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HighonYou Page 7

by Sky Robinson

  “And you’re telling me this now because…” She didn’t understand why this became an issue suddenly, why he felt the need to tell her now. Was this going to be the end of the fun? She sure as hell didn’t want it to end. Not now. Not for as long as possible. Hell, she could be dead tomorrow, she might as well live for today.

  “Because I’m falling for you. I shouldn’t be but I am and I need you to know the truth about me before I touch you again, need to know you can be with a man like me.”

  “So you want me to be more submissive?” If that was all he needed, she would sure as hell try. Crystal liked that he was falling for her too, that she wasn’t the only one developing feelings that shouldn’t be there.

  But she wasn’t sure she could be submissive. Her whole life had been spent taking care of herself, taking care of her half sister, being the one in charge. A person couldn’t just flip the switch and become someone else. Could they?

  “Yeah. If you’re willing.”

  His words gave her the freedom to choose and she didn’t feel pressured at all. Blake was giving her power in his request of her to try this submission thing.

  Crystal took a deep breath before answering. “I’m willing…if you’ll tell me exactly what you expect.”

  She didn’t know if she could do it but it was sure as hell worth a try. She couldn’t stop now, had to have his touch again. Crystal would try to be submissive but it probably wasn’t going to be easy. It went completely against her nature, she didn’t trust people. Then again Blake had somehow already broken through that barrier.

  “I’ll teach you.” His voice was deep, almost a growl and his lips curved upward in a little grin, letting her know how happy he was with her choice.

  If his teaching felt nearly as good as the other times she had been with Blake, she could probably pick up on this submissive stuff real fast. It might be worth it to learn a new way of being.

  “The most important thing is communication.” He took both of her hands in one of his and looked down at her intently. “If there is ever anything you don’t want to do, anything you are uncomfortable with, you have to tell me. My goal is never to hurt you.”

  “Okay.” She nodded, starting to feel a little nervous. What did he mean by his goal was not to hurt her? What exactly did he have in mind? Crystal was suddenly anxious about the whips and chains possibility. Then again she never thought of being spanked as sexy, not until Blake spanked her.

  “You will do everything I ask of you…without hesitation, without overthinking, with total trust in my ability to keep you safe and my ability to please you.”

  He’d already earned her trust on both of those things. Blake saved her life today, trusting him with the pleasure of her body was nothing compared to that.

  In any other situation, with any other man, that trust would be hard for her but with Blake it came naturally.

  Crystal nodded again. The anticipation of what was coming next kept her from saying anything. Attention to her pussy was much more important than attending to her nerves. There wasn’t anything really to be nervous about. But tell that to the damn flock of butterflies doing loop-de-loops in her stomach.

  “Let me move this bag first though. I don’t want Mason listening in again.” Blake grabbed his duffel bag and tossed it into the bathroom and turned on the fan.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes.” She licked her lips but her stomach did a nervous backflip.

  “Good.” He closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against hers, hard, demanding and her pussy started to hum.

  She would do any damn thing he wanted just to feel like this again, to feel the high only he could bring.

  “Have you ever been tied up by a man?” Blake asked.

  “No.” But if it was even close to as good as when he handcuffed her to her bed, she was willing to try.

  “Are you okay with me tying you up?” He bent down to his duffel bag and grabbed a small, neatly wound bunch of black rope.

  “Yes.” She didn’t know if she would like it, if being bound by rope would make her uncomfortable or hot but it was worth a try.

  “Take your shorts and shirt off,” he commanded.

  She did exactly as he said, slipped her shirt over her head and undid her shorts and stepped out of them, leaving them in a pile at her feet, standing in front of Blake in her bra and panties.

  His gaze drifted slowly down her skin and heat pooled between her legs.

  “Turn around.”

  She turned her back to him and waited. Hoping he would touch her, spank her, fuck her good.

  Blake grabbed both her wrists in one of his hands and wound the rope snugly around them, binding her hands together. He moved his lips to her neck and kissed her then whispered in her ear. “Is it too tight?”

  “No.” It wasn’t cutting off her circulation or anything, just tight enough to keep her from escaping. Not that she had any interest in escape. The only thing she had interest in right now was his cock between her legs.

  Blake held the rope that bound her wrists in one hand and the other moved to unhook her bra and then squeezed her breast, tugged the nipple.

  She let out a high-pitched moan, letting him know exactly how the pleasure and pain was intermingling and affecting her in so many wicked ways.

  Blake stopped tormenting her nipple, moved his focus back to tying her up again, securing her arms just above her elbows and wrapping the rope under her breasts and then tying it in the back so her entire upper body was secure.

  His cock was hard and pressed against her ass as he wrapped, tied and secured. And then he took a step back, was no longer touching her but the restraints still held her tight, as if a part of him was still holding her.

  “Perfect,” he said and then she could hear him taking off his clothes behind her.

  Good. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her again. Her whole body tingled in anticipation. She didn’t know if it was the rope or the out-of-control feelings but the combination was damn nice.

