A New Day

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A New Day Page 50

by Nancy Hopper

  Tasha found him sitting by a window, looking out at the rain. "Darling, you look almost as dismal as the weather. What's wrong?" she asked, rubbing his shoulders.

  Tim sighed, and let his head drop into his hands. He couldn't talk over the lump in his throat, just yet.

  "Timothy." She soothed. She put her arms around him, and held him to her. Her fingers on his body caused him physical pain. He needed her so much.

  When he thought about the hell he’d gone through, getting Tasha to say yes – and now, not to be able to move ahead -- seemed more than he could take.

  "Tell me what's wrong." she asked gently.

  "I'll get around to it." He assured her. She could tell that he was near the raw edge. “Just … give me a minute.” he begged.

  "You're frightening me." She told him quietly.

  "Don't be afraid, sweetheart. It's just that ... I have to go home." He managed.

  "To Jackson Hole? Is something wrong?" Tasha asked worriedly.

  "Dana. Dana has pretty much fallen apart because of this thing with Rick Snyder. She doesn't seem to think she has any reason to keep on living."

  Tasha just held him tighter. What could she say?

  "Dad thinks I'm the only one who can pull her out of it. I guess it's going to be fairly touchy, because Snyder chose you to go after. I guess I can understand how it must be for her."

  "Oh, Tim. How awful for her! And now she has to face me. Marrying you."

  "Something like that. Tasha, they know you didn't do anything. Honey, I will make them understand it all. Somehow."

  "Well, it's imperative that you go do that." She said gently. "Tim; I'll be here when you get back." She promised. "Nothing is going to change, if you leave."

  He sighed harshly. "I know that. It doesn't make it any easier to go."

  She felt the misery well up in him, and kissed his forehead. "You listen to me, you gorgeous hunk of man." She teased. "You're the only one I want. So, you get yourself down to Wyoming and get things straightened out with your family. And when that's done, we're going to have us a wedding. Don't you think you can get out of it, now. I'm going to hold you to it! You can't run far or fast enough to get away from this girl."

  Tim chuckled. "Tasha, I think I may go mad long before it ever happens."

  "Dana has to come first, right now. You know that. Now, you know why the Lord gave you that prophecy in Salt Lake. He wanted you to know that even though it looks impossible, it will happen. How deep is the root of your faith, son? Can you stand?" she whispered into his hair.

  Tim groaned. "I don't know why I have to go! What can I do there that will make any difference?"

  Tasha smiled, feeling peculiar that she was the one giving Tim insight.

  "Go home to Dana, Tim. She feels stripped of everything that meant anything to her. If you care enough to go home for her sake and help her get back on her feet, it will help her restore her self-worth. If you put me first, she's going to feel abandoned, and I won't stand a chance with your family! They all need you right now. And you have to get things back on track with your family, before I can be accepted.”

  She kissed his cheek tenderly. "It's not nice, sweetheart, but it's the way it's got to be. Besides, I've got to prepare my children for massive change; and I have a wedding to plan. And, the Charles household has just been turned upside down. I think this is probably best."

  He rolled his eyes.

  "And when I get there, we are going to be married, and I am going to make sure that you are a very happy man." She promised him.

  Tim dropped his head in his hands, and willed himself not to go over the edge.

  Tasha wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him hard. "Timothy. Be strong now, and go home." she encouraged.

  Timothy disembarked in Jackson, Wyoming looking taut, haggard and stern. He was dog tired, and he was disgruntled. His friend Reuben was a little shocked by the shape Tim was in. He'd never seen him so cut up.

  "Hey, Tim. Long time no see." He greeted lightly.

  Tim just put an arm around Reuben's shoulders, and squeezed. He didn't seem able to even put a sentence together. Ruben took his bag from him forcibly, and gave him a look.

  "You haven't been home since you left for South America." Reuben commented worriedly.

  "Yeah." Tim admitted. "Well, I'm catching hell for it, now."

  "George Maycott is going to be calling. He wants you to go down to Tucson, and do a conference."

  "Maybe." Tim snapped tiredly.

  “Robin Severs is working in the office while Dana's out."

