A New Day

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A New Day Page 28

by Nancy Hopper

  Brent looked at him quizzically. “You must be the wonder man Lucinda told me about. You’ve been here for dinner a couple of times, right? Tim, forgive me if I’m prying; but this is absolutely fascinating.”

  He stared into Tim's crystal, blue eyes and saw great purpose there. “You’ve been taking my daughter … out? More are less? Are you serious about her?”

  Tim looked directly into his eyes. “Very.”

  Brent stared back, then he smiled. “Wow. Well, you’ve got quite a challenge on your hands. She’s built her life around memories. And she’s not about to let anyone in.” he sighed. “But, perhaps you’re just the man to shake her loose from all that.” He looked at Tim with satisfaction. “We’re in for quite a rodeo, I suspect.” He thought it over for a moment, and laughed aloud again. "Oh, boy." he sighed.


  When Tasha woke up, it was lunch time. She could hear the children laughing downstairs. She sighed, and tried to get up. Her head was pounding.

  “Oh, dear. That was not wise.” she sighed. She laid back down, immediately.

  “I would have to agree.” a man's voice said, dryly.

  She looked up to find Timothy Rain sitting in a chair beside her bed, with his Bible open on his lap.

  “Try three aspirin.” he advised, handing her a glass of water and the aspirin. Warily, she sat up in bed and stared at him.

  “What are you doing here?” she grumbled.

  “Staring at you, obviously. I want to talk to you.”

  “Even though I’m a drunk?” she jibed. “I didn’t think you’d want anything to do with a drunk.”

  He stared evenly at her. “All you’re going to get out of that is a little embarrassment and a sore head.” he advised. “If you thought that you could drive me away just by getting drunk, you’re sadly mistaken.”

  She groaned and sat up, glaring at him. “Tim, don’t.”

  “No, you don’t.” he snapped. He grabbed her hair at the nape of her neck and kissed her deeply. She slowly gave in. She couldn’t help it, she had to. As she softened, he softened. As she yielded, he grew more tender.

  He was awesome. Gorgeous. Captivating. His hands were like fire, igniting her wherever he touched. But he kept them in safe places. He was all gentleman, yet he was invasive at the same time. There was no chance of keeping him at arm’s length. She felt stripped bare by his kisses.

  “Now, you listen to me.” he hissed against her mouth. “No more shadow boxing, no more evasive maneuvers. I don’t have time, and you can’t afford them. I want you to marry me, Tasha.”

  She pulled away from him. “Are you crazy? I don’t know the first thing about you.”

  “No quicker way to find out everything about me.” he said pointedly. “I’m going back to Jackson Hole at the end of the week, and I want to take you with me. We can get married now, or we can get married later. You and the kids can live in my house and I’ll stay with my parents, until you’re ready.”

  “No, Tim. It’s no today, no tomorrow, no forever. I’m not getting married! Please stop this, right now. Go away. And don't ... don't come back." She added tightly.

  He just watched the emotions play over her face: fear, anger, confusion, anxiety, wariness.

  "Who do you think you're kidding?" he demanded in a low voice. He bent over her, and kissed her again. By the time he pulled away, he could have done whatever he wanted. She wouldn't have said one word if he'd taken off every stitch of clothes and climbed into bed with her. She was dying for more of him. She wanted him desperately. And they both knew it.

  He looked at her with a mixture of desire and frustration. “I guess that now, I wait.” He said grudgingly. “Are you absolutely sure you won’t change your mind? Tasha, please. Don’t make this difficult, sweetheart.” He kissed her, and nuzzled her neck.

  “Everything will be fine. Trust me. Baby, come with me. We don’t have to get married right away, I won’t rush you. Just be near me. Let me be close to you, so you can see what it would be like. Don’t push me out of your life without at least exploring the possibility.”

  Tasha groaned. “You’re impossible.” She chastised. “I live here, Tim. I am happy here! I don’t want to move! I don’t want to get married. I don’t even want a boyfriend. Please understand this. I’m not cut out for ministry, and I am no good for you! I don’t want to be anybody’s wife. I don’t want to be anybody’s lover. Not ever. Not even yours.”

