Lovin' on You

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Lovin' on You Page 13

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Olivia, Cash tells me you’re a freelance graphic designer,” my dad says.

  She smiles politely at him and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. “Yes, I started my own business a year ago, after working with a company for a few years. It was great experience, but I was ready to go off on my own.”

  “That’s impressive,” my father says.

  “Thank you.” I look around and everyone is smiling. They’re terrible at hiding their approval. Not that I think they are actually trying to cover it up.

  We continue to talk throughout dinner, Olivia getting to know my family better and easing into the conversation. She tells about her job and how we met. She jokes about my stunt at Country Fest, and Maddie sighs.

  “I thought that was so romantic,” she says. “We were all dying to know who he was talking about, but then you never showed up, so we stayed curious. Glad it worked out.” She smiles over at Olivia.

  “I was too upset, to think it was romantic.”

  “I thought she was going to beat me up when she finally saw me after the concert,” I laugh. “She was adorable, all pissed off and calling me out.” Olivia shrugs and blushes. I pull her into my side and kiss the top of her head.

  “I guess it worked,” I add.

  “Actually, it was you stalking me,” she teases.

  “Hey! That was a chance run-in,” I defend myself. “I had no idea you would be at that coffee shop.”

  “And you invited yourself to sit at my table as I was trying to work.”

  “My father always taught me to go after what I wanted. Right, Dad?”

  “Absolutely, son.” He wraps his arm around my mom and she giggles. I look around the table and see a family of men hooked on their women.

  We finish eating and say goodbye to my family. I am glad we had time to spend with them, but I am ready to go sleep with Olivia in my arms.

  “I am so proud of you,” she says, as I drive back to her place. She kisses my cheek. She hasn’t stopped expressing how proud she is of the guys and I all night. I reach for her hand and hold it.

  “Thanks.” I smile at her quickly before looking back at the road.

  “Your family is nice, too.”

  “I think they liked you. I know Amy loved you. She gave me the wink of approval.” Olivia chuckles. “She was the first woman to become part of our family, so I know she watches out for us,” I continue.

  “It’s good to have that. It’s nice to have people that aren’t blood who love you like that.”

  “I’m lucky,” I say. Family comes before anything in my life, even music. It’s because of them that I can live out my dream. They did not hesitate to back me up when I told them what I was up to.

  “Do you guys know what Tyler said about your performance?” Olivia asks.

  “Not besides what he said right before he went on stage. I’m sure we’ll hear from Peyton in the morning. He’ll make sure to get feedback from them.” She nods quietly and sinks into the seat, her fingers brushing against my hand.

  “I’m glad you guys are all here,” Peyton says as we sit around his patio. “I was able to talk to Tyler and his manager a bit last night after the show.” We all look at him, waiting for more.

  “So?” Ryder asks.

  Peyton breaks out into a wide smile. “They loved you guys. They loved the show you put on and the way you carry yourselves. Keeping your head on straight is worth it.” He looks over at Ryder, who shrugs with indifference.

  “What did they say?” I ask, sitting on the edge of my seat and leaning forward on the table.

  “Apparently, Tyler had a lot to say, especially about you,” he tells me. I furrow my brows and look at him.

  “What did I do?”

  “I’m not sure, but whatever you two talked about before the concert struck a chord with him. He wants you guys to continue this tour with him. He wants you to permanently open up for him each night.” We are all silent for a second.

  Jason finally speaks. “What?”

  “You guys are going out on the road,” Peyton exclaims. “With Tyler fucking Hunt.”

  “Seriously?” Cole asks.

  “I don’t joke about this stuff. Cash?” He looks over at me.

  “We’re touring?” I ask in disbelief. I knew it would happen, but I didn’t think it would be so soon nor with Tyler.

  “You’re touring,” Peyton confirms.

  “Holy shit.” I lean back on the chair and stare off. This is . . . It’s insane and amazing. The guys are looking at me with concern. “We’re going on tour!” I jump up and they stand with me.