  At that news, Tim abruptly stopped walking. He turned to give Reuben a withering look. "You've got to be kidding." He groaned.

  "No. Why?" Reuben asked innocently.

  Tim shook his head woefully. That bit of information truly iced his cake for him. Robin was a pretty little eighteen year-old lady with very big eyes. She had her cap staunchly set for Timothy Rain.

  "Well, that's all I need, is Tasha calling and getting Robin on the phone. That should help a great deal." He snapped.

  “I don't get it. What are you talking about, Tim?"

  "Robin has about as severe a crush on me as anything I've ever seen."

  "So? You could do a lot worse than Robin." Reuben pointed out teasingly. “She’s a little young, but she’s a good-looking girl. It could work out very nicely. Take the heat off you, for sure, Tim.”

  "I'm getting married." Tim answered shortly.

  Reuben looked as if he'd been slapped. "You can't be serious! To the sweet little number in the photos?"

  Tim stopped walking abruptly again, and set his jaw in a way that Reuben had never seen and never wanted to see again. His eyes were making it very clear to Reuben that he'd just stepped way over the line.

  "Tasha is not a 'Sweet Little Number', Reuben. You might want to try to show a little bit of respect for my wife." Tim suggested in a cold voice. "She deserves it, believe it or not."

  "I'm sorry, Tim." Ruben said immediately.

  Tim gave him a long, warning look before he started walking again.

  Reuben raised his eyebrows, and rolled his eyes expressively. He knew he'd just come pretty close to a knuckle sandwich! He'd never before worried about being on the receiving end of a punch from Timothy Rain, and he was glad to have avoided it. Tim was no slouch!

  Tim seemed to relax a bit as they drove out of the airport. "Reuben," he said, tiredly.

  Reuben looked over, and saw the apology in Tim's eyes. "I don't know what to say. I overreacted. I'm sorry. Please just understand that nobody ... nobody that I am in ministry with, is going to slam my wife! She's had enough of it, and I don't mind telling you that I have, too! I may have to take it from the public, and I may have to take it from the press, but I will not take it from my friends."

  "Hey. Tim, I should have realized. I didn't mean any disrespect, I just meant -- well, she's real good to look at."

  Tim rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it." He agreed through gritted teeth. "You know, I always used to scoff at guys who had beautiful wives, and said they sometimes wished she wasn't so good to look at. I thought they just weren't man enough to handle the situation. Now, I understand a little better. I mean -- first of all, there's been myself to keep in line. Then there's been the press; then, my trusted friend went after her. It's like some kind of never-ending nightmare!" He laughed and rubbed his eyes with his hands.

  “You almost start getting paranoid. Either men are going after her, or else they’re treating her like a piece of meat, or else someone is making an unfair judgment about her character, or lashing out at her because of jealousy. It’s hell. Pure hell!”

  "So, when are you going to get married?" Reuben asked gingerly.

  "I wish I knew." Tim exhaled. "There are some family complications to deal with first. I have to go home and clear up the mess that the press and Rick Snyder have made of my family. Then maybe, I'll be able to think about myself."

  Reuben began to understand. "Tim
, all this started back in Salt Lake that day we rode the lift with this girl?"

  "Yep." He confirmed tersely.

  "But I thought when we left Salt Lake, it was over."

  "She said it was, but I refused to give up." Tim agreed mildly. "I went back to see her, and she kicked me out. Then Pattie brought all hell on our heads; and I was pretty sure she was going to stick with me. So, I went to Venezuela and Pattie went for Tasha's throat. I called her, and she basically told me to forget the whole thing. Then, she turned around and flew to L.A. to do battle with Norm Nielsen.”

  Reuben just listened, trying hard to follow the twisted tale.

  "I got on a plane for home, and got to the studio just in time to watch Rick Snyder propose to her – and maul her! I tell you what, Reuben. When I saw him put his hands and his mouth on my woman, I just about ripped his head off."

  Reuben didn't know what to say. He supposed he didn't need to say anything, really. If Tim hadn't used his name, Reuben wouldn't have been sure that Tim even realized he was still there.

