Gripped: A Stepbrother Romance (Bonus Story: Stepbrother Forbidden)

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Gripped: A Stepbrother Romance (Bonus Story: Stepbrother Forbidden) Page 3

by Brother, Stephanie



  Naturally, I hated Tom and his guts the instant I saw him. I wanted to grab a fistful of his gelled blond hair while I punched him in the stomach. The various acts of violence I wanted to enact on my stepsister’s fiance as we sat down to dinner was alarming and disturbing.

  He was not the type of man Mac was used to dating. Instead of it giving me calm, it gave me indigestion. Or maybe that bit was Mac’s burnt steaks. She was a lovely, kind, generous woman, but she often didn’t do well in the cooking department. At least the mashed potatoes were good. So I munched on those moodily as Tom’s smooth face, smooth suit and smooth voice irritated me more and more the longer I was in his presence.

  If Mom was here, no doubt she’d be poking fun at the way Tom wiped his mouth after every bite, or how he sat ramrod straight as though something large and stiff was shoved up his—

  “So, Reid, tell me, how is life on the other side of the law?” Tom laughed at his own weak joke, the sound hollow and practised. Mac smiled, her lips stretched across her teeth like if some invisible pair of fingers yanked at the corners of her mouth.

  “Decent,” I said on a bite of boiled carrots.

  “Mackenzie tells me your work allows you to travel the world. I confess I’m quite envious.”

  “Too true,” said Harry with a nod.

  My gaze slid to Mac before moving to Tom again. Trust me, I’m ‘quite envious’ of you too, buddy.

  “Though I suppose my work in criminal law holds far more stability and prestige,” Tom continued.

  I frowned, ready to retort when Mac interjected.

  “Well, Reid’s line of work isn’t for everyone, Tom,” she said, glancing my way. I read the plea in her eyes that I let Tom’s comment slide. Fine. I took a big gulp of my wine and leaned back in my seat, frown in place. “Reid’s like a detective, except with a greater pay because he’s assuming a greater risk.” She smiled at me. This time it was a lot more genuine and it eased my annoyance. “I think his work holds a lot of prestige.”

  “Of course, Mackenzie,” said Tom in condescending tones.

  The conversation continued on without me despite Mac’s best efforts to rope me in. I had nothing to contribute anyway because it was all about Tom kissing Harry’s ass. He barely said a thing to Mac. I eyed my watch, wondering when would be the respectable—read: appropriate by Mac’s blackmailing standards—time to call it quits and go for my drive.

  Thankfully, Tom made the first move. After bragging about an important client he’d acquired for the firm, he announced he had an early day ahead of him and had to take his leave.

  As Mac and Harry showed him out, I exhaled in relief. Christ, if I’d had to stand one more minute of that asshole, all the violence trapped in my head would’ve been brought to life in this dining room.

  I was too tired to drive so I cleared the dishes from the table, rolled up my shirtsleeves and got to work.

  “We have a dishwasher you know,” said Mac when she reentered the room.

  “I know that,” I said. “I like doing them on hand.” I glanced over my shoulder at her. “Come dry them.”

  As soon as she came over to stand beside me, I knew it was a bad idea. Her sweet scent and the heat from her body set me on edge. Every time I passed her a dish or utensil to dry, our fingers touched and my cock twitched. I wanted to stop doing the dishes. Instead, I wanted to press her up against the kitchen counter and wedge my dick between her soft, round backside.

  I glanced down at her, somewhat terrified she knew my filthy thoughts. Her face was slightly pink and she bit her bottom lip as she dried a dish with a towel.

  Oh yeah. She definitely knew how much of a nasty perv her stepbrother was.

  “You don’t like him,” she said quietly. “You don’t like Tom.”

  “I thought you didn’t care whether I approved of him or not.”

  She snorted. “You’ve never liked any of the guys I dated, Reid. Somehow or the other, you’ve always found a reason to beat them up.”

  I shrugged. “That’s because you tend to date douchebags, Mac. Tom included. But I guess he’s not a full-fledged douchebag. He’s a rung lower. A pompous asshole.”

  She put the dish aside and glared up at me.

