RAW MERCY (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Six) (Devil Call MC Talon & Everly 6)

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RAW MERCY (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Six) (Devil Call MC Talon & Everly 6) Page 5

by Ana W. Fawkes

  Our love?

  The thought made me shudder. I couldn’t be in goddamn love. I couldn’t fall into this even more.

  But I did.

  I thrust deep into Everly and let myself go. As I came, I kissed up to her mouth, needing the sweet and flirty feel of her tongue touching mine.

  We kissed as I came, loving her body even after I was finished coming.

  I kneaded her ass gently. My other hand moved from the bed to her chest, cupping one of her breasts. My chest was against her shoulder. My lips and tongue were locked in a perfect kiss.

  Fuck… just… fuck…



  I pulled the blankets up to Everly’s shoulder. Her medicine had kicked in and her eyes were shut. She had a little smile on her face as she moaned. Her hair sprawled across the pillow. I helped her get dressed to make sure she was comfortable. Our fucking had made her leg irritated. But she promised me it was worth it.

  I shouldn’t have cared. She wanted it, so I gave it to her. Hurting someone wasn’t part of the emotional equation I had built inside myself. Of course, Everly shattered everything. She made the wrong feel right and the right feel wrong. I was twisted and torn, yet I wouldn’t have it change.

  My hand stroked her face. My thumb traced her jaw and chin. I flicked at her bottom lip, imagining all the places that pretty little lip had been. Sliding against the bottom of my shaft. Kissing back at my lips. Shuddering when I made her come.

  “Shit,” I whispered.

  I was getting hard again.

  I had business to tend to. I had a little project to take care of.

  I retrieved an item from my room in a secret storage area. I walked to the room with the table and sat down where the VP would sit. But Jagg wasn’t there. Actually, nobody was there right now.

  It was just me sitting there. The room was completely quiet. I looked around, thinking about all I’d heard and seen in this room. Where internal wars were fought. Some won, some lost. I thought about Layne and I coming together tighter than ever, getting the approval from the rest of the MC to take it over. Me given the chance to become President. And fuck, I was a good President. I kept things as calm as I could, making sure violence and deaths were minimal and outside of Brocke. All of that happened long before that whore Anneliese. She really fucked things up.

  I laughed to myself, because in a way some of this was Everly’s fault. But that’s okay. She’s worth the war. Worth the fight. Worth the scars I’d bear for the rest of my life.

  Right now, however, it was all about Devil Call MC.

  I thought about Everly telling me that the two bodies were found outside Brocke. That meant Acey had the balls to just bury the two men he killed. It put heat on Devil Call though, which may have been a smart move. Before dealing with them, Rilen Lost needed to be handled.

  I needed fucking revenge.

  I couldn’t let it go anymore.

  I sat and waited, finding a bottle of whiskey under the table. My face and hands and ribs were killing me. My body was desperate to heal but never had a chance to fully do so.

  The darkness and stillness of the room actually brought me peace. There were ghosts in here, lots of ghosts. But they were memories lingering around. A place of true power. True justice. True outlaw living. Something nobody could understand unless they were patched in and had the honor to sit at a table like this.

  The door finally opened and Layne froze, staring right at me.

  “You needed me?” he asked.

  “Those prospects suck,” I said. “So slow to pass along messages.”

  “I was busy doing something,” Layne said.

  “Too busy for me?”

  “What do you want, Talon?”

  “Can you come in here? Sit down?”

  Layne shut the door and looked around. Jesus Christ, was he really looking for an ambush?

  “You think I’m going to hurt you?”

  “You have more kills on your hands than I do,” Layne said.

  “I’m just tough enough to do the work,” I replied.

  “You’re sitting in Jagg’s seat, man. That’s disrespectful.”

  “Bullshit,” I said. “Jagg was a terrible choice. That was done as a favor to him and a shot at me. You and I know it.”

  “You really think that?” Layne asked.

  “Fuck yeah, man. You knew damn well I’d never just back away from this.”

