The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1)

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The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1) Page 4

by Tricia Andersen

  Lily whimpered at his touch. The thought of Reese naked, of him on top of her making love to her made her heart race out of control.

  The curl of his smile coupled with the glimmer in his brilliant blue eyes told her he could see what she was thinking. “So should we go get you one, Lily?”

  “Not today,” she breathed. “But next time. Yeah.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah. Maybe a little heart. On my hip.”

  “Ok. Tomorrow night. Mexican and a tattoo.”

  “Tomorrow night?”

  “So you don’t get cold feet. Plus, I love spending time with you.”

  “All right.”

  Reese winked at her as he fired up the truck and drove it towards Braden. As the city lights of Waterloo disappeared behind them, she cuddled closer to him. His hand slipped inside her skirt, trailing up until they reached the V of her thighs. The good girl in her demanded for her to snap her legs shut. Instead, she opened them wider, begging for his touch. Lily looked up at him, finding his hungry eyes watching her.

  “I think we need to stop,” he growled.

  Lily couldn’t make out a coherent word as Reese pulled to the side of the road and turned the truck off. He pulled her against him, his mouth finding hers in the dark. He sucked on her bottom lip just before his tongue slipped between her lips to seek hers. Lily moaned as his large palms caressed her breasts through her blouse, his fingertips pinching gently at the mounds until her nipples pressed hard against the thin fabric. His hands then trailed down her ribs to her hips. In one fluid motion, he tugged her into the small space between him and the steering wheel.

  Lily wrapped her arms tight around his shoulders, her body shuddering as Reese grabbed her rump and tugged her the final inch separating them. The hard ridge straining against his jeans melted her. This was nothing like her fantasies with Reese. This was far hotter. And the fire burning inside was about to consume her.

  He slipped a finger between her and his jeans, lacing them inside her panties.

  His touch as he stroked her sensitive flesh drove her insane.

  “Someone’s wet.”

  Lily wasn’t sure if she nodded. She just knew that if Reese touched her slit once more it would push her over.

  He instinctively rocked against her, the bulge in his jeans driving her closer to orgasm.

  The sound of a zipper struck her back to reality. “We can’t,” she gasped out.

  Reese stopped, sitting stone still. “All right. Why not? You don’t want to have sex with me?”

  Lily eyes wandered all over Reese from her perch straddling his lap—his bunched up t-shirt displaying his perfect abs in the dim moonlight, his cock a bump straining against the white cotton of his briefs, his strong, soft lips panting in desire. She licked her lips and nodded. “Yes, Reese. I do. But not like this. Not in the front seat of Buddy’s truck. I want to be in…” She shook her head. She already confessed she loved him. She didn’t have to tell him that he was the only man she ever dreamed of sleeping with. “Just not like this.”

  Reese stared silently at her then cocked his sly grin. “Sure. I get it.” He nudged her off his lap then carefully zipped his jeans back up.

  Lily wiggled her panties back into place and smoothed her skirt back into place. She scooted across the seat.

  Reese’s hand stopped her. “Where are you going?”

  “I didn’t think you’d want me near you after that.”

  “Of course I do. Yes, you made driving home a challenge. But I’m not letting you escape me.”

  Lily curled next to Reese as he flipped the key to power on the truck and drove down the moonlit highway. She’d never felt lust like that before in her life. No man in Braden, or the surrounding communities, gave her a second glance. Reese made her feel wanted, desired, beautiful. And he left her with a fire burning deep in her core that wouldn’t be quenched for quite a while.

  The ride was quiet until Reese pulled up the drive towards Molly’s father’s farm. Moments after the low beams hit the windows of the house, a mass of red curls popped into view. He parked the truck and took her hand. “So, Mexican, a tattoo and my bed tomorrow night. Sound good?”

  Lily shrugged then nodded. “Sure.” She bounced over to the passenger side door and reached for the handle.

  Reese captured her hand. “Did you forget something?” he questioned.

  “I don’t know what it would be.”

  “You forgot my good night kiss.”

