Nature Hike

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Nature Hike Page 2

by Cherry Lee

  James returned to the grapevines to get the next item for his art project. He brought back clusters of the small wild grapes and mashed them against Cara’s tightly bound breasts. He rubbed the purple juice all over her tortured tits, cruelly massaging it in while enjoying the rich aroma of grapes and her sweat.

  When he licked her breasts this time, they tasted coppery, salty, sweet and sour all at the same time. He smashed more grapes between his hands and painted her with the juice. He finger -painted suns and moon crescents on her rib cage and stomach. He let the juice trickle down her legs and smeared a handful of grape pulp all over her cunt. Then, he dropped to his knees and licked every bit of it off.

  Cara’s whines had turned from pain to pleasure. She arched her pelvis toward his mouth as best she could. He dipped his tongue deep inside her pussy, enjoying the mixed flavors of her musk and the tangy fruit. Then he sucked on her clit, hard, until she bucked against his mouth and moaned loudly into her gag. More wetness flowed from her cunt and bathed his tongue. It excited him that he could bring her off in the midst of painful torture. His jaw clenched as he struggled to keep his weeping erection from erupting into orgasm.

  He stood up. “You like that, huh?”

  Cara nodded, her cheeks wet with tears of mingled ecstasy and pain.

  “You come easy, slut.” He slapped her bound tits several times and then turned to get the next things he needed for his project.

  He roamed the edge of the clearing collecting things, while the hot sun beat down on his naked flesh. When he returned to Cara, he spread them on his outstretched hand for her to look at.

  “Do you have any idea what I’m going to do with these?”

  She shook her head, eyes widened in alarm once more. Her breasts were deep magenta and he wondered if it was time to let the blood flow into them again. He decided a little longer wouldn’t hurt and got ready to decorate her tits with the two-inch long pine needles and thorns he’d collected.

  He had selected the driest needles he could find. He hoped they were strong enough to pierce her flesh with one sharp stab, but wasn’t sure it would work the way he imagined. Cara’s eyes flickered and she stared down at his hand as he approached her with the first needle. He stabbed it into the soft flesh at the side of her tit. The needle indented the skin slightly but wasn’t stiff enough to poke through. He jabbed her with it again and the tip bent. Tossing the first pine needle aside, he selected another, dryer one and tried again. No matter how hard he poked, the needle wouldn’t pierce.

  Abandoning the idea of pine needles, James picked up one of the long Locust thorns, which resembled nothing so much as a thin, black needle. He jammed it into the flesh on the side of her breast at an angle. He pressed hard and it slid into her skin and reappeared in the dark flesh of her aureoleareola. He was thrilled at his success.

  Cara howled. Her entire body jerked, slamming her against the tree trunk. Her shoulders practically dislocated as they strained at the bonds. When James doused her breast with rubbing alcohol from his backpack, she wailed and thrashed even harder. It was exhilarating.

  After disinfecting a number of the long thorns, he spaced the next one about an inch away from the first. Cara whimpered and pleaded with her eyes but James focused on his design and ignored her. When he was finished stabbing and weaving, there was a circle of black thorns fanning out from her nipple in a corona. Cara’s face dripped sweat; her eyes were half-closed. She sagged against her bindings, and he hoped the grapevine rope would hold. Concerned about the deep plum color of her tits, he worked quickly, inserting the needles into her second breast, then stood back to survey his masterpiece.

  Cara looked up at him with glistening eyes, begging for release. He stroked the side of her face gently. “Is it too much? Do you want me to free you now?”

  More tears trickled from her eyes as she nodded.

  “Are you going to tell me again how sorry you are for what you did with Chris?”

  Again, she nodded.

  “Well, sweetheart, I’ve already accepted your apology several times. This isn’t about that; it’s about you learning an important lesson. When I take your gag off, you’re going to tell me who these tits belong to. When I finally release you, you’ll swear that you’ll never look at another man. But first…” He took the pair of cutters he’d used to collect the brambles and slipped it carefully between her deep purple mounds and the plastic tie. When he cut it, her boob burst from the restraint. He wasn’t sure if her groan was from relief orf from pain.

  Slowly her breast returned to the proper shade of pink. Only a bright red ring around its base showed that it had been recently bound. He snipped the tie on the right side as well.

  Cara’s beautiful breasts were a mess. The jagged scratches, the circular cinch marks, the streaked purple juice and the piercing array of thorns had turned them into a freak show display.

  “You want those out?” he asked, running his finger over the puckered flesh around an embedded thorn. He knew that with the blood flow restored, Cara’s sensitivity to the objects piercing her was increased. Her aureoles areolae certainly proved the theory by drawing tight and hard the moment her breasts were free. James wiggled one of the thorns and watched Cara jerk against her bonds and groan into the panties. It amazed him that she still had the energy.