  Layne grinned. He pulled his chair out. “Then I guess I’m smarter than you thought.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  Layne crashed to his chair. He looked at me and pointed. “How’s the face?”

  “Hurts. I’ll survive. I always do.” I paused for a second, making sure my next question didn’t send me off the edge. Because I felt like going over the corner of the table and beating the shit out of Layne. “Any reason you did that to me?”

  “What? You like to fight.”

  “You had all intentions of throwing me out there, Layne. That’s why you brought me.”

  “You’re the muscle, right? You have the balls.”

  “Why don’t you just put a bullet between my eyes?”

  “Is that what you wanted to meet me for? To discuss how you die?”

  I gritted my teeth. “No.”

  “Good. Then get to your fucking point. I don’t have time to waste.”

  “I have a solution to one of our problems.”

  “Which one is that?”

  “Rilen Lost,” I said. “I know how to shake them up for a little bit.”

  Layne raised an eyebrow and gave a head nod. “Part of your plan as President?”

  I swallowed hard. I sucked back the urge to knock Layne out of his fucking chair. I reminded myself that all this is for the better of the MC. If he’s meant to be President, then he will be for a long damn time.

  “I had a buddy on the inside,” I said. “His name’s Mutt. Hell of a guy. Kept me kind of sane while I waited to get out.”


  “When Hollis was killed for his drug debt, they brought us a present, didn’t they?”

  “His cut?”

  “His fucking hand,” I said. “Remember that?”

  “Those masked people who took out that prospect.”

  “Exactly. I know who set that all up. That woman in the picture. Her name’s Jade. Her brother is Vaughn. I’m sure this is all shit you’ve figured out by now. But they’re working their way into Brocke. I’m going to fix that, Layne. That’s my problem. I’ll get those tapes and get it all sorted.”

  “Thought you were doing that… when Everly got shot.”

  “Fuck you, man. There was an arrangement and she…”

  “Oh, she fucked it up,” Layne said. “So I should kill her, right? She hurt the club.”

  “If you feel you need to do that, do it,” I said. “But she’s not Anneliese. You and I know that. You fucking hurt her, I’ll burn this club to the ground myself.”

  Layne nodded. “Rilen Lost…”

  I reached under the table and put a box on it. “Open that. Careful though. It’s a little rough…”

  Layne lifted the lid and quickly dropped it. He gasped, groaned, and turned his head. His left hand shot out and pushed the box away. He kept groaning as he started to gently dry heave.

  I had to smile. I forgot how weak of a stomach Layne had. He was the kind of guy that if five of us started to pretend to puke, he would actually throw up.

  “Fucking hell,” Layne groaned as he sat back up. “What the fuck…”

  “That’s Hollis’ hand, Layne. I kept it.”

  “You kept his fucking hand?”

  “Yeah. That’s leverage right there.”

  “Leverage for what?”

  I grinned. “I’m going to plant it on Jony. And Rilen Lost.”

  Layne had his mouth covered as he stared at me. “Go on,” he said, muffled.

  “I hate to say this… but John still has a small soft side for me. F
atherly shit, right? So I play the emotional card about losing Hollis. I mean, John took him and had this all set up. He didn't expect the guy to die though.”

  “You think John will go with it?”

  “A murder case?” I asked. “Are you fucking kidding me? He can’t get dirt on us, but if we hand him something on Rilen Lost…”

  “Christ,” Layne said. “Then what? Send Jony to jail? Put him on trial? I mean, the evidence…”

  “Layne, fuck, man,” I growled. “What the fuck happened to you? You’re too much of an outsider anymore, man.”

  “Hey, show a little goddamn respect,” he said and pointed to the patch on his chest.

  I nodded. “Yeah. Got it. Jony gets sent to prison, okay? That alone will have Rilen Lost scrambling. They’ll be weak and useless. We can either wipe them out then or just let them fall apart. That’s your call, President.”

