Love Sucks!

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Love Sucks! Page 9

by Melissa Francis

  “The runes. I want you to find the runes.”

  Lex came at the demon with his fangs bared. The Bborim grabbed me by the waist with its other arm and held me in front like a shield, bringing Lex to a screeching halt.

  “I don’t want to hurt her, but I will.”

  While my arm was out of its socket, I was pretty much useless. It hurt to think about moving, so trying to actually get away would take me from this state of semiconsciousness to flat-out comatose.

  “Just give me the runes and I’ll let her go,” the demon bargained.

  “Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” Lex replied. He looked over at Robbie and nodded slightly.

  I didn’t see Robbie as he dove toward me, but I felt him. He swooped in quickly, silently, and just plucked me out of the demon’s hands. And that’s when he and Lex went after blood.

  A car squealed to a halt on the road and pox-covered Mr. Charles popped out, his eyes a bit wild. He reminded me of a hyped-up cartoon character.

  I heard a grunt and glanced over to see Robbie flat on his back in the road. Lex and the demon were still going at it. Robbie didn’t stay down long, but he was moving considerably more slowly than before.

  Mr. Charles grabbed me by the arm, and pain again seared across my shoulder as he pulled me to him. “Don’t worry,” Mr. Charles said. “I’ll save you!”

  Did he actually believe he was being heroic?

  My fangs descended, and heat spread across my face.

  “The only thing you better hope to save is yourself!” I yelled as I chomped down on his neck. I concentrated hard so I wouldn’t release any venom. No way in hell was I going to fulfill this asshole’s dream of becoming a vampire. But I would gladly take some of his blood to help regain my strength.

  By the way, pustule-saturated blood tastes like crap.

  Mr. Charles squealed. “That hurts! But the pain is worth it!”

  I stopped sucking and spat. “I’m not changing you, dumbass. I’m just weakening you.”

  “What—?” he started to say but was very rudely interrupted by my knee in his crotch. He doubled over, gasping for air.

  Mr. Charles didn’t get a chance to nurse his injury long before Robbie picked him up by the scruff and tossed him away like he was a bag of trash.

  Mr. Charles didn’t try to save the day again. He limped over to the car as fast as he could, jumped in, and locked the door. He tried to start the car, but the engine wouldn’t turn.

  Mr. Charles cracked open the window. “Finish him off,” he yelled at the Bborim.

  The demon roared in response, grabbing Lex by the neck, but Lex was too wily and managed to slip out of its grip.

  Robbie looked at me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m good. Except I need some mouthwash now. Bleh.”

  “Glad it didn’t hurt you too much. And by the way, I’m sorry to have to do this.”

  That was the only warning he gave me before he shoved my arm back into place.

  If I thought having my arm popped out of the socket was painful, it was nothing compared to the agony of having it crammed back in.

  Thank God for quick healing. I rotated my shoulder to make sure it worked properly, then said, “Let’s go kick some demon ass.”

  “Lex has it. We’ll jump in if we have to, but right now, you’re staying away from that thing and I’m staying right here with you.”

  “Then you can come with me to finish dealing with Mr. Charles.”

  I started toward the car, and Mr. Charles’s eyes went wide. In a rushed panic, he turned the engine over and over. I thought he was going to flood the car, which would have worked to my advantage, but the bubble-covered dipwad had a stroke of luck. When the engine finally rumbled to life, he peeled out like a street racer.

  I heard a loud crunch and spun to see that Lex and the demon had moved the fight to the hood of my car. I wondered if my insurance covered damage caused by paranormal beings.

  Lex got in a roundhouse kick to the face, knocking the demon to the ground, and even though the beast was double his size, Lex managed to dive in and sink his teeth into the Bborim’s side.

  But not for long. The demon plucked Lex up and tossed him into a tree. Then the demon flew toward Lex with its giant fangs glistening.

  It was pissed.

  But Lex was ready. He jumped to the first branch of the tree, ripped off a limb, and rammed it right into the demon’s thigh.

