Against the Gods - Volume 05 - Primordial Profound Ark

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Against the Gods - Volume 05 - Primordial Profound Ark Page 66

by Mars Gravity

“Wah, wah!” Hong’er received Dragon Fault and began dancing excitedly. She had eaten the other half of Dragon Fault while being chased around by Yun Che, so she had to swallow it whole. But this time, she could eat with no pressure at all. Naturally her eating speed slowed by a lot. Her small and delicate soft pink lips and delicate and pearly-white teeth easily gobbled up Dragon Fault, which was more resilient than profound iron. This picture caused Yun Che’s spirit to receive an unimaginable impact.


  The tremors in space began to strengthen and a tiny dimensional tear had already begun to form in the air… The Primordial Profound Ark’s repulsion field had arrived.

  “Hurry and keep her in the profound seal! Because of her unique physique, she might not be affected by the Primordial Profound Ark’s repulsion field!” Jasmine said hurriedly.

  Yun Che furrowed his brows, and quickly sent a mental order for Hong’er to return to the profound seal… Hong’er, who had been happily eating, let out a dissatisfied cry. Then, she, along with the other half of Dragon Fault, morphed into the red light and returned to the profound seal.

  At practically the same time, a strong and irresistible force carried Yun Che up, and threw him into the dimensional vortex which had appeared out of nowhere.

  After suffering a full eighteen months within the spatial turbulence, a mere dimensional vortex was not even worth mentioning to Yun Che. He closed his eyes and let himself be moved by the dimensional vortex with a heart full of apprehensiveness…

  What kind of world would he be brought to exactly…


  Profound Sky Continent, Blue Wind Nation.

  The Divine Phoenix Empire had launched a massive invasion without warning, setting all four corners of the Blue Wind Nation ablaze with war. New Moon City was the central region’s hub. Once news of its occupation had spread, the citizens of Blue Wind Nation descended into a greater state of panic.

  Navy Tide, Sunflower Dew, Divine Incense, Grand Asura and Black Fiend coalition of five nations kept receiving request after request for help from Blue Wind Nation. However, they all kept silent. It was unknown whether they had forgotten the simple concept of “if the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold” and the six nations interdependence on one another, or if they were simply too scared of any possible reprisal from the Divine Phoenix Empire. And ninety percent of the large profound sects within Blue Wind Nation had chosen to defect… because any resistance would only end in their total destruction. Even though surrendering was shameful, they could at least preserve the foundations that had been laid for hundreds of years. Those sects which rose up in resistance or joined the army were actually those smaller and weaker ones; the sects without any famous background or influence.

  The strongest sect, the only one which the Divine Phoenix empire would fear, Heavenly Sword Villa, had instead chosen to seal their doors and lock themselves in when Blue Wind Nation was in such a predicament.

  This war had brutally exposed the naked selfishness of humanity.

  Facing the overwhelming strong Divine Phoenix Empire without any assistance from outside or from the profound world, there was no possibility that Blue Wind Nation could muster any form of resistance. Under the command of Blue Wind Empress, who withstood the Divine Phoenix Empire without backing down or compromising, Blue Wind Nation had managed to endure thus far. This was already a deeply astonishing miracle to all seven nations. Even though every single Blue Wind citizen could smell the dying embers of their nation, Empress Cang Yue had become the brightest moon in their dark sky, and she had earned their boundless respect. Even though she might soon become the ruler of a conquered nation, she would forever have a place in the annals of the Profound Sky Continent.

  At the western frontier of Blue Wind Nation, a location already engulfed in the flames of war, a young man with shoulder-length hair dressed in pitch-black clothes came striding through the flames.

  His steps were ponderous, his gait stiff and heavy, the expression on his face incomparably cold and hard. This coldness was especially prominent in his eyes, it was as sharp and cold as a cold blade of the nine hells. If anyone glanced at his eyes, chills would be sent down their spine… and if anyone peered into his eyes, they would discover that his pupils stirred with an aberrant black light.

