That Unbreakable Love 2

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That Unbreakable Love 2 Page 15

by Tynessa

  “I don’t know what that girl got! That’s y’all business and I’m not in it,” was Shaniqua’s reply. Ray’Shun might not admit it but had he known Trinity was seeing someone else, his heart would’ve been broken.

  “Oh, so now it’s our business and you ain’t trying to be in it? You always have been in our business since day one, Ma. That’s your girl and I know she done told you. I hope she ain’t brought that nigga around here though.”

  “And if she has, what? You don’t pay no bills around this mothafucka, boy!” Ray’Shun was a damn trip. How could he claim to not wanna be with that girl but worried about if she was talking to someone else or not. “Hell, you be bringing females around. Called yourself bringing that one chick over here and look at y’all now, ain’t even together no more.”

  “Man, that’s different ma. Y’all my family so y’all are entitled to meet the chicks I date. Trinity don’t have no pull around here so she can’t bring no niggas around my family. That’s disrespecting the set!” What made it so damn bad was, Ray’Shun was dead ass serious.

  “What damn set?” Shaniqua asked with much confusion dripping from her voice. She wanted to know what set it was disrespecting. Ray’Shun shook his head and chuckled.

  “Just a figure of speech. Your old self wouldn’t understand,” he laughed and blocked her swinging arm. “Chill out ma. But for real, I bet when you and Pops broke up back in the days you weren’t trying to bring no other man around his folks.”

  “Hell nah, because her ass knew better!” Ronny made his presence known from behind them. Where the hell was everyone coming from? “She did the right thing by keeping him away unless she wanted that mothafucka murked and her ass beat.”

  Shaniqua smacked her lips and shook her head. Ronny could be so dumb at times. “Ronny, hush. How you look telling your son that you would’ve murked some damn boy? The damn boy already acts just like yo’ insensitive ass.”

  “Naw, only to a certain level. He knows he better not be out here trying to murk no fucking body. Not over no damn pussy anyways, when that shit comes a dime of dozen.”

  Ray’Shun just leaned back in his seat and smiled, while still twisting in his hair and listening to his parents go back and forth.

  “You know what? I’m not even about to entertain y’all right now. You need to go take your son to get that shit cut off his head while you over here putting all that mess in his head,” Shaniqua said as she stood. She hated the fro that Ray’Shun was rocking. She was just about to walk off but Ronny spoke.

  “Aye, tell that lil punk to come here.” He never took his eyes off Man as he sat at the table with his mom and Destiny. Shaniqua was hesitant but she said nothing, as she walked off and did as her husband asked. She already knew he was about to intimidate that boy. Then he had his sidekick, Ray’Shun, with him. Poor Man!

  Just by looking at Man, you could tell he was terrified as he walked over to where Ronny and Ray’Shun sat. All eyes were on them and Ronny didn’t like that. He didn’t need everyone being nosy.

  “Come on,” Ronny said as he stood and headed towards the door. Of course, Ray’Shun was right behind him.

  “Ronny, don’t hurt my baby,” Robyn yelled out. Ronny assured her that he was in good hands as he kept his stroll inside the house and into his office. He could’ve took him down to his man cave but he had the fellas down there watching the game and more than likely they were smoking weed.

  Once they were seated, Ronny said, “I would ask you what your intentions are with my daughter, but hell, y’all already got a little one on the way. How old are you?”

  “Fifteen,” Man said in a low and nervous voice.

  “Why the fuck you and yo’ brother didn’t tell me y’all was fucking with my lil sisters?” Ray’Shun blurted out angrily.

  “Aye boy, calm down and lower your damn voice. I’m asking the questions here,” said Ronny. He then looked back at Man. “How the hell y’all gonna be talking to his lil sisters and smiling in his face like that shit is cool? You know that’s some snaky shit and we don’t have snakes around here.”

  “I mean, Ray’Shun know we ain’t cool like that. He’s my brother homeboy and—” What Man was saying was true but the fact still remains that they knew one another and he could’ve told him that he had eyes for Destiny.

