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A New Day

Page 57

by Nancy Hopper

  Tasha was shocked. "Timothy?"

  "Uh, huh. He wasn't half as smart or as street wise as he is now, let me tell you. But she knew her way around the block, and I don't mean maybe. I'll never forget when Tim came home from college for the weekend, to tell her he'd been saved. He found her shacking up with a guy – and he'd only been gone a month. He was not a happy camper. Still, he was willing to forgive her, and he tried to tell her how great it was to be saved. He had this little dream that she'd just come in line, and kneel with him at the altar. She snapped his head off, and hit the pavement running."

  "Sounds like it was a little rough."

  “Yep. But Mom and Dad were dancing a jig, let me tell you. They were mad enough at the thought of her seducing him; but they really were more scared to death that he'd actually marry her. None of us could imagine putting up with her for as long as it lasted!

  "He confided to me that he had a strong suspicion she wasn't going to be faithful. Tim was pretty naive when he came to her; but he wasn't stupid. Still, it hurt him. For a long time."

  Tasha smiled thoughtfully. "Well. I'm glad to know about her. Thanks, Dana. If she ever comes out of the woodwork now, I'll know how to deal with her."

  Dana snorted. "She's no competition for you, honey. You can count on it. Tim wouldn't give her the time of day."

  Tasha grinned, knowing it was high praise.

  It soon became obvious that the two of them were hitting it off very well, evidenced by the conspiratorial laughter that floated through the house as they went inside, struggling with their many purchases.

  The business of Rick was long forgotten – until the phone rang. Tasha answered it, and promptly sat down, hard, in a chair.

  Dana turned her eyes in time to see Tasha grow very pale. Deeply concerned, she moved to her side, and put a hand on Tasha's arm. She could feel Tasha trembling. She was deeply upset, and no doubt about it.

  "What do you want?" Tasha asked coldly. "I can't believe you're doing this! Don't you understand anything? You have got to stop calling me! You have got to stop! I don't want to hear from you, I won't see you. Please, can't you understand? If you ever call again, I am going to have to call the police. Leave Salt Lake, and don’t come back!"

  Dana paled. She could hear enough of the man's voice to know it was Rick. She stared into Tasha's eyes with horror. Tasha's eyes were frantic; pleading.

  Dana went to the table, and got a pad and pen. She wrote Tasha a note. “Tell him to come here." she urged.

  Tasha read it, and looked at her as if she'd gone mad. Dana urged her strongly. "I have a plan." she wrote.

  Tasha sighed deeply, and closed her eyes. "Okay. Okay, Rick. Listen to me. Come up to my place. We need to talk about this. I have to help you understand. I was just about to take a shower, so give me an hour. All right?"

  Dana could hear Rick's enthusiastic reply, before Tasha hung up the phone. Tasha covered her face with her hands. Dana could see her shoulders shaking.

  "How long has this been going on, Tasha?" Dana demanded.

  Tasha shook her head miserably, and sobbed into her hands. "I swear to you, Dana! I swear, I don't know why he is doing this! I never did anything to give him the slightest inkling that I'd be interested in him. He just won't stop!"

  "He calls you often?" Dana asked slowly.

  Tasha moaned. "Daily. He's driving me insane! Sometimes he follows me. He'll call me and tell me where I've been – and then he asks if I had a good time. Dana, he's sick!"

  Dana sat down, hard. "Do you mean to tell me he's stalking you?"

  Tasha looked panicked. "I ... I don't know. I guess he is! I just never really thought of it that way before. Oh, God, what is the matter with him?"

  Cold fury settled in Dana's stomach. "You listen to me, Tasha. This has got to stop! Have you told Tim?"

  Tasha blanched. "Oh, no. He'd kill him, Dana. Tim got so angry! You wouldn't have known him. He was totally calm, but the look in his eyes was deadly. He told Rick if he ever bothered me again, he'd kill him. I think he meant it."

  "Well, I don't think the police would tolerate that." Dana teased dryly. "You go take your shower, while I make some calls."

  "I don't need a shower. I was just stalling for time." Tasha admitted.

