the world. Millions of sources of information are at your fingertips.”

  Dante nodded. “I have seen them and even Smartphones. Are they not a small computer?”

  “Yes, Smartphones are exactly that. They’re even more powerful than the computers that were available ten years ago.”

  Dante smiled, “In some ways technology reminds me of my youth. Magic and mages were the mysterious then. Technology is very similar to magic. In some ways technology probably is magic.”

  Right then, Erica knew that Dante would have little trouble adjusting to technology. His intelligence was apparent, and his familiarity with technology from years of glimpses from his stone perch had him curious.

  “The first thing I’ll show you how to use is Google, Google and YouTube, she amended. With those you can find any information you are searching for, and a whole lot that you aren’t, unless you want to see more of the house first?”

  “No, I would like to try a computer,” said Dante as he sat down at the desk.

  Erica loaded a Youtube video that explained the history of computers, “Start with that one. I’m going to call Brad and let him know that we have both agreed to his plan.”

  Dante nodded, only half listening to Erica. The rest of his focus was on the computer screen. Television and computers fascinated him. To watch a video on the history of computers, on a computer, was amusing to Dante.

  Erica walked into the kitchen and took out her cell phone. She dialed Brad.

  “Erica, how are you. Is everything fine at the house?” asked Brad with a concerned tone.

  “Everything is fine, Brad, I am just calling to let you know that you were right.”

  “I was right?” asked Brad.

  “Yes, you were right. This was the original home of Dante De Bello, and vampires attacking Jeffery, who was here to defend me, activated Dante. He is the one who saved Jeffery.”

  “You have seen him?” asked Brad, his voice ripe with excitement.

  Oh yes, she had seen him, Erica thought to herself, she had seen all of him. “Seen him, talked to him, and have his blessing to make this a sanctuary,” said Erica.

  “Wonderful,” Brad practically shouted into the phone. “This is fantastic! Using the mansion as a sanctuary is going to be huge. There have been a lot of strange disappearances lately. I’ll begin getting organized right away.

  “Hold on,” said Erica, “I’m not agreeing to this completely yet. Dante has made it clear that he’ll protect any guests, I invite to the property. He also made it clear that each additional guest increases my risk factor. I intend to make this house a sanctuary, but I’ll be doing it my way. You can come here and discuss it with me whenever you are ready.”

  Brad said nothing; this was not something he had anticipated. Once he got over the initial shock of Erica showing her back bone, Brad realized that it was not a bad thing. If Erica was in charge, Dante was the protector of her guests. That fact alone made any requests Erica might make worth the effort. Whatever hoops Erica planned to make him jump through, Brad was going to jump. Erica was now the key to saving many lives. He was beginning to understand why his friend Tomas had been attracted to the woman.

  “I will be there first thing in the morning. Is it okay if I bring a few potential house guests with me? There was an attack in the city last night and we are housing a couple survivors at the farm. They would be safer with you,” said Brad.

  “You may bring them, but I’m not promising to accept them. We’ll discuss my terms when you arrive. Good
night, Brad.”

  “Good night, Erica. And Erica, thank you for calling. The news that Dante De Bello is guarding you is absolutely wonderful.”

  Erica ended the call. She had been somewhat abrupt with Brad for a reason. She wanted it to be clear from the start that she was going to be in charge of her own destiny. If running a shifter sanctuary was her future, she would be the one running it, not Brad or one of his associates. But before she got too involved with making plans with Brad, she needed to have another conversation with Dante.

  Erica walked back to the library and popped her head in the room; Dante was still glued to the laptop. “Do gargoyles drink wine?” she asked.

  Dante looked up. “This one does, it’s been forever since I’ve had a good wine, or a good meal for that matter.”

  “Would you like something to eat? I can make you something.”

  “Well, I am curious as to what the cuisine is like now that I’m here in America. I would love to try an American dish or two, but first I want to do some more on the computer. These machines are truly fascinating.”

