The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1)

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The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1) Page 32

by Robyn Wideman

  Jess straddled his hips and ran her fingertips lightly over his chest and stomach, delighting at his sharp intake of breath when she scratched his nipples. She leaned over him, resting the weight of her breasts on his chest, and kissed him deeply. He growled when she bit his lower lip and she smiled, biting him again. Jess placed a knee between his thighs and gently urged them apart, sliding down between them, kissing, licking, and nipping her way down his torso as she went, her long hair trailing after her and tickling him. When she reached his cock, Jess had planned on making him wait for her touch as he had done to her, but she found she had no more patience for teasing.

  Jess held the base of his cock in one hand and rested the weight of his balls in the other, softly massaging them. She ran her tongue up his length and slid her lips over the tip, sucking him gently into her mouth. His skin was velvety smooth, but underneath he was cool and hard as steel. Cain moaned deeply and the sound of his pleasure spurred her on. She took him as far into her mouth as she could, the head of his cock pressing into the back of her throat. Jess lifted her head, almost releasing him from her mouth, and then sucked him in again, keeping a torturously slow rhythm. She felt his hips begin to rise to meet her, urging her to pick up the pace, but she placed the weight of her hands down on his thighs, stopping him from moving. She wanted to take her time.

  “Come here,” Cain said after a few minutes of letting her have her way. His tone was impatient, and she lifted her head to refuse him. She wanted to tell him not yet, that she wasn’t ready to relinquish control, but when she met his eyes, dark with desire, she paused and surrendered to his will. He grabbed her by the waist and smoothly flipped her onto her back. The ease with which he performed the movement made her feel like a weightless doll. “Oh,” was all she could think to say.

  He licked her once, his tongue broad and wet, to make sure she was ready for him. The action was unnecessary, she was more than ready, though a shiver of enjoyment ran through her nonetheless. Cain lay between her legs and raised himself on his elbows, threading his hands through her hair. He rested the tip of his cock against her slippery wetness. Jess moved her hips in invitation, though there was little else she could do with the way he held her captive. She was completely at his mercy. Fortunately, he was no longer in the mood to tease, she noted with pleasure, as he slid inside her.

  Jess wrapped her legs around his hips, opening herself up for him, wanting to take him in as deeply as he could go. The coolness of him contrasted sharply against the warmth of her body and she was very aware of every bit of his length inside her. The sensation was unlike anything she had experienced before. She grabbed his buttocks and compelled him to go deeper when he would have pulled back. He smiled down at her and obliged. They fell into a steady rhythm, Cain penetrating her deeply with every stroke, their bodies becoming slick with sweat. He filled her every sense and still she wanted more. Jess felt her nerve endings tingle as the waves of another orgasm began to build. Cain increased his pace and she knew he was close as well. She ran her nails down his back and held on to his hips, urging him on.


  Their breathing had returned to normal and Jess lay in Cain’s arms with her head resting on his chest, a leg thrown over his. She drew lazy circles along his torso with a fingertip. The smell of clean sweat and sex filled her nose. A thousand thoughts were running through her head, but the one she kept returning to was how safe she felt right then in his arms, despite the chaos raining down on the world beyond Sanctuary. Jess knew she would never let the events of the past or the uncertainty of the future throw her into a depression again. The only thing that mattered was the present moment, how capable and alive she felt, and how right it was to be lying in this man’s arms.



  Brad was helping April load all the computer equipment from the office into the truck when his hand held short wave radio went off.

  “Dark Angel two are you reading?”

  Dark Angel two. Brad hadn’t heard that moniker in a long time. “Dark Angel two reading loud and clear,” said Brad.

  “This is three. I’m in the city, you around?”

  Brad smiled. It was Jaden. “I’m actually at the office. We got caught up and are just finishing packing now.” By caught up, he meant he and April had spent two days hunting a pack of vampires through the city.

  “I’m at the airport, why don’t you come pick us up?”

