A New Day

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A New Day Page 45

by Nancy Hopper

“Why would she do that?” Norman mocked.

  “I really can’t say. I don't think anyone can doubt, however, that her intent is to pull Tim and I apart.” Tasha answered lightly. “She was our constant shadow at the conference where we met. Every time we'd look up, we could see her hovering, watching us. Her devotion to getting a story out of Tim and I, has been unwavering for the past year; ever since the day we met, in fact.”

  "Seriously, whatever the reason, I do forgive Pattie, and I know that Timothy does, too. I think he pities her. I don’t understand why she’s done this, and it has been very damaging and hurtful; but I have nothing against her. I just pray that she does not get hurt by all of this, herself.”

  “What do you mean?” Norman asked eagerly.

  “Just that there are heavy waves for everyone involved to ride out, when something like this occurs. You reap what you sow. I hope that Pattie Danniels can repent for what she's doing to Tim, before it comes back to bite her.”

  “So, summarize for us how you see Tim Rain.” Norman challenged.

  Tasha’s smile dazzled like sunshine breaking through rain clouds. “Oh, my. Tim is very handsome; very magnetic; very persuasive; exciting to be with. He is kind, understanding, but bold and strong; and extremely romantic. He is devoted to God, he’s incredibly talented, he’s totally committed to his ministry. He is a man of integrity, principle and discipline. He’s simply an incredible man.”

  "But you're not ready to marry him?" Norman pried.

  "I didn't say that." Tasha objected smoothly. "If and when we do decide to get married, we will announce it in our own time and in our own way." She offered coolly. “We would never announce it to get the press off our back, or in some foolish attempt to try to vindicate ourselves from these pointless accusations.”

  “A very interesting and moving tale.” Norman reeled off quickly. “Thank you for coming and sharing it with us.”

  “It is more than a story. It is my life. It is Tim’s life, and Tim’s ministry at stake. It will affect people all around the world. I pray that people will remember this, and be slow to judge him. It really doesn’t matter, when it comes to me. But the world needs the gifts that Tim has to share. Please do not rob all the people that Tim could touch in the future, by continuing to propagate these untruths. It may be that souls hang in the balance.”

  "All Tim ever wanted when he began courting me, was a wife. He deserves that right, just like anybody else. No one has the right to dictate if and who Tim should marry. That's what has really been happening, here...”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Tasha Charles Taylor.” Norman cut her off. He offered Tasha his hand. She took it, and was amazed to hear a roar of applause from the audience. Tasha turned to smile at them and saw that they were all standing in tribute. Tears sprang to her eyes and ran down her cheeks again before she could check them. “Thank you,” she said.

  They applauded long after she had gone.

  Tasha went backstage, and dropped her face in her hands. Tears poured out unchecked as the tension fled from her body.

  It had been rough – Very rough. She could better understand just how much Timothy had gone through for her sake, when it had been his turn in front of a live audience.

  A hand settled on Tasha's shoulder. She looked up to find Rick Snyder looking down at her with a wondering smile.

  "Tasha, honey. You were incredible, simply wonderful."

  "Thank you." She answered quietly.

  Rick pulled her forcefully into his arms, and kissed her. Though Tasha came to life, struggling against him violently, he refused to let her go. He was like a beast, taking and devouring. Finally, Tasha kicked his shin with all her might.

  He released her with a curse. Tasha backed away, and he chased her, limping.

  "Come back here!" He growled, grabbing her arm. "Tasha, don't go! Let me explain – I love you! I need you! I'm sorry I lost my head. Listen to me! Surely you can see that all this publicity has ruined it, for you and Tim. You can't be with him anymore, it would ruin his ministry completely! If you ease out of the picture now, he might stand a chance to recover.”

  “Come away with me. We'll get married. We'll start a new life together. I love you, Tasha! I know it's not fair to Tim, but you're too beautiful; I just can't help myself. Please! No one will know, until it’s too late. Tasha, when we’re married, Tim will leave you alone. The press will forget you ever existed! All this madness will end!"

