The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1)

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The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1) Page 22

by Robyn Wideman



  Finally, Brad Terra and her pack returned to Sanctuary. They looked tired and dejected when they returned. They seemed happy to be back at Sanctuary but were exhausted by the journey, and they were not alone.

  “Welcome back,” said Erica to Brad as he exited the SUV.

  Brad gave a weary smile. “Thank you, it is good to be back.”

  “Rough trip?” asked Erica.

  “Yes, I’ll tell you all about it later,” said Brad. He looked around the yard, “I see you’ve been busy.”

  Erica knew Brad was referring to the new solar panels on the roof of the mansion, but those were only the tip of the iceberg when it came to the changes to Sanctuary that had occurred in the last few weeks. While Brad and Terra had been rescuing more shifters, she had been very busy. They all had been very busy, and she was proud of how much they had accomplished in such a short time. “Wait until you see the rest,” said Erica.

  Jeffery came out the door and Erica watched as he went straight to Terra, giving her a big hug, a bear hug. The bad pun made Erica snort and chortle. She watched as Terra returned the big hug with a passionate kiss. Any lingering doubts about the relationship status between Jeffery and Terra could be put to rest. They were definitely a couple.

  “I missed you,” said Jeffery when Terra finally stopped kissing him.

  “I thought I might never see you again,” said Terra. “I’m so glad to be back. Now, come help me unpack.”

  They are going to do more than just unpack, thought Erica. She smiled. It was fun watching the romance build between Terra and Jeffery.

  Brad interrupted Erica’s thoughts as she watched Jeffery and Terra holding hands, walking into the mansion. “Erica, I have some new friends for you to meet.” Brad turned to the two young women lined up beside him. “This is Daniella and Pamela.”

  Erica looked the two young ladies over; both were very pretty and obviously were sisters. Daniella was slightly taller and possibly a few years older, and wore her hair longer, while Pam’s hair was more punk, shaved on one side and medium long on the other. Other than those small details, the girls looked incredibly similar, sharing the same facial features and body shapes. They also shared the same forlorn look of someone who had recently survived a tragedy. It was a look Erica knew well and had seen many times in the mirror since her late husband had been murdered.

  “Hello, Daniella. Hello, Pamela. Welcome to Sanctuary,” said Erica.

  “Thank you for having us,” Daniella said, speaking for both of the girls. “We had nowhere to go, and if Brad and Terra’s pack had not come along when they did, we would be dead.”

  “Well, you are safe now. Carrie will show you to your rooms and help you get setup. We’ll talk more at dinner.”

  Carrie, who had been waiting behind Erica, walked up and hugged the two girls. “Welcome. I too was rescued by Brad, and I can tell you, this is a great place to be. Now come along, let’s get you ladies sorted.” She helped the girls take their few bags into the house.

  Brad turned to Luke and Steven, Terra’s brothers, “You can head back to the farm now. I’ll debrief Erica and Dante then come over this evening.”

  Luke and Steven both smiled at Erica and then jumped in their SUV and headed to the farm.

  “Where’s Dante?” asked Brad.

  “Playing with Moira,” said Erica.

  Brad raised an eyebrow.

  Seeing Brad’s look, Erica explained, “Moira trusts Dante. She even talks to him now. She doesn’t talk to anyone else yet. I did some research and children who stop talking after a serious trauma, are fairly common, but she is really comfortable with Dante. I think with his help, eventually she’ll be fine. He built her a swing, and they surf the Internet together. Today they are over at the old house helping with the new floor, with some hide and seek.”

  “That is interesting. It surprises me a little, but people with strong protective instincts are often good with children, so I suppose my surprise isn’t warranted.”

  “Dante is actually very nice, I’m not sure why he is so cool towards you,” said Erica.

  Brad waved off the comment. “He has reasons, but nothing worth worrying about. Now, let us go see the rest of what you have done around here. We can talk about the bad stuff later. Right now I want to hear good things.”

