Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunters

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Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunters Page 12

by KD Jones

  “Bring that back! That’s mine!” Crawley tried to break free but ended pissing off Abe. Abe hit Crawley in the face hard, making him fall to the floor unconscious.

  “Did you have to knock him out?” Drake asked with frustration.

  “The man was annoying. I can’t stand to listen to his complaining one minute longer,” Abe answered.

  “Me either, but now we’re going to have to carry his ass all the way down to the basement.” Drake bent to take one of Crawley’s arms.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I lost my temper a bit.” Abe bent to take Crawley’s other arm. They dragged him through the building to the stairwell and went down to the basement. Crawley’s lower body dragged on the floor and bumped on the stairs the whole way. They threw him into one of the empty cells and locked the door.


  “What’s going on?” Jagger asked Vic and Isaac as soon as they entered the office.

  “Our houseguest wanted to make a call. I allowed it,” Vic said, sitting down in his chair.

  “Why?” Daniela asked.

  “So we can try to track the call back to Wellings,” Isaac said as he pulled out his laptop.

  “But won’t he get rid of it?” Daniela asked.

  “I’m sure he will. But I have people watching. They’ve been there since we first boarded the shuttle to return. When he goes to dispose of the phone, my people will intercept and get the phone from him,” Vic told her.

  Daniela hoped it worked out that way. Lial was sly. Had to be to fool her and the company he worked for.

  Elsa walked into the office with a frown on her face. “We’ve got a problem.”

  “What is it?” Jagger asked.

  “The authority is here for Daniela. They plan to take her to lockup,” Elsa told them.

  “Shit,” Isaac said out loud, looking at Jagger’s angry expression. The man was scary.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Hell no!” Jagger tried to storm out of the office to go after the authority. Vic, Isaac, and Elsa all three had to hold him back.

  “It’s okay,” Daniela reassured Jagger. She stepped between Jagger and the others. “Calm down.”

  Jagger looked down at her and made himself breathe in and out slowly. He had this need to take her and hide her away where he could keep her safe. When had she become so important to him? “How did the authority know she was here?”

  “Wellings must have tipped the authority off,” Vic said. “Come on, Jagger. She has to go to lockup. You know this.”

  “I’ll go with her to lockup and make sure there are no problems,” Elsa volunteered.

  “I want to go.” Jagger looked stubbornly at Vic.

  Vic shook his head. “That is not a good idea. You are too close to this situation.” When Jagger looked like he was about to argue Vic added, “You might get into a fight with the authority and end up in lockup yourself. Then you’ll be no help to Daniela at all.”

  Damn it! Vic was right. He had to fight to control himself from going out there right then. Jagger was not happy about it, but he had no choice. He looked at Daniela. “It won’t be for long, honey.”

  She nodded and leaned up to kiss him. “Thank you for helping me.”

  “There’s one other thing,” Elsa said. “I had Abe and Maddox move the prisoner as soon as I saw the authority enter the building. It’s a good thing I did because the authority is demanding they see our holding facility because there was a report that someone was being held against their will and without legal cause.”

  “Damn, Wellings. Good thinking, Elsa.” Vic gave her a smile.

  Elsa turned to Daniela. “Ready?”

  “I guess.” She looked one more time at Jagger with longing then turned to leave with Elsa.


  Elsa sat beside Daniela in the authority motor pod. “When you get to lockup, ask for your phone call and get hold of your lawyer. The lawyer might be able to get you released into Jagger’s custody.”

  “I will. Thanks, Elsa.” The authority had sent two large men to get her. One drove while the other one sat on the other side of Daniela. She was surprised they didn’t put her in the cargo area.

  “Enough talking,” one of the authority guards growled out.

  Elsa and Daniela didn’t speak again until they arrived at the authority lockup facility. Elsa walked in front while the two guards escorted Daniela inside.

  It took about an hour to go through positive identification. She had her DNA scanned, all her possessions taken into storage, and she got to put on the ugliest orange and black striped prisoner uniform. She wasn’t even allowed to wear shoes.

