Restored (Shattered #2)

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Restored (Shattered #2) Page 2

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Come on Leah,” Andrea, one of my relay team teammates begged. “You know we have three weeks off before our next set of trials. Come out with us tonight.”

  “I don’t know,” I glanced around looking for Will. I knew he’d be on my side and tell Andy no.

  “Just for a little while,” she prodded just as Will walked up. “Right Will?

  “Right about what?” he placed his arm around my shoulder and tugged me closer to him as he pressed a kiss to my temple.

  “We’re going out tonight, and I want Leah to come, but she’s being LAME!” she rolled her eyes at us.

  Will chuckled, “Why not?” He glanced at me, “I’ll go too.” He leaned closer to my ears as he whispered, “You can come home with me tonight. We’ll have the apartment to ourselves.”

  A shiver ran through me as I peered at him out of the corner of my eye, “Really?”

  Will had never offered to let me stay over. We’d been dating for six months, and whenever things had gotten heated he’d push me away. I had always thought he just didn’t want to sleep with me.

  “Really,” he leaned in and nipped my lobe before soothing it with his tongue. “I’m tired of waiting. I wanna be with you. I can take my time tonight.”

  “Alright, I’ll go,” I rolled my eyes at Andy before giggling.

  “You two make me want to gag,” Andy laughed as she turned away from us. “Meet at my place at ten.”

  “See you later,” I called as she walked away.

  If I had known then that going out that night was going to end my career, I would have never even considered it. After we had partied into the wee hours of the morning, I’d climbed into Will’s car to head to his place. On the way there, I was stupidly distracting him by rubbing all over him, and BAM! A truck came out of nowhere and T-boned us on the passenger side. I was pinned in the car for several hours as the medics worked to free me. My foot was so mangled the doctors weren’t sure they’d be able to save it. My running career was over. I had ended it the moment I had tuned out my instincts and gone out partying. Will was innocent in the whole thing, but I blamed him. Over the next several months, the distance between us grew, and I began finding reasons not to be around him. As I went through the surgeries, and numerous rehabs, I convinced myself that I didn’t love him. When I finally left Atlanta, I thought I’d left this part of me behind. Coming back to Pittsford and my old life seemed like the answer.

  After Nick had confessed his desire to leave, he sent me back to that place I thought I’d left behind in Atlanta, that place of uncertainty. The one where everyone wanted something from me, and didn’t care how I felt about it. Of course, me being stubborn only amplified my feelings. I had pushed Nick away, and now just like I’d done to Will a year ago, Nick was gone.

  Will, on the other hand, had come after me. The one person I thought I would never see again came waltzing into my father’s shop. He’d grinned at me like a fool as he asked me what the specials were. When my mouth had dropped open in surprise, he only laughed as he strode forward and wrapped me in a hug. Now, two weeks later, and it was like we were never apart. My heartbreak from Nick was slowly fading, and Will was becoming the center of my world. The more time we spent together, the more I began to think about what Avery had said last fall, maybe Nick and I weren’t meant to be together. Maybe Will was the one…

  Chapter 2


  As the hot summer sun beat down on me, I couldn’t help but think about jumping into the ocean as soon as I got back to my house. These summer football camps were torturous at best. I hated them as a coach as much as I had hated them as a player. The way the pads insulated you…it was like wrapping yourself in plastic to bake.

  While I was able to stand here on the sidelines with my clipboard in hand, my players, on the other hand, had been dropping like flies lately. It was almost painful to watch. The ninety degree days seemed to be unending this season, and the nights weren’t much better. I had attempted to hold night practices under the lights, but the heat wasn’t any better and at night we had to deal with the bugs.

  I know I sound like a total chick. I was never one to complain when I was playing. Now though, now I’m under more pressure than I’ve ever felt. Last season we had a winning record, but weren’t given a bowl bid. This season…well this season I think the athletic department is expecting miracles. They had recruited this kid, Jaxon before I came here. This kid…I’m telling you…he’s me seven years ago. He is where I used to be…cocky and self-assured, and fucking brilliant on the field. I’m not sure how I’m going to get him to be a team player though. He came from a wealthy town up north. You know…where it’s not this hot in the summer. This kid doesn’t get that when you go to the NFL you might not get a team that’s in an area where you have great weather. He’s good, but not good enough to be that choosy. I’ve been beating my head against the wall for days trying to come up with a way to get through to him.