  The airport? Flights had been grounded for days and the airports were without power. Brad didn’t want to know how Jaden got a flight, or whose aircraft he’d acquired to make the journey. “Be right there.”

  April walked out of the building holding the last of the boxes. “Who was that?”

  “Jaden Butler.”

  “Ooh, I like him. He’s the sexy bad boy brother,” said April with a wink.

  “You know Jaden?” asked Brad.

  “Sure. Scary vampire with an attitude. Scott Paul would call him in to do jobs for the Guardians when things were really hairy.”

  Brad nodded. That shouldn’t have surprised him. When Brad quit doing those jobs somebody had to do them. Jaden Butler made total sense.

  How do you know him?” asked April. “Wait, never mind. I’m such a moron sometimes. Dark Angel. You must have worked together.”

  Brad smiled. God, she was sexy. Even when she was playing dumb. “We go way back. Come on lets go see an old friend.”

  The airport was in far worse shape than it had been only weeks ago when Brad and the others had returned from London. The airport had been hit hard by looters, stealing gas, and anything else of value. Chaos and anarchy now ruled in America. From the short wave radios, they knew some cities were basically intact and were being ruled under martial law by local forces. But a vast portion of the eastern seaboard had been devastated by the war. China and others had bombed the major American and Canadian cities. New York, Chicago, Washington were just the start of the list of destroyed cities. Millions were death, and it was a real possibility that the number would double in cities where there was no way of dealing with all the injured. Most of the eastern seaboard was without power. Hell, most of America was without power. Brad pulled up to the main airport entrance.

  Jaden and his companion jumped into the back seats of the truck.

  “Post-apocalypse Uber at your service,” quipped Brad as they entered the truck.

  “You should trademark that before someone takes it,” replied Jaden. “Of course gas is going to be hard to come by in a few weeks.”

  Brad caressed the dash of the new truck. “This bad boy is diesel and will run on bio-diesel. We are covered.”

  “Smart. You come up with that?” asked Jaden.

  “Nope, that is compliments of Erica. She was the one to come up with all the prepper equipment in case the world went crazy.”

  “Smart lady,” said Jaden. “Serena, this is Brad and April.”

  “Hello, Serena,” said Brad.

  “Hello,” said Serena. “Jaden tells me you take in wayward shifters. Got room for a vampire or two?”

  Brad could sense the nervousness in Serena’s voice. “Serena, I’ve known Jaden a long time. If he vouches for you, that is enough for me. As far as I am concerned you are a welcome guest. Besides, it would be nice to have some information about what to expect next if you are willing to share.”

  “I’ll share everything I know, but I’m not sure if it will be useful. Jaden kind of put a dent into the council’s plans when he killed most of the leaders.”

  “Jaden you naughty boy!” said April with a smile.

  Jaden shrugged, “What can I say? They shouldn’t have messed with my brother while he was on a date. I couldn’t let that stand.”

  Serena punched Jaden in the shoulder. “You big jerk. Here I was thinking you came to save me, when it was all about your brother.”

  Brad looked in the rearview mirror and saw Jaden give him a wink. It reminded him of old times. It had never mattered how
dangerous the situation he and Jaden had always been able to make light of things. “Well you have to admit she is pretty cute.”

  Brad winced as April popped him one in the arm. “Ouch.”

  “What did you expect?” said April.

  “I expect you won’t talk about how cute you think Jaden is any more,” said Brad.

  April groaned. “Sneaky bastard.”

  Jaden and Brad both laughed. It was good to laugh, despite the brevity of the situation. There was nothing they could do now about all the devastation in the world. The could only live in the now and plan for the future. There hadn’t been much to laugh about lately. The rest of the trip to Sanctuary was fairly quiet, everyone seemed content to just look out the windows. The country side was untouched in comparison to the city. Only the lack of traffic and power to the farms hinted at the devastation that was happening around the world.

