Spring Feve

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Spring Feve Page 111

by Emerald Wright

  “You,” she whispered, still stroking him. “I want you.”


  “Inside. As fucking deep inside as you can get.”

  “Condom. Got to get a condom.” His hand searched for the foil packet he’d thrown across the covers, cursing when he didn’t find it quickly. Finally, his fingers felt the sharp edge and he grabbed the thing and tore it open with his teeth, praying he didn’t tear the latex inside. While a bear’s canines were not as sharp as a wolf’s they did elongated when aroused or angry, or about to mate.

  For one brief moment, and then another, and another, he contemplated sliding inside Paige allowing her heat to engulf him, her wet desire coat his bare flesh.

  Quinn wanted the same true mate match he saw with his parents and his mated sisters. He knew he had found that mate in Paige, but he wanted her to come to him of her own free will. Not because he’d been an ass and gotten her pregnant. He finally got the damn thing out of the wrapper and rolled it onto his cock. He had never felt so full or so heavy. The damn thing stuck about halfway on.

  “No,” he bellowed when Paige’s small hands came up to help him. “Don’t touch me.” He knew if she did, he’d blow like a top. Finally, he got it on. “Sorry, honey.”

  “It’s okay.” She smiled at him and he lost a little more of his heart.

  He pushed her knees back, opening her to him. Her pussy was flooded with the juices of her release and his mouth. “Baby,” he whimpered. Taking his cock in hand, he aligned the head with the entrance to her body. “I need you.”

  “I know.” Again she smiled. And lifted her hips, taking the tip inside. His bear roared its pleasure and the man lost a little more control. He pushed forward, forcing half of his cock inside. With most women, he would have stopped, his girth and length making going deeper difficult. But Paige was his mate. Her body was made for him. He pushed forward again and moaned as she took two more inches. Her back arched up from the bed as she ordered, “More. Give me more.”

  Hesitating, he didn’t move. Lord knew he wanted to seat himself completely inside. Her walls were already clinging to him, finding it difficult to accommodate his size. He felt her burning heat through the condom. “Easy, baby,” he said. “We’ve got all night.” He reached between them. His fingers brushed aside her wet curls to find her slick opening, and then moved to rub her clit. “Just relax.”

  “I don’t want to relax, damn you. Take me!” She fairly shouted the words at him and he looked up and saw her need. He smelled the flood of her arousal as she clenched herself around the hard ridge of his cock as if trying to draw him deeper inside. Both man and bear did what their instincts told them. They satisfied their mate. Pushing forward, he bottomed out deep inside her cunt and snarled when he felt the condemn rip. There was no way he could pull back out and put another one on. If tonight resulted in a cub, he’d deal with the consequences later. Nothing would bring him greater pleasure than seeing her belly grow rounder with his child.

  He looked down where their bodies joined, the picture of his cock buried balls deep inside her had him releasing small spurts of cum. He couldn’t stop himself. When she began to move against him, he dug his fingers, now tipped with claws, into her hip, holding her still, praying he wasn’t hurting her. “Stay still.”

  He got control of his body and slowly pulled away. That image was just as mind-blowing. The lips of her cunt cling to him, as if begging him to stay. He ripped off the ruined latex. He thrust forward again, watching her for any signs of discomfort. Maybe his bear and his body knew what to do after all. The small amount of cum he’d ejaculated, lubricated her passageway and he was no longer afraid he would bruise her or even more concerning, tear her. Her body gave in to his with only a slight grimace. He was in heaven to feel the bare walls of her pussy clenching around him as he thrust inside her. This was what nature had intended.

  “Is this what you want, baby? Me, buried deep inside you?” He picked up the pace of his thrusts. He needed her to come as quickly as she could because he wanted to so badly.

  Her head tossed from side to side and hands clenched at her sides, fisting the soft, pink comforter. If she’d been a shifter, the satin material would have already been ripped to shreds. His own claws were making heavy indentations on the flesh of her hips as he held her in place for his fucking. He slammed inside her over and over, the heat building between them. Her juices coated his cock with every thrust. His vision started to fade and he felt himself slowly shift, allowing his bear to rise to the forefront. Whether she knew it or not, both the man and beast were claiming her. Tonight, at this moment.

