Taming the Texan

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Taming the Texan Page 6

by Jules Bennett

  What would be the point? He’d already seen and she wasn’t going to play the game of pretending to be shy. She was taking in her fill as well because Hayes had a body that would make any woman drop her panties and beg. Alexa wasn’t most women and she was still determined to hold on to this thread of control and pray she wasn’t here long enough for it to snap...because it wouldn’t take much. His clothes were just as molded to his body as hers were to hers and he had some impressive muscle tone, glistening from the rain beading up on his skin.

  “You should’ve stayed inside,” he growled, remaining on the other end of the porch.

  “I didn’t know if you would need help with anything.”

  Those eyes ran over her again as he slowly closed the gap between them. “What did you think you could do?”

  That question, delivered in such a low, gravelly tone did nothing to squelch her desire. This was crazy. She’d just met the man, yet he did something to her that she couldn’t quite put into words. Granted, right now, she was having a difficult time with any coherent thought other than take your shirt off, cowboy.

  “I have no idea,” she admitted. “But I don’t want you to think I can’t help.”

  He took a step closer, never looking away from her eyes, her mouth. “Your clothes are all wet again.”

  “They’re your clothes,” she countered. Why did her voice come out so breathy?

  The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Yours are dry now if you want to change.”

  She pulled in a deep breath, her breasts brushing against his chest. Had he closed the distance so tight or had she stepped forward? She’d been so mesmerized by his voice, his predatory gaze.

  “Are you changing?” she asked.

  Hayes reached behind his back and jerked the wet shirt up and over his head, tossing it onto the wood porch with a heavy smack. Tattoos covered his chest and up one shoulder. Dark hair glistened all over his pecs.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she told him.

  “Who said I was playing?”

  He thrust his hands into her hair and covered her mouth before she could take a breath. Hayes’s body leaned over hers, tipping her back slightly, but one large hand came around and flattened against her back, pushing her further into his strong build.

  Alexa had never been so turned on and caught off guard at the same time. She gripped his bare shoulders and opened to him. There was no gentleness, nothing delicate in the way he kissed her. This was full-blown hunger and held so much promise of a stepping stone to something more.

  “You’re driving me out of my damn mind,” he muttered against her lips. “My shirt molded to you is killing me.”

  “Take it off.”

  Where had that come from? It was one thing for him to take his shirt off, but she’d just ordered him to remove hers. What on earth was she thinking? This wasn’t like her. Well, the blunt honesty was, but to be so brazen about her wants with a virtual stranger was completely out of the norm.

  Those dark eyes seemed to go even darker. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.”

  Squaring her shoulders and taking a step back, Alexa found a boost of confidence and bravery as she reached for the hem and eased the shirt up and off. She threw it on the porch next to his.

  “I never say something if I don’t mean it.”

  And then he was on her. Strong hands gripped her waist and lifted her up. Her back hit the side of the house. Her breasts smashed against his chest. Locking her legs around his waist, Alexa ached in places she hadn’t thought even worked anymore. It had been so long since she’d felt any desire, let alone given in to it. But Hayes sure as hell knew exactly how to make her feel, make her want and ache and tingle and all of the fantastic things that came with being aroused and out of control.

  Whatever this temporary situation was, count her in. It wasn’t like she’d see him again after she went back home and for once in her life she was going to be completely selfish and live in the moment.

  Alexa arched against him as his lips found her neck and traveled down to her chest. Thrusting her fingers through his hair, she ignored all the reasons why this was not a smart idea that were swirling around in her head.

  They’d been dancing around the tension for hours. So what if she wanted him? She was human, she had needs, and damn it, she’d never needed like this before.

  Hayes shoved a hand between them and slid it into the oversize waistband of her pants. With no panties on, the access was easy as his fingertips found her most sensitive area.

  Crying out, Alexa clung to him even tighter. His hand moved over her, in her, and there was no way she could prevent the onslaught of ecstasy that overcame her. He muttered something in her ear a second before he nibbled on the sensitive spot on her neck.

  Alexa’s entire body tightened as she bowed, closing her eyes and letting the wave of ecstasy consume her. Hayes moved right along with her, slowing as she began to still. He didn’t let up until the final tremor ceased. When he eased back, Alexa instantly felt cold and reality came crashing back. The rain, the storm...she was half naked on the back porch of a brooding billionaire’s house and she’d just had the orgasm of her life.

  Hayes continued to stare at her as he eased away. That hard stare, the heavy breathing and his chest rising and falling all indicated he’d not been unaffected by her pleasure.

  He took an uneven step back.

  “We should get inside.”

  From the tone and the slight gap between them, she knew he didn’t mean taking things inside to finish where he’d left off.

  What had happened in the last few moments? Whatever battle he faced internally had settled itself right between them.

  He’d come at her like a man on a mission and she’d been the only one satisfied. Was he just going to go on like he wasn’t miserable and aroused? Because she could see for herself he was both.

  “That’s it?” she asked, bringing her arms up to shield her bare chest. “What was that?”