  "Even then, I still had Pattie Danniels to deal with, and the press was crawling all over us! One of Tasha's friends chased a reporter off her hotel balcony. You would have enjoyed that one." Tim said, letting his head fall back against the seat with a chuckle.

  "You know, Tim. I think a good, long rest is called for." He suggested soothingly.

  Tim shot him a pointed glower. "Not until I get that woman." He informed him succinctly.

  Reuben believed he finally understood, now. Quite clearly.

  Robin was sitting in Tim's office when he and Reuben arrived from the airport. She was so excited to work with Tim! Her ideal, her idol … and her love.

  She didn't really think that Tim would ever look twice at her; but there was always hope. If not, it would be enough just to serve him. It was a dream come true, to be able to fill in for Dana!

  When Tim walked through the door, her big, dreamy eyes fastened on him in sheer delight.

  "Hi, Robin. How are you?" he asked, going past her to his private office. "I'm glad you could come and help while Dana's gone. It's very much appreciated."

  "It's my pleasure, Tim." She answered sweetly.

  "There's going to be a lot going on." He said, coming to the door to look her squarely in the eye. He hated to, but he had to do it right away. He smiled at her.

  "I'm getting married, so things are going to be hopping with all the arrangements that have to be made." He couldn't help the wince he felt, at the stricken look that came over her face.

  "Her name is Tasha. When she calls, I don't care where I am or who I am with, I want to take the call." He told her with a lazy grin. "Today, I'll only be here long enough to drop off some things, and pick up my messages. I need to go see Dana."

  "Sure. Tim, congratulations. I wish you the best." She said, in a daze.

  Tim felt like a heel, but it couldn't be helped. It was better that she hear it from him; and, right away.

  Dana was not good; she was extremely depressed. When Tim got home, he found her sitting in her room, just staring. He sat on her bed, and pulled her up into his lap. She let him hold her, and she just began to cry. It went on for several hours.

  Timothy was very glad he'd come home. It certainly appeared that his father and Tasha's assessment had been correct. Dana needed a man to hold her, and the only one who could do it at this particular time was her big brother, whom she adored.

  Tim went downstairs that evening for dinner, a very sobered man. Dana did not join them.

  His father put his arms around Tim and hugged him soundly. "Thank you for coming, Tim. I don't know that we would have made it without you." He said brokenly.

  Tim held his father tightly and willed him strength. "I am glad I can be here." He said. He found that he meant it.

  As they sat down to dinner, Tim began to see that the recent events in his life and Dana's had taken a heavy toll on his parents. His mother was silent and drawn, and his father looked ready to throw in the towel.

  He bowed his head, and silently asked God for forgiveness. He could see that he had in fact, let his family take a beating for his sake. And he hadn't given them his support. He'd been so preoccupied with Tasha that he just hadn't thought about it.

  He looked up again to find them both watching him. “I’m so sorry, you guys.” he sighed. “Things have been happening so fast and furious, I’ve been hard pressed. I just didn’t realize how devastated Dana is, or how messed up everything was getting. I don’t know what to say.”

  "Son, why don't you start by telling us a little bit about this girl you say you want to marry?" Jerome suggested with a tired smile.

  Tim shook his head. "I don't really know where to begin. I met her in Salt Lake, and the Holy Spirit told me to talk to her. He made me promise I'd get her to the conference. So, I tried to strike up a conversation and discovered I wasn't going to get anywhere. So, He helped me enough to give me her first name. That got her dander up, and I gave her the hard sell while the door was open. She agreed to come just because she could tell I wasn't going to quit until she did."

  Tim chuckled as he looked back on it. "It was the hardest job I'd ever been given. She was as prickly as a cactus, and living in a fortress I could never have gotten through, on my own. We had this roller coaster relationship. It was absolutely bizarre. One minute she’d take a slap at me and I'd be turned off, and then I'd be wanting to kiss her, and then she'd make me mad. And when I was ready to walk away, the Lord would stir compassion for her in my heart.”

  "About the third or fourth night of the conference, the Holy Spirit fell in a fire – like nothing I've never known. And all of a sudden, there were no more defenses. We were both as open and innocent as newborns."