  I wonder what reasons Dante would have for his attitude towards Brad? Erica thought to herself as she directed Brad to follow her around the house. When they got to the backyard, she pointed out the field behind the house. It had been staked and ribboned. “That’s going to be next year’s garden. We are going to reseed the old farm fields next spring as well.”

  Brad looked at the marked off area. It was easily ten times the size of Jeffery’s current garden, which Brad had thought was a big garden. “Impressive and a very good idea. What kind of equipment did you choose?”

  “I ordered two New Holland Workmaster 4wd tractors, and two sets of harrows. The tractors are both biodiesel compatible, as are the two diesel generator power plants that backup the solar panels for the two houses. We also had two large diesel tanks installed that give plenty of fuel capacity.”

  Brad nodded. He could see what Erica was planning. “You are intending to grow your own fuel. Good. You are almost completely off-grid now?”

  “Not yet, the solar batteries needed to be completely off-grid are expensive. I left them off this year’s list.”

  “Buy them now. Who knows what we will be able to get in a month or two,” said Brad.

  “It’s that bad out there?”

  “Yes, and it’s only getting worse. What about fresh water?”

  “The property has a creek and two good wells. We installed a water purification system and built a large cistern. Water is covered,” said Erica.

  Brad looked at Erica, “You have done an impressive job here. I’m going to steal some of your ideas to use at the farm.”

  Erica glowed., She was proud of what they had accomplished and still had much more she intended to do. Sanctuary was going to be a special place for those who were forced to call it home. “Thank you; I’ve had lots of help. Everyone has worked hard and contributed. Tell me about our new guests.”

  “Yes, I had hoped to bring many more shifters home, I’m afraid the vampires have been busy. Many were murdered, and the ones that weren’t are now in hiding, even I can’t find them.” Brad blew out a big breath of air, “Daniella and Pamela are werewolves. Their pack lived in London. I have associates in Europe that do the same thing that I do here. They were also attacked. We flew to Rome to try save them, but it was too late. We arrived at my friend’s office to find him dead. I retrieved his laptop and found an email from London. Daniella and Pamela’s pack were trapped in a cottage south of the city. By the time we got there, only three of the werewolves were still alive. Robert, Daniella, and Pamela’s brother died shortly after we arrived. He held off the vampires as long as he could, but in the end his wounds were too severe. There were over twenty in the pack, now there are only two.”

  Erica felt so bad for the girls. She could not imagine how painful the loss was. Losing her husband had been terrible. Losing twenty of your closest relatives would be devastating, especially for werewolves who are extremely family, or pack, oriented. “Are there any more you can save?”

  “Yes, I believe many are in hiding, I’ll be heading back to the farm tonight. We’ll spend the night, and then we’ll head back out. I hope to bring many more shifters here to you, but I fear the real number will be much lower than I ever imagined possible. The vampires are attacking on a scale I would never have believed possible. They’re taking advantage of the global chaos to openly attack us.”

  “Bring as many as you can find, Brad,” said Erica. “We’ll take all the shifters or humans that are being hunted.”

  Brad gave a soft sad smile, “Yes, I’ll do my best. Now, take me to the old farm house, I’d like to see what you’ve got going on over ther

  While they walked the new path that led between the mansion and the old farm house, Brad noticed that several trees had been cut down and bush cleared away, giving the entire path a clear line of sight between the two buildings. Brad mentally marked this in his mind. It was one more small security measure that he hadn’t thought of. Between Erica and Dante, they had made many improvements, improvements that would likely save lives. Brad was especially grateful for his European comrades who had made the moving of the mansion possible. Without their support and research into finding Dante, none of this would be possible.

  The old farm house looked remarkably different than the last time Brad had been here. The renovations were extensive. New paint and flooring were two of the more cosmetic changes, but Brad also noticed steel doors, security cameras, and motion sensors. The farm house had also undergone a large security upgrade. “So what are your intentions for the houses?” asked Brad.

