The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1)

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The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1) Page 1

by Tricia Andersen

  The Heartbreaker

  Fighting the Odds Series Book One

  Tricia Andersen

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the web -without permission in writing from the author.

  The Heartbreaker

  Fighting the Odds Series Book One

  Tricia Andersen Copyright © 2015

  Editor: Leanore Elliott

  Book design: Wicked Muse Productions

  Cover Art: Tricia Andersen

  Cover Model:

  Josh Burchett

  Hard Drive Performance Center

  Thank you to Keoni Koch and my family at Hard Drive MMA in Cedar Rapids. Each time, I write one of these dedications I'm reminded just how blessed I am to have every one of you in my life. Thank you and I love you all.

  This book is dedicated to my muse. My inspiration to write comes from you. For that, I am eternally grateful.

  Chapter One

  For being such a fucking small town, it seems like it goes on forever.

  Reese squinted against the blaring May afternoon sunshine as he stared down the main drag. Here he was. Home. Braden, Iowa. He jammed his hands in his jeans pockets as he glanced down at his bags on the ground. This was the last place he wanted to be.

  Slowly rotating his shoulder back, he winced in pain. It was a subtle reminder of why he came home. The submission hold that screwed up his arm, that kicked him to the injured list, sent him here. When the new year began, he was partying it up on the Las Vegas strip, drinking and sleeping with any woman that came his way.

  Now, five months later, he was standing on the threshold of his hometown wounded and homeless. He had hitchhiked his way out of this hellhole. Unfortunately, he hitchhiked his way back too. With a defeated huff, Reese picked up his bags and slung them over his good shoulder. My life fucking sucks.

  Trudging his way past the churches and stores, he stopped in front of the small bar. The windows were nearly covered in obnoxious beer signs. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open, stepping into the cool darkness. The thick scent of stale beer greeted him. He glanced at the hunter green sheet rock walls splashed with various sports paraphernalia, his eyes stopping on his own fight photos. I should have known they’d be hanging here.

  “Wow, look what the cat dragged in.”

  Reese forced a smile on his face. “Hey, Buddy.”

  Buddy scanned Reese from head to toe, brushing his shaggy blond hair from his face as he did. “Saw your last fight. Brutal, man. Thought you had him. You had his blood smeared all over the octagon. He got lucky wrenching your arm like that.”

  “Yeah. Tell me about it.”

  “What brings you here?”

  “I’m out for the next few weeks. Rehab. I was hoping I could take you up on your offer.”

  “What offer was that?”

  Reese took a deep breath as he crossed the cement floor to the bar. “I need a place to crash while I heal. My roommate kicked me out, so his girlfriend could move in.”

  Buddy stared at him for a long, hard moment then grinned. “Mi casa es tu casa.”

  Reese smiled. “Thanks. For all I know I won’t be there long. If the Sheriff finds out I’m here, I’ll probably be thrown in the slammer for murdering my Dad.”

  Buddy cracked a grin at Reese. “I don’t think the Sheriff will bother you.”

  Reese frowned at him. “Why not?”

  “Your dad would have to be dead to arrest you for murder.”

  “He’s not dead?”

  “Nope. You beat him within an inch of his life. But no. Howard Cooper is alive and well and living in Braden.”

  “Yeah, well I can still be arrested for assault.”

  Buddy shook his head, his thick hair rustling as he did. “Your dad’s neighbor told the Sheriff your dad took the first swing. The first half dozen actually. You only fought back because you had to.”

  Reese slumped onto a bar stool as he stared into space. He never had to run. But it would have been nice if the nosy old neighbor Daryl Cox would have shot his mouth off when his dad broke his arm when he was twelve. “So, who’s still around?”

  “Pretty much the whole gang. You’re the only one who left.”

  Reese paused for a moment. “Even Lily Dixon?”

  Buddy cocked a curious eyebrow. “The preacher’s daughter?”


  “She left Braden to go to the University then came home. She’s the town librarian.”

  A smile slipped across Reese’s face. It was the first one since he stepped foot in this cursed town. “Huh. Good to know.”

  Buddy wiped his hands on his gray T-shirt. “Did you want to get settled?”


  Buddy dug his hand into his pocket, retrieving his keys. He handed them to Reese. “Two-ten Pine. Two blocks that way.” He threw his thumb over his shoulder.

  “I know where Pine is, Buddy. I was born here, remember.”

  “It’s been awhile. You’ve taken a few shots to the head since. Go drop your stuff off and come back. First beer is on me.”

  Reese stood then picked up his bags. “I appreciate it, man.”

  “No worries.”

  With a final forced smile, Reese shuffled out into the spring sunshine. He strode up the sidewalk as he took in the sights of his old hometown. Turn right, go two blocks, turn right again.

  The old brick building across the street distracted him from his directions. He wandered around the parked cars in the road until he stood outside it. Glancing inside, he found bookshelves full of books from floor to ceiling. People mulled around inside, reading as they walked. There were several tables of students cramming for the upcoming exams.

