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by Jessica Burkhart

  “Okaaay,” Drew said. He shook his head, then led Polo toward the exit.

  “Bye!” We simultaneously chirped.

  The second he was out of earshot, we collapsed into laughter again.



  “MY DAD IS INSANE,” I SAID TO KHLOE. I laughed, holding up my BlackBerry. “He sent me an e-mail to say good morning.”

  Khloe looked up from where she stood in front of the full-length mirror, curling her hair. Chunks of blond hair were sectioned with clips. “And that’s insane how . . . ?”

  “Oh,” I said. “Because he wrote it in what his version of ‘teen slang’ is.”

  “Read it!” Khloe said.

  I’d been sitting at my desk doing makeup when my phone had chimed. Khloe and I were both in robes, our outfits laid out on our beds.

  “Okay, and envision this in IM style where applicable,” I said. “He wrote, ‘Hey, Laurbell! What’s up? How r u & ur roomie? Mom & I miss u x a zillion! We decided 2 turn ur room into storage 4 the antiques we r going 2 buy. Hope u r finding time 2 chillax. Give Wisp a hug. G2G. Write me back! Luv, Dad.’”

  Khloe laughed, then paused. “Your parents do know you’re coming home for breaks and stuff, right? Aren’t your feelings hurt that they’re turning your room into storage?!”

  I rolled my eyes, grinning. “That’s my dad being funny. He and my mom hate antiquing. He knows I’m OCD about my room and would freak if anything was moved.”

  “Ohhh.” Khloe smiled. “I like your dad and I haven’t even met him.”

  “You’ll meet him on Family Day,” I reminded her.

  Khloe released the clamp of her iron, the final curl cascading down her back. “I can’t wait to meet your family. And for you to meet mine!”

  Simultaneously, we looked up at the wall clock. We should have been out of Hawthorne five minutes ago.

  “Oops!” Khloe said. She turned off the iron; I put down my phone and finished my makeup. I’d done a swipe of shimmery caramel eye shadow with clear glossy lips and a coat of Cover Girl mascara.

  Khloe and I got dressed, helping each other with zippers and buttons. I’d paired jeans with a white ribbed tank top under a three-quarters-sleeve pale yellow shirt that I’d borrowed from Khloe. Patent leather ballet flats completed the look.

  Khloe’s outfit was as wild as mine was subdued. But she pulled it off looking effortlessly cool. She wore a white T-shirt with lime green stitching, a flowy, flirty black skirt, and hot pink peep-toe ballet flats with sequin fabric.

  “We need accessories!” Khloe said, looking toward the top of her dresser, where we’d pooled our rings, necklaces, and other jewelry.

  “Do you want to wear fab hoops in detention?” I asked. “Let’s go!”

  Khloe grumbled but grabbed her bag. We swung our backpacks over our shoulders and half-jogged down Hawthorne’s empty hallway.

  Christina poked her head out of her office as we approached. “I’d say stay and let’s have a conversation about why you’re late,” she said. Her light-brown hair was up in a ponytail. “But you’re late. Go.”

  “Thanks, and sorry!” I said.

  Khloe tossed her a smile and we hurried past her and through the doors. The campus was eerily empty. Wasn’t anyone else ever late?!

  Khloe and I didn’t have time to talk as we dashed across the lawn to the English building. We stopped running two steps before Mr. Davidson’s open door and walked inside. I glanced at his desk, expecting him to be staring at us. But his seat was empty.

  “Sit, sit!” Lexa hissed. Khloe and I slid into seats next to her.

  “Where’s Mr. Davidson?” I asked, taking jagged breaths. Running across campus with twenty pounds of books wasn’t easy!

  “He just stepped out to grab something from his office,” Lexa said. “He’s taking attendance when he gets back.”

  “Niiice!” Khloe said, high-fiving me.

  In the next aisle, Garret leaned toward me. “Think I should mention that you and KK just got here?” He grinned teasingly. His cropped red hair looked wet, like he’d just showered before class. Zack sat in front of him and was talking to Khloe, who’d ended up next to him.

  “Sure,” I said, deadpan. “And I’ll pipe right up with how you copied Zack’s notes last class instead of taking your own.”