  He sat and stared at his tea, and shook his head. "I couldn't see what had caused it, but I could see a path of devastation that started the day she was born. This girl has known more pain than most people see in a lifetime. I was devastated to have to feel it.

  "And all of a sudden, her heart was open to me. She was soft as butter, and kind, and gentle. She’d somehow come to realize that I was just trying to get her back to the Lord."

  Tim laughed at himself as he recalled the struggle he'd gone through. "The Lord tricked me. I fought like a dog on the end of a rope. I didn't want to get involved, I didn't want to fall in love. I was mad as hops when I realized I couldn't keep my eyes off this girl. So I fought it for a couple of days; but finally, I gave in."

  He looked at them, and tried to find words. "Finally, the Lord let me minister to her. She broke open like a dam, and the river started to flow. And all of a sudden, I knew. And Tom Phillips knew. We both understood at the same time that she was the one God had for me.”

  He paused. “There is so much that happened; it's hard to keep it all in order. Tom had given me a prophecy to end all prophecies. All that has happened since I met Tasha, he prophesied to me at that conference."

  "What did you do, Timothy? Did you tell her?"

  "Oh, yeah. I blundered right in, and tried to do it myself." He admitted. He laughed harshly. "She was pretty nice to me, actually. Told me very nicely that it was never going to happen. I figured a kiss or two, and I'd have her eating out of my hand. Wrong again."

  "So, I went on my tour, and wrote her love letters. Nothing happened. Finally, I decided I had to go see her. I went to her house and she was not exactly delighted to see me. But, I kept pushing; and finally, she decided she probably could get rid of me by suggesting we have an affair. She figured the worst that would happen was that I’d agree, and she could give me a whirl without any commitment. It’s the commitment that had her so scared. But she was really banking on my refusal. She thought that was the one thing that would get rid of me.”

  “So, Pattie caught her wearing a Paris nightgown, and had a heyday with us. Heck of it is, Tasha kicked me out when I wouldn't take the bait, and there was no relationship, anyway. Pattie’s fondest wish would have become a rea
lity, if she’d only left well enough alone."

  He couldn't help laughing, as he thought back on it. "Pattie put her foot in it so big when she did that story." He marveled. "Tasha was scared to death! She suddenly understood beyond a shadow of a doubt why we couldn't have any nice little affairs that she could back out of. It drove her straight into my arms. She was sorry, she was scared, and she wanted to save me from Pattie. So, we flew to New York and I was able to leave New York with a kiss and a promise, and a pretty successful save on television."

  "Then I got to Brazil, and my friends faxed me the second story. Tasha was extremely upset. She just didn't think she could take any more. I wasn't sure I could salvage the relationship, but I sent Rick Snyder out to do PR and be a guard for her, anyway. I figured I owed her that much.”

  "And then, Pattie hit her in public, and unleashed the third story. And Rick got his head turned, and went after Tasha. She finally cracked, and went to L.A. to do the Nielsen show, and I caught a plane for L.A. So did Snyder. When I got to the studio, I found him all over my lady, begging her to run off and get married."

  "It was such a nightmare. The press was crawling all over us. It's a miracle that we've survived the mess. I called Dana, and told her about Snyder. Then, I had to take care of Pattie Danniels at the airport, and get Tasha safely home again, to her father.”

  "When we got there, the Holy Spirit showed up and I read Brent Charles' mail big time. The whole house ended up saved before I left."

  They just looked at him.

  "I know. It's unbelievable!" He agreed simply. "I can't believe I didn't lose her. I mean, I did, actually. Several times; but the Lord always came through, and restored her to me."

  "Son, I know she's beautiful. But – is she sweet -- on the inside?"

  Tim gave his father a lazy, wicked grin. "Like the sweetest honey." He answered in a thick voice. "She's ... awesome. Beautiful. Perfect."

  "Timothy, did you see her on television?" Jerome asked worriedly.

  "No. I was on a plane. Or in a taxi, or someplace. Why, did you tape it?" Tim asked curiously. “I’d be very curious to see it.


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