Spring Feve

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Spring Feve Page 53

by Emerald Wright

  He smiled and walked back over to me, joining me on the blanket and sitting down. He clasped my hands. “I’m glad. I’d been wanting to share that with you from the first day we met.”

  “Truly, amazing. You’re so beautiful in bear form. Very intimidating, that is for sure.”

  “Thank you.” He said graciously, pulling me into him. “Just know I could never hurt you in bear form. Only protect you. It came through even clearer that you’re my mate, Cass. It was as if my inner bear already knew you and had been waiting…”

  “Really?” I asked, pleased and excited to hear it.

  “Yes, really.”

  “Oh, Abe… wow. I’m flattered. Awe-struck. It’s an honor.” I murmured, rubbing my face along his jawline and the day old stubble which I liked.

  “So, you think you can handle another bear shifter this weekend?” Abe asked, a tease in his voice.


  “Good, because Jason will be joining us this early evening.”

  “I was wondering…”

  “Yeah, he asked me to check in with you. Make sure you’re up for his company.”

  I blushed, feeling suddenly awkward about my request and revelation and amazed that Abe was such a strong man, confident enough in himself to accept and allow my desire for another man.

  “You’re sure you’re up for it? We can take it real slow… Nothing needs to happen tonight. We can just get to know him better. Get a feel for one another, enjoy each other’s company.” I said, watching Abe’s face closely, looking for any sign of disapproval. I didn’t see any, which filled me with relief. The last thing I wanted was to ruin what I had with him.

  “That’s too funny, that is what he eluded to as well. I think he needs to feel out the situation as well. Which is only fair.” Abe shared.

  “Agreed and considering that we just made love for the first time this weekend…” I murmured, remembering the awesome night before and the morning lovefest.

  He responded with a sweet peck on my forehead, one of his many ways that he expressed endearment towards me that I was growing to love more and more.

  “Shall we head back?” He asked.

  “Works for me.” I murmured, nuzzling into him, inhaling his scent. I could smell the bear within him, lingering like a good reminder. “I’m ready.”

  I folded the blanket and put it in his pack. Slowly, we made our way back down the trail, idle chit-chat between us. As we hiked, I thought about how much my life had changed with him in it and I wondered how much more it would change still.

  * * *

  Twilight arrived and along with it, Jason did too. Abe was quick to offer him dinner and a beer to prime the evening.

  Whatever awkwardness there might have been initially, fast dissipated as I enjoyed listening to the two of them banter. It was apparent the friendship had been developing between them, with the many nights of pool and beer they’d shared in one another’s company revealing some of the funny, inside male banter amongst them.

  “How was the hike today?” Jason asked, reaching for another beer to open.

  His gaze rested on me and Abe looked at me to answer.

  “Surprisingly okay. I think I might be able to get used to this Mother Nature thing after-all. Who knew?” I shared.

  “Yeah? Did you get to see Abe shift?”

  I nodded, a shy smile creeping across my face. “I did and there are no words… It was even more amazing than I had anticipated.”

  “She handled it very well. Much better than I probably would have, seeing a shift for the first time.” Abe said, nodding his kudos in my direction.

  “You think?” I said.

  “I do. Very much so. Especially seeing a bear shift. Not a wolf or a mountain lion. Smaller creatures, a little less unnerving.”

  I contemplated that, realizing that I didn’t really know all the many types of shifters there were. Which made me wonder how they all got along. What the dynamics were like between the various clans.

  “How does that work, between all the shifter clans and types?” I asked.

  Abe and Jason gave each other knowing looks.

  “Mostly, we stay out of each other’s way. Just like we can sense another bear shifter, we can sense what types other shifters are. So, it’s easy to do for the most part.” Jason piped up, answering my question.

  “Is there conflict?” I wondered out loud.

  Abe nodded, “There can be. But everyone is pretty good about boundaries. Just like in human realms, there are those who don’t respect and break the rules, there are shifters much the same way.”

  “Which is where I come in,” Jason elaborated. “Within law enforcement, there is an honor code of sorts. In a way, we deal with our own as much as we can. Keep everyone in line and on the right side of the law.”

  “Does that make your job harder?” I asked, looking in Jason’s direction.

  “It can. But honestly, I’m so used to it, that it’s just another day. And just like in the animal kingdoms, certain creatures have territorial rights, the same is true with shifters. For the most part, bears are at the top of the food-chain so to speak. We get a lot of respect. Understandably so.” He elaborated, clarifying the finer points.

  “That makes sense.”

  “Is your partner, the officer that was with you the day I was arrested, is he a bear-shifter too?” I asked, suddenly curious.

  “Yes, he is. We pretty much work together on all things shifter related.”

  Abe was fiddling with the fire, making it burn brighter then settled in next to me, bringing me a fresh beer. Conversation continued about the shifter world and soon we were laughing at stories they reminisced about. Various mishaps over the years with other shifter types not respecting their bear authority, so to speak.

  “Have you ever had to shift while on duty?” I asked Jason.

  “Thank god, no. I might start a riot on accident. Lord help me…” He joked back.

