Prohibited: an erotic novel

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Prohibited: an erotic novel Page 15

by Patrese, Donnee

  “Every time we talk on the phone or any time I look into your big brown eyes something just comes over me. It is a feeling that I have not felt in a long time and I know that you feel the same way.”

  My heart ached for him at that moment. It has been such a long time since I had a man touch me so gently or tell me how much they wanted me, needed me so passionately. I knew I shouldn’t be involved with him, but now that he is here, I want him for myself.

  “Maxine, I am looking you in the eye and telling you that there is something special between us and we would be fools to just let it go.”

  I think about Mikey and my heart hurts. I want this man, but then I will lose Mikey.

  Is it worth it?

  “Michael, you are married. Are you sure you have done everything you can to save your marriage? I do not want to be something to do until you decide it is time to go back to her.” I said.

  He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.

  “Bellisima mia? Maria and I have been in therapy for three years now and recently she decided she would no longer attend.”

  He began to stroke my hair.

  “I am not getting any younger and I am too old to continue to live the rest of my life unhappy.”

  In his arms, I looked up and I saw sadness. I wanted to wipe the pain away. I moved from his arms and climbed off the couch. I stood in front of him and dropped my robe.

  He rose in one fluid motion and took a step towards me. He placed his hand gently on my cheek. His lips hungrily found mine. I rubbed my hands across his chest through his shirt. I could feel his smooth muscular body.

  Before I knew it, he lifted me from the floor into his arms and began to carry me directly down the hall into my bedroom.

  Once there, he placed me in the center and began to undress. When he was back in his underwear, he joined me on the bed and we began to kiss.

  “Oh Maxine, you make me feel so good.”

  He slid his hand into my panties and gently rubbed a finger against my clit.

  “Michael I want you inside of me.” I moaned.

  He obliged. He didn’t bother to remove my panties. He just moved them to the side and entered me with no effort.

  I was drenched and he just slid right into my dripping pussy.

  I was so lost in his touch I didn’t hear the knock at the door. It was only when she called my name that I froze.

  “Hey, Maxi, you awake?”

  I almost screamed but I slapped my hand over my mouth. Michael scrambled off me and started to put on his clothes.

  “Who is that?” He asked hopping around trying to put on his pants.

  “It’s Julia and you have to hide.”

  I grabbed his shirt off the floor and grabbed his hand.

  “You have to get into my closet.” I whispered.

  He didn’t hesitate. He grabbed his shirt from me and jumped into the closet slamming the door behind him. Not even a second later, Julia bounced into my room with Mikey trailing behind her.

  “Hey Maxi,” he said.

  His upbeat demeanor changed when he saw that I was standing in the room in only my bra and panties. There was no time for me to put on any clothes.

  I could see Mikey slowly take in every inch of my body.

  He smiled.

  “What’s up?” He asked rather suspiciously.

  “Oh, umm I was about to take a shower.”

  Julia walked toward the closet and my whole body started to tense.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you had a double date.” I asked sliding a little more in front of the closet door.

  She still continued to move toward the closet.

  “We do have a date that is why I am here. I need to borrow your red scarf.”

  She made one more move toward the closet and I jumped in front of her.

  “Um, it’s not in my closet. It’s in my dresser drawer over here.” I said grabbing her hand and leading her away towards my dresser.

  I rummaged through my drawers until I found my red scarf.

  I made the mistake of taking my eyes off Mikey. He began to pace my room.

  “Maxi, are we interrupting something?” He asked behind me.

  “What do you mean?” I inquired spinning around with red scarf in hand.

  Julia was standing with her head cocked to one side with a very suspicious smile on her face. In Mikey’s left hand was a black men’s dress sock. I could feel my whole body break out in an instant sweat.

  “Do you have a man in here?”

  In my head I started to pray that I would think of something quick to say, but I had nothing. Julia slowly walked over to the bed and dropped down to the floor.

  “Is he under here?” She joked looking under the bed.

  I struggled on what to say. I wondered what Michael was thinking. Julia got up from the floor and walked toward the closet.

  “It’s mine!” I blurted.

  They both stopped and looked at me.

  “Yours? Since when do you wear men’s dress socks?” Mikey asked.

  His gaze was unfaltering and it was very hard for me to meet his eyes.

  I could tell he sensed what was going on and that thought put a huge pit in the bottom of my stomach.

  “I think they are comfortable.”

