Strum: virgin captive of the billionaire demon rock star monster (The Squirm Files)

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Strum: virgin captive of the billionaire demon rock star monster (The Squirm Files) Page 4

by Cari Silverwood

  She raised one brow. That was an interesting requirement. “Okay.”

  “Also.” He did that mind-blowing thing with his cock again, infinitesimally circling his groin against her, making her want. “And...”

  “Mmm. Yes?” she asked, still in a fog, wanting to groan, to whimper, but holding back.

  “Stop looking so fuckable. Stop being female. And absolutely don’t give me ideas about sticking my cock or my tail in your pussy.”

  He wasn’t asking much. She rolled her eyes. Brakes came on. Did he say tail? Naaaa. Don’t be silly.

  “Virginia, I really need to figure out why you do not have a trace of radioactivity showing in this delectable body despite swallowing my jizz.”

  “Maybe I... Fuck. Stop doing that. I’m just very...” Swallow. Down below, things like probably her pussy, were making squishy sounds. She could get a job putting out fires she was that wet. “Maybe I’m just healthy.”

  “I think it’s more than that. However. To business.” He released her. “You may watch me analyze the thaumaturgical atmosphere.”

  At that her brain woke her up. Psst. She focused – a little cross-eyed but fine. “You what?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Chapter 6

  After nudging off his shoes, Zagan padded to the very edge of the roof and faced outward, looking across the breadth of the streetlight bejeweled city. He stripped off his shirt and stood with his arms thrust out and up, and with his fists bunched. His blood-orange flame tattoos writhed across his bare back. He roared like a barbarian king standing before his people, daring a newcomer to defeat him.

  Sweat dribbled slowly down the prime A-grade muscled contours of his back, sizzling and leaving trails of steam.

  Virginia’s fingers twitched. Must not touch.

  Bright cracks opened in his skin. Within them, lava seemed to flow – as eye-scalding orange as melted metal.

  Eww. Must not touch because fingers would get all nasty hot and owie. Was there something wrong with having a boyfriend you could use for a toaster? Wait. Not boyfriend. Friend. Friendy friend. She straightened her top. Totally not sexy hot friend.

  A few streets away, a fire engine’s siren screamed. Red lights circled and flashed off the sides of buildings.

  “We must leave before they arrive. Our burning path to the rooftop must have alerted them.” Zagan splayed his fingers and began to intone some mysterious incantation. “Oom zhala kaz a min. Oom zhala...”

  The gouts of fire now shooting from his fingertips wouldn’t be helping calm the fire fighters either.

  A car’s engine started in the car park and Virginia sneaked closer to the edge.

  From the open window of the car, someone shouted. “Going to the hotel now! Had to call the Fire Department! You set the sofa on fire, man! Not good!”

  “Ahh.” Zagan leaned over. “Sorry!”

  “Sorry isn’t good enough. Insurance, dude, insurance.” The car screeched in a half-circle and drove off.

  “You forget I can afford it!” Zagan resumed his position, shook out his fingers. “Where was I?”

  “Uh.” She thought back. “Second Oom zhala?”

  “Yes.” As he recited the air seemed to shiver and grow tense. Her eyeballs strained as if trying to see something far, far away. A green speck appeared to the left, over the sea, from the direction of Karl’s castle. It arrowed toward them, enlarged rapidly, then spun in until she could see it was the green book of her dreams. The book jetted away toward the city, leaving a trail of singing, scintillating green. Sparkling flecks fluttered down, faded, and vanished.

  The quiet of the night returned, except for the dominating blare of the fire engine siren.

  She stuck her fingers in her ears and yelled, praying she could lip read. “Was that the Necrosexi-texmexicon?”

  “It was, but that was the book in the past. The thing has definitely gone to the Zon and we need to capture it before it implodes the entire universe. The Zon contains so many books that it could easily tip past the critical mass and become a giant black hole of books. With the Necrosexi-texmexicon there, anything might happen.”

  “Sounds bad,” she whispered.

  He nodded. “Shopping would never be the same again. We have to get going. I need men with steel sinews, hearts of gold, and big guns to venture in with us. Men who aren’t afraid to die or be terribly mutilated in the name of goodness.”