  “He’s going to be my husband.”

  The words tumbled out of my mouth before I had a chance to rein them in.

  “He doesn’t deserve you.”

  The silence that followed was heavy, charged with unspoken words and suppressed feelings. Two days ago I’d almost kissed her; two days ago, she’d almost let me kiss her. She’d closed her eyes and waited. I think that was the most shocking part of it all.

  She licked her lips and I clenched my fist against the tiled counter top, wishing that was my tongue doing the licking.

  “So who deserves me?” she asked, her voice soft. “You’ve always used that line. If none of my ex-boyfriends deserved me, if Tom doesn’t deserve me, who deserves me?”

  Me. Only me. Never anybody else.

  I didn’t say that. That would be inappropriate. So I did something equally wrong instead.

  I pushed her up against the edge of the counter and kissed her.



  Way more often than I could count, I’d imagined what it would be like to kiss Reid. Then I’d promptly evict the image from my head. But, see, there was something persistent about forbidden fantasies. Tenacious. The more you fought against them, the stronger they got. I don’t know. Maybe the more you fought against something you desired, which you knew you shouldn’t desire, the greater the likelihood of said inappropriate desire coming through?

  Because Reid was kissing me.

  This wasn’t in my head anymore.

  This was actually happening.

  Reid’s hands were on my hips, the length of his firm body pressed against me. Most importantly, his lips were covering mine. Then his tongue snaked out and caressed my bottom lip and I was gone.

  My hands flew around his neck as I rose up on my tiptoes to kiss him harder. He seemed surprised by my sudden change but he recovered. He groaned into my mouth when our kiss deepened. As soon as our tongues touched, the chasteness of our kiss disappeared into oblivion.

  Reid kissed me as though he wanted to devour me whole. He clenched his fingers in my hair so tightly that I couldn’t move my head. I was trapped between the hard counter and his hard body as he kissed me with a fierceness that made my insides quiver. His cock was like hard steel, pressing against me through our clothing. My pussy squeezed with an ache so desperate I whimpered.

  “Oh god, Reid,” I gasped. His mouth was on my neck and his hands on my ass, squeezing and kneading, mashing me to his front as he ground against me. This was too much too fast, his breathing hard and harsh, ghosting over my skin. I wanted him inside me more than I wanted to take another breath and the thought terrified me.

  And then he was no longer touching me or kissing me. He lurched backward, dragging his hands through his dark hair, shaking his head.

  “No…I can’t. Fuck. Fuck.” The anguish in his deep blue eyes mirrored what I felt in my chest.

  “Reid—” I reached for him.

  He backed away, his face twisting in anger. “You’re my sister.”

  I opened my mouth but the words didn’t come. There were no words, no reassurances, no silver lining to this horrible situation we’d found ourselves in. Upstairs, Dad’s footfalls were muffled as he got ready for bed. How would he feel if he ever found out what Reid and I had just done?

  “You’re my sister,” he said again, and I wanted to tell him, correct him: I’m your stepsister. That made it a little better, right? That made what we felt for each other just a little bit less wrong. I wanted to tell him that but he didn’t give me a chance to reply. Like always, Reid did what Reid does best.

  He left.



  “Mackenzie, look at
this. I think this list is perfect for you.”

  Desiree, my coworker and close friend, presented an opened magazine to me. She tapped her fingernail on the title of the article of interest.

  “‘10 Signs He’s Totally Cheating On You,’” I read out loud. I glanced around the semi-empty library hoping nobody but Desiree had heard me. Two girls sat at the row of computers and a few other kids read books at the desks. They all seemed engrossed in their activities.

  I made a face at Desiree as I spoke in a quieter voice.

  “How is that perfect for me? Are you trying to tell me something?”

  “Well, you’re about to get hitched to a rich lawyer. They aren’t known for their monogamous ways.” She flipped her glossy auburn hair over her shoulder as she smiled at me. “This list isn’t perfect for you now, but it will be in the future.”