  “But you still knew him! Whether y’all friends or not, you knew him and I’m pretty sure you’ve been around him since you and Destiny had been talking. Am I right or wrong?” Ronny was leaning back in his chair behind his desk as he moved it from side to side. The stare he was giving Man was so powerful it was as if he was reading Man’s soul.

  “You right.”

  “I know I am! So, how are you gonna care for this baby, financially?”

  Man sat up straight and informed Ronny that he had gone out and got a part-time job. He wasn’t making much but the little bit he did bring home a week, he would spend it on things for the baby, such as clothes and diapers. Whatever he didn’t spend, he put it into his savings account his mother had opened for him. Man was really trying to do right and hearing that little bit, he had definitely won Ronny over.

  “That’s what’s up right there! If you don’t mind me asking, how much is the pay?”

  “It’s only $6.75 and twenty hours a week because I’m still in school,” Man explained embarrassedly. Shit, that was a good thing and no need to be embarrassed. Ronny let him know that, too. He applauded the young man.

  “Damn Ray’Shun, the lil nigga doing better than you?” Leaning over in his chair, Ronny smiled at his son.

  Ray’Shun smacked his lips and looked away. “Man whatever!” he said. Ronny let out a laugh.

  “Lil nigga ain’t nothing but fifteen and out here working for his own money,” Ronny taunted his son as he shook his head in shame.

  “He needs to be working for his own money. He the one got a baby on the way,” Ray’Shun said that with no shame, which caused Ronny to sit up straight in his chair. Placing his forearm on the desk he stared into the same green eyes as his.

  “Now, hold the fuck up! Did you just hear yourself? So because you ain’t got a baby on the way you feel you don’t have to work?”

  “I’m not saying that but…” Ray’Shun paused at the end of his sentence because there was no way he could fix that up. Hell, his parents had always given him whatever he wanted and needed, so he didn’t feel it was a must he worked. He didn’t know why his pops were tripping now.

  “Just be quiet boy! I have a job for both of y’all. Monday through Friday; and Man you keep your same twenty hours a week. Ray’Shun you forty hours and morning shift,” Ronny explained as he leaned back in his seat. “Oh, and because you my son, and you gotta take care of my grandchild, I’ll pay $15.00 an hour. Payday every Friday!”

  Before Ronny could finish his sentence Man eagerly said, “I’m in!”

  Ray’Shun on the other hand was looking down at his phone. Ronny didn’t know if he was adding up the pay or what he was doing, so he gave him a few more seconds to reply. When Ray’Shun didn’t look up from his phone or jump on the offer, it pissed Ronny off.

  “Whether you wanna do it or not Ray’Shun, you’re doing it! Don’t make no fucking sense, a grown ass man doesn’t wanna work. What the fuck is wrong with you, boy?” Though Ronny spoke in a calm tone, he was pissed

  “I ain’t say I wasn’t gon’ do it!”

  “Who the fuck you talking to?” Ronny asked as he leaned up. When Ray’Shun didn’t say anything back he leaned back once again and said, “You about to be nineteen years old and still feeding off me and yo’ mama. It’s time for you to get a job. I better see you in my office at the bar at nine Monday morning. Man, Ray’Shun will pick you up at five since you get out of school at four. Y’all can go.” They scattered at Ronny’s dismissal. Ronny was pissed. He couldn’t stand a freeloader, and that’s exactly what his son was becoming. It was his fault though, because he should’ve put Ray’Shun to work when he was younger.
r />   Chapter 21

  It was a chilly Saturday in February, and Shaniqua and the kids had been in Destiny’s room rearranging everything and getting ready for the baby. They had been doing that ever since the baby shower a few weeks ago. It seemed the closer they got to finishing, the more shit would appear out of nowhere. Destiny was feeling minor cramps but remained quiet because she didn’t want to over excite everyone. Plus, she was nervous and afraid that she was going into labor. She’d already heard all about giving birth and even watched videos on YouTube. That was pain that she wasn’t looking forward to.

  “Are you okay?” Shaniqua asked Destiny after seeing the look of discomfort upon her face. She was sitting on the bed rubbing her belly. At times, it was still hard for Destiny to look her parents in the face. Even with her due date approaching, she was still embarrassed about her pregnancy.

  “Yes ma’am. I’m just hungry,” she replied. The rest of the kids chimed in announcing they were too.