  “Liar.” He said with certainty, and an infuriating lack of concern. “You want me as much as I want you. But that’s all right, I’ll wait. Not that I’ll enjoy it. You call me when you’re ready to see me again. I’ve got the meeting tonight and the meeting tomorrow night at the Cedars. Then, I’ll be going home for a short time.”

  “Where are you … going after that?” she asked in a frightened voice.

  He took a card from his wallet, dropped it on her bed, and gave her a very steady, challenging look. “I’ll be on the road for quite some time. I know that I’ll be overseas for at least a month. There are a couple of holes in the schedule that are being negotiated now. “So, Tasha, I wouldn’t exactly be dogging your steps if you’d just agree to come to Jackson for a time. I’ll be gone a lot. And my mother is an excellent warden. Believe me, she’d see to it that I never lay one finger on you.” He gave her a crooked grin and watched her critically. “It wouldn’t be so bad. Honest.”

  She sighed. “Tim, I see no reason why I should. I mean, I’m very content with my life. I like being here with my father. Why should I go to Jackson and be alone, while you run all over the world?”

  He shrugged. “It would help your children adjust better, when it’s time to live there.” he suggested lightly. “You might even find that you prefer it there.”

  She laughed, and shook her head. “I don’t think so.” she denied.

  He sighed, and sat on the edge of her bed. “You’re a stubborn cuss. But I suppose you know that, don’t you?”

  She smiled sweetly. “I think I recall being told that, once or twice.”

  He smirked. “I’ll just bet.” His eyes wandered over her face with interest and intrigue. “You’re a fascinating woman. I’m going to get you to Jackson, someday.”

  She tried to suppress her smile. “Why in the world would you want to do that?” she taunted lightly.

  He raised an eyebrow. “That’s where my bed is.” he said succinctly.

  Tasha sucked her lips in to keep from responding, and looked away. She didn’t want to laugh, and she was embarrassed.

  He pulled her into his arms and assaulted her defenses mercilessly. When he finished kissing her, her mouth was tender and swollen. And she was nearly panicked by the things he’d caused her to feel.

  She looked up at him in desperation, her eyes begging for mercy. He shook his head to let her know he had no intention of giving it to her.

  “I don’t think so, darlin’. I’m playing to win.” he assured her quietly.

  “You won’t, Timothy.” she assured him.

  “I already have. You just haven’t figured it out yet. You’d never let any man make love to you this way, if you hadn’t opened your heart. You don’t fool me, babe.”

  “What, you think I’m in love with you?” she taunted.

  He looked at her with eyes that cut her to the quick. “I’m certain of it.” he answered softly.

  She tensed up and tried to pull back, but Tim gathered her in his arms again; and then, kissed her neck with those lips like warm velvet. Shivers went up and down her spine, and she arched against him with a gasp.

  He slowly moved to her mouth; and made her wish he’d climb in bed with her and take it all the way. She wanted him. Desperately.

  He pulled away, and looked at her slack lips and heavy eyelids with satisfaction. She was gasping for breath. It was enough for now. She wanted him. He had to be careful, or he’d be tempted to give her more than he had a right to, yet.

  “Tasha, I want you in Jackson. I w
ant you in my bed every night. I want you in my arms. I’m asking you again. Come with me when I go home. Marry me now, or wait. I don’t mind. Just come.”

  She jerked her eyes up to his. He felt her withdraw. “You know I can’t. Tim, I have children to think of. I can’t just drag them to Wyoming.”

  “I think they’re more than ready to go. But if you disagree, leave them here for a short time. Come and check it out, alone. Then, you can either send for them, or come back.”

  She shook her head. “No. No, Tim, I don’t think so. This is too sudden. Please! Please, I have such a headache. Would you just go?”

  He smiled and sighed patiently as he lowered his eyes. “Okay.” he agreed. “I’ll go. For now. But don’t imagine that it’s over, Tasha.”

  “It is over, Tim.” she insisted quietly.