  “Quinn?” Suddenly her groans changed and she sought his gaze.

  He smiled tightly knowing what was happening, he could feel it. The building of heat and passion and something so much more. He grunted as he took her, the bed shaking with the force of his thrusts. He tried to reassure her, but wasn’t too sure how successful he was. As he felt his release build low in his belly he groaned, “Let me take you, Paige. Give yourself to me.”

  He shifted the angle of his thrusts, making her cry out and him groan as he went even deeper. Dropping down, taking his weight on his elbows, he gazed into her green eyes. “Give yourself to me,” he demanded. He couldn’t hold out much longer, the orgasm was racing along his spine, seeking a way out.

  Just when he thought she’d never say it, her breath puffed out in a hard, short gasp, “I do.”

  He marked her, his fangs sinking into the delicious flesh of her shoulder. Her blood spilling over this tongue and down his throat. The next instant her pussy was pulsating around his cock, her release triggering his. He raised his head and roared as the essence of his body and soul and bear flooded her womb, marking her as his.


  QUINN KNEW AFTER the excitement at the site, he couldn’t put off taking Paige to see his parents. His whole family would be there, including, no doubt his other sister. He’d bet money to a donut his mother had been on the phone with her as soon as his father had filled her in on what had happened at the construction site.

  Right now, he watched as Paige fussed with the hair he’d mussed and tugged at the hem of the shirt he’d stretched slightly out of shape in his effort to convince her to forget Sunday dinner with his parents.

  “Do I look okay?”

  “You look beautiful, baby. Like always.”

  “Good, I’d hate for your family to know why we were late.”

  He tried not hide his smirk of satisfaction. She really didn’t need to know his family would be able to tell exactly what they’d been doing. More importantly, she didn’t need to know how his family would be able to tell. A bear’s nose was even more powerful than a wolf’s. Every bear at the dinner would know they’d had sex. Hot, steamy, I-made-her-come-twice, sex. “Come on, sweetheart.”

  Twenty minutes later, they were at his parents’ front door, a contentment he’d never felt before in his life settling over him. This is what he wanted. A lifetime of Sundays with Paige. The door swung open.

  “Hey, sis,” he greeted his older sister, not at all surprised she was there, even though she and her family lived over three hours away.

  “How’s my baby brother?” She reached out and pinched his cheeks, making Paige giggle. He liked that sound.

  “Stop it,” he hissed. That just made Paige giggle all the more.

  His sister took mercy on him and stopped. “So, you must be Paige. The woman Quinn didn’t think to tell was his mate.” Or maybe she wanted to torture him in a whole new way.

  “Molly, stop tormenting your brother and his mate,” his mother’s voice called from inside. He had the irresistible urge to stick out his tongue and say ha, ha, ha like he had when he was a boy. His two older sisters had been terrors.

  Quinn stepped through the front door and drew Paige in behind him. Introductions were made quickly. Molly had brought her husband and two children. One, a delightful little girl, was
a toddler just a little younger than Deb’s daughter, and the other, a son, was barely one month old. His mother was holding the infant when they went inside.

  The afternoon passed surprisingly quick. After his sister’s attempt on the porch, no one else tried to embarrass Quinn. They all went out of their way to make Paige feel welcome. He was proud of his family. He thought the afternoon was going well, until his sister offered the baby to Paige to hold.

  Paige eagerly agreed when Molly asked if she wanted to hold her son. She loved babies and longed for one of her own. She took the tiny being and held it close to her heart, gently touching the slope of the small face, and holding the small waving hand between her fingers. So small and yet so resilient. It was hard to imagine this tiny creature would grow up to be as big, or even bigger, than his daddy and his uncles. Molly had married a grizzly.