  “Oh.” Lily shuffled her rump back across the seat to him. She didn’t have to stop or reach up awkwardly for the kiss. As soon as she was within reach, he pulled her onto his lap holding her tight. It was all a whirl as he kissed her deep and hard like he had all night. If his kisses were his sign of possession, she wouldn’t belong to another man for the rest of her life.

  He nuzzled his nose against hers as they parted. “Good night, Lilybug.”

  “Good night, Reese.” Lily slipped from the truck, waving as she walked to Molly’s door. Her heart was stampeding in her chest. She’d always been in love with Reese Cooper. After tonight, how could she live without him?

  ~* * * *~

  The beige paint and the floral paintings didn’t make the doctor’s office any more comfortable. Reese sighed. He knew rehab was going to be a long road. So far though, being home has been much better than I expected. Then I remembered why I’m really here.

  He glanced over at Buddy from the exam table. “I told you I could take myself,” Reese quipped.

  He was sprawled out in a chair plunking away on his cell. “And I told you I needed to get stuff in Waterloo,” Buddy fired back, not looking up. “Plus I need to get gas in my truck. Seems someone keeps running it low.”

  “I’ll pay for it.”

  “Dang straight you are. Especially with these gas prices.” Buddy popped an eye up from his phone. “Was it worth it?”

  “Was what worth it?”

  “Did you seal your doom? Did you sleep with Lily?”

  Reese looked at him disgusted. “No, I didn’t. And I wouldn’t tell you if I had.”

  “But you sure as hell tried, I bet.”

  “Lily is beautiful. She’s perfect. She always has been and always will be. And if I am lucky enough to get her in my bed…” Reese shrugged. He paused. “She told me she loves me.”

  “Just like that? She just blurted out ‘I love you, Reese Cooper’?”

  “No. I weaseled it out of her like the asshole I am.”

  “Did you tell her that you love her? Or did you leave her hanging like the asshole you are?”

  “I don’t want to be that guy.”

  “Define ‘that guy’.”

  “The needy, clingy guy that wants to go shopping for curtains and bedspreads on the first date.”

  “So saying ‘I love you’ makes you needy?”

  “Doesn’t it?”

  “I guess you’re right. But don’t wait too long to tell her how you feel. Have you seen how many MMA magazines the library has? Who do you think orders them? Those magazines tell all about your playboy lifestyle, Heartbreaker. She’s going to think she’s just another notch on your belt.”

  “She’s far from that.”

  “You know that. Maybe I know that. Lily Dixon doesn’t.”

  “Well, I’ll make sure—” Reese’s words were cut off by the door opening.

  A balding man in his fifties stepped in, his eyes studying the chart in his hand through thick rimmed glasses. “You must be Reese Cooper. I’m Doctor Brecht.” He wound his finger across the file. “It says here you have a torn rotator cuff.”

  “Yep. Not bad enough for surgery but enough to sideline me and make life really difficult.”

  “Yes. Normally, I’d ask how it happened but since your files were transferred to me from the hospital in Las Vegas I know. I streamed the fight. The way he wrenched you shoulder I’m surprised you didn’t tap sooner.”

  “I’ve always been stubborn a
s a mule. I just figured I could outlast the clock. Unfortunately, I was wrong.”

  “Well, let’s see how wrong you are. Take off your shirt.”

  Reese tugged the navy blue t-shirt he wore over his head and tossed it at his friend with a smirk.

  Buddy growled at him in response.

  Doctor Brecht set the file on the counter then circled behind Reese, massaging his wounded shoulder. “Hmmm. That’s a nice tattoo.”

  “Thanks. I got it after I went pro a little over three years ago.”

  “The detail in the flower is amazing.”

  “The artist is a genius.”

  “I agree. Lift your arm to the ceiling.”

  Reese complied, lifting his arm. It didn’t make it the full height. The doctor gave a couple more orders as he examined Reese’s shoulder. He followed every one as much as his arm would allow.

  Doctor Brecht smiled to him as he picked up the file. “It seems the rest you’ve gotten is helping. We need to move you on to physical therapy. I’ll go get you an appointment with a therapist.” With a wave, the doctor slipped from the room, shutting the door behind him.