  Julia stood staring at me with one finely arched eyebrow raised.


  “Yes,” I said walking over to Mikey and taking the sock out of his hand.

  “And if you would excuse me, I need to take a shower.”

  She walked past me toward the door.

  “I’ll leave you two alone.” She said smiling, taking the scarf out of my hand and walking out of the bedroom.

  Mikey made no attempt to leave. He sat on my bed and glared at me.

  “So Maxine, you seriously want me to believe this is your sock?”

  I knew there was no point in trying to maintain that lie. Yet, I could not come right out and say what really happened. So, I thought of another lie.

  “Look, I did have a man in here but he is long gone. That is his sock.”

  He shook his head looking disappointed.

  “I really do despise you hooking up with so many random guys. It bothers me to think what could happen to you. I don’t even want to think about you catching something.”


  “Listen Maxine, you are a beautiful talented young woman. You deserve more. You want us all to believe that you are fine, but you’re not.”

  I turned away and he reached up bringing my face around making me look him in the eye.

  “This is not like you. You can’t keep this up for long. Eventually, you are going to have to fall in love again. Your heart can’t handle casual sex. You need a real man not just someone to fuck.”

  I knew he was right. I just didn’t want to listen.

  He smiled and placed his hand on my bare thigh.

  “Shit, you need a man like me.”

  It was starting to get a little warm.

  “Oh really?” I said laughing.

  “Yes,” he said moving closer. “I know what to do with a woman like you.” He placed a soft kiss on my cheek.


  Julia screamed his name like a mother calling her naughty son.

  “I better go before I take advantage of you in this state.” He added for good measure before he exited my bedroom.

  I followed them to the front door. As we walked past the couch, I noticed Michael’s coat. I wondered if Mikey saw it. If he did, he didn’t mention it and I was glad. I didn’t know how I was going to explain that.

  When I was sure they were gone, I made my way back to the bedroom and flung open the door of the closet. Michael was sitting on a gray storage container, dressed but missing one sock.

  “Is it safe for me to come out?”

  I smiled and handed him his sock. I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. He put on his sock and followed me.

��Is there something I’m missing here?” He asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  He sighed.

  “Were you and Mikey ever more than friends?”

  I laughed.

  “No, we just used to flirt or randomly say filthy things too each other. I know it sounds weird but that’s all.”

  I could tell the intrusion really threw us out of the mood and the presence of Mikey made me want to push his dad right out of the fucking door.

  I got off the bed, walked out of the room and down the hall to the living room. I grabbed my robe and put it on. I turned and watched as Michael walked up to me.

  “I think you should go now.” I said and to my surprise he didn’t argue.

  He walked over to the couch and grabbed his blazer. He put it on and walked over to the door. I followed. When he got there, he stopped and turned.

  “Maxine, before I leave, I just want to point out that your false bravado has been exposed. I intend to crack that shell of yours and explore what lies beneath.”

  I really was not paying much attention to what he was saying. I just kept thinking about sucking his dick and making him come in my mouth. He could be reciting satanic chants and I wouldn’t know the damn difference right now.

  “Take care sweetheart,” he said kissing me on the cheek and walking toward his car.

  I headed toward my room in search of my vibrator.


  “Antonio!” I yelled as I stared at the unfinished snow covered deck behind the house.

  Antonio, my general contractor, came walking over timidly for he knew that I was not in a good mood.

  “Antonio, if I am not mistaken we had an agreement that the deck would be completed in a week.” I stated folding my arms across my chest.

  “Yes Sir, Mr. Salvatore. That was the agreement.” He said taking a step back.

  I looked over and saw Lorenzo shaking his head and leaning casually against his Escalade.

  I tried to control my anger, but it was slowly seeping out.

  “Then why has it been ten days and I still do not have a finished fucking deck?”

  He hesitated to answer. Taking glances at Lorenzo.

  “No problem, Antonio. You have two days to show a finished deck or I will fucking fire you and replace you and your crew with an eager general contractor I know waiting in the wings. Understand?”

  He nodded his head vigorously. I walked away and headed for Lorenzo and his Escalade.

  Lorenzo and I climbed into his car and headed out to get lunch. I didn’t say much during the drive. I really wasn’t in a good mood today. Actually I had not been in a good mood for the past couple of weeks.

  After we were almost caught in her apartment, Maxine has done a great job avoiding me. I hoped I would get to see her for Christmas. I have a beautiful diamond necklace as a Christmas gift for her, but she has not returned any of my calls.