  “Okay. Is that it?”

  “No,” I said. “I get in touch with Mutt.”

  Layne closed his eyes. “Shit.”

  “I need the revenge, Layne. I can’t let it go anymore. He tried to have me killed over and over and over. You want to see the scar on the back of my neck again? A fucking light saved my life that night, man. He was going to slit my throat and just let me bleed out.”

  Layne opened his eyes and looked at me. “It’s going to cause problems.”

  “Of course it is,” I said. “But it can’t be linked to us. None of our guys are inside. And who the fuck cares? The President of Rilen Lost will be dead. I’ll make sure Mutt does it the right way. Then it’s done. They’re at bay while they regroup and grieve. They can’t function without Jony. You know that.”

  “It’s insane, Talon,” Layne said. “But it makes sense.”

  “It’s good. It’s crazy good.”

  “And you expect my approval.”

  “You’re the President, Layne. I’m not going to go rogue on this one. The other shit, Jade and Vaughn, that’s all me.”

  Layne looked at the box and then looked at me. “You really saved that hand?”

  “I’ve been waiting for this for a while. I wanted to give it time to cool off. But this will bury Rilen Lost. I’ll get in touch with Mutt. I have strings to pull on the inside.”

  Layne slowly started to nod. “Okay, Talon. I’ll go along with it. Makes sense. We need to attack and make a statement. And you think Detective John will ride with it?”

  I loved how Layne was questioning me. A President shouldn’t question another member like this. A President listened and had a plan to lead. Part of me wanted to stand up and walk out of the damn room. Let Layne figure the rest of this out. However, I needed it to happen perfectly. I wanted Jony dead. If I couldn’t get my hands on him to do it, then I needed the plan to go without a hitch.

  “That’s right,” I said. “It’ll work, Layne. I promise.”

  “Promise,” he said. “We used to promise each other a lot of shit, man.”

  “I know,” I said. I touched my swollen cheek. “No we just throw each other into the line of fire.”

  “Yeah, about that…”

  I stood up, gaining control and power. I shook my head. “Layne, I don’t give a shit, okay? You can put me into the fires of hell and I’d go without a fight. For this MC, it’s everything. For Everly, it’s everything. And for you, man, yeah… it’s everything.”

  I grabbed the box and tucked it under my arm.

  “You doing this now?” he called out.

  “Right fucking now,” I said.

  “Let me have someone go with you.”

  “No,” I said. “We don’t need a crowd. I’ll take a car or something. No motorcycle. Make it low key.”

  “Hey, Talon…”

  I stopped at the door and looked back at Layne. “What?”

  “Be careful, man. I don’t want a dark ride. Not for you.”

  I didn’t say a fucking word. What was there to say? If I opened that door, again, to Layne, it would just be another flood of emotions. I had business to tend to. I had revenge to seek. I had a MC to take down. Fuck, I had a MC right here I wanted to take over.

  Bad enough I was already in love with Everly, I didn’t need to go down memory lane with Layne. I knew all the memories already. They hurt.

  And I was in enough pain.

  It was time to inflict some pain.



  I was awake and actually had a little burst of energy. My leg felt pretty good, which I knew was just the medicine still doing it’s job. I threw the covers off me and realized I was in panties and a shirt. No pants. No bra. Like a little wet dream for Talon, whenever he came back here. I bit my lip and smiled, thinking of how he touched me and loved me. The way he fucked me, trying to be gentle but unable to control himself.

  It was so damn hot.

  When I got out of bed, I stood there without any crutches. I added more weight to my injured leg, breathing through the pain. It definitely wasn’t as bad as it had been yesterday. I was healing. Which was good. I didn’t need any surgery or serious follow up appointments, unless things got infected or the pain got worse.

  But so far, so good.