  Elsa gave Daniela the motion for calling. Daniela realized what she was saying so she turned to the guards. “I need to call my lawyer.”

  One of the guards huffed but he took her to where there was a series of phones on the wall. Daniela was grateful she had remembered the name of the lawyer that had first spoke with her. She used the Galactic operator to connect to the only Lester Pilot on Fin-Dieskau.

  “Hello,” a woman’s voice came over the line.

  “Hi, this is Daniela Martin. I am a client of Lester Pilot. I wanted to speak with him,” Daniela told her.

  “One moment.” The woman put her on hold. A few seconds later a man’s voice came over the line.

  “Ms. Martin, you have caused quite a stir.”

  “Yes, sir. But I am back now and I am going in lockup as we speak.”

  “What do you want me to do about it? You skipped town and bail and pretty much have no money to pay me,” Pilot told her.

  “You’re my lawyer. Help me get released and I will make sure you get paid.”

  He snorted. “No thanks. You should seek alternate counsel.” Then he hung up.

  Daniela was so shocked at what just happened, she stood there with the phone still at her ear. Did her lawyer just quit on her? Why? Then she frowned as she remember who had hired the lawyer in the first place. Lial.

  “Come on. Time to go to lockup,” one of the guards said, taking the phone from her hand. He turned to face Elsa. “This is as far as you can go, beautiful.”

  Elsa didn’t respond to his obvious flirting. She was more concerned with Daniela. “What’s wrong?”

  “My lawyer, which my ex hired for me has just quit. I don’t have a lawyer.” Daniela was fighting back tears. It was scary going through all of this without having an advocate on her side.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll tell Jagger. He’ll take care of it,” Elsa said reassuringly. Then she turned to the guard and gave him a huge dazzling smile. “Watch over my friend here and I might finally agree to that date you’ve been begging for.”

  The guard’s face lit up. “Deal. See you later, Elsa.” He led Daniela away.


  Lial went to his job feeling as if eyes were watching him. He fought his instinct to flee. It wasn’t time yet. He had to get some things taken care of first. Including Daniela.

  Bitch got herself caught. As if that wasn't bad enough, his hired gun, Crawley, was being held by the bounty hunters. He had been sitting outside in his own motor pod watching the bounty hunter’s building. He saw Daniela escorted out with the authority but no Crawley. What the hell? He waited and waited but Crawley was not freed. The hunters were holding on to him. This was not good. Now he’d have to take care of the Crawley situation as well as Daniela.


  The next morning Daniela woke when the guards banged on her cell. She had laid down on the uncomfortable bed but had not gone to sleep right away. The yells and constant talking from the other inmates had kept her up.

  “Martin, you have a visitor,” the guard from yesterday said. He opened the door and escorted her down to the holding area. He opened a door and allowed her inside but didn’t follow.

  The moment Daniela saw Jagger standing inside the room she launched herself into his arms. “Oh God, I missed you.”

  He caught her and brought her tight against him. “Baby,
are you okay?”

  She nodded and reached to pull his face down to hers for a kiss. The moment he took her mouth she melted and her whole body lit on fire with need. Her nipples hardened and she felt the wetness between her legs. She climbed her way up him until she could wrap her legs around his hips. Jagger grabbed her ass with his large hands and ground his cock against her. She would have ripped his clothes off right then if a sound hadn’t broke through her sex frenzy.

  “Uh mmm.” Someone on the other side of the room cleared their voice. A woman’s voice came out clear, “Don’t mean to interrupt, but I have to be in court in thirty minutes.”

  They broke apart. Daniela was blushing from embarrassment as she put her legs down to the floor. She would have moved away but Jagger held her close to him. She looked at the other woman. She was tall and slim with a model's body. She had long curly red hair and the most beautiful face. Daniela felt like she was ugly, grubby, short, and fat.

  “Hello.” Daniela moved to the side of Jagger. That was as far as he let her go.