  This was a place that had been baptized by the fires of battle, it was a desolate plain, and even the odd building that was still standing was completely ruined. There were a few travelers, all of whom bore a face etched with despair and hopelessness. War should not harm the common people, but Divine Phoenix Empire had attacked with an unbecoming haste and their great army swept through the land, completely disregarding the safety of these helpless civilians.

  The black-clothed youth’s every movement was possessed of an unparalleled uniformity. And his entire journey thus far had, astonishingly, been traveled in a completely straight line. When people saw him, they would unconsciously shrink away from him and maintain the furthest distance possible.

  After walking for a long while, he finally chance on an inn which was still in reasonable condition. His steps slowly came to a halt and he entered the inn.

  There was already famine everywhere, with refugees being forced to leave. Thus, there was no more customers for the inn to receive and the inn was not going to be able to operate for much longer. The innkeeper sat listlessly at the shop counter, his sighs unceasing. But all of a sudden, his body felt an intense cold which came out of nowhere and his heart suddenly tightened up. He raised his head and saw the black-clothed youth who had entered the inn.

  Someone who opened an inn would naturally be worldly and knowledgeable. The unprecedented fear invoked by the black-clothed youth immediately informed the innkeeper that this young man was definitely one terrifying character. He hurriedly strode out from behind his counter and took the initiative to welcome the young man. He said in the calmest voice possible, “Will this young master be staying here?”

  “Where is Yun Che!?” The black-clothed youth did not look at him directly and spat out words which were as cold and still as stagnant water.

  “Yun… Yun Che?” The innkeeper said in a careful voice, trying to keep his fear in check, “Which Yun Che?”

  “Of course it is the Yun Che that destroyed the Burning Heaven Clan!” The black-clothed youth said in a voice that suddenly became even colder.

  “Ah? Well…” The innkeeper looked at him with shock and suspicion, but hurriedly lowered his head and replied, “I do not understand this esteemed customer’s question, Prince Consort Yun Che… isn’t he already dead?”

  The name Yun Che was naturally known to all within the Blue Wind Nation. Two years ago, the Seven Nation Ranking Tournament had caused his name to send shockwaves throughout the Profound Sky Seven Nations. But swiftly following this illustrious news was the information that he had been buried within the Primordial Profound Ark.

  “What… did you say?!”

  The innkeeper’s words caused the unstirring young man to explode like a sudden peal of thunder. He grabbed the collar of the innkeeper with one hand, and easily lifted up the innkeeper’s body, which weighed over two hundred kilograms. His dark eyes let out a fiendish light as he shouted, “You said he is dead? You said Yun Che is dead?!”

  The innkeeper felt as if he had been dropped into ice, and he nearly pissed his pants in fright right there, “Esteemed… esteemed customer, please do not be angry. Prince Consort Yun has indeed died, he had already died two years ago… this matter, the entire continent knows of it… Esteemed customer, please spare my life… please spare my life….”

  The black-clothed youth hands shook, and his face distorted in an incomparably terrifying way. He spoke in a hoarse voice, “Dead… how can he possibly be dead! Tell me!! How did he die… How did he die?!”

  “He… He… He died in the Divine Phoenix Empire… Seven… Seven Nation Ranking Tournament… Primo… Primordial Profound Ark…
I… I heard that it was to save the Divine Phoenix Empire’s Princess Snow… he was buried in the Primordial Profound Ark…”

  The innkeeper had been badly startled, his whole body convulsed and his speech became incoherent.

  “Ahhhhhhh!!!!!” The black-clothed youth let out a furious yell, then sent the innkeeper flying with a wave of his arm. The innkeeper’s body flew through the wall, and there was no sign of movement after that. It was unknown if he was dead or alive.

  “Dead… Dead… Dead… Dead… He is actually dead… Ha… Haha… Hahahahaha… Dead!!” The black-clothed youth entire body spasmed as he kept repeating those words to himself. His entire demeanor was in disarray and he started to howl with laughter. After the laughter, his expression transformed into one filled with pain… it was as if he had suddenly turned insane.

