One Wild Night

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One Wild Night Page 6

by Mari Carr

  She shivered as he withdrew, a combination of sensitive nerves and a blast of cold air when he took his body heat with him. They clumsily twisted so that they could climb beneath the covers together.

  She resumed her previous position from the night before, her head pillowed on his chest. His heart thudded loudly in her ear, the quick pace matching the hard pounding of her own.

  For several minutes, they lay in quiet contentment. Her body sated, her headache gone. It was bliss. Then she recalled something.

  “Sorry,” she said.

  Eric gave her a curious look. “For what?”

  “You lost your bet. You’ve got to pay your friend all that money.”

  “I haven’t lost, Joni.”

  “But you had sex with me.”

  He shrugged. “I know, but that wasn’t my vow. I said I was going to marry the next woman I slept with. Not the next one I had sex with.”

  “First of all, that’s semantics, and secondly, you still lose. You slept with me last night.”

  “That’s right. I did. But considering marriage hasn’t been ruled out between us, I’m still in the running.”

  She snorted out a loud laugh. Despite the amazing sex they’d just shared, the simple fact was…they were basically strangers. Marriage was so far off the table it wasn’t even in the same state. “Oh, trust me, Eric. That vow is well broken. There’s no way I’m getting married anytime soon. You saw what happened to me the last time I thought I’d met the one. Just pay your friend the money and be done with it.”

  “No. I think when you get to know me better, you’ll start to understand. I don’t give up on something when it’s right. And my gut tells me…this is very right.”

  She wasn’t sure how to reply in the face of such confidence, such self-assurance. She was sort of touched, but slightly panicked as well. “Eric, I really think you need to forget about me. I haven’t had two seconds since yesterday to process what’s happened with Jeff. I’m just going to take a break from guys for a while. Get my head screwed on straight again.” When he didn’t appear moved, she went for humor. “Seriously. Despite this cool, calm, collected sex goddess you’re seeing, I’m a mess right now, a raving lunatic who picks up complete strangers in parking lots.”

  Eric didn’t appear concerned about her pronouncement. “Take the time you need to figure things out, Joni. It’s a good idea. You need to do that.”

  She was relieved—and annoyed—by his easy acquiescence. This was what she meant by lunatic. She was trying to brush the guy off, then getting pissed that he was going for it. “Great. Then maybe we should just leave things here. I had such an amazing time with you. I’m not sure how I would have gotten through last night. You were a wonderful surprise and distraction.”

  He smiled. “I’m not finished distracting you yet.”

  She lifted up on her elbow to see his face more clearly, and then said exactly what she was thinking. “While that’s tempting, I’m not sure it’s such a good idea for us to have sex again. You’re really good at it. The sooner I put the memory of what I just did behind us, the sooner my vibrator will be able to start doing the trick again.”

  Eric chuckled. “You’ve got a vibrator around here? Nice. We’ll play with that later. But first…how about a shower? I’ll wash your back if you wash mine.”

  She scowled. “You seem to be hard of hearing.”

  “Not at all. But I have plans tonight, so I figure we can kill two birds with one stone. Keep arguing in the shower.”

  Joni’s temper piqued. “I’m not keeping you here. If you’re busy, call a cab. You’re free to go.”

  Eric rose from the bed and reached down to draw one finger along her flushed cheek. “You’re pretty when you’re mad. And you don’t get it. My plans for the evening involve you.”


  “You and I are going to celebrate your birthday tonight. I’m not letting this milestone go by without a party—even if it’s just you and me and it’s a day late.”

  Joni sucked in a breath, incredibly touched by his kind offer. “You want to do something for my birthday?” Good God. There had to be something wrong with this man. Right now, he was simply too good to be true. She studied his face intently.

  So intently, his brows creased with concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. There’s got to be a flaw somewhere.”

  He laughed. “I listed them for you last night, remember?”

  “Oh yeah. That’s right. Your masturbation issues.”