  I slowly started to walk toward the bathroom. I wanted to take a shower. Well, a bath at least. Just to sit in hot water and relax for a bit. Slip away with a few candles lit and some dumb fruity bubble bath. This was what my life had become. All the things that were once normal - and were probably normal for more women - it was a treat for me. My main concern was making sure I didn’t get killed. Making sure that Talon would come back alive. Making sure Layne would come back safe. It’s all I could think about.

  I hobbled to the bathroom and then stood at the sink, staring at my reflection. My hair looked sloppy. My face refreshed but still tired. It was obvious I wasn’t feeling a hundred percent. It was all because of… well, I guess Talon. But Talon wasn’t the one who shot me. It was that guy. Vaughn. And it was his whore of a sister, Jade, that was causing all these problems.

  When I thought of Jade, my blood boiled. My hands started to shake and I gripped the edge of the bathroom sink. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jade now. The way her dress held her fucking body so tight. The way her lips slid over Talon’s dick. Moving up and down. The look on Talon’s face, maybe trying to fight that it felt good. Of course it felt good. It was someone sucking him off. But something clicked deep inside me. Something that made me not want to take it anymore. All I had to do though was let Talon finish. Let him explode into her mouth and then Talon would have gotten the damn video and we’d never have to deal with them again.

  But it all collected and boiled over.

  My anger. Rage. Hate. Pain.

  That’s why I jumped forward and wanted to kill Jade. And if Vaughn hadn’t shot me in the leg, then I would have really tried to kill her.

  Fuck, I still wanted to kill her.

  The urge rolling through my body was like nothing I ever felt before. The urge to hurt and kill. It made me wonder if this was how Talon felt. When he killed Tommy. When he came out of prison to find the MC in shambles. When he had to face those other clubs. Hell, when he had to hear about the vote for President not going his way.

  It was a seriously intense feeling.

  And as I stared at my own reflection, I thought I would calm down. Become rational. But I didn’t. The urge grew worse and when I finally was able to look away, it was because I knew that I’d get to Jade. I’d get revenge.


  It was insane.

  I stumbled to the tub and turned the water on. I put in some bubble bath soap and then stripped out of my panties and shirt. I lit three candles and turned off the light. It was just enough to give a nice dim light throughout the bathroom. It was calming with the sound of the water rushing and the smell of the candles and bubble bath.

  I stepped into the tub and sank into the water. I put my leg up, trying not to get it completely soaking wet. It still hurt when water or soap touched i

  And I was just there.

  In the moment, alone, with my thoughts.

  I was really angry. Still pissed off at Talon for letting himself get into that situation. Those feelings of romance and love just a short while ago were now fully replaced with something else. The MC life was real and I was in the middle of the storm. And when I fully healed from the gunshot wound, I could either stay or go. Either way, I’d be hurt. If I stayed, I’d at least be somewhat protected.

  Everything started to sink into me and bad. I had Detective John snooping into my past. I had been shot. I was in love with Talon but couldn’t stop my burning feelings for Layne either. And I didn’t know what the hell to do with Jade and Vaughn and the fact that I was on a video with Talon when he killed someone.

  I shut my eyes to take a breath.

  When I opened them again, I gasped, yelled, and started to shiver. I looked around the bathroom and realized I must have fallen asleep. I used my good foot to turn the water back on, needing the tub water to heat back up. I was shivery and achy, my nipples tight and erect.

  I heard a knock at the bathroom door and I jumped.

  A pain shot through my leg and I groaned.

  That’s when the door flew open.

  When I saw Layne, I gasped. And then I warmed up. Like really fast.

  He looked right at me, scanning me head to toe… I was fucking naked… and then he looked me in the eyes.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I, uh, my leg…”

  “Where’s your crutches?”

  “Bedroom. I walked to the bath.”

  “What the hell, Everly?”

  Layne had seen me naked many times before but for some reason this felt different. Very different. The way he looked at me. The way my mind was playing some serious games.

  “I’m okay,” I whispered.

  “What are you doing in here?” he asked. He looked around. “Praying or something?”

  I laughed. “Just trying to relax.”

  “You scared me.”

  “You were worried?”


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