Seduced by His Song

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Seduced by His Song Page 6

by Abby Gordon

  A sigh chuffed out of her. She went to shift position, caught his look, and ducked her head before curling back into him.

  “He wanted to know where I was every second of the day. Who I talked with. What we talked about. He wanted me to leave the club and go back to the dining room, and when I said it wasn’t as much money or what I wanted to do…” She yanked her chin from his grasp and looked away. “He got a bit upset.”

  Sean’s fingers trailed along her jaw and turned her back toward him.

  “A bit upset?” He echoed softly, eyes narrowed. “Just what the hell does that mean?”

  “He got upset,” she repeated, shoulders hunching.

  Sean could see the defensiveness in her posture. Possibilities he didn’t want to think about came to mind.

  “You mean, he yelled at you? Did he hit you? Throw things at you? Threaten you in anyway?”

  “Sean, it’s over,” whispered Jessica. “I handled it.”

  “Handled it?” Something about their night together flashed in his mind. “He raped you, didn’t he?”

  Her sob caught in her throat as she shook her head.

  “No, he didn’t but…” Her breath hitched. “He pushed me on my knees, grabbed my head, and forced me to…”

  Her entire body quaked and he held her closely, one hand stroking her hair.

  “That’s why you looked the way you did in my suite,” he breathed. “When you were on your knees. The courage to do that. Jesus fucking Christ, woman.” His arms tightened around her. “And you still came up to my room. Knowing what I wanted. You let me in your apartment, flat, room whatever you call it, because it wasn’t very big.”

  Her head shifted and she smiled up at him. “It’s what I can afford in a safe, decent neighborhood.”

  “Fair enough,” he conceded the argument. “So, just how did you handle it?”

  Jessica’s face scrunched up. “Men don’t like it.”

  His eyes widened. “What did you do?” He shook his head quickly. “Whatever you did, he more than earned it.”

  “I bit him.”

  “You bit his cock? While he was forcing you to…” Sean’s own cock flinched a bit even though he knew damn well whatever she had done the asshole had deserved. “And?”

  “We were in my flat,” she stressed, earning a quick smile from him. “So, when he howled and let go of me, I got to the kitchen area. Remember all those pots and pans I have hanging from the ceiling?”

  “Vaguely,” he replied with a nod. “I wasn’t exactly there to critique your interior decorating skills.”

  “Very wise of you,” Jessica told him, relaxing again against his chest. “Anyway, the first pan I grabbed was actually what I’d used for breakfast that morning. A cast-iron frying pan.”

  “Holy shit.” Sean stared at her. “Did you kill him?”

  “No, he was coming after me, so I got him in the shoulder and ribs before he took it from me. Knocked him on his arse almost the way you did Allan Trindle.”

  Sean grinned wickedly. “Did you break his nose?”

  “Two ribs, bruised four more, and with the sauce pan, I gave him a concussion. By that time, my neighbors across the hall—Steve and Hank, a lovely couple—had heard the noise because I was screaming the whole time and came bursting in. They were just in time to see Tim trying to strangle me.”

  “Strangle…” Sean’s breathing quickened and he saw red. Allan Trindle had been an idiot besmirching the name and reputation of his daughter’s mother. This man had tried to rape and kill Jessica. His Jessica. “Fucking son-of-a-bitch. What happened to him?”

  “The trial was a couple months ago. Apparently, he’d attacked a few other girlfriends, and when they heard I was pressing charges, they came forward. He’s in prison for a few years.”

  “I hope he gets a new girlfriend that outweighs him by a hundred pounds,” Sean growled.

  “Sean? Ease up. I can’t breathe.”


  “I like being held close, but I can’t breathe.”

  “Oh, sorry,” he whispered, kissing her forehead and relaxing his arms slightly. Just slightly. “I definitely like Steve and Hank. Were they some of the few on your side this week?”

  “Of course,” she replied. “But they were on holiday in Majorca. They called every day and sent pictures. Steve tried to plot a way for me to join them.” She gave a little laugh. “I can just see how that would go down in the press. I go from a one-night stand with you to joining my married gay neighbors for a threesome.”

