A New Day

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A New Day Page 56

by Nancy Hopper

  "How interesting."

  Tim looked at her carefully. It was hard to say how she'd react. She'd been through so much personally, that she was still very tender and vulnerable. He kind of hoped that knowing about Gary would soften her heart; and help her see Tasha in a different light.

  "It was through Tasha." he said finally.

  "Tasha! Your fiancee?" she asked curiously.

  "That's right. I was at her house, and I went in her room. There was a picture of her and Gary on the wall."

  "How interesting." Dana mused. "They must have been pretty close, then. Are they related, somehow?"

  Tim looked at her steadily. "They were married."

  Dana looked at him blankly. "You're kidding." she exclaimed. "But ... I don't understand."

  Tim just kept watching her, waiting for it all to sink in. He could see the wheels turning, and he hoped she'd come to it on her own.

  "Were married? Did they get divorced or something? No, not Gary!" she puzzled. “I can't picture him not getting along with anyone, much less getting a divorce.”

  Tim shook his head. "No divorce."

  Finally, it dawned on Dana. Tears of disbelief filled her eyes. "But you said her husband was … you can't be serious!" she denied unsteadily. "He can't be dead."

  Tim had an overpowering urge to lower his eyes. He refused. "I'm afraid so. He died of cancer about four years ago; and left Tasha with two babies. Very nice babies. You're going to like them." he said in a voice that was husky with emotion.

  Tears spilled down Dana's cheeks and she didn't try to hide them. "I can't believe it. I can't!" she choked.

  "I know." Tim comforted. "It was quite a shock for me when I saw that photo; and realized exactly what I was doing. It's a pretty strange feeling to be lusting after your buddy's widow. Especially when I hadn’t known ... he was gone, until that moment. I just stood there, and looked at the pictures for the longest time. It was so strange to see them as a family, and to find out he was gone, all at once. Tasha was pretty cut up when I told her we'd been close friends."

  Dana looked at him with misery in her eyes. "I should have put two and two together, but the name just didn't sink in. I never even thought that her husband was the Gary we knew. She really has been through it, hasn't she?" she asked humbly.

  Tim shrugged. "It's been pretty rough on her. Her father leads me to believe that Gary didn't have a much easier time of winning her over, than I did. He had to chase her clear to Denver, and drag her back home. She was extremely wounded in her childhood. She didn't trust anybody easily."

  Dana nodded, comprehension clear in her eyes. "I understand, Tim. I won't do anything to hurt her."

  Tim smiled. "I know you wouldn't, honey. I just wanted you to understand it all, before you met her. I want you two to be sisters in the truest sense of the word, and really enjoy one another."

  Dana smiled timidly. "I'm sure we will." she agreed, by faith.

  They sat in silence for a time, sipping their Mochas. Dana had quite a bit to think about. She was very curious to meet this woman that Gary had married.

  Tim was certainly wise. He'd known exactly how to drop the barriers, and get her thinking about something other than that bum Rick making a pass at Tasha. She felt Tim look up, and followed his eyes.

  The most beautiful woman that Dana had ever seen was walking through the restaurant. She had very long, dark hair, and the widest, most brilliant, clear green eyes imaginable. Her heart-shaped face was sweet, and her cheeks were round and full. Her lips were perfect -- a full lower lip, sweetly curved, and a very lovely shaped upper lip. Her smile curved up at the corners, and was brilliant when it flashed across the restaurant.

  There was incredible expressiveness and sensitivity in her expression. She had a small cleft in her chin, and a figure to die for. She was all legs and perfect curves. When she saw Tim, her eyes lit up and a smile transformed her face. She began to absolutely glow.

  Tim stood up, and gathered her into his arms to kiss her. It was very strange for Dana to see Tim kissing anybody. He just wasn't in the habit of it.

  Finally, he looked at Dana. "Tasha, this is Dana. Dana, Tasha."

  Dana held out a hand and put a smile on her face. "Hi, Tasha. Nice to meet you." she offered in a frank, friendly voice.

  Tasha took Dana's hand, and turned her radiance fully on her. "Dana! It's good to finally meet you. Tim has had me looking forward to this for so long."

  "Really?" Dana asked brightly.

  "Yes. It's obvious to me that you are very special to him. I hope that we can be good friends."