  “Miss Martin. My name is Lauren Clay. I am the legal counsel for Jagger and his business. Jagger asked me to step in as your counsel. May I ask what happened with the counsel you had before?” She sat down in a chair and motioned for Daniela to sit as well.

  Daniela’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at the other woman. She spoke Jagger’s first name with a lot of familiarity. She pulled away from Jagger and sat down in the seat across from Miss Perfect.

  “I called the lawyer that was hired before I left. But...”

  “You mean before you fled the authority as a fugitive,” Miss Clay interrupted her.

  “Yes. When I came to lockup I tried calling the same lawyer and he told me to seek other counsel.”

  “It’s not unreasonable. Counsel has the right to refuse a client he believes is guilty.” Miss Clay looked at Jagger pointedly.

  Jagger growled, “She is innocent.”

  “Then why did the counsel quit?” Miss Clay challenged.

  Daniela didn’t have a chance to answer before Jagger did. “Daniela’s ex-boyfriend hired the lawyer. The ex-boyfriend is the one who stole the money and framed Daniela.”

  “Come on, Jagger. All fugitives claim they were framed. She must have been very convincing to get you to step in on her behalf,” Miss Clay said with a look of disgust.

  “Fuck you, Lauren. Either take the case or leave and I’ll find someone else. I thought you were more professional than this.” Jagger looked ready to hit the woman.

  “Fine.” Miss Clay turned her icy stare to Daniela. “You claim you didn’t take the money but that your boyfriend did and set you up. I’ll go on this for now. Do you have evidence the boyfriend did it? Is there a money trail?”

  Jagger stood behind Daniela and rested his hands on her shoulders. “We have a guy in our lockup that we believe was hired by her ex-boyfriend to kill Daniela who can identify the ex by voice. We are still working on the money trail. We just need a little more time. Can you get her released?”

  Miss Clay sighed as she finally gave up trying to convince Jagger he was making a mistake. She looked at Daniela. Maybe she was innocent. Jagger was a good judge of character and it was unlike him to get involved with a fugitive. “I’m sorry, but the judge sees you as a flight risk so he won’t let you go again. Not until the court date or evidence is turned up completely clearing you of all charges.”

  Jagger squeezed Daniela’s shoulders comfortingly. “We’ll get the evidence. What about if she is released into my custody? I’ll take full responsibility.”

  Miss Clay and Jagger stared at one another as if they were having some private argument. Daniela knew for sure they had been involved previously. Their connection was palpable. She wanted to scratch the other woman’s eyes out so she would stop looking at Jagger.

  Miss Clay broke eye contact and checked her watch. She stood and grabbed her briefcase. “I’ll see what I can do. I will speak with you later today, Jagger.” She left them alone.

  The silence in the room was deafening. Daniela’s head had filled with images of Miss Clay and Jagger naked and fucking. How did she compete with the chemistry the two of them seemed to have? Did she have a chance at all?

  Jagger didn’t like how quiet Daniela had become. “What are you thinking?”

  “That you are fucking the lawyer.” Oh shit, did she say that out loud?

  Jagger stopped squeezing her shoulders letting her go. He walked to stand on the other side of the table to face her. “What?”

  “You and Miss Clay, you guys are seeing each other. Don’t deny it. I saw how familiar you two were with one another.”

  “Vic and I hired her years ago to be the counsel for our business. We used to see each other personally but it ended two years ago. She wanted more, I didn’t. She remained on as our company’s counsel. We have not been intimate since we broke up.”

  “But she wants you still.” She wrapped her arms around herself protectively. She should drop this. It was enough that Jagger was trying to help her. She couldn’t expect him to want a real relationship with her. “I don’t blame you if you wanted her too.”

  Jagger stared at Daniela with shock and a little bit of anger. She actually believed he would want Lauren over her. His anger took control as he shoved the table to the other side of the room. There was no barrier between them as he stalked her.