  “Excuse me?” Sean’s eyes popped wide.

  “Not that I would, but the tabloids would spin it that way.”

  “I see, yes, they would twist it that way,” he replied thoughtfully.

  “You weren’t their favorite when word got out,” she warned. “Hank was so pissed at you, he was talking about burning all the movies and records of yours they had when they got back.”

  “Think I might have redeemed myself today?” he wondered with a smile.

  “A bit just when you arrived,” Jessica allowed. “But the big thing would have been when you picked me up as we were leaving. They’ll love that gesture.”

  “All for the cause,” drawled Sean.

  A yawn split her mouth and she hastily covered it up. “Sorry about that.”

  “Take a nap,” he told her, shifting her in his arms. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I know,” she murmured sleepily, her hand resting on his chest.

  “I don’t deserve that from you,” he whispered. “Your trust. I need to earn it back.”

  “Sean, you have.”

  Her body slowly relaxed completely against him, and he held her securely. The car picked up some speed, telling him they’d left London and finally reached the highway. She’d been through all that, he marveled, yet still wanted him. Had wanted to take his cock in her mouth. Remembering all the things they’d done that night, her courage amazed him more.

  When they reached the airport, going right to the ramp of the waiting plane, he carried her out of the car and up the steps. He paused only long enough for Sam to retrieve the tote that had fallen to the floor and put it carefully in Jessica’s lap.

  Pete stood at the door just outside the cockpit, concern on his face. “Is she all right? The whole thing was on TV.”

  “She’s fine. Are we ready to turn around?”

  “Fueled up and ready. Sam called when you were five minutes out. We’re cleared to take off as soon as the engines are started and warmed up.”

  “Then start ’em up.”

  Sean headed toward the bedroom at the rear of the plane as Sam and his two permanent guards reached the top of the ramp and closed the door. The flight attendant was in the small galley.

  “Does she need anything?”

  “Just sleep for now. Maybe tea later.”

  “We’ve got tea and sandwiches,” she called after him as he reached the door.

  “Thank you,” he replied, nodding and pushing the door closed.

  Going to the bed, he carefully put Jessica down. Easing the bag from her arms, he set it on the nearby desk. Sitting down, he slowly removed her coat, then her sweats and tee. He could tell she’d lost weight and shook his head.

  “God, my stupidity,” he cursed himself.

  Not wanting to move her further, he reached for the blanket at the foot of the bed and covered her up.

  The plane vibrated as the engines roared to life. After a moment, it jerked into movement and in minutes was racing down the runway and tilting up into the sky. Jessica murmured slightly and Sean bent over her, one hand stroking her hair.

  “It’s all right, baby. You’re safe now. No one will hurt you ever again.”

  Her hand twitched out from under the blanket, fingers searching.

  “I’m here,” he assured, taking the fingers in his hand. “I’m here.

  She sighed and slipped further into slumber.

  Chapter Six

p; Jessica was aware of two things when she woke up. The rumble of the plane’s engines and the fact that she was nude. Sitting up in the dimly lit bedroom, she felt a moment of panic, remembering the last time she’d woken in a strange bedroom.

  Sean. Sean had really come to her flat and when she’d frozen, had picked her up, carried her to the car and apparently into the plane now flying who knew where. For the first time in a week, she felt refreshed.

  More important, she realized, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she felt safe. And she wasn’t sure how she felt depending on someone else for that feeling. Glancing about, she wondered where her clothes were.

  Ah, she reminded herself. Sean hadn’t given her time to do anything more than get her passport and cell phone.

  “And who knows where they are now,” she muttered.

  He’d mentioned something about his ex-wife picking things out and meeting him in New Jersey. She could only hope Charlotte hadn’t been so pissed at whatever her daughter had gone through at school, and Jessica winced at that, that she’d taken it out on the one-night stand responsible. Seeing a side door, she hoped it was either a bathroom or the closet. If the bathroom she could relieve the pressure of her bladder. If the closet, hopefully she could find something to cover up in and go in search of a bathroom.