  “Mostly additional housing, but specifically for shifters who want a little more privacy than the mansion offers. We’ll also build individual cabins next year as needed, but for now this will have to do. Jeffery’s going to move out here once it’s done. Carrie is also considering it, but until Moira is more comfortable, she’s staying in the room next to her.”

  Entering the kitchen, they found Dante and Moira. They were sitting on the floor, the stench of fresh glue lingered in the air.

  “Hello, Brad. It’s good to see you again,” said Dante. “Would you two like a glass of lemonade? We just finished the flooring and are having a glass to celebrate.”

  Erica noted the friendly tone Dante was using. She suspected it was for Moira’s benefit that he was being so nice.

  “That would be lovely,” said Brad.

  “Moira, would you like to get the lemonade?” asked Dante.

  The young girl nodded and got up. She went to the counter and carefully reached up. She had to stretch her short little arms to reach the glasses, but managed to grab them from the cabinet with no problem. She went to the fridge and used the ice maker to fill each glass with ice before pouring the lemonade. Moira had to use both hands to hold the heavy jug of juice. With a look of determination, she carefully poured the lemonade into the glasses until both were almost to the rim. She then delivered the glasses of lemonade to Brad and Erica.

  Erica took a sip of her lemonade, “Thank you, Moira. That is delicious.”

  Brad echoed her sentiments, “Yes, Moira, that hits the spot perfectly. Thank you.”

  Moira sat back down beside Dante and nodded with a shy smile. The look of satisfaction on her face was priceless.

  Dante reached over and messed Moira’s hair, “She makes perfect lemonade. Her chocolate chip cookies are still terrible, but we’ll just keep working at them.”

  Moira gave Dante an evil glare. She squinted and frowned. Erica was not sure if the messing of her hair, or the critique of her cookies was getting Dante the stink-eye, but either way the rapport between the two was cute.

  “I would love to try your cookies, Moira. Dante didn’t tell me you could bake,” said Erica.

  Moira gave Erica a smile and then returned to giving Dante the stink-eye.

  “What is your next project here in the farm house?” asked Brad.

  Dante looked at Erica. “Well, unless the boss has added any new projects, we’re done. The flooring was the last one. Now we replace the furniture. Jeffery and Carrie can argue over decorations, but that really is it. The next project starts when the tractors get here.”

  “I can’t think of anything else,” said Erica, “and the tractors should be here the day after tomorrow, so we can start clearing fields and plowing the new gardens right away. Tomorrow everyone can relax; everyone except Moira.”

  The young girl looked up at Erica, surprised that she was being singled out.

  “You have cookies to make tomorrow, silly,” explained Erica.

  Moira smiled.

  Brad finished his lemonade and stood up. “It’s good to see you, Moira, Dante. I have to head back to the farm now.” Brad started to move towards the door then stopped and turned back. “Before I forget, I have something special for you.” Brad reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. He placed it around Erica’s neck.

  The necklace was beautiful, a gold chain with a large piece of jade in a gold setting. “Thank you, Brad. You didn’t need to do that,” said Erica.

  “Actually, it is a gift for Dante not you,” said Brad.

  Erica’s eyebrow rose as she looked at Brad in confusion. “I think it suits me more than it does Dante.”

  “The necklace, yes, but the watch that goes with it is perfect for Dante,” said Brad, as he pulled out a digital watch and handed it too Dante. “Erica, give the jewel a twist.”

  Erica played along, giving the lovely jade jewel a twist. Suddenly the watch that Dante was holding started to beep loudly and a flashing light came on.

  “Distress beacon,” said Dante. “I saw one on one of the prepper supply webpages.”

  “Exactly,” said Brad. “Even a gargoyle can use a little technology to make his life easier. Now if Erica has a problem when you are not close, you will be able to know.”