  “Sorry, I’m still a bit naïve about how all of this works.” I said, blushing.

  “No apologies needed. It’s perfectly fine to be curious. I like that about you.” He said, winking at me.

  Which made me flush even more.

  “Me too.” Abe chimed in, also casting a wink in my direction before grinning big in Jason’s direction.

  The evening was taking a turn and I felt the two of them slipping into a more playful mode. Conversation drifted away from Jason’s job and soon we were discussing mine.

  “What’cha working on these days, Cassidy?” Jason asked.

  “I’m attempting my hand at the great American novel. I have a draft that I’ve started to revise. It’s a bit embarrassing and awkward as I wrote in when I was in college. So, it needs a lot of work now that I actually know what the hell I’m doing.” I shared.

  “That’s great. Very ambitious. I admire your writing talent, something to be proud of.” He said, nodding and then kicking back a sip of his beer.

  “Thank you, I love writing so for me, the reward is just in being able to spend my days doing it. I’m very fortunate. My success was completely unanticipated. It was a gamble at the time… A leap of faith that paid off.”

  “Do you find it ironic that in writing about shifters, you would actually meet some?” Jason teased.

  I blushed again, feeling silly. “Have to admit, the irony isn’t lost on me…”

  Abe and Jason shared another panty-melting, knowing glance between one another that made me wonder just how the evening would end? Was I really up for this? Would I really go through with it?

  I realized that I was headed in that direction, but the reality was that I still needed a bit of time to wrap my head around it all. Things had only just solidified for Abe and I, the day before. I didn’t want to take away from that and was still processing how intense our lovemaking had been. Our growing connection…

  I knew that they were both cluing in to me, watching
my body language and looking for signals. Then it hit me. That was part of my being an Alpha. Them paying attention to where I would lead the dynamic. Where I led, they would follow.

  It was simple then. I needed to put us all at ease and explain my intentions. Be direct and upfront so we all knew where we stood with one another. Ease the tension. Well, ease my tension at the very least.

  I rested a hand on Jason’s leg, feeling the strength of his strong body. The effect was a sensual jolt that rippled right through me. Caught off guard as I hadn’t anticipated such an effect, I managed to gather my wits about me.

  “So, I really appreciate you joining us. I thought we could all just use this time to get to know one another better and see if this is something we all feel comfortable with. I don’t have any expectations about anything happening tonight. I’m just looking forward to spending time with you…”

  I noticed a look of relief pass over both their faces and knew I had done the right thing. Helping pace this new dynamic really needed us to each allow some time to become better acquainted. As much as my body was screaming at me to get it on with both of them, I didn’t want to ruin a good thing by jumping into the sack too soon with Jason. Especially since Abe meant so much to me.

  “I appreciate you saying that and I think you’re wise to do so. We’ve got all the time in the world and I’m not going anyhere. No need to rush things.” Jason said, grinning from ear to ear, the tone of flirt heavy in his voice.

  Which made me lean into his lean, hard body from the side from where I was sitting. Again, the shivers caught me off guard. What was it with these shifters? No man had ever affected me, physically, like these two did… They were like magic lava. Or something. My inner core couldn’t help but to respond strongly.

  “The challenge might be me keeping my hands to myself until we’re all more comfortable with one another!” I said, laughing at myself. I’d never been one to hold anything back.

  Abe chuckled, and ran his hand through my hair. “Cass, baby – you are hilarious sometimes.”

  Soon, I was snuggled between the two of them, absorbing all of their sexy body heat and tingling from head to toe. We sat and shared stories, swapping funny tales as the night wore on. Watching the fire, drinking our beer, appreciating one another’s company.

  Eventually, we all crawled into the tent, tipsy and relaxed. And like a pile of kittens, I was content to fall blissfully asleep between them, counting my lucky stars and wondering how I’d gotten so lucky to meet them both.

  Chapter Eighteen

  (( 18 ))


  The camping weekend had been a huge success. I was feeling good about how I’d introduced Cass to my shifter form and was no longer as worried about how she was progressing as she continued to acclimate into the shifter realms.

  Which made me feel more secure about asking her to join me for the annual bear clan reunion that I was attending. I thought it would be a great way to introduce her to all the many members, a way for her to get acquainted with shifter society.

  I wasn’t sure how she would respond. Was she ready? Was it too soon?

  We were once again at the local Starbucks working and she was deep in writing mode. Her cute face was focused, her hair pulled up and piled on top of her head in a sexy, messy bun. She was wearing her glasses which gave her a nerd chic look and I was admiring her lovely beauty. I kept sneaking glances at her, in between typing and editing. She was absorbed and had barely glanced up at me. It was fun to see her in the writing mode, something I envied.

  We’d been there a couple of hours and it had taken me just as much time to drum up the courage to ask.

  “Soooo…” I said, hoping she wouldn’t mind the interruption.

  She nodded absentmindedly, semi acknowledging me.

  “How about a trip to Jackson Hole?” I said, deciding to just throw it out there and see if she registered my invitation.