  Crystal turned her head to see what he was doing, to see what the hell was taking so long. Not that it was actually taking very long, she was just impatient.

  “Face forward,” Blake’s eyes narrowed, letting her know he was serious.

  She whipped her head back around so she was looking at the wall again but just the glimpse of him was enough. Blake was mostly undressed, standing there in only boxers, while every muscle in his body flexed sexily.

  “You’re going to get a spanking for that.”

  “I’m not allowed to look at you?” This whole Dom thing was so foreign but why wouldn’t he want her looking at him. He was too damn sexy not to look at.

  “You are not allowed to do anything without my command. Punishment will be spankings.”

  “Spankings?” She gulped but not in fear. Crystal looked forward to him spanking her again, might even misbehave on purpose if the punishment was always so…pleasurable.

  “Yes. Now bend forward.” He guided her so she was leaning, almost perpendicular to the floor. One of his hands held tight to the rope between her wrists, keeping her secure and making sure she didn’t fall forward.

  “This is what happens to girls who don’t wait for their master.” He swatted her ass lightly the first time, starting the tingling. The second one was a little harder, sending the tingling right to her crotch. He switched cheeks for the third and fourth, starting off lightly again, and the fifth was hard enough that her pussy clenched with need.

  Blake pulled himself against her now, his cock pressing hot against her ass. He took a slow stroke between her ass cheeks, tormented her body.

  God, she needed more, needed his cock inside her. So. Damn. Bad.

  “Tell me what you want.” Blake ground against her again and every muscle in the area clenched.

  “I want you.” It was as simple as that but the words scared her. He was the only man she wanted, the only man who could complete her, who could make her
lose control like this.

  She had been with enough men to know he wasn’t just another fling, wasn’t just another man who would come in and out of her life without leaving much of a mark. He had somehow found a place in her carefully guarded heart.

  “Good.” Blake backed up again, left her without the feeling of his warmth against her but she could hear what sounded like him opening a condom.

  She hoped like hell that was what it was but didn’t look back, not now that she knew the rules.

  Crystal waited as patiently as she could. Her inner thighs were soaked, proving the need for him was strong and another surge of wetness dripped as he pulled her against him again. His cock pressed to her opening, so close to where she needed him but not close enough to ease the pressure, to ease the need.

  Blake forced her legs wider, pushed her forward so her ass was pointing up and toward him. He held her steady, kept her from falling. If he let go, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from hitting her face on the floor, but he wasn’t going to let go, wasn’t going to drop her. She knew that.

  Blake positioned his cock at her opening and she tried to move toward him but it was no use. He held her solidly, pulsing his cock just barely inside her. Her pussy clenched, needing more.

  Then in one long stroke, he filled her. Her entire body tensed, ready for release and it wasn’t going to take much. He had her so damn close to the edge. But Blake didn’t move. Just held his cock deep inside her, filling her, but leaving her needing more at the same time.

  “Please. More,” she begged. He liked to torment her just a little too much.

  “It’s not time to come yet.”

  “Yes it is.” She needed him to take her over the edge, needed release.

  “No. You will wait until I tell you.”

  “Okay.” She agreed, hoping it would make him move, get him to pound his cock into her.

  Finally he thrust into her hard and fast, over and over again, increasing the pace steadily and the room started to go blurry.

  “Oh my God, I need to come. Please.”

  “Not yet.” He pounded into her again and again, fucking her hard and fast, making the level of pleasure build higher and higher.

  She couldn’t see straight, couldn’t focus on anything but the pleasure about to explode and trying to keep it from happening before he gave her permission.

  “Now come.”

  Blake thrust into her hard and held his cock deep as her walls convulsed around him, her entire body tensed. This is what she needed, what she had been waiting for. The pleasure surged through her.

  Blake groaned with his release, thrusting a little deeper. Her pussy clenched again and again until she thought she might pass out.

  They both froze, enjoying the pleasure. Not that she had much of an option to do anything else. She was tied up, completely incapable of doing anything other than what he wanted her to do but that made the pleasure even better. She didn’t have to think about what she should do next, what move she should be making, all she had to do was enjoy the moment. It was completely freeing. This submission thing could work out very well.

  * * * * *

  “Jeff, have the locations of any of the phones changed?” Mason and the guy he chose to work with on this mission drove through a quiet, upper-middle-class neighborhood not too far from downtown Miami.

  Dan sat in the passenger seat, looking calm and confident. He was one of the newer agents, top of his class and moving his way up the ladder quickly, but most importantly Dan was a small-town guy and new to the area. That made him less likely to be involved with the drug dealers, less likely to be corrupt.

  They were almost to their target, a detective of the Miami police department who seemed to be the head of the police’s involvement in the ring. The other two guys involved were a beat cop and a rookie with a gambling debt, just a few months out of the academy. The fourth man was a detective too, but Blake had shot him so they didn’t need to worry about that one. All the men involved were born and raised in Miami.

  “The rookie was on the move but I’ve located him in a liquor store just a few blocks from his apartment. Frank and Jim have the info and have made the appropriate adjustments.”