  “You sure you want to throw that stone, vibrator girl?”

  “Asshole,” she said with a giggle. When she sobered up, she tried to get them back on track. “Even so, Eric, I still can’t just jump—”

  He cut her off when he grasped her from the bed and tugged her close. Joni didn’t resist the pull or the embrace. It felt too good. “I heard everything you said, Joni, but I’m not going to stop calling you or asking you out because of bad timing. You and I have fun together. I’m not asking for a relationship, a commitment or anything like that. I’m simply saying I want to be with you. So take whatever time you need to sort out your feelings and your life. In the meantime, we’ll just hang out, take it slow and easy.”

  She didn’t reply. Hell, she couldn’t think of an answer. Everything he said seemed completely logical and, if she was being honest, exactly what she wanted. She didn’t like the idea of saying goodbye to him just yet. Even so, she kept trying to find an argument to counter his offer, to tell him why it wouldn’t work, but nothing came to her. She’d promised honesty and anything she said now would be a lie.

  “You’re not answering,” he prodded.

  She gave him a rueful grin. “That’s because I got nothin’. That sounds pretty good. But to be clear, are you suggesting we spend time together as just friends or friends with benefits?”

  “Did you like sex with me?”

  She snorted, then realized he was being serious. “Oh wait, that wasn’t a rhetorical question?”

  He laughed and hugged her. “You’re damn good for the ego, Joni.”

  “I loved having sex with you,” she admitted. “A little too much. What we just did is going to interfere with my ability to concentrate for a while. There’s a good chance I’ll probably get fired from my job for fantasizing about you all day long.”

  Eric kissed the top of her head. “Yeah. I’m going to have the same problem. Maybe we should give ourselves some time to scratch the itch, try to get it all out of our system. Pent-up lust can be pretty painful.”

  Again, his logic seemed sound to her. Of course, she’d traded a tequila hangover for a sex one, so there was always the chance she wasn’t thinking all that clearly. Not that it mattered. “So…you said something about a shower?”

  Chapter Five

  Joni stood outside the door to Eric’s condo with butterflies in her stomach. Which was ridiculous considering it had only been two hours since she’d seen him. She tried to tell herself she shouldn’t be here. After all, she’d just broken up with Jeff yesterday and she sure as hell wasn’t looking to get into another relationship.

  But she’d never been very good at denying herself treats—as the size of her ass attested to—and Eric was completely irresistible. She had fun with him and she couldn’t see how it was doing any harm. They’d have dinner and—please dear God—sex and more than likely that would be the end of it.

  Of course, Eric was going to be ten thousand dollars poorer, but that was on him for making such a stupid bet to begin with.

  Meanwhile, she will have had an experience to remember. A great story to tell her girlfriends over a bottle of wine. A hot memory to get her through the coming lonely nights. The knowledge that for one brief, beautiful moment in her life she was completely daring, reckless, wild. After a lifetime of meh, she liked the idea of that.

  Taking a deep breath, she knocked.

  The door opened immediately. “I was starting to wond
er if you were having second thoughts.”

  Her brows furrowed. “Were you watching me?”

  He nodded. “Yep. That seemed like quite an internal dialogue you had going on. Debate? Pep talk?”

  She narrowed her eyes. Cocky man read her far too well for a virtual stranger. “Both.”

  He stepped aside as she passed him, sucking in a deep breath, enjoying the scent of his masculine cologne. “I’m glad you didn’t turn around and walk away.”

  She stopped just inside the door, admiring the homey feel of his condo. It was definitely a guy’s house, but it was tidy and comfy without any skeezy bachelor pad feel to it.

  Then she caught a whiff of dinner. “Oh yum. Is that garlic bread?”

  “Yeah. I’m not much in the kitchen, but I can whip up one hell of a tasty spaghetti sauce. Hope you like Italian.”