  “If you have to ask, I did things wrong.”

  Alexa continued to stare before she marched around him and grabbed their discarded shirts. She tossed his at his chest with a wet slap, cursing him in Spanish words her mother would’ve never allowed.

  “Oh, you did things wrong,” she agreed as she went inside, still careful of the door. “You claimed you weren’t playing games, but you sure as hell just did.”

  * * *

  Hayes remained on the porch for a few minutes after Alexa had gone inside. Somewhere between seeing her with his shirt molded to every wet curve and having her come apart in his arms, he’d had realized he was going about this all wrong.

  And he spoke fluent Spanish, so he knew exactly what she thought of him at the moment. He wasn’t too pleased with how he’d handled things either, but lust had overridden common sense and he’d been selfish. He’d needed to see her come apart; he’d wanted to be the one to make that happen.

  From the moment he’d seen her in the stables, Hayes had imagined her writhing beneath him. He’d been set on seducing her. But the more time he spent with her, the more he learned about her, the more he wanted her and the more he knew he shouldn’t have her...which meant his thoughts became even more jumbled.

  She was a single mother. He might not know Alexa well, but he already knew enough to realize she wasn’t the fling type. She had her life together and certainly hadn’t taken a getaway to have some heated affair with a broken cowboy.

  Hayes had vowed to get his act together. Of course that mental declaration came just as he was giving an orgasm to his temporary roommate.

  Just because he was a mess didn’t mean he had to make his unexpected guest miserable. It wasn’t Alexa’s fault he wanted her, but had issues of epic proportions. It wasn’t her fault the mere mention of kids put fear in him because he didn’t want to get involved on any level wit
h a woman with a child. Hell, he shouldn’t be getting involved with a woman at all until he got his life together...if that ever happened.

  The betrayal he’d experienced had scarred him, probably more than the hell he’d lived through during his tour of duty. Not that he was looking for a relationship or anything with Alexa. He had a need, a craving he hadn’t experienced in so long, so he thought he’d act on it.

  But she was a mother. A single mother. She was worried about being away from her son and here Hayes was worried about his hormones. They couldn’t be more opposite. Sexual attraction was a fickle battle to fight.

  And right now, he was a jerk. He’d nearly consumed her on the porch, taking what he wanted and leaving her little room to argue. Oh, he could tell she enjoyed his touch, but now what? He’d pushed her away because he had no clue what to do next, but she was stuck here, so he would have to face her at some point.

  He was about as personable as that damn screen door he wanted to scrap.

  Drawing in a deep breath, Hayes stepped inside the kitchen. Alexa wasn’t around, which wasn’t shocking. He’d be surprised if he saw her again while they were stuck here together. Most likely, she’d retreated to text her sitter or scroll through images of her son to keep her grounded and away from the big bad wolf.

  Damn if he couldn’t still feel her against him, though. He wanted her more than ever, but there was a line he shouldn’t cross... Not until or unless he was certain she wanted...what?

  There was a term for what he wanted and it was hot sex, no-strings, a one-night stand. But approaching Alexa with such crass words really didn’t fit. There was something special, innocent about her and he shouldn’t be trying to taint her.

  Right now, the only thing he knew was that they were stranded together and the emotions were getting the best of them—or of him, at least.

  He sure as hell had more than hormones to worry about. This water was rising. Their only saving grace, for now, was that the house and barn were up on a knoll that sloped down to the river and creek. But being surrounded on most sides was going to be a major problem if the rain didn’t stop soon.

  Since Alexa was not in sight, he shoved on the old work boots by the back door and headed out, sans shirt. He marched straight to the barn to check on the horses. If anything happened to Doc, Nolan would never forgive him.

  His doctor brother had recently found his high-school sweetheart and had reunited. She’d been expecting another man’s baby, which was a level of baggage Hayes never wanted to deal with. Between Nolan and Colt, both with their ready-made families, Hayes was starting to wonder what the hell was in the water around here.

  The irony was not lost on him that he was now stranded with a single mom. Fate was tempting him or mocking, he wasn’t sure which. Either way, he was getting damn uncomfortable.

  Hayes checked the feed, refilled the water and decided to refresh the hay. Maybe something normal, some sort of manual labor would keep his mind off the fact Alexa had been panting in his ear and shattering against him only moments ago. He wanted to go straight into the house and finish what they’d started. His ache hadn’t dissolved; if anything he wanted her even more than he had before he touched her. The way she’d come apart with such freedom and fire... He wanted more. If she was that open with her passion, how would she be once he got her into bed?

  Her body hadn’t been perfectly toned. Rather, her full hips, her soft abs were so damn sexy. She had the body of a woman with confidence and that was sexier than anything he’d ever experienced. Hayes wished like hell he could take his time and explore every dip and curve.

  Again, though, they were total opposites and she wasn’t looking for an affair with a stranger.

  After staying in the barn for as long as possible, Hayes resigned himself to the fact that he was going to have to go inside and find her. Alexa deserved an apology.

