The Undead Day Sixteen Part Two

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The Undead Day Sixteen Part Two Page 16

by RR Haywood

  ‘Think so,’ he nods quickly, ‘like…really warm.’

  ‘S’really warm,’ another boy says.

  ‘Oh,’ Marcy turns slowly, ‘in that case…would you mind?’ She presents her back to the same boy, ‘undo me.’


  ‘My zip…I can’t reach it.’

  The boy blinks and looks at his mates who all nod urging him on. He swings the gun round onto his back and reaches up to pull the zip down.

  ‘Why thank you,’ Marcy purrs and shifts just enough for the dress to slip down to her ankles. In bra and knickers she reaches down, picks the garment up and hands it to the boy, ‘would you hold it for me? It’s Versace.’

  Leaving the boy holding the dress she steps towards the sea, ‘hmmm,’ she stops and looks back, ‘are you coming now?’ She asks Paula.

  ‘Looks that way,’ Paula says in a tone slightly less drunk now. She slips her own dress off and tugs it down to reveal a slender body dressed in bra and knickers.

  ‘How about now?’ Marcy asks with a grin round at the boys, ‘look at you,’ she laughs, ‘catching flies.’

  Her eyes fleeting look past the boys and straight to us and I realise not one of us has moved or made any effort to do anything other than stare in wonder.

  A huge hand clamps on my wrist, ‘just a second,’ Clarence whispers but doesn't look at me.

  ‘You lucky bastard, Roy,’ Cookey groans softly.

  ‘Yeah,’ Roy sighs dreamily.

  ‘How about now?’ Marcy asks again, ‘I think we’re being stared at,’ she says to Paula.

  ‘Enjoy the show boys,’ Paula smiles.

  ‘Oh fuck, they mean us,’ I realise guiltily, ‘come on.’

  ‘Now?’ Cookey whispers, ‘really?’

  ‘Five more minutes,’ Blowers says.

  ‘Now,’ I nod frantically.

  ‘Let them get in the water,’ Cookey pleads.

  ‘Now, Cookey.’

  We start snaking forward, pushing through whatever gaps we can find. The blood thunders through my ears, blotting out the soft conversations on the beach ahead of us. From my position I can see Marcy glancing at the figures moving across the road. She suddenly grins and says something to keep the attention on her and Paula.

  Paula rallies and they both start inviting the lads to join them for a swim. Beckoning and teasing and the whole lot of teenage boys take a step towards the women.

  On the tarmac on our bellies and it takes forever to close that gap down. No weapons. No guns, nothing. Dave has more than likely pilfered a knife or two from the kitchen.

  Halfway across and I hear a sudden commotion and look down to see Nick struggling to stay low while stopping the dog from bounding ahead. She knows Paula is there and is clearly desperate to break free. She wriggles and writhes, yanking her head back from Nick’s grip on the thick fur of her neck.

  I shoot a glance down and lock eyes briefly with Marcy. She gives an almost imperceptible nod and suddenly reaches behind towards the clasp on her bra.

  ‘It’s stuck!’ She laughs.

  ‘Topless?’ Paula asks with a laugh, ‘are we going topless?’

  ‘I think so,’ Marcy grins at Paula, ‘give these nice young men a treat.’

  Meredith whines, Nick grips her harder but she’s too big and too strong. She knows Paula. She knows Marcy and she doesn't understand why she can’t go to them and staying quiet and hiding is clearly not her way of doing things.

  We start to rise, all of us. Meredith is giving us away and we need to close that gap. Paula glances to the boys staring at her then quickly beyond to us and what must be the clear view of Nick and now Blowers struggling to contain Meredith.

  ‘A treat,’ Paula nods, ‘why not,’ she reaches behind, unclasps her bra and pulls it free in an act of sacrifice to keep all eyes on her and Marcy.

  None of us notice, and if we do we don’t pay any attention as we do our best to get across the road and onto the sand. Meredith whines again, agitated and getting annoyed at being restrained.

  Marcy unclasps her bra and suddenly throws it into the air with a whoop. Both of them topless and I notice the young lads all take another step forward. The sight of naked bodies and boobs is too much for them. A hungry lust and a pack desire to take what they want.

  ‘Take your knickers off,’ one youth, bolder than the others breaks the silence with the sudden order.