  “Sounds good. Two minutes and we take these bastards down.” They had to move quickly now that one of the cops involved had been shot. It wouldn’t take long before they ditched the phones and became much more cautious. He had to move quick, had to take down the guys they knew were involved now before they found out his team was onto them.

  “Yeah. Two minutes.” Jeff didn’t give any hint of emotion and that gave Mason a bit of a creepy feeling. But the guy rarely acted human. Jeff was almost as much of a robot as the computers he worked with but he was one of the best. That’s why Mason put up with his lack of personality. You didn’t need much personality to be good with computers.

  The entire operation had been a secret until thirty minutes ago, until Mason knew he had enough info to be able to find these guys and that’s when a team had been formed.

  Mason had three dirty cops in three different areas of town to track and take down at the same time. He couldn’t do it all by himself, couldn’t have any one of them being tipped off and running. Involving a small team was the best option at this point.

  Men who made a promise to serve and protect the community and then used their badges to take advantage were the scum of the earth. They were making an extra buck, all the while putting the public at risk. Men like that didn’t deserve a life on the run, they deserved to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  One minute now until go time. This was going to be a hell of a major bust for the city of Miami.

  Mason pulled into the detective’s driveway.

  “Are you ready?” he asked Dan.

  Dan nodded and with a seriousness that let Mason know he understood the situation fully said, “Yep, let’s do this.”

  Chapter Eight

  Blake took the ropes off Crystal’s wrists and arms. He hated having to untie her. Having her bound and ready to give her body to him was a beautiful sight.

  “Do they hurt?” He bent forward and kissed the red marks on her wrists.

  “Not really.” She slowly ran a finger across the marks left by the ropes and then looked up at him with a little grin.

  That grin was all he needed to see to know she was okay with what they had done, to know she had liked it as much as he had, that she didn’t have any regrets.

  Crystal bent down, grabbed her clothes and started slipping them back on. He hated seeing them go on, hated that this fantasy would soon come to an end, wanted to keep her naked and tied up with him forever. He swallowed hard at the thought. He had no right to that.

  Just as she was sliding into her shorts Blake heard footsteps outside, footsteps of someone trying to get up the stairs without being noticed. The squeak of the metal on one of the steps near the top didn’t allow whoever it was to approach in silence. Thank God.

  “Get in the bathroom, shut the door and don’t make a sound.” He whispered in her ear.

  Crystal didn’t question him, didn’t make a peep as she moved back into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

  Blake moved behind the motel room door and about five seconds later it came flying open, two men burst into the room and it was obvious they meant business.

  He held his breath, waited for them to get all the way in before he dared move. Blake aimed his pistol at the second guy. He needed to have them both trapped before he made a move. One more step. Come on.

  Damn bad luck anyway. But it wasn’t really bad luck. It was well informed and persistent criminals who had somehow found them here.

  The guys both focused on the closed bathroom door at the back of the room, not expecting an ambush. Good.

  Blake held his hand steady on the cold steel, waiting. They were in far enough. Every muscle in his body tensed and then he pulled the trigger. Tap, tap.

  The shots were right on.
The second guy tumbled forward into the other guy. Before the first man fell to the floor Blake aimed at the second guy. The scraggly haired man glanced in Blake’s direction with a surprised expression but it was too late for him to react.

  Tap, tap. Two more clean shots to the head and both men were lying in a crumpled pile on the floor.

  “Get out here, Crystal. We have to go,” Blake yelled and quickly Crystal was out of the bathroom and standing right beside him. A terrified look strained her face.

  “Oh my God.” Her voice was almost a whimper. “How did they find us?”

  Blake was wondering the same damn thing.

  “Do you have your cell phone with you?” he asked.

  There shouldn’t be any way those men should have been able to find them through the agency. He didn’t tell anyone, not even Mason. Someone had to have tracked one of their cell phones or the drugs. That meant law enforcement was probably involved and they were getting pretty damn aggressive about it.

  “I don’t know but we better get the hell out of here.”

  Blake went to the corner and grabbed the backpack full of drugs, ripped the tracking device off and threw it into the corner of the room. Then he moved to the window, pulled the corner of the shade and scanned the parking lot.

  He didn’t see anyone out there but that didn’t mean there wasn’t. Adrenaline pumped through his system and the overwhelming need to protect Crystal kicked into overdrive. Every muscle in his body was tense, ready for action, ready to fight.

  If they only came with two men, whoever sent them still didn’t know his background. Hopefully that was the case. Hopefully they didn’t have any surprises waiting in the parking lot.

  Crystal stared at him with the fear obvious in her eyes. Hell, she had a right to be damn scared.

  “Stay right behind me.” Blake cracked the door open and glanced down the walkway in both directions. No sign of trouble. None he could see anyway.

  He moved out of the room, pistol clenched in both hands, pointing at the ground, Crystal tucked in behind him.

  They moved silently down the walkway. Crystal stuck close, one hand on his waist. He could feel her presence, feel her bump into him a little whenever he stopped abruptly and she moved silently.


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