  Buddy stood and tossed the t-shirt to Reese. He strode behind the fighter. “You have a flower tattoo? I have got to see this.”

  Reese hurried to pull his shirt back on. “It’s no big deal. Really.”

  “Yeah, right.” Buddy grabbed the hem before Reese could pull it down. Reese sighed as Buddy stared at it. “What the fuck?”

  “It’s just a tattoo,” Reese insisted.

  “I’m not stupid, Reese. I get the meaning.”

  “Who says there’s a meaning?”

  “Like I said. I’m not stupid. You need to tell Lily how you feel. You aren’t sure about the kids and the white picket fence? Bullshit. You etched it into your skin.”

  ~* * * *~

  Lily glanced up at the old antique clock that hung on the wall over the hallway to the restrooms and her office. It had been donated to the library the day it opened over a hundred years ago. It never moved from its spot except for maintenance once a decade. And tonight it was moving slower than molasses in January. It read six fifty. Five minutes since the last time she checked. In about five minutes, Molly would stop in to help her close. Plus, if she wasn’t confused now, she would be when her best friend arrived.

  As she anticipated, she couldn’t shake that dull ache of desire no matter how hard she tried. Reese was on her mind every second of the day. The touch of his hand, the taste of his kiss—Lily hardly got any work done. Every so often Elijah shot her a look of disapproval for her lack of productivity. Lily glared right back. Just wait until you fall in love, young man, and we’ll see how great your concentration level is.

  A sigh slipped from her lips as she passed the display of MMA magazines she so meticulously arranged. As much as she looked forward to her date with Reese, there was a strong voice that sounded suspiciously like her father warning her against it. Reese could only want her for one thing. And once the sex was over he would toss her out like last night’s trash and hightail it back to Las Vegas, leaving the broken pieces of her heart behind. She couldn’t handle that.

  While she straightened the books in the children’s section, she heard the creak of the large oak door. Daddy has already been here. Molly must be early. She weaved around the low bookcases to greet her friend. Instead, she was met with the brilliant blue eyes she was so desperately in love with.

  “Hey, there,” Reese cooed.

  “Hi,” Lily replied quietly, glancing around the nearly deserted library. “Can I help you?”

  “I wanted to make sure we’re still on for tonight.”

  “Reese, I don’t know if it’s a good idea.”

  “Are you afraid of your Dad finding out?”

  “No, it’s not that.”

  Reese jammed his hands in his jeans pockets. “What is it then?” he demanded.

  “I j-just…” Lily stammered. “With what I told you last night about…you know.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  Lily took a deep breath to summon all the courage inside her. “About how I feel about you.”

  “That you love me. You don’t?”

  Lily took another gulp of air. Anymore and I’ll hyperventilate. “I do, Reese. It’s just…” Her voice trailed off.

  He cocked a grin at her. “You’re afraid of getting hurt.”

  Lily nodded. “Exactly.”

  Reese closed the bit of space between them, taking her hands in his. “I promise you, Lilybug, you are the very last person on this planet I would want to hurt. Believe me.” He backed away as the library doors opened again.

  Molly shot a confused look at him then Lily.

  Reese winked at Molly. “Make sure she’s at your dad’s farm at eight, so I can pick her up. All right?”

  “Sure,” Molly agreed.

  “Great. I’ll see you lovely ladies then.” Whistling, he tossed the doors open and strode outside.

  Molly turned to Lily, clapping her hands and giggling. “You heard the man. Let’s wrap up, so we can get you to your date.”

  Lily rolled her eyes. “You know what he’s planning tonight, right? I don’t want to be his Braden one nightstand.”

  “Have you seen the look in his eyes? That man has more than one stand planned for you. I think he’s planning a lot of nights with you.” Molly picked up the nearest stack of books. “So, let’s get on it. We can’t keep the mister waiting.”