  ‘Boys!’ Marcy says as though shocked.

  ‘Off,’ the lad moves towards them, ‘get ‘em off…’

  ‘Now now,’ Paula says jokingly.

  ‘Shut your mouth, bitch,’ the boy speaks without humour and lunges towards Paula as all hell breaks loose.

  I nod at Nick and Blowers and they release their grip on Meredith who bursts away and streaks towards Paula.

  We start running silently onto the soft sand as the teenage boy grabs Paula by the arm and reaches out with his other hand at her boobs. She reacts from instinct and slams a fist into his nose. He reels back as the others all surge forward shouting loudly.

  Both the women move back towards the sea as the crew chief runs ahead towards Paula as he brings his weapon round to the front.

  ‘Fuckin’ stay there,’ he shouts and lifts the weapon to take aim a split second before being ripped from his feet as Meredith slams into him from behind.

  Full speed sprinting and we push as fast as we can. Dave and Roy faster than us as they soar ahead.

  The crew chief is killed instantly as Meredith rips his throat out. A tearing sound and she bounds away, twisting to identify the next target.

  Guns are pulled forward and fumbled as panic sweeps the lads. Shouts and chaos as Meredith sinks her teeth into the already bleeding face of the one Paula hit. He goes crashing down from the weight of the animal and her gnashing teeth savaging his head.

  Dave is there. Into the first one at the back and he simply grabs the first head, snaps the neck and moves off. Roy plunders through them. Punching and shoving in desperation to keep them wild and unfocussed.

  A shot goes off and the rest of us sweep into the fray. Punching, kicking and moving fast. Clarence hits hard, knocking teenage boys out cold. The crew panic, screaming with shouts and yells of pain. Some try and fight back but we’ve already won. Marcy and Paula don’t hesitate but dive in.

  ‘STOP OR YOU WILL DIE,’ Dave’s voice roars into the night and brings the fight to a sudden end. An assault rifle in his hands and he holds it straight and true.

  ‘GUNS DOWN,’ I give the order to the crew and watch as those still standing drop their weapons.

  ‘Get dressed,’ I call over to Marcy and Paula while snatching an assault rifle up off the ground, ‘if any of you move we will kill you.’

  Several are dead. Either from Meredith shredding them or having their necks snapped by Dave. One lies with his head over at an unnatural angle from the single almighty punch delivered by Clarence. I step in front of the body to shield it from the big man and the inevitable attack of remorse he’ll suffer.

  ‘Did you have a nice time?’ Paula seethes with anger while she holds the dress in front of her naked body.

  ‘Nice time?’ I ask, confused at her meaning.

  ‘How bloody long does it take to cross a road?’

  ‘Sorry,’ I shrug with a pang of guilt knowing we all got caught up in the view.

  ‘Where’s Reggie?’ Marcy asks with a pained look round at the dead bodies and the mangled remains of the ones Meredith killed.

  ‘Back there probably,’ I motion back across the road, ‘was he the crew chief?’ I ask the group of lads staring dumbstruck at me, ‘him?’ I nod towards the body seeping dark blood onto the sand, ‘was he the crew chief?’

  A few nods and murmurs of affirmation as they take in their situation.

  ‘Radio?’ I ask and watch as they look to the dead crew chief and the radio fixed to his belt. I head over and pick it up. A squat black thing with a stubby antenna. ‘I’m going to ask a question now and if any
one lies to me I will set that bloody dog on the lot of you, are we clear? Good. Does Maddox know we got out?’

  Head shake, too many at once for them to be lying.

  ‘What was the last transmission from him?’ They stay quiet, too afraid to speak.

  ‘You,’ I point to the closest one, ‘what was the last transmission?’

  ‘The what?’

  ‘Transmission. What was the last thing Maddox said on the radio?’

  ‘Nuffin, just…just said we had to stay awake innit. Swear down, that’s wot he said.’

  ‘How long ago was that?’


  ‘Few hours,’ another one answers.

  I glance at Clarence who shrugs and shakes his head as though saying he doesn't know.

  ‘What we doing with this lot?’ He asks, ‘can’t leave them here.’

  ‘I’m thinking,’ I reply slowly.