  Garret put a hand over his heart as if I’d stabbed him. “Ouch. No messing with you, LT.”

  I grinned. “Not when it comes to detention.”

  After English, I had a BBM from Brielle.


  Srry I couldn’t talk yest! So busy w/school. Ugh! Def want 2 catch up soon! Xoxo

  I locked my phone and put it in my bag. I really wanted to talk to Brielle, but I understood the busy part.

  The rest of my classes flew by. In our room, Khloe and I changed into riding clothes. I realized I was doing everything way faster than usual. Like, I-put-my-paddock-boots-on-the-wrong-feet fast.

  “In a rush to see Drew, perhaps?” Khloe asked.

  “No argument from me,” I said. “I give in. I want to get there to warm up with Drew. Maybe we’ll get a chance to talk . . .”

  Khloe smiled. “I’m sure you’ll talk.”

  Giggling, we got ready for our lessons and, from the time I left our dorm till I got to the stable, I thought about one very cute dark-haired boy with ocean-blue eyes. I wished I could blog about Drew. That would be the best entry ever.

  • • •

  After riding, I hopped off Whisper, leading her forward. “You were so good, girl,” I said. I rubbed her forehead. The lesson had been challenging—Mr. Conner had made my class perform a variety of flatwork exercises. He was definitely upping the degree of difficulty to prepare us for the schooling show. That was something I thought on and off about. One second, it made me panic to even think about entering a show arena. The next, I couldn’t wait to show on my horse. With everything going on, I’d been too busy to focus on my feelings about the show.

  Clare and Riley had already led their horses out of the arena, but I kept Whisper back. “Let them get far ahead of us.” Whisper bobbed her head, seeming to understand.

  “Later, LT,” Cole said, leading Valentino past us.

  “Yeah, talk later!” Lexa added, with Honor in tow.

  I waved to them. Drew was the only one left inside with me. He walked Polo along the wall, letting the gelding stretch.

  I undid my chin strap and latched my helmet onto Whisper’s saddle. She stood still while I ran up the stirrups. I pretended to struggle with the girth so I could watch Drew. We’d exchanged our usual “hey”s and had talked a little before the lesson. I felt like hanging around for another minute to say good-bye.

  I smoothed the ultralight windbreaker that I’d gone back to my room to get after stepping out of Hawthorne for my lesson. The air had gotten unseasonably chilly and I’d added the jacket over my white V-neck tee.

  Drew was still along the wall, leading Polo with his helmet tucked under one arm. Now I felt like I’d be interrupting.

  I reached under Whisper’s chin and took the reins. “C’mon, girl. Let’s get you cool and groomed.”

  We started forward, Whisper’s tail swishing lazily as we went toward the exit. “I think you deserve a treat after today,” I said. “Maybe an apple? I might have brought one from lunch.”

  I loved feeding Whisper the juicy fruits. She took dainty bites at first, then got excited and munched until apple juice ran down her chin. It always made me laugh when the liquid coated her fine chin whiskers.

  “Hey, Laur!”

  I halted Whisper, turning to look back. Drew walked Polo in our direction, hurrying a little. The way he said “Laur” made me smile.

  “Hi,” I said. Drew stopped Polo next to Whisper. The two horses tugged against the reins, stretching their necks toward the other. I gave Whisper more room and let her touch muzzles with Polo. The gelding blew a big breath into her nostrils and the two stood, content.

/>   “Good lesson, huh?” Drew asked.

  “Yeah, Mr. Conner’s really making us do different things. Classes are never boring.”

  “Definitely not. I’m waiting, though, for things to get a lot harder. You’ll get to see me fly over a jump without Polo a couple of times, I’m sure.”

  I shook my head. “No way. Please. I’ve seen you during jumping. You guys are tight.”

  Drew grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. “Tight until we reach an obstacle Polo doesn’t like.”

  I giggled. “Okay. I guess I will keep an eye out for flying Drews.”

  “What are you doing after this?” Drew asked.

  “Glee club practice. I’ve got to groom Wisp and get her stall ready, then go.”

  Drew looked at me, his blue eyes intense. “Let me know when you guys are performing. I’ll come watch sometime.”