  When they arrived, Erica greeted outside. “April, Serena, welcome to Sanctuary. Brad, Jaden, good to have you back.”

  “Good to be back,” said Brad. He then stepped back and let the girls introduce themselves.

  “Your timing is perfect. We are almost ready to eat. But before we do I want to have a quick meeting.”

  Brad nodded. It was an excellent idea. There was much to discuss and the sooner the better. “How soon?”

  Jefferey is sending everyone into library as we speak. Terra and the pack are here right now so I didn’t want to wait any longer. Getting everyone in one place at once is harder than herding cats.”

  Brad smiled. “lead the way.”


  Erica walked into the library and stood beside Dante. Jaden and Serena stood beside Cain and Jess while Brad and April stood near Terra, Jefferey and the pack members. The rest of the guests of Sanctuary filled the room.

  “I called this meeting to welcome our newest additions to our little community. Everyone this is April and Serena. And for those of you who haven’t met the men. Brad and Jaden.”

  Everyone smiled and welcomed them.

  “As you all may know when my late husband was murdered Brad set this all into motion by seeking out this house in the hopes that a beautiful damsel in distress would awake the gargoyle.” Eric turned and planted a kiss on Dante’s cheek. “Thank goodness he has a thing for blondes.”

  A few chuckles and catcalls filled the room before Erica continued. “Now the world has changed. Everyone here has lost something or someone. But we are lucky to be alive. We have a chance to survive, and possibly build something that matters. But it isn’t going to be easy, and it won’t be just bad vampires and the shifters that agree with them that we have to worry about. We’ve been monitoring the radio waves and the amount of looting and violence is escalating daily. It isn’t just the war anymore, it is people stealing and attacking others for what they have. Society has broken down. We will have to defend ourselves against any attackers, human, shifter, vampire. And we can’t just worry about our home, if we bury our heads in the sand and ignore what is happening around us we will be just as bad as those who caused this. We can only take in so many people here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do more to help others. Now I really don’t have a plan for that, it is just an idea that has been rattling around in my head but I wanted to get it out while you all are here in one room. Because if we don’t all work together, then we risk everything.” Erica paused, she was worried she was starting to ramble, that she would lose everyone’s attention.

  Brad stepped forward. “Erica, you mind if I add a few words?”

  Erica smiled. “Please, be my guest. You are as much a part of this as I am.”

  Brad nodded. “When this all got set into motion, I wanted Erica to be safe. I felt I owed it to Tomas to do everything possible to keep her safe as it was me who dragged him into the business, but I admit I had hope that it could be something more than just a safe house for Erica, but I had no idea of what it could be, or how much we would need it. Erica is the one who wanted a self-sustaining property. Between Erica and Dante, Jefferey and Terra, this place has become a home. One that can potentially survive this apocalypse. But Erica is right, it won’t be easy, and it won’t be just vampires, or shifters that we have to protect ourselves against. Society had broken down, chaos surrounds us, and it will only get worse before it gets better. I was once one of the Guardians. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Guardians, they were the shifter equivalent of the police. A worldwide police organization dedicated to keeping peace and harmony between humans and shifters. Throughout history there have been many on both sides who didn’t want peace. As a Guardian I fought for that peace. But when I grew weary of killing I started the Shifting Humanity corporation. I wanted to help heal. And I don’t regret that for a moment. But now, the vampire council has destroyed the Guardians. It is my intention to rebuild the Guardians, not as a global police force, but as a unit dedicated to protecting those we love and the way of life we want to live.”

  “Where do I sign up?” asked Jess.

  Brad frowned. “It’s going to be dangerous.”

  Jess raised her hand to stop him from speaking. “I know what dangers are out there. I’ve witnessed them first hand. And trust me, I understand that I can’t fight like you or Jaden, but I will do my part. And I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we all intend to do our part. You and Erica have been incredibly kind to all of us, bringing us here, but we all understand there is more than our own lives as stake here. So you and Erica figure out what needs to be done and the rest of us will do what we can. Be it as Guardians or as farmers, whatever it takes.”