  “Okay… We can take a break because I am too. We can run out to get something.” Shaniqua instructed everyone to get ready and once they were, they headed to Pizza Hut. That was everybody’s favorite.

  After ordering and waiting for the food, Shaniyah asked, “Ma, do you think Daddy will let Kush work with them when he gets out in a few months?”

  Shaniqua had just opened a text from Ronny stating that he was home, when Shaniyah asked that question. She decided to text him back before honestly replying. “I really don’t know Niyah. You know he’s only helping Man because he has the baby on the way. You can ask him and see, but more than likely he would wanna talk to Kush first. You know, to see where his head is at. With a name like Kush, I’m pretty sure he’s a street dude. So are you sure he’s going to wanna work?”

  Shaniyah shrugged her shoulders at her mother’s question. “It doesn’t matter; I don’t want him back in jail so I rather him work with my dad. I know daddy will keep him out of trouble.”

  It sounded strange listening to her fifteen-year-old talking about her so called boyfriend. Lord, why couldn’t they just go back to being the sweet little infants, Shaniqua wondered.

  “Well, I guess just wait until he gets out so you, him and Ronny can sit and talk about it,” Shaniqua said as she stared into Destiny’s face. She’d been watching her body language since they sat down. “Destiny, are you in pain?” she asked.

  Destiny looked down, not really wanting to admit she was. “Yes ma’am. My back and the bottom part of my stomach has been hurting all day,” she finally informed Shaniqua. She was nervous and scared at the same time which caused a teardrop to slide down her face.

  “Girl, why you didn’t say anything?” Shaniqua began gathering her things. “Ni-Ni, go tell them to put the pizza in a to-go box. Niyah, help me walk her to the car. Come on RJ and put on your jacket,” Shaniqua demanded everyone. RJ whined and complained about being hungry but she let him know that he could eat in the car. That shut him up because that was something he wasn’t allowed to do.

  With her emergency blinkers on, Shaniqua sped to the hospital while Shaniyah called Man. It seemed as if the pain had increased ten times worse. The closer they got to the hospital the closer the contractions became. Destiny was crying, squeezing the door handle and biting down on her bottom lip to keep from screaming. Why me? is what she continuously asked God in her head.

  “I’m on my way to the hospital. I think Destiny is in labor,” Shaniqua said into the phone to Ronny.

  “What? What the fuck happened? I mean, where y’all at?” Ronny asked. From his voice, Shaniqua could tell he was moving around. She was right. Hearing that she was on the way to the hospital had Ronny putting out his blunt, but hearing Destiny was in labor, it had him grabbing clothes to throw on. “Aye Ray’Shun, yo’ sister in labor. I’ll be there in a minute baby.” Ronny ended the call before Shaniqua could respond.

  “You bout’ to go to the hospital?” Ray’Shun asked from the doorway. He’d just gotten off and was tired but his sister came first.

  “Yeah, you rolling?” Ronny was already slipping on his jeans over his basketball shorts and grabbing a shirt. Ray’Shun said yeah and headed to his room to get ready.

  Ronny headed to the bathroom to take a piss as he ran his hand over his moist forehead. It wasn’t at all hot in the house but he was sweating bullets. He wasn’t ready to see his baby girl go through such a thing. At the moment, he hated he didn’t go through with the abortion.

  Shit, Shaniqua talking about what if something went wrong and Destiny’s body couldn’t handle the abortion, what if she couldn’t handle the pain that comes along with giving birth? Thinking about all that had Ronny fishing for breath. Placing his hands on the countertop, he inhaled deeply and released it slowly. Once his breathing was under control, he wet his face and dried it off before heading out the room.


  Kush walked out of the juvenile detention center feeling like a breath of fresh air. No one knew he was getting out today and as far as they were concerned, he still had another three months to go. Not even his mother or Man knew. Only Rock and that was because he needed a ride home.

  “What’s up, cuz? Why in the hell you ain’t tell nobody that you were getting out early. Nigga, had us thinking you still had months to go and shit,” Rock said as he slapped hands with Kush and they embraced him in a brotherly hug.