  Her heart ached as doubts assuaged her. This was what Quinn needed. What he deserved. A woman—a shifter—who could give him a family. Beautiful women who would make beautiful babies like the one in her arms. A shifter could give him that. Paige’s womb ached thinking about never carrying Quinn’s children. It ached to do that for him, with him. She lifted her gaze and saw Quinn staring at her. Was she truly his mate? She knew it was silly, but the fact that he hadn’t carried her off the very first time he saw her, still made her doubt the truth. She so wanted to be his true mate, to have his children. To love him forever.

  His stare turned so hot she thought her panties would catch on fire. Well, they would have caught on fire if she’d been wearing any. Their interlude before they’d left had resulted in ripped underwear and a mind-blowing orgasm with just the touch of his fingers along her slit and his mouth on her nipples. Seeing the look in his eyes right now, she was pretty sure the best was yet to come. The baby started to fuss and she gently rocked him, cooing to the baby with ease.

  “Get your son, Molly.” Quinn couldn’t help the tone of his voice when he spoke. His body was on a razor’s edge, the bear inside him having quickly gotten control of his baser instincts. The instinct that said to mate. Bond. His dad had been right. His bear was guiding him. Showing him what his mate needed. Right now, she needed to be slung over his shoulder and carried off and fucked.

  Molly’s husband huffed at him as his sister quickly took her baby from Paige. His mother frowned at him, his father smiled and Ryland and Ryker were laughing their asses off. Jason joined in once he realized Quinn wasn’t a threat to his cubs or mate.

  Paige’s face held a look of fear as if she’d done something wrong. He couldn’t explain. Not now. Not here. If he did, he’d strip her naked, turn her on her stomach and take her in front of every member of his family. He’d explain later, after he’d thrust his dick inside too many times to count.

  “It’s time to go.” He gripped her upper arm and yanked her from the couch.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Quinn, you’re scaring her,” his mother chided him. It didn’t stop him.

  He had to get her home. He had to get her naked. Now. The urge to mate, to claim was too strong to resist. He knew the times he’d had her before had been just a taste of what was about to happen. He jerked open the front door and slung Paige over his shoulder, the sound of his brothers’ laughter and his mother’s scolding ringing in his ears. He was so going to enjoy it when their time came and their mates twisted their insides in knots.

  “Quinn Blackwood, put me down this minute.”

  She pushed on his shoulders and pounded on his back. He ignored her and continued to stride toward his truck. “You do not want me to put you down right now, baby.”

  “Oh yes, I do. What gives you the right to think you can manhandle me? And in front of your family?”

  He opened the truck’s passenger door and let her slid down until her feet touched the ground. “The right of a mate.”

  “I’m not your mate yet, need I remind you.”

  “No, Paige Mathews, you don’t need to remind me. My bear and my cock are perfectly aware of the fact that you have not mated with me.” He pushed her into the truck, reaching over secure her safety belt. “It’s something that I plan on remedying. Fast.”


  He gripped her chin in his hand, knowing his touch was almost bruising. Again, he was unable to gain complete control over his animal. “Unless you want me to jerk down those jeans–which by the way, you are never, ever going to wear again unless I’m with you–and take you against this truck, in my parents’ front yard, with at least two dozen shifters of various origins watching, I suggest you shut this pretty little mouth until we get home.” Her mouth opened and closed like a landed fish and he couldn’t resist the temptation of one small taste.

  The drive home was interminable. Paige had no idea what had happened at his parents’ house. Whatever it was she knew it had somehow driven his bear to the surface. He’d picked her up and carried her just as she’d imagined a true mate would. Her need for this to happen, for him to be so wild and out-of-control, fulfilled something inside of her. It was silly considering all the things they’d shared the past couple of nights. But dang, it was exciting to have him so overcome with passion for her that he couldn’t control himself.

  Quinn was silent. Not a scary silent. A silence so intense she was afraid to break it. She knew his threat as he’d put her in the truck hadn’t been an idle one. She had no doubt he would have taken her against the truck with his parents and the whole damn neighborhood watching. That and the fact that she’d actually sensed his bear inside had kept her mouth shut then. And it was keeping it shut now. He’d told her she needed to mark him—and that had forever written all over it.