  Dana smiled. She was so beautiful; when she smiled at you, how could you not love a girl like this? She seemed to be very sweet. "I am sure that we will be." she assured her. "So, do you live here in Salt Lake year round?"

  "Most of the time. We also have a lodge in Idaho, and my father has condos in Seattle and New York that he uses when he's away on business. I split my time between Idaho and Salt Lake, though. I guess I'm kind of a recluse."

  "Really? Is your Idaho home near Boise?"

  "Somewhat." Tasha mused. "It's very close to Sun Valley, in the mountains. We’re north of Boise, by a couple of hours."

  "Wow." Dana laughed. "You know, we live just below Jackson Hole. So you've just added a third, major ski resort to your list of homes, huh?"

  Tasha smiled. "I never thought of that. I guess you're right. I'll be looking forward to skiing Jackson, I've never been there."

  "You'll really love it." Dana predicted. "The chairs load up right in town! Have you been skiing long?"

  "All my life, pretty much." Tasha confirmed. "I think I started when I was about four."

  "Me, too." Dana giggled.

  "Dana just missed making the Olympic team." Tim told Tasha. "She pulled a ligament in the last go-round, or I think she might have made it."

  Tasha looked duly impressed, and Dana blushed. "You didn't have to go and tell her that."

  "Why not?" Tim objected. "I'm extremely proud of you."

  Dana rolled her eyes, and Tasha chuckled.

  "So." Tasha accused. "You had Chocolate Cheesecake, huh?"

  Tim hung his head. "How did you know?"

  "You look way too guilty to have eaten anything else." She accused.

  "Want some?" Tim asked hopefully.

  "No, thanks." Tasha decided with a yawn. She sat down in the booth and Tim joined her, holding her close with his arm.

  He obviously adored her. Dana felt a stab of jealousy when she saw the way Tim was toward Tasha. He never took his eyes off her if he could help it. Dana had never seen anything like it! Tim never stared at women. But he was staring at this one! He was totally obsessed.

  "How was your morning?" he asked gently.

  "All right. Glad it's over." She admitted, wrinkling her nose. "Did everything go all right at the airport?"

  "Yep." Tim answered. "Piece of cake."

  "Good. What would you like to do this afternoon, Dana? Go shopping? Swim?"

  Dana shrugged. "Hey, I'm along for the ride. What do you want to do?" she asked lightly.

  "I'd love to be with you, but I've got a telephone conference in about half an hour that I can't get out of." Tim advised. "I don't think it'll take more than an hour or two, but you guys could go shopping or something. We can meet at home, and swim later."

  Dana shrugged. "Fine." She reassured him.

  Tasha looked up at him with eyes that could definitely break a male heart without even thinking about it.

  "Don't look at me like that, now. I'll make it up to you later." He promised, a pained look on his face.

  Tasha lowered her eyes. "Sorry. Well, I do have some shopping to do, while I'm still here. Maybe Dana would consent to come with me?" she suggested hopefully.

  Dana looked at Tim uncertainly. His encouraging smile overrode her unease.

  "Sure. I'd love to." she forced herself to say. She was glad she had, when she saw the look of relief on the two faces before her.
  “All right. I'm sorry, but I really do have to go." Tim said gruffly. He stood up, and put on his coat and hat. Tasha was right behind him, and went into his arms for a hug and a very unnerving kiss.

  Dana watched with absolute fascination at the look she saw in Tim's eyes, as he looked down at Tasha. He was totally, head over heels gone -- and it really showed.

  "Bye." Tasha said, brushing her fingers across his cheek and looking up at him adoringly. Tim set his jaw, as if leaving took that much effort, and smiled grimly down at her.

  "Bye." He said gruffly. He shot an unenthusiastic smile at Dana; and then he turned away.

  Dana just watched him with a quizzical look, as he walked away. She saw Tasha looking at her with uncertainty, and she tried to hide her grin, quite unsuccessfully.

  "Dana, what is it?" Tasha asked worriedly.

  "Oh. Nothing." She assured Tasha with a lilt in her voice. "Shopping, you say? I've been needing to do some of that for a long time. Do you want a coffee?'

  "No, I don't usually drink it." Tasha answered. "We can go too, if you are ready."