  ‘There’s a boat yard back there,’ Marcy walks over doing the same as Paula and holding her dress to cover her body, ‘it’s secure.’

  ‘Secure enough for this lot?’

  ‘Boat yards have rope,’ Nick calls out, ‘we can tie them up.’

  ‘Blowers, you Nick and Cookey take this lot…take the dog with you in case any of them try and run.’

  ‘Reggie?’ Marcy calls out, ‘you can come down now.’

  ‘Are you decent?’ His voice replies immediately, ‘My eyes have been closed since you…’

  ‘Yes,’ Marcy sighs, ‘bring the clothes.’

  He pops up from behind the hedge and carefully opens the gate before walking down with a bundle of clothes under each arm, ‘is it safe?’

  ‘Yes,’ I call over.

  ‘I say that was a nerve shredding display of…well I don’t know what to call it,’ he blusters pointedly, ‘really I was terrified you’d be caught out but I must say I have not seen a performance quite like it before.’

  ‘Never been to a strip club then?’ Nick asks politely.

  ‘I have not!’ Reginald says with a huff, ‘never in my life and nor would I. Demeaning and thoroughly inappropriate places of…’

  ‘Yes yes,’ Marcy cuts him off, ‘where can we get changed?’

  ‘Saxon?’ I reply. Paula shoots a look of thunder at each and every one of us before storming off with Marcy in her wake.

  ‘Worked though,’ Marcy smiles wryly at me as she draws level, ‘shame,’ she stops and glances back at the dead bodies.

  ‘No way round it,’ I reply quietly.

  ‘I know but they’re so young,’ she winces, ‘just boys.’

  The remaining crew members are shepherded past with the three lads keeping a close eye.

  ‘Where is it?’ Blowers asks.

  ‘Just before the houses,’ Marcy replies, ‘you can’t miss it. The door is only pushed closed.’

  ‘Cheers, Marcy,’ he nods as they walk past and the simple interaction isn’t lost on me. So normal, like he’s talking to any member of our team.

  ‘Boys yes,’ I say once they’re out of earshot, ‘but they were coming after you and Paula.’

  ‘You know,’ she lowers her voice and slips the sunglasses off, ‘for a second I was actually scared…’

  ‘I’m not surprised.’

  ‘The looks on their faces,’ she shudders, ‘you couldn’t see but they just changed, in an instant.’

  We lapse into silence while I feel like a complete prick for watching the way I did. The way we all did. Men watching women. Men watching women get undressed.


  ‘What for?’

  ‘I was watching,’ I admit darkly.

  She snorts humourlessly, ‘you’re a man.’

  ‘Yeah but…’

  ‘No buts, Howie. And anyway,’ she flashes me a quick smile, ‘I would have watched you.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I feel the blush creeping up my face as I smile, ‘you better get dressed.’

  ‘Hmm, suppose so,’ and she’s off, walking towards the Saxon and I have to use every ounce of strength not to turn round and look. Control. Have control. I am not an animal. I am an adult with control. I will not look. She is only wearing knickers and walking away. I will not look.

  ‘You alright?’ Clarence asks me with a strange look.

  ‘Fine,’ I cough, ‘you got a smoke?’

  ‘I don’t smoke, boss. Nick smokes. I’m Clarence.’


  ‘Mo Mo.’

  Mohammed looks across the crowd trying to identify the speaker.

  ‘Mo Mo.’

  Directional now, the sound uttered by a mouth and his ears pinpoint the area while his eyes scan the sullen faces until he finds one looking up expectantly.

  ‘What?’ He inclines his head with a sharp gesture at Carl.

  ‘My knees hurt,’ Carl says, ‘can I move, bro?’

  ‘On your arse but keep your hands on your head.’

  ‘Cheers, bro.’

  ‘Mine hurt too.’

  ‘And mine, can I move?’

  ‘Mo Mo, what’s gonna happen?’

  ‘You number one now, Mo Mo?’

  Mo Mo stares dispassionately at the sea of faces as the verbal flood gates open. Hours of silence with not a sound uttered but the feeling of instant danger has waned and they know Mo Mo and Jagger. The two lads are part of their group, their crews. They were from the compound run by the Bossman and yeah, they’re up there now holding weapons but it’s still Mo Mo and Jagger.