  Before long they were on the same road that lead to the glen he’d taken her to the first time they’d been together. Instead of going off road, he turned down a narrow lane and within minutes they were parked in front of a log cabin. Calling the two story house a cabin was a misnomer. Yes, it was made of logs, but that’s where the similarities ended. He’d wanted to bring her here yesterday after the confrontation at the construction site, but she’d convinced him that she would be better off at home. She knew why he brought her here tonight. Here, here—he was in charge. He made the rules.

  She’d heard stories and even looked up some information on the internet about what it meant to mark a shifter. All she could say was wow. If only half, hell, even an eighth of what they said about the bonding bite or the bonding fuck was true, it wasn’t any wonder that women— and men for that matter— were lined up outside every shifter’s door begging to be sniffed in order to find out if they were the one.

  The mate. A mate. His mate. Was she really his mate? Had fate and destiny colluded together to make them one? If nothing else, Quinn would always be in possession of this woman’s heart. His profile was etched in stark relative. Hard and unyielding. When he felt her stare, he turned her way and she was left in no doubt about his feelings. Want. Need. Love.

  He parked the truck, got out and helped her from the truck. She didn’t protest this time when he slung her over his shoulder and took the steps to his front door two at a time. He kneaded the globes of her ass with her free hand.

  She trembled in his hold and he loved it. She wasn’t frightened, she was as excited as hell, wondering what was coming next. He pulled in his bear, the animal that wanted to order her to her hands and knees and take her.

  He walked into his house and went straight to his top floor bedroom. Once there he lowered her to floor. He slid her shirt from her shoulders, his stare sure and unblinking. He kneaded her breasts through her bra, his touch rough and dangerous. “Did you know that mating and bonding is about dominance?” He kissed the side of her throat.

  She arched her neck so he could kiss her again. “I figured as much.”

  “Bonding is a three part process. Sometimes it takes days.”


  “A bear has to do a very thorough job.” He squa
tted down in front of her and removed her shoes. With a couple of tugs, he was tossing her jeans away. She stood before him bare from the waist down having already lost her panties earlier in the day. “The first thing I’m going to do is spread your legs and eat all your sweet honey. Then, I’m going to slide so deep inside, I’m going to be inside your womb. I’m going to take you again and again, and splash my seed inside you, marking you. Making you mine.”

  Paige shivered. He was a big man and he filled her until it hurt so good. They hadn’t talked about the condom failure, but she longed to have his child.

  “After you’ve made me come until I can’t come anymore, I’m going to put you on your knees and you’re going to make me hard again. Then I’m going to come down your throat and you’re going to swallow every drop.”

  “Okay.” The feel of his fingers grazing across her clit would have made her agree to anything.

  “Then. Then, baby,” he nipped at her ear. “I’m going to drive my dick deep inside this tight ass. But not before I make you burn with want. With need.” He grabbed the cheeks of his ass, pulling them apart as he spoke. His finger found her sweet little star and he rubbed the tip across it.

  “Quinn! We’re not going to do that are we?” Her voice held a note of fear he couldn’t ignore even though he wanted nothing more than to do just as he’d described. Mating her, marking her. Everywhere. He wanted his scent pouring from her body, letting everyone know she was his, and his alone.

  “Not, tonight, sweetheart.” He squeezed the cheeks of her ass then let them go. “Not tonight. But soon.”

  With quick, efficient moves, he stripped her of her bra and tossed her on the bed. Following her down, he covered her body with his. With his tongue, he traced a line from her mouth, along her jaw, down her neck to the sweet hollow of her throat. “I want to mark you, Paige. Right here.”

  He slipped his fingers inside her and the response she’d formed died a swift and fiery death. She wanted to tell him to stop. She wanted to beg him to continue. When his finger found that sweet spot he’d introduced her to yesterday, she screamed.


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