  “No, no. It’s barely begun.” he argued. “You look me in the eyes; and tell me you don’t love me.” he challenged.

  Tasha licked her lips nervously, and lifted her eyes to his. She forced herself to withdraw, to ignore the entreaty and the expectant eagerness in his eyes. The love.

  She swallowed hard, and lifted her chin. “I don’t love you.” she said coldly. She said it very quickly. “You’re very sexy, and I’d love to get you in bed, but I’d never consider getting married again. So if you want to get lucky, climb in. If not, walk out that door. Just know that if you leave, that’s it. It will be over, Tim.”

  Her words were very bold, and very coldly spoken. She looked at him evenly, with a challenge that Tim found amusing. He almost believed her. But, he knew deep inside that it was all a bluff.

  He smiled without any particular concern. “Sorry, honey, but you’re not calling the shots. Even if I were fool enough to believe those words.” he apologized. “I’ll look for you tonight at the Cedars. Seven o’clock. For now, it would be wisdom for me to get out of your bedroom. Your offer is extremely tempting.”

  His eyes teased her lazily. He leaned forward to kiss her, but she pulled back. He gave her a knowing look before he stood up, and walked out of the room.

  That evening at six-thirty, Tasha became extremely edgy. It was time for her to go to the conference. It galled her to realize that she wanted to go, and it bothered her more than that, to realize she’d put herself in a corner.

  If she went now, Timothy would have gained an advantage that she didn’t want to give him. He’d laid out the challenge. If she went to the conference, she’d be chasing him. Wouldn’t she?

  She argued with herself until almost seven. Finally, she decided that she could honor her promise to attend the conference without giving Timothy one more inch. She smiled as she realized that there were ways for her to make him squirm. He wanted her as much as she wanted him, she was quite certain. It was time to up the ante.

  She put on a very attractive, clinging white mohair sweater dress, and sexy heels that were very high. They did quite alluring things to her long, slim legs. She’d tucked herself into an underwire bra that did alarming things to her cleavage, and she was very satisfied to see that just the right amount showed above the deep neckline of her garment.

  She smiled as she did her make-up and hair. It was not arrogance that made Tasha know she would attract attention. It was just experience. She knew that she had a certain beauty, and she knew she had the flair to call everyone’s attention to it. She saw no reason to pretend it did not exist.

  She smiled at her reflection as she added pearl earrings, rings and necklace. She added her knee length, white leather coat with fringe and silver beads, and went to the Cedars.

  Tim was far away in worship when he sensed a presence beside him. He turned his head and opened his eyes to find a beautiful vision in white standing to his right. An angel was staring up at him with misty, clear green eyes and the most beautiful face he'd ever seen.

  His eyes dropped to take in the dress, and her cleavage filled his vision. He dropped his gaze to the floor, in self defense. There, he saw the sexiest pair of white shoes he could imagine, with clear acrylic soles and very high heels.

  Her legs were shapely. No – they were perfection! Right along with her slender hips, her tiny waist, and her luscious, full cleavage. The dress clung to every inch of her incredible body and showed him exactly what he was missing, without being indecent.

  He laughed helplessly, and closed his eyes. When he was able to open them again, he found Tasha still looking up at him in sweet innocence. Her lips were curved into an inquiring smile. Her hair swung free, to her hips.

  “Hello.” he said evenly.

  “Hi.” she said lightly. “Aren’t you glad to see me?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You know I always am.” he assured her dryly.

  She played her dimples, and slowly batted her eyes. “You don’t seem particularly delighted.” she challenged.

  He chuckled and clenched his teeth. “Forgive me.” he said with chagrin.

  “All right.” she agreed silkily. She looked up at him with a clear invitation in her eyes, and let her fingers caress his hand with a whisper light touch.

  Timothy’s mouth twitched in amusement and he answered the challenge with a bold look. “Are you declaring war?” he asked lightly.

  “What do you mean?” she asked sweetly.

  He gave her a chastising look. “You know exactly what I mean.” he chided gently. “Are you going to do your best to drive me insane? Because I don’t have far to go.” he warned.