  “Des, I don’t think it’s a great idea to go into a marriage expecting dishonesty and unfaithfulness,” I said. Of course, the memory of Reid’s mouth and body against mine chose that time to rear its head. I suppose it was the height of irony for someone like me to be preaching about the success of a marriage. After all, I’d technically been unfaithful to Tom over a week ago, even if our relationship wasn’t based on love.

  Desiree pursed her lips. “My Aunt Andrea’s been married four times and she says everybody’s got a cheater in them. Just a matter of time and circumstance to bring it out.”

  I shrugged as I returned to my work on the computer. “I suppose.”

  I should feel guilty for what I’d done…but I didn’t. Many days later after Reid had given me the kiss of all kisses, I had yet to feel any remorse. This was wrong on a few levels. I should regret that I’d kissed another man when I was about to get married in less than two weeks. I should regret that I’d kissed my stepbrother instead of restraining myself like I always did. Most of all, I should regret that instead of exorcising my feelings for Reid, I had only made them stronger.

  It’s not right to marry one man when you’re in love with another.

  It was selfish but I didn’t have a choice. Reid was right. I had terrible taste in men. Tom wasn’t my choice. I didn’t love him or like him, but it beat the alternative: single and liable to chase after some loser who wouldn’t care about me. Or worse, I’d end up alone. Like my dad when my mom left. Like my dad again once Vera was gone.

  “So is Reid going to be at the wedding?”

  “No,” I said in snippier tones than I’d intended. The way Desiree’s voice had softened on Reid’s name irked me. She’d known Reid since he came to Seattle to live with me and my dad. During high school, she’d had a major crush on him. I had to say that not only did it suck to have feelings for your stepbrother, it sucked twice as much having a crush on the same guy as your friend.

  I released my irritation on a breath and spoke in a softer voice. “No, I don’t think he’ll be there. Tom and I aren’t doing the whole big shindig, remember? In the morning, we’re getting married at the courthouse and then there’s the dinner with family and friends.”

  “But Reid’s family. I think he’ll be there.” She nodded as though her saying so would make it happen. If only she knew how complicated everything was beneath it all. Since the kiss, I’d barely seen him, let alone gotten the chance to invite him to the dinner. And even if I did get that chance, I had serious doubts he’d attend. Not only because of what had happened between us, but for the simple fact that he hated Tom’s guts.

  As if thinking of him made him appear, Tom entered the library. The overhead lights shone like a halo on his blond hair. His teeth were two rows of blindingly-white as he smiled at me.

  “I’ve come to take you out to lunch, Mackenzie,” he said, ignoring Desiree’s greeting. I quelled the immediate irritation rising in my chest. It was weird, but the way he said my name annoyed me. But this was a surprise. He had never visited my workplace let alone asked me out to lunch.

  “Oh, well, it’s just 10am and I’ve got a lot of work to do—”

  “Your coworker doesn’t seem as busy,” he said, turning his disapproving gaze on Desiree and the gossip magazine in her hands. “Perhaps she can bear some of the work until you return.”

  “I-I guess.” I frowned at him then glanced at Desiree. “Des, do you mind?”

  Desiree opened her mouth but Tom interjected with a tight smile.

  “She doesn’t.” He made a show of looking at his expensive watch. The white gold material glinted ostentatiously in the light. “We need to hurry, Mackenzie. I’ve an important meeting just after lunch.”

  Throwing Desiree an apologetic look, I grabbed my bag and jacket and hurried away with Tom.



  “Look, Jeremy, it’s not hard—no don’t do that. Just tail the fucking guy and take pictures. You can do that much, right? What? Are you kidding me? Fine. You can take mine. The keys are in the box. Not a fucking scratch on it, OK? Not even a nick or I will kill you.”

  I hung up the phone and threw it on top of the dresser. I glared at it for a moment, taking a deep breath to quell my frustration. I had the most inept assistant to ever walk the face of the earth and I couldn’t fire him. Not now while I was away.

  Most guys in my profession were lone rangers, but that kind of mindset held you back. Teamwork increased efficiency. At least that’s what I’d thought until Jeremy came bumbling in, threatening to fuck up all the hard work I’d done creating a reputable name for myself in this gig.

  When I got back to France, I was going to fire him. But that was sometime in the future. In the present I had to pack.