  "Good girl. Then you just relax, and leave this to me. I know how to deal with Mr. Snyder." Dana assured.

  Tasha looked up at Dana with hesitant eyes. "What are you going to do?"

  "Get Tim and the police here, what else? And I will certainly enjoy listening to the truth from him, for once."

  Tears filled Tasha's eyes. "Dana, I am so sorry."

  Dana could see from looking at Tasha that she was, indeed.

  "Don't worry about it, Tasha. My stupidity. It's very easy to see that you aren't encouraging him. Don't be afraid of him, though. We won't let him hurt you, darling."

  Tasha was amazed. At the endearment, and at the incredible, efficient way that Dana swung into action. She paged Tim on her mobile phone, and briefed him. Tim elected to call the police, himself. It wasn't long before people began showing up, one at a time.

  Tasha grew exceedingly nervous. What would Tim think? She felt enormous guilt for not telling him. When he arrived, he was looking very strained. He just gave Tasha a haggard look, and gathered her into his arms.

  "I'm so sorry, Tim. I should have told you, I know. I just thought he'd stop. I thought I could avoid any more problems for you."

  Tim kissed the top of her head, and squeezed her tight. "It's all right. Come on, now, you've got to pull yourself together a little bit, and get ready for him to show up."

  A plain clothes policeman joined them, and began asking questions. He turned to Tasha.

  "Miss, I have to ask you a couple of questions. First, is this attention from this man completely unwanted? And have you told him so?" Tasha assured him on both counts. "And how often has he been calling you?"

  "Every day." Tasha admitted. "Since it started. He just won't leave me alone."

  Tim sucked in his breath sharply at the news, causing Tasha to tense up even more.

  "You say he has followed you, as well?" the policeman pressed.

  "Yes; he seems to have. He will call and ask me how my date with Tim was, or whether I had fun at the mall."

  “And have you ever had a relationship with this man? Ever dated? Ever had a sexual relationship?”

  “No.” Tasha denied evenly. “He was sent to do PR and be a bodyguard for me, by my fiance. I discharged him the first night because he began making overtures toward me. But, he left without any problem. Then, he showed up later in Los Angeles, and asked me to marry him. He got physical with me, and I fought him off. I threatened to call the police, and he finally left. Since then, he has been calling consistently.”

  Tim sighed harshly, and rubbed a hand over his eyes at this news. He turned away, so that hopefully Tasha wouldn't see how upset he was.

  "All right. We need to have you to wear this miniature microphone, and put this tape recorder in your pocket. Ask as many questions and make as many statements as you can about him calling you, giving you unwanted attention, refusing to leave you alone. Things like that. All right?”

  Tasha nodded.

  "Now, then. Tim, Dana and I are going to leave, together. We will come through the back door after he arrives, and wait in the next room. We'll be listening to every word. If you feel in danger, just yell, and we'll be with you again before you close your mouth.

  "Otherwise, keep him talking as long as you can, and get as much out of him as possible. We have to put a stop to this nonsense. If he puts a hand on you, or gets too close, make sure you tell him to stop -- and describe the behavior verbally. You know, 'take your hand off my arm'. That kind of thing. Okay?"

  Tasha nodded nervously, and the officer smiled at her. "All right. Now, when either you've had enough, or he's going to leave, I want you to say, 'Goodbye, Rick.' That will be our clue to come out and make the arrest. I will have men in the
hallway; and outside, too. Don't worry about a thing, miss. He won't hurt you, and he won't escape us."

  Tasha nodded, and forced herself to look at Tim. He was staring at her with a probing, very disturbed expression. She just looked at him, begging him to understand. What, she wasn't sure. She didn't really understand it, herself.

  "You gonna be all right?" he asked quietly. He looked so grim.

  "Yes. I'll be fine." she assured him. "Tim; I'm sorry."

  He looked down at her sharply, gave her a hesitant smile, and nodded. Then he turned, and went out the front door with Dana and the plain clothes policeman.

  Tasha didn't have long to wait. After five minutes more, there was a tap on the door. Tasha answered it herself, and shivered as she looked up into Rick's eager eyes. He reached for Tasha, but she backed up, and allowed him to come in.