  Cursing on his way back to the house, Hayes had no idea how to go about this, but he knew no matter what he decided, he’d find some way to botch it up.

  After stepping back into the house and closing both doors, he headed to the laundry room to change once again. He stopped short when he saw the clothes Alexa had been wearing. She’d taken her own things and left his draped over the drying rack.

  Obviously she wanted to get out of the wet things, but all Hayes could think was that she’d wanted to be rid of him. The battle he waged with himself had slid between them and he didn’t intend for her to be a target.

  Already the darkness that plagued him was affecting others, and not just his immediate family. This should be reason enough for him to keep his distance from her, but he had to say something.

  Now he had to figure out how the hell to make this up to her because neither of them were going anywhere anytime soon.


  Given the fact Hayes had been a bastard, Alexa took it upon herself to explore the rest of the house. She’d texted to check on Mason again and got a picture back of him napping cuddled on the sofa with the infamous horse. At least one aspect of her life was normal.

  Wandering around with her thoughts in a stranger’s house wasn’t helping her get over what happened on the porch.

  If her body would stop tingling, that would be great. She was having a difficult time being so angry with Hayes when every part of her was still extremely revved up and ready to go. She didn’t even have to concentrate to be able to feel him against her.

  Alexa stepped into what appeared to be an office, but the cover on the couch and the stale scent told her this room had been neglected for some time. She wondered how long he’d been in the military and how long this house had sat empty. A room like this would have a story to tell and be rich with history.

  The wall of shelves drew her in even farther. She adored reading, though lately it was more books about the ABCs or colors and shapes than anything. Which was fine, she loved snuggling with Mason after he’d had a bath and just before bed. They would settle in his room in the corner rocker and read and sing. It was actually the most relaxing part of her day. She wanted traditions and routines for her son, so he always felt safe, protected, loved.

  Alexa blew out a breath and tried not to get too upset about being stranded here, away from Mason. She would’ve been away this weekend anyway, but now there was a real threat she’d be away even longer than the weekend.

  The far wall of windows reaffirmed her fears as the rain beat against the side of the house. Alexa chose to keep her eyes on the books and something that would take her mind off her current situation. Surely there was one title in all of those she would find interesting.

  The dust on the shelves was thick enough she doodled a heart. Wait. What? No, no hearts. She swiped her fingertips over the juvenile design and focused on reading the spines.

  “Hope you like history.”

  Alexa cringed as Hayes’s voice washed over her, but she didn’t turn to face him. “Better than any other way to occupy my time,” she muttered.

  “I deserve that.”

  Alexa laughed, still staring at the titles as if some self-help book on dealing with cranky, sexy cowboys would jump out at her. “Oh, you deserve more, but I’m holding it in.”

  “Why? You’ve been brutally honest up until now.”

  True, but just because he’d been less than hospitable didn’t mean she needed to be rude. Besides, she truly didn’t know what to say. This situation was so far out of her comfort zone, she didn’t even know what zone she was in. She was well aware that anything that happened here was temporary because she wasn’t about to get involved with anyone and take them home to her son, but she’d never done temporary before.

  “Are you going to look at me?”

  Of all the times she’d wished for a snarky comment, now Alexa’s mind came up blank. She blamed the intense encounter on the back porch for her momentary lapse.

  “You don
’t use this room much,” she commented casually as she shifted to examine more titles. “This is every reader’s dream. A wall of books, a view out the window, a couch to curl up on. Not that I have downtime, but if I did, this place would be perfect.”

  “This was my grandfather’s study. It hasn’t been used since he passed.”

  Alexa turned now, crossing her arms over her chest. He’d changed his clothes, and thankfully put a shirt on. His hair was still damp, as was hers, but he looked...exhausted. Not merely tired, but absolutely worn down, almost beaten and defeated.

  A piece of her softened because she truly had no idea what Hayes had gone through. If he’d open up just a little, maybe she could help. Then again, they’d just met and someone like Hayes wasn’t about to bare his soul. She’d bet her entire year’s salary that he’d been appointed a counselor through the military and had balked at talking to a professional. Someone like Hayes would think he could get through the difficult times on his own, or maybe he’d enlist the help of his brothers. But he was strong and determined, and not about to admit any type of weakness.

  Hayes took a step inside the room. “What happened earlier—”

  “Won’t happen again.”

  He stopped a few feet from her and lifted one dark brow. “Is that right?”

  “I’m pretty positive, considering the way you backed away from me.”

  Not to mention the fact that she hadn’t missed how he’d closed up when she’d flashed images of Mason. Some men just weren’t interested in children. Which was fine, it wasn’t like she was about to take Hayes home or anything.

  Hayes’s lips quirked into a grin. Damn that man for being sexy and for making her want him. He’d touched her, kissed her, teased the hell out of her, and that orgasm hadn’t done a thing to rid her of this desire. Now she wasn’t just fighting attraction—she was trying to fend off the memories of how amazing he’d made her feel.


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