  Tasha delivered a stinging slap to Rick's cheek, that snapped his head sideways. "You get away from me, and don't you ever come near me again! I wouldn't have you if you were the last man alive on the face of this earth! Timothy trusted you! I think you're despicable, to talk and act this way!"

  “Come on, baby. Don’t do this, now. I want you, and you can’t have Tim. Face the truth! You said yourself, you don’t want to ruin his ministry. Come away with me, then. I’ll take real good care of you, honey. You don’t have to go through any more of this torment.

  Just come with me. Take my hand, and we will walk out of here, and no one will ever know what happened! Tim will be able to go on with his ministry, and you and I will live happily ever after.”

  “We’ll go out of the country for a time, and no one will even remember your name, this time next week. I’ll give you time to adjust to the changes, if you need it. I can be very patient. Just take my hand, and we’ll get out of this nightmare. We'll be great together!”

  Tasha stared at him, unable to fathom his lack of faithfulness to Timothy. “Please understand this, Mr. Snyder. I will not go anywhere with you. You make me sick to my stomach! I find you absolutely despicable! Tim trusted you, though I never fully did. Now, please go away. Don’t ever call me, don’t ever let me see your face, again.”

  “Nice speech, doll. Now face facts. I’m all you’ve got!” He snapped. There was an ugly sneer on his face, and a nasty light in his eyes. “Get wise, and fall in line. I’m the only one who wants you besides Tim, and you can’t have him.”

  Tasha was steamed. “Then I’ll do without, until hell freezes over.” She snorted. “Get out, and leave me alone!"

  "I couldn't have answered any better, myself." A man's quiet voice said from the doorway.

  They turned to find Timothy standing there, hands in his coat pockets. Though his face wore a passive expression, his eyes were like chips of blue fire.

  "Rick, you were one man I thought I could trust with my lady. I can't believe what you just did." He said coldly.

  "She's not yours!" Rick denied hotly. "If she were, you wouldn't have to still be trying to convince her to marry you. Why don't you knock it off, Tim? She doesn't want you!"

  Tim shrugged. "That's really none of your business." He informed Rick in a low voice. " I have no intention of just stepping out of the way. Especially when she's made it clear that she wants nothing to do with you. If she never marries me, I'll still help her ditch you, buddy." He slowly walked over, and got right in Rick's face.

  "I also have no intention of further association with you. Please understand that all doors between you and I, are closed permanently. I'd like the keys to my office, please.”

  Rick looked at Tim belligerently, and set his jaw. "You want to go outside, Tim?" he challenged with a red face. "I'll fight you. Come on, let's go!"

  Tim just stared at him. "I have no interest in fighting. Just get out of here. And stay away from Tasha. She's made it clear she doesn't want you around."

  Rick narrowed his eyes as if considering.

  Tasha picked up the courtesy telephone and asked for an outside line.

  "What are you doing?" Rick asked her suspiciously.

  "I'm calling the police, Mr. Snyder." She informed him coldly.

  Rick glared at her – and then back at Tim. "Well, maybe she doesn't want me, anymore. But she doesn't want you, either! Believe me, she let me know how sick she is of your pathetic devotion to her!" He taunted. "And what about all your fine words about grace and forgiveness?" he ta

  Tim gave him a thoughtful look. "I do forgive you, Rick. Believe me, I can honestly understand what made you do it. Tasha is a very beautiful woman. So, you took a chance. But just the same, I don't trust you anymore. I sent you to Tasha to take care of her for me. Not to harass her, not to try to take her away from me. Because I don’t trust you, I can't have you in ministry with me. That's just the way it is. I certainly can't have you around Tasha anymore, and that is going to pose a problem. So I'll just ask you to go, now."

  Rick stared back at him with pure, penetrating hatred. Then, he slowly smiled. “She was worth it.” he told Tim slyly. He turned on his heel, and walked out without a backward glance.

  Tim turned to Tasha, and looked her over with eyes seemingly void of emotion. "How about if I see you back to your hotel?" he asked evenly.

  Tasha smiled up at him faintly. "All right." She agreed tiredly. "Norman has provided a limo. We may as well make use of it." She suggested.

  Tim nodded, and kept a hand on her back as they went through the building to the back exit.