  Reese’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of a woman with long brown hair that cascaded down her back in curls. She was modestly dressed in a blouse and a-line skirt. She was bent over a table helping a boy research a paper. Lily Dixon. Still as beautiful as the day I ran. With a frustrated huff, he spun on his heel and headed for Buddy’s house.

  Unlocking the door, Reese set his things in the foyer of the old house. Looking around, he smiled. It wasn’t a bad old house. It would be a great place to crash for a few weeks. Buddy had been able to take its old Victorian charm and blended it with his bachelor lifestyle. With a smile, he pulled the door shut and locked it, so he could make his way back to the bar. He could certainly use that beer.

  Reese spent the afternoon sipping on one brew after another while talking to Buddy. After seven years, he was amazed that nothing really changed. As the sun rose and set on the rest of the world, it seemed like time stood still in Braden. The tavern slowly filled with folks just getting off work, each stopping to talk to Reese and congratulate him on his success. It didn’t take long for him to realize he was the closest thing Braden had to a celebrity.

  As sunset lit the bar up with a fire red glow, Buddy greeted his newest patron with a sly grin. “Lily Dixon.”

  Reese spun on his bar stool in the direction Buddy was looking.

  Lily stood straight, her small hands wrapped delicately around the brass rail.

  Reese couldn’t help but stare.
/>   “Hello, Buddy,” Lily greeted solemnly. “I’m here for that prize you promised me for my silent auction at the fair. Not that I think having anything from a bar will be appropriate for my book fundraiser. But it seems that the people in this town enjoy your establishment.”

  Buddy chuckled. “That they do. I printed up a certificate for a twenty-five dollar bar tab and added some of my finer bottled beers to a basket for you. They’re in the office. I’ll go grab them.”

  “Thank you.”

  Buddy waved his hand towards Reese. “While you’re waiting, why don’t you chat with the prodigal son who’s returned home. I’m sure you remember Reese Cooper, right?” With another laugh, he disappeared into the back hallway.

  Lily’s eyes grew wide as she turned towards Reese. “Reese…” Her voice came out as a squeak, barely audible over the jukebox music. “It’s been a long time. How are you?”

  “I’m just fine, Lily,” Reese answered as he took a sip of beer to calm his quaking nerves. “I see you are as beautiful as usual. How are you?”

  Even with the contorted colors of the sunset blended with the dim neon of the bar, Reese couldn’t miss the reddening of Lily’s cheeks.

  “I’m doing just fine. You’re still a smooth talker, I see.”

  “With you, Lilybug, it is only truth.”

  Lily wound a finger shyly in a curl that draped over her shoulder. “I hear you fight now.”

  “I am. Mixed martial arts. I fight professionally.”

  “The fighting in the chain link cage.”


  “What are you doing here then?”

  “Rehabbing my shoulder. I hurt it during my last fight. I’m staying with Buddy until it’s healed then I’m back to fighting.”

  “Did I hear my name?” Buddy sauntered out from the back with a wicker basket full of beer bottles cradled in his hands. “Do you want me to take this someplace for you, Lily? Or maybe Reese can carry it for you.”

  Reese rose to his feet.

  Before he could take the basket from Buddy, Lily snatched it from his hands. “No, that’s all right. I’ve got it. I’m going to keep it in my office in the library. My father wouldn’t approve of alcohol in his house and that’s where the rest of the prizes are.” She glanced from Buddy to Reese. “Goodbye gentlemen. Reese, I hope to see you before you leave again.”

  “Of course,” Reese replied. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “All right.” Lily clenched the basket to her as she hurried out of the bar into the sunset.

  ~* * * *~

  Lily tucked the basket of beer bottles into her metal cabinet then swung the double doors closed. She slumped against them. Her heart was thundering in her chest. It had been since she left Buddy’s Bar.

  Reese Cooper was back and he was sexier than ever. Lily knew he was a professional fighter. When Buddy had told her, she subscribed to all the MMA magazines for the library. All the teenage boys in town loved reading them. Little did they know, when the library was closed, Lily would curl up on the couch in her office, find pictures of Reese and swoon over him. She would often hope that being in so many battles that his face would be broken and gnarled.

  Lily sighed. Of course not. It was still perfect, his hair still thick and dark, just perfect for her to dig her fingers into. His eyes were still a brilliant blue, enough to hypnotize any girl who came near him. His face didn’t have a scratch on it. Why does he have to be so perfect?

  A knock on the door startled her from her thoughts. “Lily?”

  “Come in, Molly.”

  Molly had been Lily’s best friend since before she could remember. The redhead was the quintessential Iowa farm girl complete with freckles and bright green eyes. She looked like she belonged on a carton of milk. Molly frowned at her as she stepped into the office and closed the door behind her. She stuffed her hands in the back pockets of her jean shorts. “Lil, if I didn’t know better I’d think you saw a ghost.”

  “I think I did.”

  “Did your dad find out about those magazines you ordered? The ones you keep in your desk drawer?”

  “For Pete sakes, no.”

  “He wouldn’t be pleased to know his baby girl looks at naked men on her lunch break.”

  “Molly, please.”

  “Then what is it? What could make you get all shakey like this? I only know of one person who could make you…” Molly’s eyes flew open wide. “You have new photos of Reese Cooper!”