  Erica smiled as she headed to the kitchen to grab some wine and look to see what type of “American cuisine” she could rustle up for Dante. Her first impressions of Dante were like nothing she had imagined, when she was talking to him as Garg. Dante was polite, inquisitive, and well … gorgeous. Not at like her stone demon that she spoke to nightly. But that wasn’t a bad thing; it was comforting that her stone protector had a human side.

  Erica was rummaging through the kitchen when Jeffery walked in.

  “I thought we agreed that I was in charge of dinners,” said Jeffery with a frown.

  “Sorry, Jeffery, I was looking to make something for our guest,” said Erica.

  Jeffery’s frown got more intense. “What guest, I didn’t let anyone in. The gate is locked.”

  “Our gargoyle friend is in the library, playing on the laptop,” said Erica.

  Jeffery looked at Erica closely, waiting for her to proclaim her statement a joke.

  Erica said nothing.

  Jeffery finally nodded. If Erica wasn’t joking, he would happily make a meal for the gargoyle who saved his life. “What would our esteemed guest like?”

  “He would like to try American cuisine,” said Erica.

  “I’ll make something for dinner. You go take him some wine. Not that crap you are drinking, the good stuff is at the back of the wine rack, in the walk-in pantry.”

  Erica gave Jeffery a dirty look. “You sneaky little bear, you have been holding out on me!”

  Jeffery snorted. “You’re damned right.”

  Erica laughed, and punched Jeffery in the arm, before making her way into the walk-in pantry. At the back she found the wine rack. She grabbed a bottle from the back shelf and headed back to the library.

  When Erica returned to the library, she found Dante watching a wrestling video.

  “What the heck are you watching that crap for?” asked Erica, appalled by Dante’s choice of videos.

  “I’m using this Google to study American culture. It seems that fake violence and watching automobiles going around in circles is rather popular in this day and age.”

  “Yes, I’m afraid culture has taken a dive in the last hundred years. Wait until you hear the crap that passes for music,” said Erica.

  “Oh, I already watched a couple music videos, very interesting.”

  Erica shook her head, “I’m terrified to know what you were listening to. First I want to ask you a few questions. I spoke to Brad. He’s coming here tomorrow to discuss making this a sanctuary. I told him I would only do it under certain conditions. I want your input before I speak to Brad again.”

  Dante pulled his chair back, finally taking his eyes off the computer screen. He noticed the two glasses of wine Erica was holding. Dante smiled.“ Perhaps I should have a sip while you talk.”

  Erica handed Dante his glass.

  Dante took the glass, bringing it to his nose, letting the aroma waft up into his nostrils. He then took a sip of the wine. He looked carefully at the wine, checking its contents for clarity and color. “Very nice. Is it Italian or French?”

  “Actually, it’s American, made in California,” answered Erica.

  Dante took another sip of his wine. “I’ll have to reconsider my opinion of American culture. A country that produces wine like this cannot be all bad.”

  Erica smiled. “I’ll drink to that.”

  “So, what would you like to discuss?” asked Dante.

  “Security,” answered Erica. “I wanted to know what I can do to improve the security around here, so that we are better able to protect anyone who comes here. Would a modern security system be helpful to you? Security guards, cameras?”

  Dante thought about Erica’s question. It was an interesting topic, would modern security help against vampires? Dante smiled at Erica, “I’m not sure that I have an answer for you. Perhaps I need to use this Google again and learn what machines and computers you have for security in this age.”

  Erica shook her head. Dante, it seemed was an information junky. “I suppose that’s not a terrible idea. But what about guard dogs or guards? Would they help?”

  “Guards and dogs help against human intruders, not vampires or shifters. If they want on the property, your guards and dogs would be the first to die.”

  “What about motion detectors or thermal cameras?” asked Erica, undeterred that her first ideas had been shot down.

  “I don’t know what those are,” answered Dante. He moved closer to the laptop once more, “How do you spell those? I’m afraid my English writing skills are not very good.”