  It was a quiet ride back to the hotel. Tim seemed extremely tired and withdrawn. Tasha was pretty shaken by the episode with Rick; and she knew Tim was upset. She didn't know what to say, or how to break the ice, so she didn't. Tim just stared out the side window, so she left him alone.

  Once they were safe in her hotel room, Tasha took a shower, put on white cotton pants and a top, and smiled at Tim as she joined him, again.

  He sighed heavily. “Tasha, what in the name of heaven are you doing, going on television?” he asked tiredly.

  She looked at him bleakly, tears threatening to spill. “I had to, Tim. Things were getting out of hand. Did you see the broadcast? Do you know what Pattie did in her latest story?”

  Tim shook his head, admitting that he didn’t. “No. I heard she went on TV and said some things that sent you over the edge, but I don’t have any details, and I didn’t get to the station until you were backstage with Rick.”

  “Tim, I didn’t invite him to do any of that.” She snapped. “And all of his nasty insinuations are pure nonsense!”

  “That was obvious.” He said evenly. He chuckled and rubbed his eyes. “Watching you kick his shin and slap him the way you did, made me wonder. You must like me a little bit, or you would have surely done the same to me, long ago.”

  She was relieved. It seemed that the Tim she knew was still in there, somewhere. “Yes, Mr. Rain. I must admit that I do like you a bit. That’s why I tried to get you in my bed. Now, how in the world did you happen to turn up here, anyway?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed where he had just sprawled.

  "Flew into JFK from Venezuela, caught a plane to L.A. from there." He answered with a yawn.

  "Non-stop?" she gasped.

  "Mmm, hmm." He agreed sleepily. “Well, I did have a few short layovers. Felt like about a thousand, actually.”

  "Oh, Tim. How did you know I was here?" she asked, agonizing.

  "Because I love you, and because I have my ways." He mumbled. “Do you suppose, darlin’, that you’d invite me into your bed again?” he asked tiredly. “I guarantee you that I’ll take you up on it.” He said wearily. He looked at her, and yawned. “As long as you’ll let me sleep. I don’t think I can stay awake, anymore.”

  Tasha smiled, and nodded. “You look like a bed is the only place for you to be. I think perhaps, you’d better. ” She agreed. “Help yourself. I have a few things to take care of. I’ll come back and wake you up in a few hours, all right?”

  “Thanks, Tash. I don’t think I’ll be good for much, until I get some sleep.” He said. He stretched out and was snoring softly, almost immediately.

  The phone woke Timothy. He fumbled for it in the semi-darkness. "Hello." He yawned.

  After a pause, a woman spoke. "Is Tasha there?"

  "I don't know. Just a sec." He mumbled. He got up off the bed and staggered to the bath, to see if she was there. Then, he went back to the phone. "No, it seems she's given me the slip." He admitted groggily.

  "I'm sorry that I woke you. Will you please tell her that Elaine called?"

  "All right. Does she have your number?"

  "Yes, she does." The woman answered. "Thank you."

  "No problem. Goodbye." Tim yawned.

  "Bye, Tim." She answered softly, and hung up.

  Tim looked at the phone in puzzlement. He was certain he hadn't given the caller his name. "Now, who in the world is Elaine?" he grumbled darkly.

  "Elaine is my new friend. She's a custom tailor, and boy, is she good! She made the green dress I wore today." Tasha answered, as she came through the door. "Did she just call?"

  "Yeah, she did. And she knew who I was. How did that happen?"

  Tasha chuckled. "I suspect that she is a great fan of yours, actually."

  Tim growled, and rolled over. "How'd you meet this one?"

  "I stumbled into her dress shop yesterday, looking for something to wear to the show. She had some things that fit me perfectly, we ended up having dinner, and she gave me some incredible coaching about how to do the show."

  Tim looked a bit shocked by the information. "You confided in a stranger?" he asked carefully. "That's not like you, at all."

  Tasha shrugged. "You'll understand when you meet her. She knew who I was, but she didn't mention a thing until I did. She's a great lady. She gave me the strength to go through with it, and pull it off successfully."

  "So where have you been?"

  "To the pool, the Jacuzzi and the sauna." She replied cheerfully. "And I feel much better."