  “Why… Why is he actually dead?!” The black-clothed youth raised his head, and howled in agony, “After three years of rending flesh and tearing the soul, and enduring countless hellish purgatories, I had finally awaited for this day to arrive… but why is he dead… Dead… Who will I take revenge on then? Ah!!!!!”

  The black-clothed youth let out a huge roar and, all of a sudden, a column of pitch-black smoke rose from his body. Within the smoke, the wooden table near his feet soundlessly rotted away. The white bowl on the table turned pitch-black, and afterwards dissolved into a black powder which was carried away by the wind.

  After his roar had subsided and he regained his sense, one name appeared within his mind.

  Floating Cloud City!!

  “Floating Cloud City…” The black clothed youth muttered in a low and deep voice, “Yun Che… You exterminated my entire clan… This grudge will last for an eternity! Since… I can’t kill you anymore… then I will simply slaughter all the people in your clan.”

  The black-clothed youth started flying as he broke through the roof of the inn, shooting out like a black arrow in the direction of the east… Making his way directly to Floating Cloud City.

  Chapter 488: Lucky Person?

  “Where is this?” Hong’er nibbled the food in her hand while curiously assessing the surroundings of the world, which was a vast expanse of white.

  “This is the world of the Sky Poison Pearl.” Jasmine appeared in front of her, looking indifferently at Hong’er who just appeared in that world.

  “Sky Poison Pearl?” Hong’er took another big bite off Dragon Fault, and said indistinctly while chewing: “Sky Poison Pearl? What a weird name, why would I appear here?”

  “That’s because the Sky Poison Pearl and the Profound Seal Space are both worlds which exist within his body, when your Profound Seal Space was created, both of them were merged into one.” Jasmine explained unenthusiastically.

  “Oh… even though I don’t understand at all, it seems very amazing!” Hong’er’s opened her mouth wide and put the last piece of Dragon Fault into her mouth, then swallowed it completely… like she had just swallowed a soft, delicious piece of bread: “Mmm ahh! I’m done! So full!”

  A peculiar red glow shined in Hong’er’s scarlet eyes, who had finished eating Dragon Fault, yet it quickly vanished. She sized up Jasmine, then said while giggling: “That’s right, little big sis, what’s your name?”


  “Jas… mine… I’ve got it! Little big sister, you have to play with me frequently from now on, I really like to play!” Hong’er yelled adorably, being familiar on her own accord at Jasmine, who emanated an indifferent aura from her entire being. She stretched lazily, her eyelids suddenly drooping: “I suddenly feel so tired after eating… I really want to take a nap.”

  Hong’er lightly rubbed her eyes, then yawned: “Ahh, mmm… I’m really really tired, little big sis, I’ll go take a nap first, good night.”

  With that, Hong’er directly curled into a ball like a cat on the ground, closed her eyes, and in the next moment, she fell asleep with shocking speed.

  Jasmine’s line of sight never left Hong’er for a moment. After she fell soundly asleep, her eyes flashed and she said coldly: “Come out!”

  The moment her voice landed, a strand of colorless radiance rose from Hong’er’s body; it then slowly revealed a misty silhouette.

  And this silhouette was actually the remnant spirit which had encountered in the Primordial Profound Ark that already dissipated!

  Only that this remnant spirit was evidently more frail than the one that Yun Che had initially seen, it was inconsistent to the point that it could completely vanish at any point, she said with an ancient and heavy voice: “Who exactly are you, how could you actually know the Star God Imperial Family’s ‘Soul Star Relegation’!”

  “You actually know about ‘Soul Star Relegation’.” Jasmine squinted.

  “…So that really was ‘Soul Star Relegation’!” Jasmine’s words were a confirmation. The remnant spirit was evidently shaken: “You are from the Star God Imperial Family… No! The twelve Star Gods have already been destroyed, you are someone who has inherited the strength of one of the Star Gods!?”

  “That’s right.” Jasmine acknowledged without trying to hide anything at all: “Is it not better to relieve yourself earlier? Why did you still leave a remnant spirit on her body?”

  “Without seeing my little mistress get rescued and recover, how could I leave peacefully… I did not expect that when little mistress got healed from the devilish poison and awoke, she would be put under the ‘Soul Star Relegation’, and be attached to an ordinary person!” The remnant spirit’s voice was filled with deep indigence: “Who would have expected that you would be such despicable and malicious people!”