  “Fuck yeah, we are!” Ryder says. We clap each other on the back and I hug Peyton.

  “You did it,” I tell him.

  He shakes his head. “I didn’t do anything. You did it. Those guys did it. I only manage you.”

  “You have no idea how much of this is yours, also. You’re coming with us, right?”

  “Yeah, I need to make sure you boys don’t get too rowdy and let fame get to yours heads before you actually make it big. I already talked to Dee. She’s proud of you boys, too.” I smile at him and give him a quick hug.

  I am in shock when we take our celebratory shots. I am in shock when I leave Peyton’s house and tell Ryder I’ll see him later tonight. I am in shock when I arrive at Olivia’s house without warning. I can’t wait to tell her.

  I see a post on social media with a picture from last night’s dinner. “Cash Knight spotted having a late-night dinner with his family and new girlfriend, Olivia Young. Sorry ladies, seems like this man is seriously off the market.” I chuckle to myself. Hell yeah, I’m off the market.

  I knock on Olivia’s door and wait for her to answer. When she answers her door, I smile widely and kiss her.

  “Hey, babe.” I walk into her townhouse.

  “Hi.” I noticed her voice and turn to look at her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She looks down and then fakes a smile.

  “Bullshit.” I walk closer to her and lift her chin. “Tell me.” My news forgotten by the look in her eyes. Tears fall down her cheeks, and I freeze. What the fuck is going on. “Baby, tell me.”

  “I can’t do this, Cash.”

  “What?” I panic.

  “I’m sorry.” She leans in and kisses me softly, and then turns around. I grab her by the elbow and spin her around.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Did someone say something?” She shakes her head. “Olivia, I need you to talk to me.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought I was ready, but I’m not. I need you to go.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No,” she whispers, tears free falling from her face. Something isn’t right. If anything, last night brought us closer.

  “I came to tell you we’re going on tour with Tyler. He wants us to open for him throughout the length of his tour.”

  She smiles sadly. “That’s great. I’m so proud of you. I knew you’d make it big.”

  “So?” I wait, hoping that triggers something within her.

  “But I still can’t. Go on your tour and continue to be successful. I’m sorry, Cash, but I can’t be a part of it.”

  “I won’t accept that,” I yell.

  “It is what it is,” her voice turns icy and her tears stop. “I need you to leave now.”

  “This is bullshit,” I repeat.

  “Now.” She’s dead serious.

  What the fuck is happening. I feel like she sucker punched me in the gut, leaving me with no air to grasp. Of course not, she’s my air and she’s tearing that away from me. Why? There has to be a reason why and I’ll be damned if I don’t figure it out. Something happened between this morning and now. I leave, knowing I need to give her space, but I’m not giving up. I will find out whatever has gotten into her.

  This was not how I expected to share my news with her. This isn’t what I expected at all. Fuck! I hit my steering wheel. This is not right. I refuse to acce
pt it. I hit the wheel again until my palm is sore and my voice is raspy. I swallow back my emotions and drive home recklessly. Nothing matters if I can’t have her.

  When did my priorities change from music to her?

  When I fell in love with my muse. I grab my phone when it beeps, hoping it’s her.

  Peyton. I sigh.

  Peyton: We leave in the morning. I just spoke with them.

  Fuck. No. I can’t leave when things with Olivia are like this. Maybe Jen knows what happened. I can ask her. I need answers, besides the sad story she gave me. She didn’t even believe that.

  I’ll get my answers, if it’s the last thing I do. Even if it’s from the road.

  “What. The. Fuck.”


  If I pretend I’m asleep, maybe she’ll leave me alone.

  “Get your ass up.” Keep your eyes closed. I feel her shake me. Hard. “Don’t give me this sleeping bullshit.” I turn around to face Jen. “What happened?” She asks through gritted teeth. She wouldn’t understand.