  Big guns? Her dirty mind went off on a tangent but she whipped it back into line. “For a demon you are so damn conflicted.”

  “That’s part of my punishment – being forced to live on Earth as a rock star billionaire, be good, and have heaps of sex but with women I can only fuck once. Sometimes the ache to do evil consumes me.” Then he grabbed her, ran across the roof, and jumped off the other side of the building.

  On the way down, he kissed her. “For example, doing this is pure torture.” He resumed the kiss.

  She wasn’t quite sure she believed him, especially when he stuck his tongue in and swizzled it around. This demon had a huge tongue.

  When their feet smacked into the ground, they were still kissing. Clearly, it was a longer distance down than up.

  He paused. “Though maybe...” He grabbed her hair and made her arch her neck. “If I do that and then this.” He sank what seemed to be claws into her ass.

  Where the hell had those come from? Even through her tights, the sharp points drew delicious little spots of pain on her skin.

  “It might be evil?” He forced another kiss onto her that made her shudder and melt right down to her toes.

  When he stopped, she took a moment to recover, using her grip on his solid muscly shoulders to steady herself. Oooh. Yum.

  She gripped him a few more times, in a few more places, not wanting to fall over accidentally. “I’m not so sure this is evil.”

  “You could be right. We should double check?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” She nodded as well as she could.

  “Good thinking. Stay still. I wouldn’t want to miss.”

  Her half-naked demon kissed her, again. She sighed at his passion. Every sexual part of her stirred and wakened. Her toes curled and the ground seemed to shake. The world faded into darkness.

  Was this one of those black-outs you got gratis with super good orgasms? She didn’t recall an orgasm. Minor detail.

  “Zagan,” she whispered. “The world’s gone black.”

  His ardent reply was mouthed against her lips. “The floodlights are on a timer.”

  She peeked past his shoulder. Oh. “You spoiled it.”

  “You want black? Next time I’ll bring chloroform.”

  “Now that would be evil.”

  “Good to know.”

  Chapter 7

  After hurriedly retrieving his golden Stratocaster, dragging on his shirt, and tossing the guitar into the Zagan mobile, they set out on a roundabout route to collect the rest of the band.

  The Zagan mobile had been covered in every national magazine possible but it was still a surprise to be sitting in it. Virginia smiled and caressed the padded front seat. All gold on the outside, platinum engine, powerful as a speeding lion, gleaming and smooth enough to be a butt plug, and heavy as a brick. The craft got one mile to the gallon and had to be followed by a fuel truck to get farther than the corner store.

  The Monster, Zagan called it.

  They picked up Lars and Skoll from the hotel. They piled into the spacious back seats. But Crush, Purgatory’s drummer, had gone to a house he was helping to build on a terraced road above the ocean. They pulled up on the quiet street outside the partly erected three-story structure. Brilliant lights bathed the area.

  “This is going to be an orphanage.” Zagan patted her hand then slipped out and beckoned to Virginia to join him. “The man has issues. I might need a woman’s touch to get him to come with us. When he was a boy, his uncle would torture him each night.”

  “Ohmigod. Why? What happened?” She eyed the big man. He sh
one in the lights and looked almost naked from a distance. As they approached, she realized he actually was naked.

  “He would read books to Crush like Sleeping Beauty, and other fairy tales, over and over, when all the poor boy wanted was to play with his toy soldiers and run around the house being an airplane. Unspeakable torture.”

  “Uh-huh. I see.” Weird, but she supposed...

  Were those hammering sounds? She frowned. Her instinct was to run up and yell at him to stop. “How can he build a house naked? The construction tools. The possibility of accidents. I’m cringing.”

  Zagan took her hand and squeezed. “Don’t worry. Crush is a hard man. Harder than anyone I know. He does it to show he’s tough. After that childhood accident when the tower of building blocks fell on his head, he needs to remind himself that he has courage.”

  Childhood had done bad things to this man. Seriously bad.

  “Don’t say anything about the scars,” Zagan said in a muffled aside. “He thinks he’s so ugly no one will want him.”