  Eric pulled a chair up beside Dante, “May I?” she asked, indicating the laptop.

  Dante turned the laptop towards her, “By all means.”

  Erica quickly typed, searching for motion detectors. As a company’s promotional video played, she gave a basic explanation of the technologies.

  She was explaining GPS when Jeffery entered the library. “Dinner is ready.”

  They moved to the dining room.

  Erica sat down beside Dante.

  Jeffery brought their plates, “American cuisine, as requested.”

  Erica sat down and looked at the plates: bacon cheeseburgers, French fries and a small garden salad. She looked at Jeffery.

  “What?” Jeffrey asked. “America isn’t exactly the culinary capital of the world.”

  Dante sat down. It had been so long since he had eaten food. His taste buds were tingling in anticipation. Dante leaned over the plate, inhaling the exotic-to-him aromas. As much as he wanted to eat the food right away, Dante was unsure of the current customs and protocols. He waited for Erica to grab her burger and take a bite before digging in. Dante immediately could recognize the majority of the ingredients: cooked beef, cheese, bacon, lettuce, pickles, tomato, and a tangy sauce in a soft bun. Taking a bite, Dante felt the explosion of flavor hit his palate. The first such taste of food in oh so long. Dante smacked his lips in delight. His first American dish was excellent. The fact that Erica had picked her food up with both her hands indicated that the current protocol for dining etiquette, at least in America, was not stuffy at all. Dante was pleased. Food was to be enjoyed, not a slow torture. He took a bigger bite.

  “This is delicious,” Dante stated once he was half done his burger, and had eaten some of the hot and crisp French fries.

  Erica could only shake her head.



  Jaden drove across the city. He was looking for an underground long-term parking lot to park the car in. He was expecting the council to send scouts after them and by the time the car was found, he hoped they would either be gone or still in hiding. Either way, a vampire tracker would not be able to follow them.

  When he’d found a suitable parking lot, he left the car and started walking. He knew a good tracker would be able to follow his scent, so he purposely walked a chaotic path, one that took him through
well-traveled areas that would make tracking extremely difficult. Once he was satisfied that his trail would not be easily followed, Jaden turned in the direction of downtown and the banking district and began taking money out of his accounts. He didn’t want to make it any easier for the council to find them and spending cash would keep them off the grid.

  Once his banking was done, Jaden headed in the direction of a friend’s house, broke in, and stole the keys to his truck. Alex was an old friend and a vampire as well. Jaden knew he was currently in Europe on business and would never know his truck was missing until he returned. Assuming he was able to. Like Jaden and Cain, Alex didn’t share the beliefs of the vampire council and so would be a target as well.

  He didn’t try to get a hold of Alex. The unknown donation of his truck was all the help Jaden needed, and if he had an opportunity in the future, he would make it up, but texting Alex would put him in more danger. It was better that he remained ignorant of the fact that Jaden had his vehicle. Jaden hopped into the SUV and headed back to the house to collect Cain, Jess, and Oscar and whatever supplies they could gather before they left the city.


  When Jaden returned to the house, he found the three of them glued to the television. War had officially broken out. Nuclear facilities around the world had been destroyed, and communication satellites were also being devastated. America was blaming Russia. Russia was accusing China and America. The entire world seemed to be at war. Vladimir and the vampire council’s plan was coming to fruition.

  A veteran of numerous wars, Jaden finally understood what was going on. Cain had said it earlier but Jaden hadn’t understood the big picture until now. The apocalypse that the hunter vampire mentioned before dying in the coffee shop was happening. The vampire council was sending the world back in time. By destroying the nuclear plants and weapons, they eliminated man’s biggest threat to vampires; the ability to destroy the world with nuclear weapons, thus making it uninhabitable for all. But the plan would not stop there. Next, the vampires would attack non-nuclear power plants and dams, and continue destroying the communications networks, all while instigating wars between the world powers.


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