  He realized that he hadn’t tended to her pussy as he should. He needed to balance her upper and lower body. Kneeling before her, he chose a large brown burr about the size of a half dollar. He rubbed her clit with a fingertip long enough to make her close her eyes and moan, smiling to himself when he saw her deliberately shake her boobs. He knew she did it so she’d feel the thorns.

  James used two fingers of his left hand to separate the lips of her labia. With his right hand, he placed the burr firmly against her clit and let the folds of skin go. Gravity wrapped them around the burr and drove the sharp barbs into her tender flesh. James’ hand pressed against her labia, aiding gravity. The sharp spines of the burr impaled her sensitive genitals.

  Again, Cara cried out and jerked. Her flailing only made the barbs and thorns dig in harder. She stopped and tried to hold perfectly still. He looked into her eyes again. They were begging, pleading with him to end the torment in her tender pussy.

  Carefully he pulled back her flushed folds and removed the tormenting burr. He leaned in and licked her cunt, again conscious of the fact that he needed to mix pleasure in with her pain until she had to have them both. His soothing tongue and stroking fingers soon had her moaning in pleasure and arching toward his mouth. Her cunt was slippery, coating his fingers with juice. He glanced up at her breasts thrust out above him, decorated with the pretty design of thorns.

  From the look in Cara’s eyes, she didn’t seem to notice the piercings anymore. She had acclimated to the pain. She watched him avidly as he licked her clit and finger-fucked her. He knew Cara’s sounds well and could tell when she had reached the brink. He pulled away from her then, leaving her pelvis thrusting aimlessly toward nothing. Her next moan was full of frustration.

  James felt like moaning himself. It was getting harder to rein himself in when all he wanted to do was fuck Cara hard up against the tree. He stood and faced her. “I’m going to do one more thing and then I’m going to take your gag off. No screaming, right?”

  She nodded.

  James slapped an open hand across her right tit. “That’s for fucking cheating on me.”

  Cara gasped and her eyes watered.

  He slapped her left tit. “And that’s just because I can.”

  He went behind the tree and cut the bonds that held her to it. Next, he untied the rope from her head and took the saliva-soaked panties from her mouth.

  Cara stood before him, chastened and quiet – quieter than he’d ever known her to be. Her head was down and she stared at her breasts as though unable to believe what she was seeing was true.

  He offered her a bottle of water, which she guzzled thirstily. “I have one last demand.
Kneel down.”

  She dropped instantly to her knees as if God himself had given the order, and James was pleased. “I want to hear you tell me you’re sorry again, but like you really mean it this time.”

  She nodded and her voice trembled when she spoke. This was nothing like the vaguely sincere apologies she had given him before. She sounded like her heart was breaking. “I’m so sorry I cheated on you with Chris. It meant nothing. You’re the one I love---really.” She glanced up at him from under her sweaty bangs. “Today you showed me how much I hurt you and how much you want me. I’ve never felt anything so intense in my life. It hurt like hell but, at the same time, I was flying.”

  James nodded. He had heard of that effect. “Good. I want you suck me off then we’ll get those barbs out of you, take you home and clean you up.”

  She reached for his cock instantly. Her eagerness to please him was touching, and he wondered why it had taken him so long to figure out what she needed from him.

  James had held himself in check the whole afternoon, and it didn’t take much stimulation for him to get off. The eroticism of domination and the sight of Cara kneeling subserviently at his feet,feet aroused him to a fever pitch. The sharp needles poking through her tortured tits pricked his thighs as her mouth enveloped his dick and she whimpered. James rubbed his knees against her breasts to hear the sweet sound again.

  Seeing her lips stretched around his cock sent a sharp wave of lust through him. The sucking and drawing sensation as she worked him accelerated his heartbeat. He thrust into her mouth, gripping handfuls of her hair and twisting hard. He moved faster and faster until he was fucking her face. He heard her choke as she struggled not to gag.

  He stared at her tits, bouncing with the vigor of his thrusts. They were smeared with red blood and indigo grape juice and the black ends of the thorns stuck out in a fan around her nipples. He kept his eyes riveted on the jiggling mounds, imagining the pain Cara must have felt when he knocked against them. The knowledge of her torture magnified his excitement. When he came, it was the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced and seemed to spin out forever. He felt suspended in time as his cock pulsed and spent inside Cara’s hot, wet mouth.

  After several gasping, panting moments, James recovered and helped Cara to her feet. He started to pull out the thorns, but thought twice.