  "Hello, Rick. Come in. Have a seat." she offered in a strained voice.

  "Hello, darling! I can't tell you how I've missed you. I've wanted so much to see you! I have wanted so much to apologize to you for springing everything on you so suddenly. I know that it was really, incredibly thoughtless of me."

  Tasha shrugged, and backed away from his reach.

  "Where's Tim? I watched him come into the house." he asked slyly.

  "He's gone. He just left with Dana, and some man he had business with." she said innocently.

  "Uh, huh. I saw that, too. Where did he go, doll?"

  Tasha stammered, but recovered almost immediately. "He has an appointment in a few minutes. I don't know where."

  "That's fine, baby. I don't want him to interrupt us, this time. Pretty ring you're wearing. Is it Tim's?" The smooth, low tone in his voice held a threat that made the hair on the back of Tasha's neck stand up.

  Yes." She answered tersely.

  "Smart of him to bring Dana here to meet you, wasn't it? Has she scratched your eyes out yet?"

  "Hardly." Tasha snorted. "Rick, I agreed to let you come here so that I can tell you face to face, and make you understand. I'm not interested in you! I want you to stop calling me every day, and following me!"

  "Thank you for letting me come. Tasha, I'm so sorry. I should have known you'd want me to take it slow and easy. I just kind of lost control. I don't know what to say."

  "Saying you're sorry is a start." Tasha advised tartly. "You can follow it up by explaining why you've called me every day, why you're spying on me, and following me places. Rick, you're stalking me! Why, what did I ever do to you?"

  Rick laughed uncomfortably. "Tasha, I'm not stalking you! I just -- well, I'm in love with you! I call you every day because I can't stand not being near you. And I follow you places because I want to be with you. I call you because I love you! I need you! I want you more than I can ever say."

  "Rick, I don't love you. I love Tim! I have never done anything to make you think that I wanted this attention from you."

  "Of course you did! You smiled at me. You told me all about your life that night, when I was your bodyguard. I know everything about you. Tasha, I love you! I want to protect you! I need you, so much."

  "The feeling is not mutual. I want you to leave me alone!" she snapped with vehemence. "I don't know you and I don't want you near me! I don't love you, Rick, and I don't owe you anything!"

  "Sure you do, baby. You owe me your life." he sneered, with a hint of a threat in his voice. "What would you have done that night Pattie Danniels came after you, if I hadn't been there to protect you? She would have chewed you up and spit you out!"

  “That does not give you the right to demand my affection." she insisted staunchly. "Do you realize that you have called me every day since then?"

  "Of course! I love to call you. I always know how to reach you, baby. I almost always know exactly where you are."

  "Rick, you have no right! How can I make you understand? I don't ever want you to call me again! I don't want you to follow me, or spy on me. I don't ever want to see you again, or hear from you again! Is that perfectly clear?"

  "Don't try to sound like my mother, baby. You are not my stinkin' mother."

  "I have never done anything to make you think I was interested in you." she told him staunchly.

  "Sure you did. You talked to me that night. Real nice, honest and open. It was special. You know it was."

  Tasha objected with a sigh. "I was upset. I thought I should tell you what it was all about. You asked me to tell you about it, and you were supposed to be my PR man, and my body guard. I was very frightened! I didn't know what Pattie was going to try next. And most of all, I thought you were Tim's friend. He trusted you, I thought I could. The next thing I know, you're following me to Los Angeles and mauling me at the television station!"

  "You know you want me." he said with great confidence.

  "That is simply not true. I have never told you I was interested in you. Have I? Rick, be honest with yourself! I saw you as a friend, a guard. I never encouraged you to think anything else!"

  "No. I suppose you didn't. But your eyes tell me you want me."

  "Rick, they don't! That could not be, because I don't! If I was interested in you, wouldn't I have done something to encourage you before now? You've called me every day!"

  "I can make you want me. I can make you love me!" he said with great conviction.

  "No, Rick, you can't. I've already given my heart away, to someone else. I love Tim! And what about Dana?" she asked, side-stepping him.