  “With?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “Don’t feed me your bullshit. You know damn well what I’m talking about. He’s a mess. A fucking mess. When he’s supposed to be celebrating a huge milestone, not nursing a broken heart.”

  I flinch. Guilt sets in, but then I remember. I remember why I had to tell Cash what I did.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” I tell her harshly.

  “You’re right. I don’t understand how you can just up and leave the person you love. Not after last night. Not after he’s been completely honest with his feelings and you with yours. Don’t tell me you weren’t feeling it.” Jen is pissed. She’s furious.

  “It has nothing to do with him. What I feel for him is real, but I can’t be with him.”

  “That’s a lame excuse and you know it. I can’t deal with this.” She walks out of the room, slamming my bedroom door. I jump back at the force. Then, I sink back under the covers, willing the darkness to swallow me. No one would understand.

  Sleep. I just want to sleep.

  I guess my fantasy ended and my carriage turned back into a pumpkin. The horse guiding my way back to the mice, and my prince left in the confusion of it all. I got too caught up with Cash and our relationship. I allowed it to be too good to be true, but there’s always a villain in every story. The villain in mine appeared and took my happiness with him. It’s either that or Cash’s reputation. I was not about to let that get ruined over my stupidity.

  I’m tired of crying. I have been going through a combination of emotions since yesterday morning after Cash left my house to meet with Peyton. From bliss, to shock, to disgust. The final blow, devastation. I throw my phone against my wall, allowing the glass to shatter into a million pieces. I don’t ever want to have to look at that screen.

  “Agghhhhhh!” I punch the wall behind my bed. I yell. I scream like a madwoman, and I couldn’t care less who sees me like this. I punch and punch, breaking the skin on the side of my hand and leaving my voice hoarse and sore.

  I switch hands and hit the wall more, anger surging through me as reality sinks in. Then, I drop onto my bed and sob as I bite my lower lip trying to suppress what I can no longer control.

  Hours later, I feel my bed sink and arms wrap around me. I begin to cry again.

  “Shh . . . It’s okay, Liv. Tell me what happened,” Bri says softly. I turn around and hug her, the tears falling stronger now. I hiccup and wipe my nose with my shirt. I sit on the bed and look at my best friend.


  Bri exhales and examines my hands. I take them back in shame and hide them under the covers. All the fight left in me gone.

  “What did he do?” she draws out, her eyes ready to fight.

  “He has pictures and video. He blackmailed me. I got an email from him with a few attachments, one of them a clear video of me giving him a blowjob, my face and name exposed. He has pictures of us fucking.” I blubber. “He told me if I didn’t end things with Cash, he would post them. He would make sure everyone knew what a slut I was.”

  “You’re not a slut.”

  “I know that, but the world doesn’t, especially after what happened between him and Cash. He was ready to throw that shit out there to ruin what Cash and I had.”

  “Why didn’t you tell Cash what was going on?”

  “Seriously? If Nathan was willing to blackmail me, wouldn’t you think that meant not telling Cash his plan? If I did, he said he would post it. Cash would have confronted him. I either break his heart to save his reputation, or I keep it and ruin it.”

  “There’s no way that fucker could get away with that. Isn’t it illegal to have that stuff.”

  I shake my head. “It was done with my consent, I just never thought he would turn around and fuck me over with it. It was supposed to be private, between us. I can’t have that getting out. My parents will see it. Cash’s family. My own reputation as a designer will be fucked.”

  “I’m going to kill him. We need a plan.” Bri stands and begins to pace my room. “I won’t let him get away with this. He has to have some dirty laundry we can throw back his way. Something. Where’s your laptop? It’s time to do some digging.”

  I sit on my bed, staring into nothing as Bri types on my computer. She’s talking, but I don’t hear her. All I can think about is Cash. The look on his face when I told him I was done last night. The excitement of him leaving on tour destroyed by me is painful. I wish I could tell him, but he would find Nathan and fight him. Nathan would know, and we would both face the consequences. When the fuck did Nathan become vengeful?