  “I’ve seen them in pictures. Poor man.”

  “There’s more. On the way to school one morning, he saw his mother mauled by a dog.”

  “Ohmigod!” Her heart was already aching for him but this was the last straw. “She was killed?”

  “Her toe needed a bandage. It was a chihuahua. Big one.” His mouth turned down. “Don’t mention any of these things to his face.”

  That was a lot of things to be tortured by.

  “I have trouble remembering shopping lists, but I’ll try.”

  “Someday a good woman will show him he’s worthy of love.”

  Then Crush swung around and she saw the rest of him properly. Her eyes widened. Oh boy.

  His cock was a masterpiece of metal art. It gleamed with stainless steel. Things stuck out everywhere. The man either had a penchant for piercings or he’d already nailed his dick over and over with a nail gun. Owie.

  He had an erection too. A big one. As an engineering feat it would rival the Eiffel Tower. Consolation prize – at least he’d not done his balls.

  Crush nodded at her then grumbled. “You brought a girl to see me build?”

  “Be nice, Crush, or I’ll melt your dick. I need you on a mission.”

  His laugh surprised her and shook her eardrums. “Hehehe. I will be nice. See this one?” He lifted his cock so she could see the metal in the lights he had rigged. The one piercing he ran his finger over was an outline of a cat’s face. Under it was tattooed, Hello Pussy.

  She merely raised her eyebrows. “I see it.”

  “Is joke. The girls like it. Especially when I run it inside them.”

  Zagan tsked. “If you weren’t the best drummer... One of these days we’ll teach you how to talk to women, Crush.”

  “I don’t need talk.”

  Virginia’s schlong detector went into overdrive and it’d been sulking for hours, since the guy at the concert. “May I?” she asked Crush, indicating his cock.

  He made an agreeable, yet puzzled, sound.

  Gingerly she laid her hands on it. The feel was like massaging a barbed wire fence, but beneath all the stainless steel was a true schlong.

  Alarm crept in when she realized Crush had stopped breathing. His eyelids quivered but otherwise he seemed fine. Phew. She concentrated, screwing up her face.

  “What?” Crush sounded worried.

  “I’m getting visions...visions of your future. You will meet a small, blonde, and pretty woman who will make you very happy as well as scream a lot.” She smiled at him. “Your sperm count’s good too. Keep eating that spinach.”

  “I don’t need no future telling. Or no woman who makes me scream. I make them scream.”

  She shrugged and took away her hands. “I’m never wrong.”

  Without saying anything, Crush swung about and did a funny pelvic movement. The distinct bang of a hammer echoed. When he stepped away, she could see a nail that he’d driven home. Crush lifted a shirt and pants from a peg.

  “That was my cock. Is why I make women scream when they come.”

  “Whaa?” She glanced at the nail again. He was so hard he could drive nails? Really? She pursed her lips – imagining what must happen. Gaawwd, damn.

  As he sauntered past her toward the car, he bent and whispered in her ear. “Free trial for you.”

  For a second she stayed put, mouthing a swear word or two.

  All that metal. She shuddered. “No fucking way.”

  Zagan shook his head. “He’s a show off.”

  “I thought he was tortured and couldn’t make love to women? And you said you needed a woman’s touch to get him to come.”

  Author hurriedly rethinks her word choice and types faster. Nothing to see here.

  “I did say that, didn’t I? I think he likes you. But I never said he didn’t have lovers. He goes through hookers like a receptionist goes through post-it notes. But none of them can get him to think he’s worth shit.” Zagan walked away.

  “If he comes near me with that cock, he’ll be sorry!”

  What would a big fucking magnet do to those piercings?

  “He won’t,” he yelled back. “You’re mine now. He won’t touch you.”

  Oh crap.

  Karl had said those words to her. Mine. She remembered that. What was she doing?

  But she headed after them. Time to cut loose. Let them go in and get this evil book. Stay back and sit on her hands. That was what she should do. Be a good fiancée. Stay the hell away from Zagan.

  Inside her mind she could hear someone chuckling quietly.

  She snapped. What?