  "Never mind about Dana!" he answered shortly.

  "Dana does matter." she insisted. "You asked her to marry you! Rick, you just can't treat people this way! How would I ever trust you, even if I were inclined, after what you've done to Dana?"

  "Ah, so that's it! If I explain to you about Dana, will you come away with me?"

  "Absolutely not! I told you, I am in love with Tim. I am going to marry him. You need to understand that! I belong to Tim, and no one else."

  "Then it doesn't make any difference about Dana. But I'll explain it. I thought I loved her – Until I met you. You changed everything for me."

  "How dare you let Dana think she couldn't hold you once I came along! It had nothing to do with me at all, did it? You just like to chase girls. There have been other women you've done this to, I'll bet."

  There was a deadly silence. "Well, you've done your homework." he congratulated quietly. "I have to tell you, I've had to work a lot harder on you than I have on any other girl. And if you think I'm going to give up without getting what I came here for, you'd better think again! I have waited and worked for this moment for a long time! I don't really give a damn how you feel about it, sweet baby, you're going to give me exactly what I want, today. Just like Dana did."

  Tasha gasped. "Rick, take your hands off me! Stop it!" she gasped.

  "Now, just who do you think is going to stop me this time?" he challenged eagerly. "Your big, strong fiance is gone, Dana is gone, your father is gone. And I saw the housekeeper leave with the two little brats. So there’s no one to interfere!”

  His laugh froze Tasha's blood. "You know, I told Tim that I’d had you in bed. I gave him all the steamy details. It made me fantasize even more, to tell him about it! It made me all the more certain I have to have you, and make all my dreams come true. And today’s the day!”

  He advanced on her, a maniacal look in his eyes. "We’re going to leave here together, nice and quiet like, and go to a motel. And we are going to stay there until I am totally satisfied. Until I have had you, to my heart’s content. It’s going to give me great pleasure to sample your charms before Tim does! Call it spite, it doesn’t matter. I may not be able to hold you – But I can sure get to you first, and enjoy every minute of it. Too bad there’s no one to save you!" he gloated.

  "Are you actually telling me that you would force me to have sex with you?" she gasped angrily.

  Rick just laughed. "I think you'll like it. You just don't know it, yet." he said. "It'll be just me and you, sweet girl – for as long as it takes!" He lunge
d at Tasha. She screamed brilliantly, and tried to flee.

  "Sorry to disappoint you, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Tim cut in, coldly.

  Rick whirled, and grew very red as he faced Tim, Dana and two police officers. He whirled on Tasha again. "You set me up!" he blustered incredulously.

  "Well, Rick, I've asked you not to call me a hundred times. It had to end. I've taken this from you for far too long as it is." she snapped, trying to pull her wrist from his clutches.

  "You can say that again." Tim agreed dryly.

  "Sir, you are under arrest." the police officer said calmly. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

  Rick sneered and cursed as they read him his rights. He gave Dana one unreadable look as they snapped cuffs on him and took him away, while they continued reading him his rights.

  Tasha immediately turned to Dana, and took her in her arms. "Dana. Honey, are you all right?" she asked worriedly.

  "I'm fine. What about you?" Dana asked pointedly. "Did he hurt you?"

  "Well, I may have a couple of bruises on my waist where he grabbed me, but I'm fine." she assured. "Dana, he's sick! He looked so crazed. My heavens, I can't believe it."

  "Weren't you terrified?"

  "Yes, but I wanted him to admit it all. He needs help, and I don't ever want him to do this to another girl. "

  Tim sighed heavily. "I don't get it. I'm just glad you two were smart enough to put your heads together, and call for reinforcements. It's a miracle neither one of you got hurt before this." There was a tinge of reproof in his voice.

  Tasha lowered her head. "Tim, I'm so sorry. I wasn't sure just what to do. I am pretty safe in my father's secure houses. I didn't think he could get to me. I had no idea he was watching so closely, though. I was just afraid of him, and afraid of what would happen if Dana found out he was calling me. I didn't want him to ruin any chance I had of getting her to like me!"


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