  “So, would you rather that she continue sleeping in the Coffin of Eternity, to forever be fast asleep and be a living dead?” Jasmine laughed coldly: “In the entire world, only the Sky Poison Pearl can save her, and you have just witnessed it. The Sky Poison Pearl has already merged into his body; in the entire world, he is the only one who can save your little mistress! Your little mistress is able to see daylight again, yet you cannot even accept such a small price, how laughable!”

  The remnant spirit remained silent for a long time, as if it had trouble retorting.

  “I am, after all, not a real ancient Star God, and am unable to employ the complete ‘Soul Star Relegation’. On top of that, I am unable to casually use my full power. The power of the ‘Soul Star Relegation’ is much less than it is supposed to be, if your little mistress had resisted a little, it would not have succeeded. Yet you have witnessed that she subconsciously had not even the least bit of vigilance or resistance towards him, and accepted such an outcome on her own accord, and was not forced into it!”

  “Little mistress has totally lost her memories, her soul is completely blank and is not vigilant against anyone, and thus got taken advantage of by you. If not, how could she be plotted against! Little mistress is the miracle and hope left behind after my sect’s destruction, yet now she is attached to a mere human… Even though my soul has been scattered, I have let down my king…” the remnant spirit said indignantly.

  “A mere human?” Jasmine laughed coldly: “Though I cannot confirm exactly which Primordial Clan you are from, however… do you really think that your little mistress being attached to him, is a loss?! In my view, this is clearly the biggest favor that the Heavens have done for your little mistress and your clan.”

  “Ridiculous!” The remnant spirit twisted with rage: “How honourable is the little mistress’ status? She currently has yet to grow up, but she has unlimited potential. When she has completely matured, she would be able to surpass my king and conquer the whole world! A mere human is limited to just the Divine Profound Realm. Compared to my little mistress, he is a petty and lowly individual!”

  Facing the more and more agitated remnant spirit, Jasmine, however, maintained a calm expression, and asked calmly: “A mere human? Since you know about the ‘Soul Star Relegation’, then you should also know, even for the true Star God back then, the ‘Sou
l Star Relegation’ could only be used once, yet I used this once in a lifetime ability of the ‘Soul Star Relegation’ on him. If he is just a ‘mere human’ as you said, would he have the qualifications to make me unhesitantly employ a skill which can only be used once?!”

  Remnant spirit: “…”

  “A few years ago, I had also thought that he was just an ordinary human… No, at that time, he could not even be counted as ordinary, at that time, his profound veins were crippled; even among the humans, he was just a piece of trash. At that time when I complied to him, it was just simply because I wanted to make use of the Sky Poison Pearl on his body to remove the devilish poison from my body.”

  “However, I quickly found out that I had completely misjudged this person.”

  “Since you are from a Primordial Clan, you are aware of the Realm of Gods. After the death of the gods, there has continuously been humans ascending into the Realm of Gods, frantically searching for bloodlines, strengths and legacies left behind by the deceased gods. After countless years, countless astral planes were set up in the Realm of Gods, causing the domain of the gods to become a domain to obtain godly bloodlines and legacies. The Realm of Gods is incomparably huge; up until today, there are still countless of people searching for legacies left behind by the ancient True Gods.”

  Jasmine shifted her gaze and said: “I’ve said all these just to tell you that, the current Realm of Gods has been searched by people for several thousand years, tens of thousands of years, tens of tens of thousands of years, and even several hundreds of tens of thousands of years, yet no new True God’s bloodline nor legacy has been found. More than ninety-nine percent of them only possess a single type of godly strength, and they are legacies from astral planes. In the entire Realm of Gods, the number of godly strengths is at most only three. This is because new True God legacies are getting harder to find. In addition… the strength of gods are proud, with even a single godly power in the body, the entry of another would easily face rejection. For three godly powers to coexist in the current Realm of Gods, is already enough to shock the entire world, they are the peak of existence!”


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