  "Sure." Dana agreed. She hoped to heaven they wouldn't see Tim in the parking lot. They'd never get away, and she needed some time to absorb the change in her brother.

  The mall was very nice, and Dana soon was fascinated by the stores Tasha took her to. They were fairly quiet, until they went to a major department store, and hit the jackpot.

  “I have to find a few dresses today.” Tasha explained shyly. “Tim likes to see me in them, and I don’t have that many. I didn’t go out much, before he came along.”

  Dana studied the beautiful woman curiously. “Great. What are you looking for?”

  Tasha shrugged. “I don’t know. A variety, I suppose. We’ll just have to see what we can find.”

  Dana grinned.

  They found some very hot numbers. Tasha blushed at some of the things Dana suggested.

  “Hey. The idea is to please Tim, isn’t it?” Dana pointed out. “Trust me, these will please Tim.”

  Tasha laughed. “Well; yes. Although he’s asked me to keep a lid on it, until the wedding. I have a red dress that seemed to raise his blood pressure to an unacceptable level.”

  Dana roared with laughter. “Well, I don’t feel sorry for him! It's about time something got to him! Let’s hit the fitting room.”

  Dana swallowed hard when she saw Tasha in some of the outfits she’d suggested. The woman was breathtaking! She was absolutely perfectly put together, and she had a kind of shy way about her that was extremely sexy. She was the total package, no doubt about it.

  Dana completely understood now, why Tim had gone tumbling. Tasha was like, Barbie with black hair! She’d never seen such perfect, shapely legs, buttocks, hips, waist or breasts. Seriously.

  “What do you think?” Tasha asked, uncertainly. Dana eyed the icy, shimmering dress that hugged Tasha’s body so perfectly – with a sprinkling of sequins and spandex – and just gawked. She could suddenly understand Tim’s request to spare him until the wedding. The twisted keyhole neckline and open back were enticing, to say the least.

  “Just how big are your hips?” Dana demanded almost angrily.

  “About thirty-two. Why?” Tasha asked hesitantly.

  “Oh, for heaven's sake! There ought to be a law! Buy the dress and save it for the honeymoon.” Dana advised dryly.

  Tasha just looked at Dana with wide eyes. She obviously didn’t understand. She looked down at the knee length dress with side slits, and then looked at Dana again. “What? How could it be indecent?”

  “Oh, it’s not! It’s just you! You’re too sexy and gorgeous for words. I’m beginning to understand Tim’s requests for chastity.” Dana drawled.

  Tasha blushed, and smiled. “Thanks – I think.” she said.

  Dana tried on a few things, too, at Tasha’s insistence. She wasn’t finding anything that really flattered her. She put her hands on her hips, and sighed. “Okay, Tasha. Help me out here, fashion queen. I can tell you’ve got more fashion sense in your little finger than I’ve got in my whole body. What would you put on me?”

  Tasha blushed again. “Well; you really want my opinion?” At Dana’s emphatic nod, she put a manicured nail up to her cheek. “Pink. Soft pink, soft fabrics. Lavender, white, black. Animal prints. Copper!” she gasped with sudden inspiration. “And a vivid blue, not too dark.”

  Dana let her dimples show. “So, show me.” she demanded, folding her arms.

  Tasha bit her lip, and giggled. “Come on.” she agreed. She took Dana’s hand, and they went out to the sales floor gleefully.

  Dana laughed, because Tasha had forgotten that she was wearing the icy, sequined dress. Everyone turned and stared when she flitted to the racks in the clinging fantasy, and platform heels to match.

  Dana just cracked up, laughing. Tasha walking across the sales floor in that outfit, was like watching Moses part the Red Sea.

  By the time Dana and Tasha found their way back to the car, they were laughing and talking like old friends.

  "So, Dana. Tell me why you were so perplexed with Tim this morning at the restaurant." Tasha coaxed as they drove home.

  Dana looked at the gorgeous creature in the driver's seat, and couldn't help laughing. "What have you done to him? Did you give him a love potion to drink, or something?" she teased.

  "What do you mean?" Tasha asked in bewilderment.

  "He looks and acts like a ... a lovesick duck or something! He was very ..." she shook her head and wrinkled her nose in disbelief. "Very Un-Tim-like."