  Don’t get snippy with me. Read the cover, Miss Virgin Captive. You ain’t getting out of this book without being fucked sideways with multiple implements. Say hello to Mr. Metal Dick from me.

  Smartassier by the second. She tasered her inner voice then blew away the smoke. Silence at last. It was worth losing some brain cells.

  She scribbled a note to herself – get new book cover ASAP. Besides, it should really say, almost-virgin.

  Chapter 8

  It took two hours to make the trip into the city to the Zon. They’d had to stop to refuel the fuel truck, then again to pick up Mr. T. Rex. It had been crowded in the back with all those large men jostling for room. Strangely no one had wanted to sit on anyone else’s lap.

  Now here they were, across the street from the Zon. She’d heard it had grown over the years. From a single office block it had become this – a moving, rumbling monstrosity that was slowly expanding, crawling over the adjacent buildings, and eating them. The old disappeared, ground under the Zon’s new outskirt rooms. The old was turned into the meat of the Zon’s structure – new walls, new bricks, new whatever it decided it needed.

  Virginia looked up, and up, and up.

  Big. As in, the very top of this hodge-podge of a building was in the clouds. From down here it resembled a giant snail made of office bits. Smoke from crushed concrete and brick puffed into the air at the edges. The ground underfoot trembled. As if nothing unusual was happening, people filed in and out the many doors. She guessed that to them, the Zon’s behavior had become commonplace.

  The last of the men climbed from the gold vehicle and slammed down the butterfly-wing door. Dangerous Bob was here already.

  Six men. Virginia raised an eyebrow as she surveyed them.

  Zagan – man with radioactive cock. Crush – metal-pierced cock. Skoll – ass to cock fetish. Lars...he’d probably snort things with his cock. Mr. T. Rex – dino cock. And last of all, man with either the mostest or the leastest, Dangerous Bob – man with artificial cock.

  There was a theme going on here. Someone clearly needed a new hobby. Though she wasn’t going to say who for fear of being in the next book as the virgin captive of the gang-banging orangutans.

  Bob had been digging weapons from the boot and distributing them – everything from rocket launchers to machine guns. This was so illegal. Before the Necrosexi-texmexi
con entered the Zon, carrying weapons like this on Main Street would’ve been grounds for being locked up. Reality was already suffering. Given another week, the Canadians would be invading and holding dark rites while chanting, winter is coming.

  “Ready?” Zagan looked them over as they nodded or said yes. Then he beckoned. “Come, Virginia.”

  Time to be firm. She leaned back against the Zagan mobile, patted it, smiled. “I’ll stay here and mind the car. You don’t need me and I don’t want to get shot.”

  He stepped up to her then bent his head and whispered, “I do need you.”

  “I can’t be with you,” she whispered back. “I’m going to be married. Besides, you said it was dangerous around you.”

  “It is. I am.”

  She raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I can’t have sex with you.”

  “Virginia.” Zagan breathed deeply then he leaned in and planted his hands on the car to either side, caging her in. He murmured to her ear, his bristled cheek brushing hers. “You’re everything to me and I never ever want to hurt you. But I’m a demon. My cum is radioactive. I’m one step away from being a creature of your worst nightmares and I’m a killer who makes evil clowns look like girl scouts with cookies.”

  From the corner of her eye, she could see that his irises were on fire, again. Gulp. Was this his spiel to make her run away fast? Because it was working.

  He licked all the way around her outer ear. “And we still don’t know what might happen if I come inside you.”

  Oh hell. She’d forgotten how to blink and he was smiling down at her from two inches away. Virginia swallowed.

  “I’m a dangerous demon and my heart is pleading with me to let you go.”

  “Dangerous? Really? You?” Her voice squeaked. “I’d never have guessed. So, we’re in agreement, you don’t need me inside the Zon.”

  “On the other hand, my head is screaming at me to take you with me. If I need a power boost, I might have to find an alternative to fucking you.”

  What? Her mouth fell open. Tiny bit of a contradiction there.

  “Heart.” She nodded fast. “Yup. Go with that. Your head, pfft, it’s got no idea.”


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