  The Bborim’s high-pitched shriek was heard around the world. And then the creature evaporated into thin air.

  Chapter 13

  We left quick, fast, and in a hurry before the Bborim decided to come back. I called Ryan to warn him, but he didn’t answer his phone.

  “He’ll be safe tonight. That thing wants you because it knows you’re a key holder. It doesn’t suspect Ryan could be one as well. Besides, it was injured and weakened, so it won’t be back this evening,” Lex said.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Are you okay, sailor?” Lex asked.

  “Fine.” My voice sounded distant, even to me. I rubbed my shoulder and stared out the window.

  Are you sure?

  Robbie drove while Lex and I sat in the backseat. As soon as Lex whispered into my mind, I shut the door again. Lex pulled away a little. Like me closing off my thoughts was equal to shutting him out.

  And maybe I was in a way. I was so overwhelmed. On top of being the target of some crazed demon, I had my real-life teenage drama to add to it.

  Ryan was single but unavailable. Bridget and Malia, my two best friends since forever, seemed to hate each other. And now Bridget was spending private time with Ryan—in a dark building where God only knows what could happen.

  Not that anything would happen. Bridget was still crazy about Grady. Right?

  I reflexively licked the lingering taste of cinnamon from my lips. I knew damn good and well what could happen in that building. Lex had kissed me stupid back there. So stupid that I had forgotten that Ryan was in the same county, much less on his way to walking in on us.

  So stupid that I had forgotten the kiss was all for show.

  Disappointment fluttered in my belly. This whole thing was confusing. Lex had always been nothing but a player, but I sure enjoyed every moment of his game. He touched me like I was a rare silk. He looked at me like I was his last meal. And he kissed me like I tasted better than nectar.

  How hard was it for him, though? Getting bored with every girl because he knew what she was thinking before she did? Sure, it would be fun at first, but I couldn’t imagine living with no surprises. I thought maybe I’d changed his game a little. And I liked that idea a lot.

  Now he had just saved me from being kidnapped by the Bborim. He’d risked his life for me. I had to admit, it sure was sexy the way he protected me, even if it was a little Cro-Magnon.

  I had reached to unbuckle my seat belt and slide over next to him when my cell phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket. It was Auntie Tave.

  “AJ, there’s been a terrible accident. You need to get to the hospital. Immediately. And call Ryan.”

  “What’s happened?” I asked, panic burning my throat.

  “It’s your mom and Rick. I’ll explain everything when you get here.”

  I don’t even know when Lex slid next to me and wrapped me up in his arms, but his warmth comforted me. I ended the call and dialed Ryan immediately. He didn’t answer. Again. I tried him and Bridget several times. Nothing. I left voice mails.

  “Call Doreen and ask her to call Ryan,” Lex said. “He won’t ignore her.”

  “Good idea,” I said as I dialed. She answered on the first ring.

  “Hello.” Her voice was weary.

  “Aunt D, it’s AJ. I’m on my way to the hospital, but I can’t get Ryan to answer his phone to tell him. Can you call his cell phone for me?”

  “Of course, dearie. And ye be careful, ye hear?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Do you know details?” I asked.

bsp; “They’re both in surgery. Tha’s all I ken.”

  I closed my phone and blinked away the hot tears that burned my eyelids. “They’re in surgery,” I said.

  Lex kissed my forehead. “Let’s wait ’til we get there to worry, love.”

  I leaned into him and closed my eyes. I tried to release the worry balled up in the pit of my stomach, but all I could picture was losing my family. And wondering what it would be like to face the world without the people I loved the most.

  Including Ryan. Because if the worst did happen and we lost both of our parents, that would permanently split the earth between Ryan and me, all the way to the bedrock. The damage would be irreparable.

  Robbie dropped Lex and me off at the door, then went to park. We hurried to the elevators, which seemed slower than ever. When one finally opened for us, I punched the fifth-floor button and hoped the damn thing would suddenly develop warp speed.

  By the time the elevator stopped, I had almost chewed my thumbnail to the quick. Auntie Tave was waiting for us.

