A New Day

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A New Day Page 58

by Nancy Hopper

  Dana's heart melted in her breast, as tears streamed down Tasha's cheeks. Tim had a similar reaction, as he pulled her into his arms.

  "I thought you trusted me, Tasha. Didn't you know I could take care of him? Honey, you didn't have to go through all this!"

  She shook her head. "I was too frightened to think. I didn't want him near you, Tim! I've suspected he was unbalanced. I was more afraid that he'd hurt you, than I was that he'd hurt me. You're more vulnerable."

  Tim laughed. "He can't hurt me. You crazy little nut." he marveled, holding her tightly.

  Dana watched in amazement. "You went through this for weeks in order to protect Tim and I?" she asked incredulously.

  Tasha looked at her uncertainly, through eyes luminous with tears. "Well, I felt that you'd both been through enough."

  Dana rolled her eyes, and walked to the windows. Tasha's heart just about broke. She didn't know what Dana might be thinking.

  The policeman intervened. "Miss, may I have the tape recorder and microphone?" he asked politely. "We'll get these into the file as evidence. You'll be contacted if we need further testimony. With this and the video we took, we should have plenty of evidence. Where did he grab you?"

  "Around the waist, and by my left wrist. Thank you so much."

  Officer Duncan grinned. "You sure did a great job, miss. We appreciate it. And I'm sure your information will come in handy for the investigation, Mr. Rain."

  "Good. Thanks for everything." Tim said, as he closed the door behind the exiting police.


  Tasha looked nervously from Tim to Dana, as they advanced on her from opposite directions. They had amazingly similar expressions of grim displeasure on their faces, and determined battle lights in their eyes.

  "I think it's time she learned a lesson, don't you?" Dana asked Tim pointedly.

  "Absolutely." Tim agreed.

  "I think she needs to understand about being a Rain, don't you?"

  "Absolutely." he agreed, again.

  "A girl this age should know how to behave, don't you think?"


  "And she should know who her protector is, don't you agree?"


  "She should show more respect for the man she's going to marry, than to keep secrets from him."

  "Absolutely." Tim agreed emphatically.

  "And she should never keep things from the people who love her."

  "Right again."

  "She should never keep secrets from them, especially about the enemy."

  "Uh, huh."

  "And she should never frighten anyone the way she frightened us today."

  "I couldn't have said it better myself."

  "She's a mess."


  "She needs a spanking."


  "Shall I hold her while you do the honors, or shall I do it?"

  Tim made a face. "You get pretty rough. You might hurt her. You have to remember, she's not used to getting spankings."

  Tasha gasped in outrage.

  "But then, I'm not sure you could hold her. She's a bit of a spitfire when she wants to be." Tim warned.

  "I think I'm up to it." Dana sniffed disdainfully.

  "All right, then." Tim said sternly, as if pronouncing a judgment, "A spanking will be administered. Actually, we should both get to spank her. I'll hold her, and we can both have a turn."

  "That's the best idea yet." Dana agreed with satisfaction.

  Tasha gasped in disbelief, as Tim picked her up and carried her to a chair. He sat down, dumped her over his knees, and spanked her very smartly. Tasha's buttocks were stinging and burning with acute pain.

  After about ten very healthy slaps, he allowed Dana to have her turn. Dana, if anything, was worse than Tim.

  When it was finally over, Tim let her up; and she fell to the floor on her tail.

  "You!" she seethed. "How dare you?"

  Tim raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I dare. You ever do anything so stupid again, and you'll get worse! He's dangerous; he could have easily hurt you, Tasha! He was going to kidnap you today! What hurts the most, is that you left me out completely. You intentionally kept it from me!"

  "Timothy, I am not a child, and I'm not yet your wife." she said coldly.

  "You will be my wife; and you used no judgment." he corrected seriously.

  "You take a lot for granted." Tasha said chillingly. She got up from the floor and went upstairs, shutting her bedroom door soundly, to emphasize her displeasure.

  Tim wasn't too worried until dinner time came and went, and she had not come out. He and Dana ate, but neither one of them was very hungry.