  Tasha felt her heart flop at the news. She felt a bit breathless and excited at the idea that she was getting to Tim. She wanted to get to him, in the very worst way. Perhaps, then, he would decide he couldn't deal with her, and just go away. If not, he'd crumble, and do things her way!

  “But, please be aware that there could be a very high price tag if you are successful.” he warned, looking over her head. “Seducing someone like me could bring all kinds of grief on your head, lady. You’d be much wiser to succumb to me, and just let me put a ring on your finger.”

  He looked down at her suddenly, and her heart plummeted, then rocketed. He was the most unsettling man! Her pulse was hammering as his piercing blue eyes dissected her.

  His sexy lips twitched into a disarming smile, and she felt herself blush. She hadn’t blushed in years, until this man had come bursting into her life.

  His eyes took on a lazy, yet very intent look. “All dressed in white. We could get married tonight, if we had a license.” he mused regretfully. He watched her with unwavering attention.

  Tasha’s fluttering nerves were taking over. “Don’t be ridiculous.” she muttered.

  He laughed. “How long does it take to get a marriage license in Utah?” he asked with interest.

  She shook her head negatively in response, and he laughed. His fingers ran through her long, black hair; and he gave her a look that challenged what composure she had left.

  “I love you, Tasha.” he said quietly. His eyes were deadly serious.

  She swallowed hard, and lowered her eyes. She didn’t know what to do. Tim was not proving easy to manage. She should have known he wouldn’t be. She felt quite confused and overwhelmed, and more than a little out of her league in this game of seduction. Her attempt to get to Tim was backfiring.

  “Why don’t we discuss this another time?” she asked quickly. The panic was rising up inside her at an alarming rate.

  He chuckled, and pulled her under his arm. “Okay.” he agreed readily.

  Tasha lowered her head and closed her eyes, more grateful than she could say, that everyone around them was caught up in worship.

  Someone else was speaking that night, so Timothy was free to sit with Tasha. He held her hand or kept his arm around her throughout the evening. It was sweet torture for her. She loved his touch, but it was alarming, too. She wanted his attention, but she wasn’t sure how to handle it when he gave it to her.

  After the ministry time was over, Tim walked her out to her car in the garage. He held her hand, and seemed
to be lost in thought as they strolled along. They both seemed to be strangely reluctant to see the evening end.

  When they reached her car, Timothy’s hands fell to her shoulders, and he turned her to face him. He looked down at her, examining her expensive leather coat and all that was inside.

  His eyes met hers, and he gave her a slow smile. “You take the prize.” he congratulated her. “If it was your intent to drive me insane, you’ve done a very thorough job.”

  She blushed again, and lowered her eyes, but his fingers lifted her chin insistently. He pulled her close with his other arm and kissed her hungrily. His body was warm and hard against hers, and he pulled her tightly against him.

  “I want you." he whispered against her mouth. “So much. Honey.”

  Tasha felt a tiny groan escape her lips as his mouth burned along her throat. This was getting out of control quickly. She was on fire in places she’d forgotten even existed.

  “Tim.” she objected breathlessly.

  “Hmm.” he answered absently. His hands on her waist were pressing her against his hard, sexy body. His lips were setting fires along her throat.

  “Please, stop.” she gasped.

  He sighed. “Tell me you’ll marry me.” he challenged softly. His eyes were soft with love and entreaty.

  “I … can’t do that.” she hissed.

  “Why not?” he asked evenly.

  “Because … I really don’t want to … get married.”

  “That is a lie.” he accused.

  “No, it’s not!” she huffed.

  “It is, now.” he argued. “It may have been the truth a couple of days ago, but things have changed.”

  “Not that much.” she denied quickly.

  He looked down at her with patient amusement. “Say yes, Tasha, and let me put us out of our misery.” he pleaded. “Things don’t have to change so much.” he promised. “I’ll even be gone for awhile. You’ll have time to get used to it all.”

  She rolled her eyes. “No. I’m sorry.” she said woodenly.


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