  Tasha laughed. "Really?"

  "Really." Dana assured her. "He's just never been the type to be all goo-goo over anybody. He just breezes through, no matter who's drooling over him, or trying to catch his eye. He's always oblivious."

  Tasha smiled. "Well, actually, it probably wasn't his idea, you know. He had a lot of help getting 'goo-goo'."

  "What, you mean from the Lord? Yeah, so he told me. It has to be God! Nobody else could turn my brother inside out the way you do. Man!" She exclaimed.

  "Well, he pretty much turned me inside out, too." Tasha accused dryly. "I had no intention of taking up with any man, ever again. I can assure you. But he's ..." she shook her head ruefully. "Very special. And quite persuasive."

  Dana grinned. "I would imagine so." She agreed.

  "Is he really behaving that differently?" Tasha asked a mite worriedly.

  "Oh, yeah." Dana assured her dryly. "I guess he's just never really been in love before. I didn't know he had it in him."

  "Had what in him?"

  Dana shrugged and stared dreamily. "Oh, I don't know. All of the passion and romance and adoration I see in his eyes, when he looks at you. Just don't ever, ever Tasha, break his heart! I'm telling you, he's way out there. He'd never recover."

  Tasha smiled. "Don't worry about that." She assured Dana. "I just can't imagine that this gorgeous, handsome hunk of man has been running around all this time, and never got his heart entangled before. How could this be?"

  "Well." Dana struggled. "He did get saved when he was eighteen. But he thought he was in love, once. Before he was saved, that is. Since then, he's been very careful. But when he found Jesus, Cathy dropped him like a hot potato! He thought he was going to die at the time, but compared to the way he is about you ...” Dana snorted. “That was nothing."

  "Cathy?" Tasha couldn't help asking, her eyes wary.

  "Yeah. Cathy. He's never even mentioned her to you, has he?"

  "No. I can't say that he has." Tasha admitted.

  "Well, don't give her another thought. She's ancient history, anyway."

  "You mean that Tim hasn't really dated anybody since he was eighteen?"

  "Not really. Here and there, maybe, but nobody serious. He just hasn't worried about it, I think. He's been so busy in ministry that he hasn't had much time for it. He's never given women any place in his life.”

  "Right out of college, he got an invitation to spend a year i
n South Africa, teaching at a Christian school. When he was done with that obligation, he stayed there, and traveled. He went all over the continent. He came home really changed. He was on fire, and it's never cooled a single degree. If anything, it's increased. Honestly, I kind of thought Tim would never settle down and marry."

  "What happened when he got saved that Cathy couldn't handle?" Tasha asked hesitantly.

  Dana snorted. "She wanted no part of Jesus. She wanted Tim to worship her, and her alone. All he had to do was tell her he’d been saved, and that was that."

  Tasha's eyes went wide. "Wow. Do you know whatever happened to her? Is she still in the area?"

  "Uh, huh." Dana admitted. "She sure is. Last I heard, she made it all the way to centerfold of the year once, and Miss Wyoming. She got a few bit parts on Broadway, but she couldn't seem to quite sleep her way to the top. So, she came back here, and married a drug dealer. They got busted, and she's still in court every time you pick up the paper."

  "Whew." Tasha sighed. "Sounds like a roller coaster life."

  "Yeah. It's too bad, 'cause she was an eyeful of drop-dead, gorgeous girl. Tim was pretty intense about her for a few years. Took him awhile to realize Jesus had done him a big favor by sending her on her way."

  "She broke his heart, huh?"

  "Pretty much. But it was a sick thing, not real love."

  “Why do you say that?"

  "She wasn't … nice. She wanted Tim because she wanted status. All he was to her, was a great looking guy, a rock guitarist and a big name in high school – because he was Captain of the Debate Team, and a Football, Basketball and Baseball star. All the girls drooled over him, and everybody thought he was cool. So, of course, she had to have him."

  "She doesn't sound like Tim's type." Tasha ventured.

  "Naw. But she made him her type, for awhile." Dana rolled her eyes. "All she had to do was get him in bed, and she had him hooked. She knew her p's and q's, apparently. There were some stormy times in our house, let me tell you. She teased him -- and used him – and worked him over good. Mom and Dad were fit to be tied, but they couldn't do anything with him."


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