  "Tim, I'm sure she's fine." Dana soothed.

  He made a wry face. "Yeah. I'm sure she is, too. But I'm going to have to work on her, to get her to let me back in. "

  "Wow." Dana sighed. "Why would a spanking upset her so much?"

  "Well, I suspect that she never got them. To us, it's just a family tradition. If you didn't have them as a child, what we did to her was probably quite a shock. No doubt there's a little bit of the spoiled rich kid left in her, and we waved a red flag in front of it, I'm sure. "

  "Uh, oh." Dana winced. "Well, there's no time like the present to get started." Dana sighed.

  Tim raised an eyebrow. "You'll get no argument from me. And please, Dana, say some prayers. I think if I have to start all over again, it'll kill me."

  Dana looked at time in surprise. "Timothy, has it been that bad?"

  He gave her a very serious and extremely peeved look. "Dana, you have no idea. It's like trying to get your arms around a cactus."

  "Are you sure she's worth it?" Dana asked hesitantly. "I mean, I know she's lovely, Tim; but maybe it's just too long a reach."

  He shook his head. "I'm not sure at all, darlin'. I'm just going on faith. The Lord told me without any doubt, that she is my wife. How am I supposed to walk away?"

  Dana looked at him with new comprehension.

  Just then, Lucinda came down the stairs with a frown. "What's the matter, Lucinda?" Tim asked worriedly.

  "She's in a state, Mr. Tim."

  He shook his head. "Don't worry, we'll get everything straightened around."

  They heard Brent come through the back entrance into his office. Tim grinned at Dana. "Come on, I'll introduce you to Mr. Money. You can get to know him, while I work on Tasha."

  Tim knocked on Brent's door, and gently pushed it open. Brent was on the phone, but waved them in with a hand that held a cigar. Tim and Dana sat down. Tim noticed with amusement that Dana was looking around her with subtle wonder in her eyes.

  Brent's office was very plush, but never gaudy. He had soft lavender and purple leather furniture, silver and gray accents, along with just enough black to make it masculine, understated and elegant. One wall was a muted silver gray with a huge, fabulous seascape in oil paint centered on it. Another wall had muted geometric paper in the same shades. One small wall was black leather, with a big clock on it. It was quite something.

  Brent was obviously in the middle of some big business deal, and he did not hide it from his visitors. He haggled over millions like it was penny candy, and although Tim was now used to it, Dana was shocked.

  At last, using all his diplomacy and tact, he was able to wrap up his business and get off the phone. He looked at Tim with extreme satisfaction, and grinned.

  "Boy, am I glad to see you. Hang on, Tim, I'll be right with you. I have to finish this up." he explained. He dialed the phone and barked into it. "Marie! Get on the line and get one of the lawyers to amend the contract with Larson's. It'll be ten mil instead of nine, and we'll have it in 90 days instead of 150. I need all the paperwork delivered to Larson's office by close of business tomorrow … No way. Tell them to get it done! If you have a lick of trouble with it, call me right away. All right. Thanks."

  He turned to Tim and sighed as he changed gears. "Timothy, where have you been, and what have you done to Tas
ha?" he growled. Before Tim could answer, he turned and walked over to Dana, and picked up her hand. "And who the heck is this beautiful woman?"

  "My name is Dana." she said, showing incredible fortitude, as far as Tim was concerned. Brent was pouring it on, with those deep, sharp eyes of his, and all his power oozing out of every pore.

  "Incredible. Tim, she's magnificent. Where did you find her?"

  "The first time I can remember, I think she crawled over and stole my cookie.” Tim teased. “My sister, Dana.”

  “Dana. Dana, I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.” he said, his eyes still searching hers deeply.

  Dana just smiled at him, and blushed slightly.

  “Dana, this is Brent Charles, Tasha’s father.” Tim informed her dryly.

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Charles.”

  “Call me Brent. Please. I am absolutely delighted that you’ve come to be my guest.”

  “Well, I suppose I’d better see what I can do with Tasha. I'm afraid I've got her upset with me. Dana, stay here and keep Mr. Charles company, will you?”

  Dana nodded, and looked a bit nervous. Tim winked at her, and left her alone with Brent.