  “Start fingering yourself, now.”

  Her eyes widened and she tried to hide her smile as she quickly complied. He gave her a few seconds to get warmed up and then grabbed a thorn, twisted and yanked. She hissed and redoubled her efforts, burying a couple of fingers as deep inside her cunt as she could while frantically rubbing her clit.

  After he yanked the next thorn free, he raked it across her pebbled aureoleareola, drawing a line of blood almost immediately. This time, she groaned and thrust her breast out, silently begging him for more. He tried to decide what would send her over the edge as her moaning got louder and her cunt pushed against her hand. Smiling to himself, he yanked the third thorn out, grabbed her nipple in a brutal pinch, and jabbed it into the very tip.

  Her scream seemed to have nothing to do with pain. She staggered back against the tree, her orgasm exploding through her. By the time she slid down it’s rough trunk to the ground, her hand was soaked, and his cock was actually coming back to life again.

  She closed her eyes and leaned her head back as, one by one, he deftly pulled the thorns from her tits, making sure that they came out complete. New blood seeped from the holes they’d left behind, with particularly large droplets falling from where he’d jammed the last thorn. Without the pleasure to offset it, Cara hardly breathed while he stripped her boobs bare of their forest decorations. Her breasts heaved but she didn’t move until they were all out, then she relaxed her shoulders with a sigh.

  He got the bottle of rubbing alcohol again, and her eyes widened. She bit down hard on her lip, suppressing a squeal when he doused her torn flesh with the liquid. “There, all clean. You’ll have marks for a long time, but there’s no permanent damage.

  She reached up to touch her tormented tits. “Wow, it was incredible.” She sounded awed. “I didn’t know there could be so much pleasure in pain. I’m so sorry I cheated on you, and I deserved every bit of that punishment.” She looked up, seeking his approval, hoping that her words had pleased him.

  It occurred to James that Cara fucking Chris may have been planned for more than just the apparent reason. Thinking about it, he realized that on some level, she had been begging him to take charge and discipline her. If it had been an act to get his attention, it worked. Now that he knew of her submissive streak, and just how much he enjoyed the whole domination thing, their love life was about to become a lot more interesting.

  “We can do it again, any time you want,” he said. “Maybe I’ll be a little less harsh next time when I’m not so damn pissed off.”

  Still standing a little spread-eagle, she smiled, looking ruefully down at her abused breasts and purple streaked body. “Yeah. That might be good. I…”

  “On the other hand,” James interrupted, “I might be even rougher. You’ll just have to find out.”

  Looking intrigued as she prodded the wounds left by the thorns, her reply was barely a whisper. “That might be good, too.”


  Cherry Lee is firmly of the opinion that sometimes a girl just wants to get really, really naughty. Taste the forbidden fruit of Cherry Lee. Cherry Lee enjoys exploring the bitter dark chocolate of sex as well as the sweet cherry center. If you like your erotica with edge, sample her stories. You may learn more about Cherry at her website:

  You can find other e-books written by Cherry Lee at Darker Pleasures (

  Darker Pleasures began as an adult web magazine in 1999. It featured original text and photo-illustrated stories, images, video, art and articles specializing in erotic breast-oriented bondage and BDSM. Darker Pleasures featured stories written by dozens of erotica authors including Matt Nicholson, Elizabeth Faraday, Lee Ash, Jude Mason, Adrian Hunter, Bonnie Dee, Leo Bulero and others. The webzine ended its run in January 2010. In August 2011, Darker Pleasures began publishing revised and edited releases of the BDSM erotica originally featured in the pages of its e-magazine. Darker Pleasures’ stories and books can be found through Smashwords and other e-book outlets.


  Cherry Lee is firmly of the opinion that sometimes a girl just wants to get really, really naughty. Taste the forbidden fruit of Cherry Lee. Cherry Lee enjoys exploring the bitter dark chocolate of sex as well as the sweet cherry center. If you like your erotica with edge, sample her stories. You may learn more about Cherry at her website:

  Other e-books written by Cherry Lee can be found at:

  Darker Pleasures began as an adult web magazine in 1999. It featured original text and photo-illustrated stories, images, video, art and articles specializing in breast-oriented bondage and BDSM. Darker Pleasures featured stories written by dozens of erotic authors including Matt Nicholson, Elizabeth Daniels, Lee Ash, Jude Mason, Adrian Hunter, Bonnie Dee, Leo Bulero and others. The webzine ended its run in January 2010. In August 2011, Darker Pleasures started publishing revised and edited releases of BDSM erotica originally featured in the pages of its e-magazine through Smashwords.

  Other e-books published by Darker Pleasures can be found at:




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