  “What could be worse?”

  Lily swallowed hard. “The real thing is sitting at Buddy’s Bar right now.”

  Molly gasped then slapped her hand over her mouth. “Reese Cooper is back in Braden?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Tell me he’s been beaten so many times that he looks like an old troll.”

  Lily shook her head. “Nope. If anything, seven years has worked in his favor. He’s still…” She ended her statement with a lovesick sigh.

  “Lily, you have to pull yourself together. If he’s going to be around awhile you can’t go all gaga when he’s near.”

  Lily stared at Molly. She stood straight then brushed her clothes until they were in their proper place. “You’re right, Molly. Besides, he’s probably got a girlfriend or two. I need to get over him and move on.”

  “Good luck with that. You’ve been crushing on Reese since he kissed your cheek in kindergarten.”

  “Thanks for reminding me.”

  Molly winked at her. “My pleasure.”

  Both women turned, as there was another knock at the door. “Miss Dixon?”

  Lily smiled. “Yes, Elijah. Come in.”

  The high school boy with blond hair and wire rimmed glasses peeked his head around the corner. He had nearly as many freckles as Molly. “Miss Dixon, a gentleman has asked for your help looking for a book.” Elijah’s voice dropped to a near whisper. “I think he’s one of those guys in those MMA magazines. He sure looks like it.”

  Lily felt her mouth go dry. She fought to find her voice. “You can help him, Elijah.”

  “He asked for you specifically, Miss Dixon.”

  Lily slowly exhaled. Her heart started to pound again, as her knees went weak. “All right, Elijah. I’ll be there in a moment.”

  “Good luck.” Molly grinned.

  “Thanks.” Lily forced a weak smile on her face as she slipped out of her office and followed the boy between the shelves. She stopped dead in her tracks as she reached the circulation desk.

  Reese leaned against the desk as he thumbed through a book.

  Activity in the library had stopped as everyone stared at the town legend.

  He glanced up at her. The smile he flashed at her was simply dazzling.

  Lily cleared her throat. “Can I help you?”

  Reese set the book back on the desk. “Well, Miss Dixon, I would like to check out a book to read while I recuperate. I was hoping you would have a suggestion.”

  Lily lost herself in his blue eyes for several moments before shaking herself free. “What are you interested in, Mr. Cooper?”

  He shrugged. “Sports. Mystery. Horror. Something fictional. Facts and figures bore me.”

  “Why don’t we start in the horror section and see if something tickles your fancy there?”

  “Tickles my fancy, huh?”

  Lily could feel her face flush hot. Great, he thinks I’m a backwards hick now. Fantastic. “Just follow me please.” She led Reese past tables of gawking teens towards the back of the library. They weaved in between the rows and rows of shelves until they reached a set labeled ‘horror.’ Lily breezed her finger across the spines. “There’s good old Stephen King. Or maybe you’d be interested in an author like Jack Ketchum.”

  “One of those might tickle my fancy, huh?”

  Lily slowly exhaled as she felt her temper rise. He doesn’t have to mock me. “I suppose.” She caught the gasp in her throat, as he pressed tight against her, he pressed so close s
he was able to make out the hard contours of his body. His breath was warm on her neck as he brushed a curl off her shoulder.

  “I know there’s something that can tickle my fancy in this aisle.” He reached over her and tugged a couple novels off the top shelf. His lips brushed the curve of her ear as his hand settled at his side still clutching the books.

  She shuddered at his touch.

  “I’ll start with these,” he whispered to her ear.

  “Let me go check them out for you,” she breathlessly suggested.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Lily rushed to the check out desk sensing Reese on her heels. Her thoughts were all scrambled. Did he just kiss her ear? Did he want to kiss her? Of course he didn’t. He had to have a girlfriend wherever he used to live. Las Vegas, wasn’t it? She was probably some gorgeous showgirl who could rock his world in the sack.

  Lily stopped short at the thought of Reese Cooper having sex. Seconds later, the real deal collided into her. It wasn’t the first time she thought of it. Normally though, she was the girl having sex with him in her imagination. Hours and hours of sex. Her cheeks burned again at the reminder.

  Reese wrapped a protective arm around her. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. Just fine,” she gushed, grabbing the books from his hand. She slipped behind the desk and flipped each book open. “Library card?”

  Reese laughed. “I haven’t had one for seven years, Lily.”

  “That’s right.” She glanced around flustered. “I can put them under my account for now. Just be careful with them.”

  “I will take very good care of them. I promise. And when I return them, I’ll sign up for a new card. Deal?”

  Lily smiled as she handed the books to him. “Deal.”

  “Awesome.” Reese hugged the books to his chest. “See you later, Lily.”

  “See you later, Reese.” Lily was frozen in place as she watched him saunter out of the library. She slowly blew out her breath. There was no possible way Reese Cooper could be interested in her. He was sexy, confident and not going to stay in Braden for long. He was nothing but a daydream, despite what happened between the shelves. Taking a deep breath, she straightened herself and began organizing items for closing. She shot an appreciative smile at Molly as the redhead popped in beside her to help close the library like she did every night.


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