  Finding a bathroom, she went in, closing the door in case someone walked into the bedroom. Relieved, she flushed and washed her hands, splashing water on her face. Seeing the small shower stall, she hesitated a moment.

  “Hell with it,” she muttered, seeing the thick towels on the rack.

  Reaching out, she turned the knob and stepped into the hot water. For a moment, she just stood under the spray, feeling the last of the tension leave her muscles. Then she hustled. There hadn’t been any indication of plane rules on using the shower, and she had no idea if anyone besides Sean would come in. Quickly, she used the shampoo/conditioner combination, relishing the feel of a clean scalp. Picking up the bar of lavender soap, she rubbed it over her body, closing her eyes at the light scent. Rinsing off, she turned one last time and turned the water off.

  Wrapping one towel around her waist-length hair, she used a second to pat dry. Then used the thick body cream. Unwrapping a toothbrush, she scrubbed her teeth. As she worked the comb through her hair, she heard someone in the bedroom. Grabbing the second towel, she wrapped it around her.

  Opening the door, she paused. Sean was sitting on the bed. Naked. His erection already hard and jutting out from a nest of dark hair.

  “Hi.” Sean smiled, his hot hungry gaze sweeping her body.

  “Hi, yourself.”

  “Where are we?”

  “Three hours out of England, or three hours or so out Teterboro, however you want to look at it,” he replied, shrugging. “Somewhere over the Atlantic, possibly about where the Titanic sank.”

  Eyes narrowed, she shook her head. “I could have done without that reference.”

  “Sorry.” He reached a hand out. “Come here. Please. I need to hold you and be sure you’re all right.”

  Puzzled, she frowned, but went to him, taking his hand. He tugged the towel from her. Although she admitted she didn’t resist him.

  “Sean, what is it? What’s happened?”

  He pulled her onto his left thigh, his hands stroking her body. A tremor swept through.

  “It’s not fair,” she whispered.

  “What isn’t?”

  “How quickly you affect me. I see you, hear your voice, and all I can think about is what does he need? What can I do to take care of him? And if you touch me,” she closed her eyes, “God, all I want is you to keep on touching me.”

  “That’s perfectly fair,” he told her, his lips brushing her brow. “Because you have the same effect on me.”

  “Really?” she asked, opening her eyes. “For five years?”

  “I’m thinking so.”

  That confession stunned her and she stiffened, unable to do anything but stare at him.

  “Took me by surprise too,” he told her, one hand playing with her breast. “But I had a lot of time on the flight over and did a lot of thinking.”


  “You’ll find out,” was his smiling reply. “But, yeah, five years. And I’ve a feeling that five years ago you were not thinking about me doing this to you.”

  His fingers pinched her nipple as he twisted to lay her on the bed and then stretched out on top of her. Chocolate-brown eyes held hers and for a long moment neither moved.

  “I want you now, Jess,” he whispered. “I’ve driven everyone on this plane so crazy they’re probably ready to pitch me out into the Atlantic and say they’ve no idea who I was or what happened to me.”


  “I just told you.”

  “Why do you want me?”

  “You’re beautiful, sexy, smart, caring, and you’ve got to be the most courageous woman I have ever met,” he told her, hand fondling her breast. His thumb rubbed the stiff point. Sean smiled at her quick inhale. “I remember how sensitive you are here.”

  A moan came low and hungry. He chuckled in her ear.

  “And I trust you.” His tongue circled the curve as his hand stroked down her body to her pussy. “All you’ve seen and picked up about me over the years and not once did you tell anyone in the tabloids. You know it wasn’t the olives, don’t you?”

  A finger circled her entrance, gathering the growing dampness. She wriggled slightly.

  “Of course. I don’t know what it was, but it certainly wasn’t olives in your martini.” Her head lifted slightly and she nipped his bottom lip. “I remember how you like your drink.”

  “Not martinis, huh?” His mouth trailed down her throat.