  “Listen up, Daniela. I don’t want Lauren. Once, a long time ago I did. I had cared about her and still do. But I never loved her and knew that I would never love her. That is why I ended things, so she could find someone who would love her the way she deserved.” He stopped before her and glared down at her while she still sat.

  “I saw how you guys looked at each other and was jealous,” she admitted, looking away.

  Jagger gripped her dark hair and pulled her head back forcing her to look at him. “What I felt for Lauren does not compare to what I feel for you. You are the one who makes me insane with need. I have to fight my instincts because I don’t want to scare you with my feelings.”

  She breathed sharp with excitement. “Don’t fight it.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  He lifted her up and took her lips again in a savage kiss. There would be no stopping him now. He carried her to the table and laid her down. He quickly took off her clothes. She would have questioned his skill at that but found she was too distracted by his mouth suckling her breasts.

  She leaned her head back and moaned, “Oh yes.”

  Jagger wanted to go slow and soak up every moment. But their time together was limited. He also couldn’t wait long enough to go slow, he needed to get inside her now. He pulled her to the edge of the table where her ass was barely hanging off. He stepped into the cradle of her legs and undid his jeans. He didn’t have time to take his clothes off too.

  He hated taking her like this. So rough and crude, but he needed her as he had never needed anyone before in his life. He tested her entrance with his fingers. She was soaking wet.

  “I can’t wait,” he apologized to her roughly.

  “Don’t wait. I need you.” She wiggled her bottom trying to force his fingers inside of her.

  He didn’t want to fuck her with his fingers. He moved the tip of his cock to her waiting heat. His heartbeat increased and so did hers. God, he wanted to drive into her hard. But he had to make this good for her too.

  Her arousal was making it nearly impossible. “You are so wet for me.”

  “Always for you,” she whispered back to him.

  He looked down between their bodies. He pushed the bulbous head another half inch. Slowly he entered her. Her nether lips welcomed him, sucking him inside of her.

  Daniela’s breathing was heavy pants, making her breasts move up and down. Jagger’s eyes zeroed in on her tips and licked his lips. She had beautiful breasts. Her whole body was beautiful.

  Jagger was overwhelmed with the need to claim her. He plunged fully into her channel. Her inner muscles squ
eezed him but he bore it until her muscles loosened. He could never fully describe what it was like to be buried deeply within Daniela. It was so many things, delicious, painful, and glorious.

  “Jagger.” Daniela moved her hips upward to take him further inside.

  He filled her, then he pulled back only to thrust his hips forward filling her over and over. Jagger dropped his hand between their bodies. He fingered her clit as his hips and hers moved together in a heavenly rhythm.

  He leaned over her and took a nipple into his mouth. She was so sweet. His teeth scraped at her skin gently before sucking hard. She arched her back pushing her breast to him.

  He sucked as he surged into her over and over, hard and faster. She held onto him matching thrust for thrust. He continued to use his fingers to stroke her clit. He released her nipple with a pop and blew warm air over her nipples, making them stand up into hard little points.

  Jagger could spend hours making love to Daniela. She deserved that. But now was not the best time. He felt her muscles start to clench and knew she was about to come.

  He pistoned into her, taking her harder, seeking that release he needed. Just as he reached the moment, she clenched him hard and waves of her orgasm washed over her, through her, and into him. He tumbled with her over the precipice. His seed filled her and he lost all rational thought.

  He dropped his head onto her breasts and breathed her in. This small woman had somehow worked her way into his heart. He would never be the same. A pounding on the door had them jerking apart.

  “Conjugal visit is over!” the guard yelled through the door.

  Daniela blushed as she reached for her clothes. Jagger tucked his half erect cock back into his pants. When he looked up into her eyes he gave her a devilish smile.

  “One day soon, I am going to take you to a deserted island and make love to you for hours uninterrupted,” he told her.

  “Sounds good to me.”


  Jagger hated leaving her in lockup. Every instinct in him screamed for him to turn his motor pod around and go get her. Lockup was probably the best place for her until they could get the evidence against Wellings. Hopefully Lauren would be able to get Daniela released into his custody.


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