  “I love it. Listen, Eric—”

  He cut her off. “Nope. Tonight is a celebration. We’re not gumming up the works with a bunch of talk, so let me just sum it up and get it out of the way. You’re going to try one last ditch attempt at convincing me you should be alone for a little while. I’m going to say no. You’ll persist, I’ll ignore, blah blah blah. At which point, we’ll agree to table the discussion until tomorrow since I’ve gone to so much trouble to make you a delicious dinner. So, can we just skip to that part now?”

  “Nobody likes a smartass.”

  He tugged her close to him, pressing a hot kiss to her cheek before whispering, “You do.”

  “Dinner does smell good,” she begrudgingly admitted. “But let’s just skip to the deciding factor. What’s for dessert?”

  He laughed. “I picked up Tiramisu from the bakery.”

  “Oh my God. That’s my favorite. Okay, you win. Talk is overrated. Need any help in the kitchen?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. It’s ready.” Eric took her hand and led her to the dining room, where he’d set the table with a long white tablecloth and the most beautiful dishes she’d ever seen.

  “You have china?”

  “I’m an only child. When my grandmother passed away, my mother gave Nana’s china to me. I think she was hoping I’d take it as a hint to get married.”

  “How long have you had the dishes?”

  Eric gave her a wicked wink. “Eight years.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Your poor mother.” She ran her finger along the rim of a plate. “It’s a beautiful pattern.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  She glanced up, trying to determine if he was still hinting around about the two of them getting married. As if she’d marry Eric just so he could win some dumb bet. However, his expression was guileless.

  He pulled her chair out and she sat as he went to the kitchen and came back with two plates of fresh salad. Then he poured them each a glass of red wine.

  Dinner was a laid-back, relaxing affair. Eric, despite his protestations, was an amazing cook. Joni assumed that after so many years as a bachelor, he’d had no choice but to learn his way around the kitchen.

  When she put her spoon down after the last scrumptious bite of tiramisu was gone, she sighed.

  “Full?” he asked.

  “Ridiculously so. You’re going to have to roll me out of here.”

  Eric rose from the table. “You’re not going anywhere.” He walked over to his stereo system and hit a few buttons. Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” came on. He held his hand out, crooking his finger at her.

  She grinned and stood, walking into his arms. He started to sway and she marveled over how natural it felt to be dancing with him.

  “I love this song,” she said softly.

  “It was my nana’s favorite.”

  They continued to dance even as the music changed. He’d clearly given this evening some thought. His song selections, the meal, the romantic atmosphere, were all perfect. Then she considered what she’d learned last night. He was a self-confessed playboy. And she was falling for every bit of it. Hook, line and sinker.

  She lifted her head from his shoulder, looking up at his handsome face. With his dark, wavy hair, that chiseled jaw with the little cleft she wanted to lick, his bedroom eyes and sexy smile, she understood perfectly why women fell over him. Add in his sense of humor and talent for romance and he was a threat to every female on the planet. “This is quite the seduction scene you’ve got going on.”

  Eric gave her a wicked grin. “Is it working?”

  “Oh hell yeah. Although who are we fooling? We both knew before I got here I was sleeping with you tonight.”

  “Always been a fan of the sure thing.”

  She rolled her eyes and started to call him out for his cockiness, but something in his expression stopped her. He looked too serious, too sincere.

  “I don’t bring women here and make dinner for them, Joni.”

  Were her thoughts that transparent? “I didn’t say anything.”

  “I know you didn’t, but I can imagine what you’re thinking. That total honesty thing is probably working against me right now.”

  It was. And it wasn’t. But she didn’t have time to reply either way.

  “So I’m going to give you some more truth. You’re the first woman I’ve invited here for dinner. The first to see my nana’s china and the first to dance with me in my living room.”

  “Oh,” she breathed.

  “I also wish you were the first to sleep in my bed but I sort of fucked that up the other night, so let me put it to you this way. I hope you’ll be the first woman to sleep in my bed a lot of nights, the first to put a bunch of girlie shit in my bathroom and to leave wet towels all over my house. Anywhere you want to toss them is fine with me.”