  “Unless you drink something different in Greece, which I can certainly understand. Sean,” she gasped as he returned to the nerves along her collarbone. His finger entered her pussy and her hips lifted off the bed. “Oh, god, just fuck me, will you? I need you inside me.”

  He chuckled and looked down at her. “Demanding all of a sudden, aren’t you?”

  She glared up at him.

  “After the week I’ve had? Listening to rumors and lies and distortions about that night? Damn straight I’m going to be demanding.” Lies. The one thing that hadn’t been talked about hit her and she closed her eyes. Was it lie? Partially. An omission. What would he think if he found out? She couldn’t tell him. Not yet. “I’m sorry, Sean. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Her mood changed like quicksilver and he frowned, then shook his head.

  “No, baby. You don’t have anything to be sorry about. This whole thing is because I was an idiot and talked about it on the radio. If I’d kept my mouth shut, you’d have woken up, left the room on your own, and no one would have known about it. Or if I’d woken you up before I left.” He pressed his mouth to hers and was relieved when her lips softened and parted for him. “Although, considering it did give me the perfect excuse to rush in like a knight in shining armor on his dashing steed. Or in my case a cashmere coat, SUVs, a few bodyguards, and a private plane,” he ravished her mouth again until she was twisting under him. “To whisk you off to a private Caribbean island. Except for the hell you went through this week, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  “If I hadn’t gone through this week, you wouldn’t have come rushing in to rescue me,” she pointed out. “We wouldn’t have seen each other again until your next trip to London. And when was that supposed to be?”

  “In two weeks for the premiere of the Pied Piper,” he answered.

  “Two weeks,” she repeated softly.

  “And that would have been a helluva situation,” he added thoughtfully. “Given one brief taste of you,” he shifted his hips to settle his cock against her pussy and smiled at the way her legs opened for him. “I was thinking of you the whole time in my studio. God knows what I would have done next time I saw you.”

  “Who knows? But what about now? Now that
you’ve played knight in a shining limo?”

  He could see the worry and insecurity in her eyes and understood it. But something inside made him keep his plan secret. He wasn’t sure about her feelings, and since it had been brought almost brutally home to him that it wasn’t just him affected, he was going to keep his cards close to the vest, so to speak.

  “Right now? Right now, I introduce you to the Mile High Club. Then let you rummage through the bags Charlotte got for you while we drink tea and eat sandwiches.”

  “Mile High Club?” she echoed as his hands explored her curves. With a sigh, she arched against him. “I’m learning all sorts of interesting things about sex with you.”

  “Such as how you like it when you’re helpless?” he whispered in her ear. “Or when I take control, turn you over like this,” he knelt up on the bed and flipped her over, loving the little gasp she made, “pull your legs apart,” turning words into action, “Grab your hips, lift and…”

  He moved between her thighs and propelled his cock into her pussy.

  Her hands scrabbled at the comforter and clenched it.

  “You like this, baby?”

  “Yes,” she panted, eyes closed as he pulled out and pierced her again. “God, yes, Sean.”

  “Say it, right, baby. Say it the way I taught you.”

  His eyes stayed on her face, the profile stark against the navy Egyptian cotton. Eyes nearly as blue opened, her head turning slightly to see him. His right hand rose and fell on her hip.


  A shiver rushed through her and he felt her pussy walls clamp hard on his cock. He smiled as she turned her face to the material, shifting her body the way he had positioned her that night.

  “Say it right, baby. Tell me what you need.”

  “Please, please,” came her muffled whisper. “Please, fuck me, master.”

  A satisfied smile curved his mouth, and his hands moved over her hips, stroking up her body. Cupping her breasts, he savored their fullness, the soft silky skin, and the cool tips that were puckering.

  Leveraging her body up so she was nestled on his thighs, he whispered in her ear, “I brought something for you. I knew I’d never get through this flight without fucking you at least once. And I know how noisy you can be.” He chuckled when she dropped her chin. He reached under the pillow and pulled out the ball gag to dangle before her. He felt her swift inhale when she saw it. “Open your mouth, baby.”


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