  “Man, I ain’t want nobody to know. Who you got in the truck with you?” Kush could see head movement but couldn’t make out who is was. “I told yo’ ass don’t bring nobody.”

  “Oh, they cool. Come on.” Rock headed off to the truck with Man following closely. He was anxious to get out there and see who it was. Once he got out there, he started to turn right back around and go back into the detention center. Rock’s ass could be so fucking stupid at times.

  “Man, what the fuck you bring her for?” The smile that Monae was wearing on her face quickly faded away. She thought Kush was going to be as happy to see her as she was to see him. No, she didn’t want a relationship with him, but fucking him once more—she definitely didn’t mind.

  “Nigga, don’t act like you ain’t in need of no pussy. You been gone for how long?”

  “It don’t matter; I don’t want that pussy!” Kush clarified then hopped in the car. The dirty look he had on his face let Monae know not to say shit to him. Her nor Be-Be didn’t even speak. Had she known Kush was going to act like this, she would have kept her black ass at home. “Aye man, I need to hold your car when we get to the house.” Kush didn’t have nobody’s license but he didn’t care.

  “Fuck you going? Yo’ crazy ass just got out for driving with no license and you trying to do the dumb shit again. Let me find out you trying to go back in there ‘cause you got a nigga,” Rock laughed and so did everybody else, but Kush. That was some real disrespectful shit and had he just been a nigga on the streets, Kush would’ve beaten his ass.

  “Nigga, fuck you! Trying to show out in front of these hoes you gon’ get yo’ ass beat.” Just as Be-Be was about to turn to say something, Rock placed his hand on her thigh and shook his head. By her saying something, it would only make Kush angrier and the situation worse.

  “Damn lil nigga, chill the fuck out. I was just joking with yo’ ass. What you trying to get the car for?” Rock changed the subject. Be-Be couldn’t believe his ass had just bitched up like that. Oh, his ass didn’t know it yet, but he was getting kicked to the curb.

  “I don’t fuck with scary ass niggas,” Be-Be mumbled under her breath. Either Rock heard her but knew not to reply, or he just didn’t hear her at all because he didn’t say anything in response.

  “I gotta go see my girl!”

  “Whoa.” Rock looked at his cousin in the rearview mirror to see if he could tell if he was joking or not. He saw nothing but seriousness and shook his head. “Bruh, don’t you know that nigga Ray’Shun out to get you? Where the fuck you tryna go to see her at?”

  “I’m going to their mothafuckin’ h
ouse! And Ray’Shun out to get who? Bruh, you the only one that’s scared of the nigga.” Once again, Monae and Be-Be laughed. Kush’s thuggish demeanor was turning them both on. “When I was out, I tried to give that nigga time to cool off or whatnot because I knew he was feeling some type of way. But if he really wanted to see about me, I wasn’t hard to find. I put my pants on the same way that nigga puts his on. One leg at a fucking time!”

  “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about! Why the fuck you ain’t like that, Rock? If I would’ve known you was a scary ass nigga, ain’t no way I would’ve have given you a shot of pussy,” Be-Be said as she laughed, but was dead ass serious.

  “Hell, I could’ve told you that nigga was scary!” Monae added her two cents as she laughed also. The whole ride to drop them off, Monae and Be-Be teased Rock about his scariness. Every once in a while he would say something back, but not much. Rock didn’t feel that he was scary, he just wasn’t a fighter. Plain and simple!

  Once they had dropped the girls off, Rock agreed to go with Kush to Shaniyah’s house. The only reason he offered to take him was because he’d just gotten out and he didn’t want to risk the chance of his cousin getting pulled over.

  “Man, why you can’t wait to see her another time?” Rock’s scary ass asked.

  “Fuck another time! I’m going to see her now.”

  “Here, call her first.” Rock tried to pass Kush the phone but he pushed it away.

  “I ain’t calling her. I want this to be a surprise. Fuck Ray’Shun and her dad!” Kush silently thanked God that there was a car in front of them and the gate stayed opened long enough for them to enter.

  Being that he knew his cousin was scared, he ordered him to wait on side of the road while he walked down the long driveway and to the front door. Kush was nervous and unsure of how they would feel about him showing up unannounced, but he was willing to face the consequences out of the love he had for Shaniyah.


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