  Click, click, click… She continued typing fast, barely registering what I’d said. I waited. Decided to say it again. I didn’t feel ignored. Just amused. I loved her for her passion in writing. Would never begrudge her. In a way, I knew I would always be her second love. To writing.

  “There is a shifter reunion. I was thinking you could join me and meet the bear clan.” I said calmly, softly.

  Suddenly, it registered and she jerked her face upwards, peering at me with an intensity she usually reserved for lovemaking. Which we’d been doing a lot of since getting back from our camping trip.

  “Did you just invite me to your bear clan reunion in Jackson Hole?” She repeated back to me, an incredulous look on her face.

  “I did. You interested in going?” I answered.

  She sat up straight and back into her chair, taking a deep breath. “Do you think I’m ready? To meet them all?”

  “I do.” I said, grinning.

  She blinked. Gulped and took a sip of her coffee. “Wow. Okay then, when is it?”

  “Next week.”

  “Holy crap! As in next week?!”


  “You sure do like to spring things up on me, don’t you?”

  My mind instantly went to a naughty place. “As often as possible.” I said, winking.

  She blushed furiously, shifting in her seat.

  “You’re not a shifter. You’re the devil…” She said in a hushed voice, acknowledging my double meaning.

  “I’m a bit of both, Cass love.” I said, nodding.

  “Okay. I’ll go. Might as well dive in to the deep end, right? No time like the present. Carpe diem. Seize the day and all that yot!” She said enthusiastically.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yes, Abe. I’d love to go with you to Jackson Hole to meet your bear clan. I’m already as nervous as hell, but with you by my side, I think I can survive it.”

  She looked excited. Happy. Intrigued.

  Which made me so proud. An unexpected feeling. I knew I felt many things for her, but it was really beginning to hone in on me how much I was proud to be an Alpha’s partner and mate. That my destiny, our fate was intertwined and already, we were proving to one another how strong the bond was.

  “Cass, it means a lot to me. Thank you. I’m so happy to be the one who gets to introduce you. You have no idea…” I said, the emotion in my voice not hiding itself.

  “Oh, Abe… really?”

  “Yes, really.”

  “Abe, I’ll go anywhere and do anything with you by my side. I’ve never known or been compelled like I am these days. You’ve changed me. Through and through…” she said quietly, leaning in over the table to be closer to me, her eyes locked with mine.

  What she said next, floored me.

  “I love you, Abe.”

  I gulped and felt the sting of tears behind my eyes. Because I’d known since the day we met that I loved her. I’d been loving her my entire life, even when we hadn’t met yet. I’d always felt her. Known she was there. My lover, my partner, my mate.

  And if all went as I planned in Jackson Hole, she’d come back to Boston as my wife.

  “I love you, Cass. More than you know…” I said softly, grateful for the privacy we had, despite being in a busy coffee shop.

  Her eyes beamed with love back at me and the look on her face was worth the very long wait I’d had before she’d come into my life.

  I was a man in love.

  * * *


  Stranded With Her Bear


  Harmony Raines

  Chapter One


  A good dusting of snow covered the ground as Trent expertly steered his truck along the mountain roads. Visibility was getting worse, but he had every hope he would be able to deliver the goods he was carrying. If not, the people of Cougar Ridge, a small town high up in the mountains were going to go hungry during this blizzard.

  He cursed his driver for not
turning up for work, if things had gone to schedule this delivery would have been made hours ago and the truck safely parked back in Bear Bluff, to wait out the storm. However, the driver, a young man named Taylor, had chosen last night as the night to claim his mate. He was MIA, probably in the bed of his new woman.

  Trent tried not to let his anger bubble over. He knew his mood was all wrapped in the fact that a young cub like Taylor had found his mate, whilst Trent had been searching for his own elusive, bonded mate for years. Not that Trent ever lacked female company, no, he never had a shortage of women vying to sleep with him. The big, handsome bear never had to worry about turning into a cold lonely bed, not unless he chose to.

  He smiled ironically, that was becoming more and more frequent these days. Finally, the thrill of being one of the most sought after bachelors in town was wearing thin. Maybe it was due to seeing his competition, Dr. Ben, finally walk up the aisle with his sweet mate, Nurse Beth.

  Now she was a woman he would willingly have shacked up with. Trent tried to raise his spirits, he was getting too old for no-strings sex, he wanted to be married. He laughed at himself; he still needed to grow up a bit if he wanted a mate to settle down with him.

  Young at heart, that’s me, he thought. Trent was still inclined to play practical jokes on people, usually the younger bears. And he did like to flirt with women; he couldn’t help it if they found his boyish charm irresistible.

  A building, appeared out of the gloomy light, half hidden in the falling snow. “Great,” he said aloud, “Fuel stop. Last thing I need is to run out of gas up here.”

  There was plenty on the tank, but if the weather made him take a detour, he wanted to be prepared. Trent always liked to be prepared; he was not a man who liked surprises of any kind, unless it was a female in his bed kind. Or at least it was, he now figured he had slept with enough women to last him his long lifetime. He wanted to feel what it was like to be inside his mate, for her to be under him, in his bed. To know what it was, to feel that emotional connection with another person on a deep level.


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