  “I volunteer Jaden for your Guardians,” said Cain.

  Jaden looked at his brother, raising his eyebrow questioningly.

  “What? We both know you’d make a terrible farmer. You remember the last time you tried that?”

  “I’d like to join as well,” said Serena. “As long as you keep me with Jaden.”

  Jaden shrugged. “I never did like farming. I guess I’m in.”

  Erica smiled as she watched everyone. It was an unlikely mixture of humans, shifters and vampires that made up this group, but it was a good group. One she would be proud to join in trying to survive this new world. “I would like to join as well. I might need a few lessons in how to be a proper vampire, but I will do my part. It might take me a while to hold my own, but my boyfriend here is pretty badass and he has my back.”

  “I think anyone with a gargoyle as their personal protector gets included,” said Brad. “Welcome to the Guardians.”

  Author’s Notes:

  Thank you for reading THE SHADOWS AWAKEN. Book one of the GAURDIANS OF THE NIGHT series

  If you enjoyed it, please sign up for my mailing list to receive information on upcoming releases and special deals.




  Other titles by Robyn Wideman


  AFTER DARK are a collection of Fantasy and Urban Fantasy novels by Robyn Wideman that are much more adult in nature compared to the BLOODLANDS books, which are YA fantasy. The AFTER DARK novels contain graphic adult content (sex, violence and language) and are not meant for young readers.

  The Shadows Awaken was the second of the AFTER DARK novels. The first, SAVAGE, is an exciting sword and sorcery fantasy.


  When the attacks started, Prince Astar hired an investigator to solve the crimes. When the third investigator went missing he knew he had to try something different. He decided to hire Kyra, a smart and sassy woman, who also happens to be a thief.

  Kyra wants the job, it pays well and is far more interesting than sneaking around and copying people’s signatures. But she has no intention of being the fourth dead investigator, so she needs protection.

  Kyra turns to the one man even mercenaries fear: Bazur, a so
litary mercenary half-orc, infamous for his barroom brawls.

  Together they might solve the problem of the mysterious attacks on the prince's associates, but only if they can ignore the building chemistry between them and survive the attacks on their lives!

  Warning: contains violence, sex and course language, not intended for younger readers.


  The BLOODLANDS is the combined world of the STONEBLOOD SAGA, THE HALFBLOOD SERIES and the DRAGONBLOOD SAGAS. If you haven’t read the Stoneblood Sagas or the Halfblood Series be sure to check these titles out.


  When tragedy strikes, a young boy is forced to become a warrior.

  Soron and Velaina thought they could escape the dangers of their past…but they were wrong.

  Fourteen years after their escape from a perilous royal life, their son Nathan begins to show signs of possessing magical abilities that will put all of their lives at risk.

  Before they can share their secret past with their son, a tragic series of missteps by an ambitious duke leads to tragedy.

  Now alone in a world he doesn’t fully understand, Nathan's quest pits him against deadly bandits, vicious mythical creatures, and a northern king who may stop at nothing to bring him death.


  Blood binds us all…

  As a deckhand to a merchant ship, Hanna Halfblood is no stranger to the art of mêlée combat. Striving to join the ranks of the elite fighters who defend against boarding pirates, Hanna sees no better future for herself than that of a fighter.

  But when Thorodd Stoneblood, her grandfather, is killed by a mysterious assassin, Hanna discovers that her own life is bound to a fate she couldn't have imagined. Faced with the understanding of an unknown past and a coven of power hungry witches who will stop at nothing to see her dead, Hanna struggles to overcome the adversities of a magical world she never knew existed. With the tide of danger rising around her and the driving need to uncover the truth of why blood was spilled at her door, Hanna discovers that it won't be enough to be a warrior. In order to survive, she will have to become something more…


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