  Once Tim was gone, the office was very quiet and the man sitting beside Dana seemed much more intimidating. He smiled at her affably, though, and crossed his legs.

  “Are you hungry, Dana? I can have Lucinda bring up some coffee, and food.”

  “Oh, no. Thank you, I just finished dinner.”

  He smiled again. “All right. Well, then, tell me about yourself.” he suggested.

  Dana blushed and shook her head. “There’s not much to tell.” she assured him. “I’m just Tim Rain’s little sister.”

  Brent laughed. “I imagine that there is a great deal to tell. You are a skier, like your brother?”

  “Yes.” Dana admitted.

  “You live in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. You work in your brother’s organization. And you are distinctly uncomfortable with me.”

  Dana looked at him with deep suspicion.

  Brent laughed. “I’m sorry, Dana. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to come on strong. It’s just that I’m very attracted to you. I find you extremely beautiful.”

  Dana looked at him as if he’d grown another head.

  “Will you let me take you to the theater tonight? I’d love to spend some time with you, get to know you better. After all, we're going to be kind of related, soon.”

  Dana looked terrified. “Um. I didn’t really bring anything suitable to wear for a formal evening. I’m sorry.”

  Brent kept smiling, not to be deterred. “We’ll go shopping first, then. I’ll buy you something wonderful to wear.”

  Dana looked totally bewildered, and Brent covered her hand with his. “Relax, Dana. I just want to get to know you, and show you a good time. I promise I’ll behave. If I start getting carried away, you let me know. All right?”

  Dana looked at him uncertainly. “All right.” she agreed quietly.

  “Now, tell me about yourself.” he urged again.

  Tim knocked very lightly on Tasha’s door. There was no answer, and it was locked. Sighing, he pulled out his pocket knife and carefully picked the lock. The door swung open, and he went in.

  Tasha was lying on her bed, her hair spread out like a flag behind her. She was in her slip. Sighing, Tim went in and locked the door behind him. Then, he went to the windows, and closed the blinds. He sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at her. He touched her shoulder. She flinched, and pulled away.

  “My darling. Please forgive me.” he said in a husky voice. He waited.

  She seemed frozen. Finally, she began to cry. “You and Gary. You both think you can just treat me like a child, spank me when I’m bad; yell at me and hurt me, and I’m sick of it. After Gary died, I didn’t have to take any crap from anybody! Since you walked into my life, there has been precious little else. Why the hell should I forgive you? I don’t want to!” she snapped bitterly.

  “I suppose I can’t deny that.” he mused. “But I think it will be worth it to you. Think about it, Tasha. Your pride was all that received any injury. You just aren’t used to spankings.”

  "You know, it didn’t really occur to Dana and I how different our background is from yours. We were just following an old family tradition. See, when Dana, Angel or I were really bad, especially in a way that was dangerous, the whole family would line up and tell them why. How it was unsafe, and warn them not to ever do that again. And, everybody got to share in the spankings. By the time your whole family gets done giving you a piece of their mind and spanking you, you know you were wrong and you feel pretty doggone disciplined – but you knew you were loved. It’s definitely humbling, but it’s pretty wonderful, once you get used to the idea.”

  He chuckled. “Man, if you want to be humbled, try getting a spanking from a child. My littlest sister, Angel, did a better job than anyone. Once I rode my dirt bike down the middle of the street, and got hit by a truck. Boy, was it ever my turn to get whacked. To hear what she had to say to me was one of the hardest things I’d ever listened to. She told me how unfair it was of me, to do something that might take her only big brother away from her forever. And it made Mom and Dad cry. And I might never get to have a bike again. I might never grow up to be a daddy.”

  "On and on – boy, could she lay it on thick! I never had to guess what my family was feeling about me, or where I stood. And when somebody needed a spanking, we were never spanked in anger.”

  “The parents had time to cool off while they gathered the family. And the family always did a much better job than just one person could do. It was quite a chastening. You had to just sit there, and listen. One time we even did it to my mom. But I don’t think Dad ever had the pleasure.” he chuckled with respect.