  “Is this your idea of giving me space and time?” The question lacked any steam. In fact her voice sounded sort of breathless, flirty.

  “My cock’s been hard since I saw you eviscerating your ex in that restaurant. I don’t see that condition changing anytime soon.”

  “Sounds painful,” she teased.

  “Only if you keep insisting on time away from me.”

  She bit her lower lip, then shook her head in defeat. “I couldn’t stay away if I tried. I’m very bad when it comes to self-restraint. I’ve failed at every diet, fallen off every wagon and then there’s that masturbation thing.”

  Eric laughed, then kissed her—fast and hard. “Come to bed with me.”

  It wasn’t a request, so she didn’t answer. Instead, she followed him to his bedroom, shocked to discover every flat surface lit with candles. When she saw his bed, she gasped. The dark-blue comforter was covered in deep-red rose petals.

  “I bought you flowers, then decided to put them to better use.”

  Joni was speechless. All she could think was Most. Romantic. Night. Ever.

  “Joni?” he prodded as she stood motionless in the doorway.

  “Thank you for the roses,” she said at last.

  He grinned. “You’re welcome. Want to have a contest to see who can get the most stuck to their naked skin?”

  She snorted. “You’re on.”

  Romance and laugher. Who knew it was such an irresistible combination?

  * * *

  The more time Eric spent with Joni, the more convinced he was that following her out to that parking lot had been the smartest move of his life. There was something about her that made him want to put all the bullshit away and just be himself.

  Though he was fairly certain that had been his only option. If he’d played his usual games with her, she would have seen straight through him and walked away. Being able to let the real Eric out was refreshing, a relief in a way.

  And most incredible was she liked him for who he was. Flaws and all.

  Eric started unbuttoning her blouse. He needed to see her. Touch her. Hell, he’d almost suggested they eat dinner in the nude, but he’d managed to restrain himself. Barely.

  He dragged the silky material over her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. He
kissed the side of her neck, tracing a line along the top of her bra with his tongue. Joni’s throaty mews of approval kept him going. He flicked the hooks of her bra open and removed the lace, enjoying the view.

  Though they’d only been apart a couple of hours this afternoon, parting after sharing a cab to the restaurant to retrieve their cars, Eric had thought of nothing but this moment. Getting her here, naked, in his arms, in his bed.

  They took their time undressing each other. Kissing, caressing, exploring. When Joni gripped his cock, he had to close his eyes and count to twenty. He hadn’t exaggerated about his desire for her. It was taking all the strength in his body not to toss her on the mattress and take her hard.

  But he’d done that this morning. And again this afternoon.

  This time, he was determined to woo her, to show her he wasn’t some wild animal.

  Of course as Joni tightened her grip, then dragged the nails of her other hand down his chest, he wondered if she would mind the more aggressive route.

  She started to go to her knees, but he caught her quickly. “Joni, I swear to God if you so much as breathe near my cock right now, I’ll explode.”

  “But I never got to finish this morning, I want—”

  “I know what you want. I want it too. But not this time. Just, Jesus, just give me a couple of years to get beyond this clawing need to fuck your brains out every time we get naked and then we can move on to the other fun stuff.”

  She licked her lips. “You only need a couple of years? Something tells me it’ll be longer than that for me.”

  He narrowed his eyes as he studied her face. She wasn’t lying. She was in the same excruciatingly pained state he was. Her cheeks were flushed, her breathing rapid.

  “I was trying for foreplay.”

  She nodded. “I like foreplay. It’s good, but it sounds like we need some sort of plan going forward. Maybe fast, hard sex the first time, then if we go in for seconds, we can incorporate some finesse.”

  “I like that. It’s solid.” Those were all the words his blood-deprived brain could form before he pressed her down on the bed and climbed over her.


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