  I smiled, forcing myself not to blush. “Definitely. I’d like that.”

  “Do you have your phone?”

  I pulled my BlackBerry out of my boot. Khloe had taught me how to clip it inside my tall boots so I could have it on me at the stable.

  I held it up. “Yeah?”

  “Well, it might be easier for you to tell me about glee if you have my number,” Drew said. “Can I put it in your phone?”

  “Sure,” I said, handing it over. My fingers brushed his and my skin tingled. I hadn’t felt like this since Taylor. It almost felt even stronger with Drew.

  He passed my phone back to me, smiling. I stared at the screen—at his number.

  “Thanks,” I said. “That will make it easier. But no picture?”

  “You sure you want my face in your address book?” Drew asked.


  I nodded. “One pic.”

  Drew made a go-ahead motion with his hand. I tried to keep my fingers from shaking as I pushed the camera button and zoomed in on Drew’s face. “On three,” I said. “One . . . two . . . three!”

  I pushed the button and the flash illuminated Drew’s face. Drew stepped closer when the camera had finished and I held out my phone so he could see too.

  He shook his head, smiling. “When you get sick of seeing my face, feel free to replace it with a pic of Polo. He’s much more photogenic.”

  Drew was ridiculous. The picture was perfect. His creamy ivory skin looked flawless against his dark hair. Blue eyes seemed to come through the phone screen, and his soft pink lips made his white smile très parfait.

  I looked up, realizing I’d been staring at my phone. For a while.

  “I know you have to get to glee,” Drew said. “But text me sometime if you want.”

  I nodded. “I will. Thanks.”

  We smiled at each other, and he led Polo out of the indoor arena. I stood there, my feet too heavy to lift, and kept moving the touchpad on my phone to keep the backlight off.

  “Um, Lauren?”

  “Huh?” My head snapped up. Mike stood in front of me in the doorway. “What?” I almost dropped my phone.

  “Another group is coming in soon,” Mike said, looking at me, then my phone. “You okay?”

  “Totally fine,” I said. “Sorry. I got distracted. I’m going.”

  I followed him out of the arena, wondering if it was possible to groom Whisper, feed her, give her fresh water, and muck her stall all while holding my phone.




  I REALIZED ON MY WAY TO GLEE CLUB THAT if I spent much more time looking at Drew’s pic, my battery would die. In Khloe-speak, what had happened with Drew was “majorly amaze!” I’d texted her the second I’d reached Whisper’s stall. She’d responded immediately—she’d just been warming up for her lesson, so she’d checked her phone before Mr. Conner had come into the arena. Khloe was waiting for the play-by-play tonight. I’d also texted Lexa who sent back a ton of !!!! and . She said she and Cole were studying in the library tonight if I had homework and wanted company. I decided I’d meet them while Khloe had Beauty and the Beast rehearsal.

  My phone buzzed. Drew had accepted my contact request on BBM! His icon—an electric guitar against a black background—was next to his name in my contacts list among Khloe’s, Cole’s, Lexa’s, and a few other people’s. I exited BBM. Then logged back in. His name was still there.

  I scrolled to his name, clicked, and typed.


  Hey! Had fun talking 2 u 2day. C u tmrw.

  I put my phone on silent, knowing I had to focus on glee. My smile wouldn’t go away. I took the sidewalk that dipped downhill to the media center. In a “Welcome to Glee Club” e-mail, the faculty advisor, Mr. Harrison, said we’d meet in room 109. The auditorium would be used for special practices and performances.

  I followed the door numbers until I reached 109. I opened the door and looked around. The room was perfect! One corner had a set of drums. A baby grand piano was in the other. Music stands were lined up along one wall and a desk had piles of sheet music.

  Metal folding chairs were arranged in a circle, and I sat in a red one, my back to the window. It had taken me a little longer than usual at the stable because of my refusal to put down my phone for more than ten seconds. I was surprised to be the only one he—

  “Hi, Lauren!”

  I jumped. “Melissa! You scared me! I didn’t see anyone else in here.”

  “Sorry!” The other girl smiled, standing up from behind a desk. “I was finishing reorganizing some files. Are you so excited about our first glee practice this year?”