  Tasha sat up and sniffed. “So you didn’t really mean to humiliate me.” she said, uncertainly.

  Tim sighed. “Well, Tasha, there is no doubt that it’s humiliating. But we were more … kind of welcoming you to the family, and warning you that you’d better not put yourself in that kind of danger again. We don’t like being left out.”

  Tasha smiled and bit her lip. “So, are you going to spank me again for leaving the way I did?” she asked in a naughty voice.

  Tim laughed with suspicious apprehension. “I don’t think I ought to try it all by myself. It might turn into something much too pleasant.”

  Tasha giggled, and put her arms around his neck. “Then you’d better kiss me.” she pouted, scooting over onto his lap.

  “Oh, man.” Tim groaned, beginning to sweat. Her soft lips were kissing his throat, his jaw, and her fingers were stroking his back persuasively. “I think we’d better go downstairs.” he managed to say.

  “That sounds like a good idea. And you’d better plan a wedding to take place pretty darn soon, too.” Brent added from the doorway. “You two see if you can disentangle yourselves. I’m going to take this lovely lady shopping and then out on a nice, romantic date. See if you can’t behave yourselves, now.”

  Tim and Tasha gaped at Brent, with Dana glowing under his arm, and then looked at one another in amazement.

  “Bye, you two. Tasha, we’re sorry.” Dana said happily.

  “Bye,” Tasha said faintly.

  “So you have another sister too, Timothy? Angel? I’ve never heard anything about her.” Tasha ventured.

  “Yeah.” Tim agreed woodenly.

  “Why not? What’s the matter? You’d better tell me so I don’t forget, and put my foot in my mouth.” Tasha advised gently.

  Tim shrugged. “Well, it’s nothing that’s talked about at my folks’ house, much. She’s dead.”

  Tasha’s eyebrows went up. She felt her heart constrict.

  “Angel decided it was cute to be wild. She started doing whatever she felt like, when she was ten or eleven. She left home at fifteen, and was dead of a drug overdose at nineteen.”

  “Tim, I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks. So am
I. She was beautiful, and smart. A whole lot of sweetness and potential went down the tube when she died.”

  Tasha put her arms around Timothy, and hugged him tightly. Although it made his blood pressure skyrocket, he let her.

  "You've got company on the way." Brent announced, as Tim sat down to a late breakfast the following day.

  "What? Who?" Tim asked curiously.

  "Well, let's see." Brent sighed. "There is one Michael somebody, and one Bill somebody and one James. Burton, I think."

  Tim rolled his eyes. "Brent, I didn't invite them, I wouldn't impose on you that way." He objected.

  "Oh, I know. I asked them, actually. I love having company. Especially new people, it's very interesting to just observe, you know. These sound like a lively bunch. I've sent Dana out to the airport to pick them up."

  Tim sputtered his tea. "What? They're already here?"

  "Bigger than life. I guess they want to see what you're in for, eh?"

  "Probably want to try to see if they can snatch Tasha away. All three of them are very eligible bachelors and there's a healthy ... well; perhaps more than a healthy sense of competition between Bill and Michael. And of course, my being here is probably a good excuse to ski."

  "No problem." Brent assured him. "They can stay as long as they want to. You all just plan to have a grand time."

  Tasha joined them, wearing a green silk robe that made her eyes glow like green fire. "What's going on?" she asked, kissing her father's cheek and Tim's mouth.

  Tim took a deep breath, and regrouped. "Some of my friends decided to show up at the airport. Dana's on the way with them, I hear."

  "Oh, my. Guess I'd better get dressed, eh?"

  "Yes. And Tasha, please ... don't wear anything too ... you know."

  Tasha turned a teasing eye on him. "Come now, you're not going to start that with me, are you?"

  Tim blushed a little. "No, no, don't get the wrong idea. It's just that these guys -- well, they're ..."

  "Ah. Womanizers." Tasha filled in for him.

  "Well, no ... yes ... kind of." Tim struggled. "You'll see. Just don't throw a bunch of gasoline on the fire, okay?"

  Tasha laughed. "Okay, darling." She agreed sweetly.


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