  I rushed into her open arms and let her hold me while I tried to get hold of myself. Panicking wouldn’t do me any good. And it wouldn’t change things.

  “What are the details?” I asked. “Aunt D said they’re in surgery. What happened?”

  Auntie Tave took my hand and walked me to the waiting room as Robbie got off the elevator. He and Lex followed behind.

  “There was a car accident. We’re not really sure what happened. Maybe a hit-and-run, but we’re not positive. After you called me earlier, I phoned Rick and he came to the hospital to make sure your mom got home safely. They weren’t far from the house when it happened. There were no witnesses. Somebody just happened by the car after the fact. It was smoking and upside down. They had to be cut out.”

  “Mom and the baby?” I choked on my words.

  “The baby is being delivered now by emergency C-section. Liz was almost eight months pregnant, so unless something really bad happened during the accident, the baby should be fine. But your mother has lost a lot of blood, AJ. And with what her body has been through with the pregnancy, it’s not looking good.”

  My knees buckled, and Lex stopped me from just collapsing to the floor. He walked me over to a chair and forced me to sit.

  “What about Rick?” Lex asked.

  “He had some trauma to the head. He’s in surgery to release the swelling. They are cautiously optimistic about his recovery, but he will be in the hospital for a while.”

  Ryan walked into the waiting room just as Tave was talking about Rick. As soon as Tave saw him, she backed up to the beginning—to where Mom left the house because she couldn’t stop herself.

  His eyes widened in shock.

  After the information registered with him, Ryan turned on me.

  “This is your fault,” he said. “You brought those bastards to us. If I lose my dad, I’ll never forgive you.”

  “Ryan!” Auntie Tave said. “I know you’re upset, but don’t say things you’ll regret.”

  Bridget walked in then, but Ryan just grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out.

  My mouth was suddenly like sand as the crack between us grew wider. Couldn’t he have at least waited until our parents were out of surgery before he attacked me?

  A doctor I didn’t recognize came into the waiting room.

  “Hello, Octavia. Is this Dr. Fraser’s daughter?” he asked.

  “It is. AJ, this is Dr. Douglas. He was your mother’s surgeon today. And he’s fully aware of her special condition.”

  Code for “He’s one of us.”

  “The baby is doing well. She was a little over seven pounds and came out screaming bloody murder. We have her in the NICU for the time being, but I think she’ll be moved soon.”

  “And Mom?” I asked with a cracking voice.

  “She lost a lot of blood. The accident caused an abruption, which is why we had to deliver your sister so early. And because of her already tenuous circumstances, this extra blood loss has really taken its toll on her. She’s extremely weak and still in critical condition.”

  Lex wrapped his hand around mine as I sat there dazed. “Can I see her?”

  “Soon. ICU has visitation every three hours. Next one coming up is at nine.”

  “Can I see my sister?”

  “Absolutely,” he said.

  “Is there any word on Liz’s husband, Rick?” Auntie Tave asked.

  “I can check, but it will probably be a little while longer. Octavia, can you show AJ to the NICU?” Dr. Douglas asked.

  “Yes, thanks, Jim. For everything,” Tave said as Dr. Douglas left the waiting room. “We need to tell Ryan about the baby,” she said to me. “He should come see her.”

  We all walked down the fluorescent hallway, which felt a little like walking toward the electric chair. Ryan and Bridget seemed lost in conversation as they stood next to the vending machines.

  “Ryan,” Octavia said. “Your baby sister is in the NICU. We’re headed down to see her and thought you might want to join us.”

  His dark eyes turned to ice as he glared at me. “I’ll go later. Thanks.”

  I tried to swallow the painful lump that had formed in my throat. “We’re still family, Ryan,” I said. “No matter how you feel about me right now, the fact is, we’re still family. We’re all in this together.”

  “Sorry, sis. This isn’t an ‘all for one and one for all’ moment. You worry about your family and I’ll worry about mine.”

  “C’mon, love. Let’s go see your sister while duffer here acts like a selfish git.” Lex entwined his fingers with mine and pulled me away. I was shaking like a kitten caught in the rain, but holding Lex’s hand helped calm me a little. I was so grateful I had him to lean on right now.