  “Thank you, Brad,” said Dante. “It is a most excellent gift. I hope to never use it.”

  “That makes two of us,” said Erica.

  Brad turned to the door.

  “I’ll walk you back to the mansion,” said Erica.

  “No, stay and enjoy your lemonade. I can find the way back. I’ll call you soon to let you know how the search is going. Keep up the good work here, Erica, and don’t forget to order those batteries for the solar panels. I think they are a good idea.”

  “Be safe,” said Erica.

  When Brad left, Erica turned to Moira, “Could I get another glass of your lemonade?”

  Moira jumped up and grabbed the glass from Erica.

  While Moira concentrated on getting her drink, Erica and Dante sat there silently, looking into each other’s eyes. Erica felt content to sit there with the two of them. Almost like a real family. The idea made her tingle. She imagined having babies with Dante.

  Erica’s daydream was broken up when Moira pushed the fresh glass of lemonade into her hand. Erica smiled and grabbed the glass. “Thank you, Moira.”

  The three spent the rest of the afternoon together cleaning up the farm house and playing hide and seek.

  Erica was content. The stress and pressure of the world seemed to disappear when the three of them played like this. It was a good day.


  After dinner, the first that Carrie had cooked for them, as Terra had locked herself in Jeffery’s room and refused to let him out, Erica retreated to her room. Daniella and Pamela were hits with Moira and were watching a cartoon with her. Erica grabbed a bottle of wine and headed to the balcony.

  Dante was already sitting at the small coffee table and had two glasses sitting there waiting.

  Erica smiled, “You read my mind.” She popped the cork on the bottle and poured them both a glass.

  “I thought we could use a little extra time to ourselves,” answered Dante. “I enjoyed this afternoon with you and Moira, but sometimes I like to have you to myself.” Spending time with Erica was now the thing Dante looked forward to the most, when he watched over her at night.

  A tingle went down Erica’s spine. She wanted Dante to herself as well. Taking a sip of her wine, Erica went into the bedroom and went to the small entertainment center. She put on some music and returned to the balcony. She put her glass of wine down and grabbed Dante’s hand, pulling him up. “Dance with me,” she instructed.

  Dante stood and pulled her in tight. They moved in unison to the music.

  Eric leaned her head against Dante’s chest. It felt so good to be in his arms. She wanted more.

  Dante held her tighter. The feel of her body against his was like fuel to his internal fire. He could feel his desire rising. When Erica tilted her head b
ack, Dante did what came naturally, he kissed her. Softly, he pressed his lips against hers.

  Erica moaned when Dante started kissing her. It felt so right that she gave no hesitation. She returned the kiss. She pressed her mouth against his, opening it and letting her tongue dart out to explore his lips. When his mouth opened, she explored further, letting her tongue enter his warm mouth until her tongue met his. Erica’s hand reached up and ran her fingers through Dante’s hair.

  Still swaying to the soft sounds of the music, Dante let his hands roam, exploring Erica’s body. Her passionate acceptance of his kiss spurred his passion on. He ran one hand down her spine, while his other caressed her rib cage, moving up until his hand was cupping her breast. Too small my ass, thought Dante as he squeezed her firm breast.

  “Take me, Dante, make me yours,” gasped Erica. She wanted him so badly.

  Make me yours, the words cut through Dante like a torch through paper. Burning away his desire and leaving him only thinking of the consequences of what they were doing. Erica, a mortal, had no idea what would happen if they allowed their obvious mutual attraction to become something more. A relationship between a mortal and a gargoyle was a bittersweet thing. The initial passion could be as strong and as fulfilling as any normal human relationship, but as time went on it would change. Erica would grow old. Dante had been here before, loving his mortal woman. With age came regrets and insecurities. The passion and love would fade for her, and then she would fade and die, while Dante would be left to watch and suffer. No, a relationship between them was a mistake. Allowing his passion and desire to surface had been a mistake.


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