  “Well, I'm really happy for you." Tim growled, rubbing his neck tiredly. "I've got a serious case of jet lag."

  Tasha sat on the bed beside him and looked down at him tenderly. "Maybe I can help." She suggested, letting her fingers trace his lower lip sensuously.

  Tim's eyes darkened to a deep glitter, in response. "I'd be careful if I were you. I'm tired, but I'm not dead yet." He warned.

  Tasha laughed. "Elaine helped me realize a great many things last night." She explained. "She helped me talk through all my fears and understand why it is that you scare me to death."

  "Really?" he asked lazily. "I'd like to know that, myself."

  "Well; in a very few words, one reason is the fire and the glory of God on you. It takes a bit of getting used to, you know." She assured him.

  He chuckled. "Oh, the anointing. Yeah." He admitted. "It does make itself felt, doesn't it?"

  "It certainly does. I feel like a worn-out, burned up old piece of charcoal, every time you get close to me." She complained.

  Tim smiled. "Well, you'll get used to it." He prophesied. "Provided you give me a chance." He looked at her steadily, the question in his eyes. The pain and uncertainty she saw there squeezed her heart. He’d been to hell and back.

  Tasha looked away. "Tim, the last time we talked, I was so upset and confused. I'm so sorry! I was hurting inside, but I know that I was unfair to you. I didn't mean to be so harsh. I was just reacting. I was scared."

  He gave her a lopsided grin. "Do you think I don't know that?" he asked teasingly. "There is nothing you can say that will drive me away. I'm in for the count. Don't you be thinking that I'm any kind of faint-hearted old dog. I've been through the fire a time or two. I fully intend to hang on to all that God has promised me."

  "That is another reason that you scare the living hell out of me." She informed him with big eyes.

  "Don't you fear anything but God, Tasha." He advised her immediately. "He's the only thing in heaven or on earth that you need to fear. And the best part is, He loves us. All we have to do is to give Him the honor, glory, love and respect that He deserves. And right now, He thinks that I need to get the heck out of your hotel room, and take you to dinner."

  Tasha smiled sweetly. "You are absolutely impossible." She chastised. "Do you think I'm dressed all right to go to dinner?"

  "You'd look good in a gorilla suit."
Tim advised her dryly. "Don't give it another thought. Listen, I really need to make a couple of calls first, though."

  "No problem." Tasha agreed. "I do need to put on some makeup, so take your time." She stopped in the doorway to the bath, and gave him a smoky look.

  “And by the way, Rick Snyder is full of it.” she assured him. “I’ve never heard such blatant lies in my life. I never once discussed you with him in that way. It was understood while he was there that … you had every right … that I belong to you.”

  Tim’s eyes darkened in reaction to the words, and he smiled. Tasha could see the tension flow out of his face. “That’s good to hear.” he said with a teasing glint in his eye. The confident possessiveness in his eyes made her blush. She scooted into the bath.

  Tim picked up the phone. His first call was to his secretary, to give her his whereabouts.

  "Dana? Hi, honey, I'm in L.A. Glad I caught you before you went home. Listen, I'll give you the number of the hotel here. I'll try to get a room of my own; but for now, you can reach me in room 226. Area code 912, 888-1518. Got that?" he asked briskly.

  "All right, now listen very carefully," he charged, after she affirmed that she had the information. "You need to have all the locks changed, at my office and my house. Tonight. This is very important.”

  "Tell Reuben to take the money out of my ministry account; and close that account for security reasons, no matter what it takes to get it done, right now. And have somebody make sure that the alarms in both places are set. Change the keypad locks on both alarms. I’ll call you to get the new combinations when I get off the plane at home. Got that? And alert Mom and Dad to be careful; we could have some trouble coming.”

  After a pause, he went on. “Now, for the next part. Be looking for Rick Snyder to return the keys to both places, but I doubt that he will. You are to cut off all his access to my ministry, my bank accounts and my private life, immediately. And, I don't want Rick to contact anybody on the team and get any information about me. Nor do I want anybody listening to his poison about Tasha or I. Dana, this is very important." He stressed.


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