  “Ryan will come around,” Auntie Tave said. “Some people really don’t know how to handle stress, so they lash out at those they love.”

  I tried to stop the laughter when I felt it bubbling in my chest, but I couldn’t. It escaped in a loud hoot, and I was powerless against it. I laughed until I was gasping for breath and tears were streaming down my face.

  “Love,” I mocked with an eye roll. “Yeah. Ryan’s all about the love, isn’t he? Sorry, Tave. I know you mean well, but he’s in a really bad place, and frankly, he can stay there. Alone. Or, if Bridget wants to go there with him, more power to her. But he’s not dragging me into his drama. I need to make sure everyone is healthy, and then I plan to keep them that way. With or without his help.”

  Auntie Tave looked at me with big, sad eyes. “I just don’t understand what happened,” she said.

  “It started out as jealousy because of Lex and me, but it’s turned into something much more,” I answered. “He’s basically of the mind that we vampires should stick to our own kind.”

  The look of shock on Tave’s face was priceless. “Surely you’re exaggerating,” she said. But instead of looking at me, she looked at Robbie and Lex for confirmation.

  Both shook their heads no.

  Tave seemed to lose herself in thought as we continued on our way to the NICU. I leaned in closer to Lex and worked on keeping Robbie out of my head. I think I finally figured out how to tell when he was in there. When Lex was in there it was obvious; it was a physical sensation, like he was pounding on a door to get inside. Robbie was so different. He was quiet and unassuming in real life, which meant he was exactly the same way in empath life. He was like an electronic bug in a room, hidden so well that he could only be found by accident.

  Which is exactly how I discovered him. I had noticed in the car that even though I shut the door to Lex, something was still there. Something small but noticeable. Like a tack on the floor. Nobody sees it until they step on it. But once they step on it, they can’t believe they missed it.

  I must have stepped on Robbie in my head as I shut out Lex. And I’d been focusing on getting him the hell out of my head ever since. I wanted to be alone in my own skin again, thank-you-very-much.

>   The NICU was on the same floor, but it seemed to be fourteen miles away from where we had been. We arrived at the secured area, got our family wristbands, and after what seemed like forever, finally got to see the baby.

  She was in this plastic incubator thing, connected to an IV and heart monitor. She had a shocking full head of black hair. All the Ashe girls had blond hair.

  Oh. Right. She wasn’t an Ashe girl. She was a Fraser. Well, technically, she was an Ashe-Fraser.

  A tear slid down my cheek as I watched her little chest move up and down, working for every breath. Where did she fit into this fractured family?

  Poor thing. So weak, so tiny, and born into such turmoil.

  That’s when it dawned on me. She was here. Alive. And unprotected.

  “Oh no,” I said. “She’s not at home. She’s not in the house. She’s not protected.”

  Octavia nodded. “Someone will have to stay with her twenty-four/seven.”

  “Is there some protective spell Aunt D can cast to help?”

  “Yes, but she’ll have to do it later. When there aren’t so many people around.”

  That’s when I realized that with all the drama, we hadn’t told Tave about our latest brush with the Bborim.

  “Auntie Tave, you might want to get Aunt D up here as quickly as possible. We were attacked again tonight. Nobody’s safe right now. Nobody.”

  Chapter 14

  Rick came through his surgery fine. They expected a full recovery, provided there were no complications. He would be in the hospital for a few days while he recovered.

  I wasn’t really worried about Rick. Something inside me told me he’d be okay. But Momma? I didn’t have the same confident attitude.

  Her body was not responding to any of the transfusions. It was like she was refusing the blood. Like maybe her body thought it was water instead.

  But even though her vitals were weak, they were steady. And steady was good. If we could just get her to accept the blood, life would be okay. Her life would be okay.

  Lex and Robbie dropped me off at the house a little after midnight. Aunt D and I were two ships passing in the night, as she was just headed to the hospital to cast some major protection juju on the baby.


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