  Yanking the dresser shelves open, I scooped out all my clothing and dumped them in my suitcase on the floor. I’d finally done what I should have done two weeks ago: booked a hotel. Too little too late, but I wasn’t going to be the ass who didn’t learn from his mistakes. I fucked up. Not almost this time. I fucked up because I kissed Mac.

  The worst thing about it? I wanted to do it again. I wanted to do more. I wanted to press her soft body up against any available surface. Make her moan my name louder than when I was kissing her.

  Christ, what had I done? I messed things up for the both of us. Our simple but distant relationship as siblings was toast. I’d kissed her and she’d kissed me back. Why? It was the question that plagued me the most. Why did Mac kiss me when I was the one with the inappropriate feelings? In less than two weeks she was going to be the wife of some other guy. Why would she return the kiss of her stepbrother with as much energy as though she’d waited to do it for a long time?

  I was a bounty hunter. Like Mac said, I was kinda like a detective. Deducing people’s intentions through their actions was a major part of my job description. So if I applied my skills to this situation, the only conclusion I came to was that Mac kissed me because she had feelings for me. That she’d had feelings for me for a long time. But then I didn’t relish that conclusion much. Not only did it mean my stepsister and I were like two peas in a depraved pod, it meant I’d been one blind idiot for a pretty long time.

  Downstairs, the front door slammed. I heard the sound of a woman’s shoe heel on the hardwood flooring below. Shit. She was home a lot sooner than I’d hoped.

  “Dad?” Mac called. “Da-ad!”

  I packed faster, grabbing my stuff from various places and dumping them into the suitcase. I had a few shaving items in the bathroom but I wasn’t going to risk getting them. I wanted to be on my way out the door by the time she climbed those stairs.

  My cellular phone beeped with a message. I ignored it. Probably Jeremy asking more asinine questions he should already know the answers to. Then again, I wouldn’t want him to do something fucking stupid and get himself hurt.

  I reached for my phone and fired off a response. He replied with yet another question which I had to answer too. By the time I set the phone down, I looked up and found Mac watching me from the doorway.



nbsp; Silence.

  Her entire body radiated hesitation and she seemed upset. Beyond that assessment, all I could think about was how gorgeous she looked. She was dressed in a blue work shirt over a black, slim-fitting skirt but her pumps made her smooth legs look longer. She wore her curly hair down, too, just the way I liked it.

  I tightened my hands at my sides into fists, willing myself not to try to touch her. The fight was harder because after enjoying her body beneath my hands once, everything in me demanded to do it all over again.

  “Have you seen Dad?”

  “No.” I forced my gaze away from her pretty face to some vague spot past her shoulder. “Probably still downtown in a meeting.”

  “Oh.” Her shoulders fell. “OK. Thanks.”

  She turned away, about to leave, but no. Ever the idiot, I couldn’t let her go.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing.” She shook her head. Then her forehead wrinkled in a frown. “No, it’s not nothing. Tom wants me to sign a prenup.”

  I bristled. Tom? She wanted to talk about fucking Tom?

  I shrugged. “I don’t see the big deal. It happens all the—”

  “It is a big deal!” She folded her arms beneath her breasts, her eyes darkening with anger. “He dragged me away from work today to not only demand I sign a prenup, but an agreement that when we’re married, I have to quit my job. Oh and there’s more.” She laughed, the sound humourless. “In the agreement, I’m to have no less than one and no more than three of his kids. He’ll pay me a stipend for each kid I pop out too. And if I can’t give him any kids, we’ll adopt but I won’t get paid a cent.”

  “Now ain’t that love,” I said.

  “No, it’s ridiculous!” she huffed. “He had an actual document with all his stipulations typed up ready for me to sign. He wanted me to stay beneath a certain weight during the marriage. He told me I had to throw away my closest friend because she’s too ‘plebeian.’”

  I scoffed. “He doesn’t like Desiree? Who doesn’t like Desiree? She’s nice.” I approached her, breathing in her flowery scent. I wanted to press my face against her neck . Hold her and smell her for hours. “He’s an ass, Mac. A true dickwad among all the dickwads that ever existed.”


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