  The older crew chiefs and Lenski can see the difference in the two lads. The way they move and watch, always watching, always scanning. The way they stand with legs planted apart and the way they hold their weapons, emulating Blowers, Nick, Cookey, Clarence and their new team.

  They can detect the subtle changes in the way they speak too. The dropping of the slang expressions as they sub-consciously adapt to fit in with the new team, and more, they see the battle hardened expressions from two lads who have fought overwhelming odds and given death yet have walked away. Hard expressions on their faces but different from the hard expressions of the youths from the compound. Less sullen. Less resentful. Older.

  ‘Be quiet,’ Jagger says from a few metres away.

  ‘Why you on their side?’

  ‘You’s not with us now, Jagger?’

  ‘No,’ the reply is given instantly and in a hard tone that stops the youths in their tracks. Silence follows. Drawn out and only broken by the nightmare driven wail of someone crying out in their sleep.

  ‘Can I be on your crew?’ A small voice speaks out and again the flood gates open as the voices sweep across the fort with pledges of loyalty to the new gang.

  ‘Enough,’ Lani strides from the armoury, bare foot and dressed in simple jeans and a t shirt, ‘they might not kill you but I will…I don’t want to hear another sound.’

  In truth, Lani knows she couldn’t shoot anyone in cold blood now. The anger has subsided enough for rational thought to seep back in. Regret, guilt and the cold hand of remorse grips her stomach at the death she has already inflicted. It was necessary at the time but that time has passed and now she can see them for what they are, children. Young children as frightened and desperate as everyone else but without the knowledge and experience of life to guide them.

  What the hell do they do with them? She glances down to the main gate and the hopeful prospect that Howie will come bursting through and be able to sort this out. He’ll know what to do. He always knows what to do.

  A frown crosses her face, a scowl at the thought that he’ll have gone to Marcy. The idea that the team would have got caught in the tunnel doesn't cross her mind. The energy between them, the power they radiate, the effervescence of keeping each other alive.

  They will have to deal with the crew on the beach, get the boats then get across. But they’ll also be thinking that Maddox is still in control so they’ll be doing everything covertly whereas they could just stroll right in now.

  ‘Radio,’ she says quickly, ‘Who has a

  ‘Radio?’ Mo Mo asks, ‘what for?’

  ‘Howie will go through the crew on the beach…if we can contact him…actually no, bad idea. If we tip the crew off they’ll be even more alert.’

  ‘Nice idea though,’ Jagger says, ‘but they’d get suspicious as fuck if it weren’t Maddox or Darius talking.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Lani nods and slips back into thoughtful silence and the problem of what to do with a big bunch of kids that know how to use guns.

  ‘Lani? Maddox?’

  ‘Who’s that?’ Mo Mo turns towards the far end of the fort, rifle raised as Lani peers into the darkness and the figure tentatively moving towards them.

  ‘Don’t know,’ she says quietly, ‘WHO IS THAT?’

  ‘Doctor Carlton…is that Lani?’

  ‘It is…come forward but keep your hands in sight and away from your body.’

  ‘You won’t shoot me will you?’

  ‘I have no intention of shooting anyone if they follow the instructions given,’ Lani states with a glare at the youths and Lenski.

  Anne Carlton walks slowly with her hands held out from her sides, dressed in a white lab coat that serves as a visual aid as to her position of medical doctor and non-combatant.

  ‘Christ,’ she stares at the youths all seated with hands interlocked on their heads and the bodies lying still within the pools of blood. ‘What happened?’

  ‘You know what happened,’ Lani replies in a tone that doesn't encourage stupid questions, ‘I was tazered and sedated against my will while Howie and the others were locked in their rooms after…’

  ‘I was against it,’ Anne says quickly, ‘firmly against it.’

  ‘Done now,’ Lani shrugs and scans the crowd, ‘I hurt the other two doctors, they okay?’

  ‘Two broken noses and the young lad is a bit concussed…they’ll live.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Lani says without a hint of apology in her voice.

  ‘So am I,’ Anne looks round again and sighs deeply, ‘where’s Howie now?’


  ‘Gone? Gone where?’

  ‘They got out,’ Lani says simply, not wanting to reveal the exact details in front of everyone else, ‘they’ll be back.’


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