  He’s a pussy. That’s what he is. An unhappy pussy. He should just move on with his life instead of staying stuck in the shithole he’s in and ruining other people’s happiness, as well.

  “Do you have the video? I need to see if it’s as bad as you’re making it out to be.”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to see it. I don’t need anyone seeing me in action.”

  “This isn’t some sick request, Liv. We need to know what we’re up against. If it’s possible to deny that it’s you and just a way for Nathan to ruin you.”

  “It’s me, no denying it.”

  “Show it to me.” I breathe in and open my email.

  “I’m going to shower while you watch it. I will puke if I have to see it again.” I walk into the bathroom leaving her alone. Embarrassment sets as the images flow behind my eyelids. I run to the toilet and dry heave. My heart is racing, my hands are cold, and my skin is clammy. I pray that Bri could figure something out, because I’m all out of hope. I have a feeling Nathan will not give up. Cash is the beginning, and he will do the same with any other guy. Not that I’ll ever want anyone else. It’s not only my relationship that he’s jeopardizing; it’s my life, as well.

  He has betrayed my respect. In the time I have known him, I never thought he could succumb to such low levels. Jealousy makes people ugly and hatred makes them insane.

  “Any luck?” My voice is raspy. Bri shakes her head, and I sink into the edge of the bed. “There’s nothing to do. Just accept it and let go.”

  “Part of his plan isn’t for you to go out with him, right?” Bri looks at me, concerned.

  “No. He thinks that once Cash is out of the picture I’ll remember how great we were together and go to him on my own.”

  “You’re not serious. Did he think this whole year since you guys broke up was just for fun?”

  “I guess he thought I would eventually realize we were right for each other.” I shrug.

  “So he’s going to control you by holding these images over your head?” I nod. “Bull. Shit,” she says angrily. “I’ll give him a piece of my mind.”

  “Bri, you can’t.” I grip her arm, my eyes wide. “Anyone approaches him, those images go public. He was already approached by one of those sleazy gossip magazines looking for a good story about me.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Does it look like I

  “How does he win in all of this?”

  “He doesn’t.” I look up at the ceiling. “He doesn’t win. If he thinks this will bring us together again, he’s an asshat.”

  “Liv, I’m sorry but that douche deserves revenge.”

  “Tell me how, and I’ll do it. If I could cut his balls off while he sleeps, I would. Then, I would photograph it and post that shit on social media.” Bri laughs sympathetically and I groan.

  “Cash must hate me. He must think I’m not the person he thought I was. I just hope he somehow realizes something was off. I hope he still believes I love him.”

  “I refuse to let Nathan have power over you like this. We need to feed him his own medicine. What if we get video of him?”

  “How?” Now I laugh at the ridiculousness. “He comes out in the images. He’s proud of it.”

  “Because it’s with you. We need something. Does he pay hookers for sex?” she asks.

  I shiver. “Gross. How the hell would I know?”

  “I don’t know. I’m thinking out loud.”

  “Well, none of that would work. And there’s no reasoning with him. I tried. It’s not like I just accepted his terms.”

  “I know.” Her voice lowers an octave. “Get rest. We’ll figure this out soon.” She hugs me tightly and soothes my back. “We’ll figure this out, Liv.”

  I lie in bed when Bri leaves and try to sleep. I need to work tomorrow and be on top of my game. I cannot let this ruin my career as well.

  For the last two weeks, I have tried to not think about what happened with Nathan, but I can’t. It pops into my head randomly, reminding me of what a shit hole my life has turned into. I had to buy a new phone and decided to get a new number, also, so he cannot reach me at all. I closed my e-mail account and opened a new one. The only one that remained the same is my work e-mail, and he does not know that one. There are other ways of him contacting me, like social media, but it will put him more on the hunt.


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