  Lily shook her head as she sorted through check out slips. Butterflies swirled in her belly. The memories of her date the night before, remembering the way Reese touched her, made her knees weak. The thought of being naked with him, of all the fantasies she had of him coming true made her dizzy with anticipation.

  Lily was turning the lock of the library door as the antique clock flipped its hands to eight o’clock while Molly skipped to her Beetle, her auburn curls bouncing. “Come on! Let’s go!”

  “I think you’re more excited about this than me.” Lily laughed.

  “I’m thinking so too.” Molly slipped behind the wheel as Lily climbed in the passenger seat. She barely got the door closed before Molly roared down the street. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of Buddy’s truck in the drive of Molly’s farm. Her heart thundered and the butterflies swarmed double time.

  Molly laughed. “Breathe, Lily.”

  “I’m trying.”

  Reese was leaning against the cab, dressed in a white cotton t-shirt and dark blue jeans, as Molly parked the car. He strode across the yard to them, popping the car door handle open. He offered his hand to Lily with a slight bow. “My lady.”

  Lily couldn’t stop the sigh from escaping her lips.

  Reese grinned at Molly as he helped her out. “Don’t expect her home tonight.”

  “I’m not. Take good care of my bestie.”

  “No doubt.” Reese wrapped his hand around Lily’s and led her to the truck helping her hop up into the cab.

  She watched Molly’s car and the farmhouse drift off into the dark. She looked up at Reese’s face illuminated only but the moon and the dashboard lights.

  He smiled at her as he laid his hand on her knee. “Goosebumps. Are you cold?” he asked.

  “Not really,” Lily gushed. “Nervous.”

  “Don’t be, baby. It’ll be fun. I promise.”

  Chapter Four

  The ride to Waterloo was quiet, but like the night before, the tension was thick. Every time the truck stopped, whether it was a traffic light or just a stop sign, Reese kissed her.

  Lily didn’t think she felt anything as wonderful as his kiss. It chased away every misgiving in her head. Whether it was one magical night or the rest of eternity, she would forever belong to this man. No others could compare.

  As the city streets of Waterloo surrounded them, Reese grinned at her. “Food first or tattoo?”

  Lily thought a moment. “Tattoo. I don’t want a stomach full of food in case I throw up.�

  “It won’t be that bad. You can hold my hand the whole time.” He turned the corner in the direction of the pizza parlor they ate at the night previous.

  Across the street, the small shop with the small ‘tattoo’ sign in the sign beckoned. Lily shuddered a breath. A squeeze on her knee from Reese mustered a little courage. It wasn’t much but it was something.

  Reese pulled into the empty lot and parked the truck. He held her hand tight as he helped her from the cab and led her inside.

  She glanced at the dark painted walls filled with frames of designs.

  A woman with fuchsia streaked hair wearing a black t-shirt and shorts stood from a couch in the back and approached them. The colorful designs that swirled on the artist’s arms and legs were amazing. “Can I help you?”

  Reese nodded towards Lily. “I think she wants a tattoo.”

  The girl scanned Lily from head past her modest button down blouse and black a-line skirt to Mary Jane covered toes. She fought back a chuckle. “Do you?”

  Lily pressed her lips together in a tight thin line. Her father had a very strict policy on tattoos. She spent her life shunning those who had them as souls who lost their way just as he taught. But how could a little ink on the skin make someone evil?

  “Lily, you don’t have to,” Reese assured. “Don’t let me influence you. It’s your body.”

  Lily looked up to him and smiled. Then she turned to the woman. “I’d like a heart. Maybe an inch big. On my hip, please.”

  The woman looked from her to Reese. She laughed as she motioned them to follow. “Come on back.” She led them to a table, fluffing the thin paper covered pillow. “You’re going to have to slip your skirt and panties down. Then hop up on the table and lay down.”

  Lily looked at Reese uncomfortably as she reached for the zipper of her skirt, freeing enough of it to tug it and her underwear halfway down her hips. Before she scooted herself onto the table she glanced at him.

  His eyes were hungrily staring at her bare skin, his tongue skimming his lips like a lion stalking his prey. “Need a boost?”


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