  Melissa Peeples had been helping Mr. Harrison the day of tryouts. She seemed full of endless energy, and her genuine love of glee made it hard for me not to be excited.

  “I hope I’m ready,” I said. “I’m definitely not going to be the star singer or dancer, but I joined because it’s fun.”

  Melissa flitted around the room like a hummingbird. Her blue skirt swished above her knees and looked très chic with her black ballet flats with tiny bows. “You’ll be great,” she said, brushing her long brown hair over one shoulder. “We’re a group—Mr. Harrison makes sure we stay that way. No divas allowed.”

  Three girls, one I recognized from Hawthorne, walked in together. They smiled at me and took seats in the circle.

  “Hi, Lauren,” one of the girls said. Her platinum-blond hair was back in two loose French braids.

  “Hey, Carlee.” Whew. Her name came to me just in time. Carlee lived in Orchard, but we had science together.

  More people filled the room, and Melissa said a cheerful “hello!” to everyone who walked in.

  Cole entered, wearing breeches like mine. He practically pounced on the seat next to me and stared at me with wide eyes.

  “What?” I asked, laughing. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Cole folded his arms. “Ah, you’re playing the I’m-so-coy game. Not today. Not for this! Lauren, Lexa told me!”

  I turned toward him. I’d been planning to try and wait until after glee club to talk about it, but if Lexa already told him . . .

  “Drew gave me his number!” I whisper-shouted. “He put it in my phone and then I took his picture.”

  “How did you even have the guts to ask for the pic?” Cole slipped out of his black cardigan. “I would have practically died after getting his number.”

  “I don’t know. I just did. It was scary and exciting, then it was easy and things felt cool between us. Like I could ask him for the pic and not be scared.” I felt my phone, now in my jacket pocket. It almost felt hot through my clothes. “Want to see?”

  “Um, yes!” Cole said.

  Laughing, I took out my phone and showed him Drew’s name. Cole grinned. “So, he likes music, huh?”

  “I’m thinking the guitar icon means yes, but that’s something I’ll just have to find out.” I pocketed the phone just as Mr. Harrison walked into the room. The young teacher closed the door, smiling at us. I counted four guys and six other girls in the seats. Mr. Harrison picked up a handfu
l of papers and sat in the remaining empty chair. He almost looked like an older version of Cole, with his light brown hair and green eyes.

  “Hello, everyone,” Mr. Harrison said. “Welcome to the first meeting of this year’s seventh grade glee club. I’m excited for the year to begin. I can’t wait to work with each of you. Some I’ll get to know better”—Melissa smiled—“and some, I’ll get to know.” I smiled at that.

  “Today, we’ll run through some basic vocal warm-ups, but comfort is something I want to work on first,” Mr. Harrison continued. “Not only comfort with yourself in glee and your performing abilities, but your comfort level with one another. That’s why I’d like you all to stand and spend some time introducing yourself to all of the people you don’t know. We’ll warm up when everyone’s finished.”

  Cole and I got up and stepped in front of our chairs. A tall guy with freckles walked up to me. “Hey,” he said, putting his hands in his jeans pockets. “I’m Owen. You’re Lauren, right?”

  “Right,” I said. “I’m so sorry to be rude, but do we have a class together? You knew my name, and I’m sorry that I didn’t know yours.”

  “No classes together,” Owen said. “I’m friends with Garret. You have a class with him.”

  “Oh, yeah. English class.”

  “What’s your favorite kind of music?” Owen asked.

  I started to answer, but was hung up on why Garret was talking about me. I snapped out of it and answered Owen’s question, then asked him the same. After a few more, we moved on to different people. I approached a dark-haired girl with thick bangs and started the whole process all over again.

  By the time we finished introductions, my voice was almost worn out from talking. Mr. Harrison started us on some basic warm-up exercises. Melissa’s voice rang clear until the final note.



  “LET ME SEE!” AN EXCITED KHLOE LUNGED for my phone the second I started to put it on my desk.

  I laughed. “You’re, like, the tenth person to ask me that today.”

  “Criminal that I wasn’t there to witness it,” Khloe said, shaking her head. She picked it up after I plugged it into the charger.


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