  I stopped by her apartment once and though she was home she did not answer the door. Put that on top of the fact that my relationship with Maria is deteriorating more and more each day and you have a very unsatisfied and unhappy individual.

  “What’s on your mind Mike?” Lorenzo said turning on his blinker and trying to get into the left lane.

  I turned to him and lifted an eyebrow.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked pretending I wasn’t aware of my mood.

  Lorenzo turned into the parking lot of the diner and pulled into an empty spot near the front. He shut off the engine, took off his seat belt and turned to me, folding his arms across his chest.

  “What am I talking about? You have been extremely cranky with me, the crew and anybody else that comes into your vicinity. The contractors are running scared.” He said with a light chuckle.

  “Have I really been that bad?” I asked leaning in my seat.

  Everything lately has been taking a turn for the worse and I knew that any minute I would explode. I need to get a grip on things.

  “Yes, Mike, you have been that bad.” He said, opening his car door and stepping into the cold. I climbed out as well and followed Lorenzo into the diner.

  “You have been mean and unreasonable for the past month. If you are that way with us then I know you have to be driving Maria and Mitchell crazy.”

  I knew that I had been in a bad mood. Living this lie with Maria and now having Maxine not wanting to talk to me or see me, has me down in the dumps. Maria and I have been distant and cold lately. When she looks at me, I see no love there and I wish the feeling was mutual. What hurts so much is being in love with someone yet they do not love you back.

  As we walked into the diner, the smell of bacon, eggs and pastries hit me in the face. Maybe food could help my sour mood.

  We walked to the back of the brightly lit diner and sat in the very last booth. The diner looked as if it came out of a 1950’s movie. The booths were red and the floor and counters were impeccable.

  Lorenzo and I have a real affinity for this diner. Two years ago we helped the owner renovate and remodel his old run down restaurant into the beautiful and functional diner we sit in today. Since the remodel, business has picked up.

  A tall waitress with long blonde hair and legs to die for approached our table with two glasses of water and menus.

  I knew her. Her name was Sarah and if I remembered correctly, Lorenzo and Sarah spent a lot of time together during and after the remodel.

  “Hi Enzo, Mike. What can I get for you guys?” She said smiling with pen and pad in hand.

  Just before Lorenzo began to speak she held up a hand to stop him.

  “Let me guess.” She said writing on her pad. “You want the double cheeseburger special, heavy on the pickles, no tomatoes and a cola.” She said with a self-satisfying grin on her face.

  Lorenzo laughed and set back in his seat.

  “I guess you know me very well don’t you, Sarah?” He inquired seductively.

  She bent down leaning in closer across the table. She moved so close to Lorenzo that I thought she was going in for a kiss. She stopped just short however and whispered.

  “You’re right. I know all of you.”

  Lorenzo smiled leaning in stealing a kiss. When he was finished he leaned back in his seat leaving our pretty little server flushed and vulnerable.

  “Come by my place later.” He said victoriously.

  She looked to be elated and surprised at the invitation. So surprised in fact, she grabbed both menus and hurried off to the kitchen.

  Lorenzo took a sip of water and leaned back in his seat.

  I was jealous.

  “Nice going Lorenzo. She forgot to take my order.”

  He laughed.

  “Don’t worry. She knows what you want.”

  I shook my head and took a sip of water.

  I sat there quiet for a second checking my smart phone. I could feel him staring at me so I looked up.

  “What?” I asked folding my arms across my chest.

  “So, why have you been an asshole for the past couple of weeks?”

  I looked at him. I was trying to figure out how much I should say. I have needed to tell someone and who better than Enzo.

  “It is a very long story and very complicated.” I said.

  I could tell my words affected him because the amused look was cleared from his face and was replaced with concern and curiosity.

  “I’ve got time, Mike.” He said.

  I took a deep breath. I didn’t know how to tell him my news. I figured that I had better just come out with it.

  “I saw an attorney about a divorce.”

  He didn’t move, but behind his eyes I could see the wheels turning in his head. We set in silence for a few minutes. Then he sighed.

  “So, I take it therapy isn’t working.” He said dryly.

  I shook my head.

  “No. Not one bit.”

  He rubbed his hands across his face and looked at me.

  “Have you discussed this with Maria?
I mean, you can’t just call a lawyer without talking about this with her first.”


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