  “Jaxon,” I yelled across the field. He had his helmet off and was running his hand through his sweaty hair.

  “Yeah coach,” Jaxon came jogging over to me.

  “You need to hydrate better,” I tossed him a water bottle and turned toward the bench.

  “I’m fine,” he grumbled.

  “Excuse me?” I turned on him and narrowed my eyes.

  “I said I’m fine,” he tossed his helmet toward the team bench.

  “You better check yourself kid. This isn’t high school. You better show some respect or you’re going to sitting your ass on the bench for the first game,” I growled as I slammed the clipboard down on top of the cooler.

  “You can’t bench me!” his face reddened as he stood in front of me and leaned in.

  “I can do whatever the hell I want. This is my team,” I barked back.

  The truth was I couldn’t really do whatever I wanted, but I could make him miserable that was for sure. He needed to learn his place, and I was going to put him there if it was the last thing I did.

  As Jaxon huffed back onto the field, I called the rest of the team over, “great job today guys. I know it’s hot, and most of you are probably dying to get a cold shower right about now. We’ve had a great week. Seeing that it’s Friday, and you guys have worked so hard, we’re cancelling night practice.” A collective sigh was emitted from the team as a few sank down onto a knee. “If you can continue to give me one hundred and ten percent, we’ll cut back and make this our last two-a-day.”

  “Thanks Coach,” a few seniors uttered from the group. “You can count on us.”

  “Great! That’s what I want to hear. Now…hit the showers, and I’ll see you Monday bright and early.”


  As I made the drive back to my house, I let my mind wander. Things had changed so much in my life lately, and I couldn’t help thinking about where I’d be if I hadn’t taken this job. Training camp had to be going on at home now too. I wondered if my old assistant, Coach Monroe, was having a good season so far. He’d been my right hand when I was at Pittsford High, and I knew he’d do fine taking my place after I left.

  When I pulled into the driveway, I stepped out at looked up at the house that I’d been living in for the last six months. I still couldn’t believe that I lived on the beach. Leah would love this place. Running on the beach each morning. Eating breakfast on the balcony overlooking the ocean. I had a great setup. Well, great if you considered living alone, and missing the one person who made you feel whole.

  I’d thought about going back, thought about demanding that she talk to me that she let me explain why I did what I did. The more I tried to make sense of what happened to us, the more frustrated I got with myself. I was the one who let Becca come home with me. I was the one who slept with her. I was the one who completely destroyed the one person who loved me with all her heart. There have been others since I moved here. I mean, no one that meant anything, but I’m trying to move on.

  “You look like shit!” came a yell from behi
nd me.

  I whirled around to see my neighbor grinning back at me, “Hey Callie.”

  “I’m coming over to swim if that offer still stands,” she giggled as she wrinkled her nose. “You should really shower, ugh!”

  “Yes, if you want to swim, go ahead. I am going to shower, and eat something. Wanna join me for dinner?” It sounded like a date, but I knew nothing would happen with Callie and myself. She had a boyfriend, a very large NFL boyfriend who would beat the shit out me if I touched her. We’d met right as I was moving in, and she’d introduced us.

  “You must be my new neighbor,” a voice came from behind me as I pulled another box from the U-Haul. When I turned around, a petite, blonde was staring wide-eyed at me.

  “Yeah,” I wiped my hands on my jeans, and then reached to shake her hand, “I’m Nick.”

  “Callie,” she shook my hand and jerked her head toward the house next door. “I live over there with my boyfriend. Do you need any help with the big stuff? I could ask him to come over.”

  “Umm,” I stuttered slightly but recovered, “that would be great, thanks.”

  As she walked away toward her back door, Cam emerged from the back of the truck, “Dude! She has a boyfriend.”

  “And?” I cocked my head to the side before glancing back in the direction that Callie had disappeared to. “Did you see her?”

  “Yep,” he popped the P. “I also heard her loud and clear. She said boyfriend, and she offered his help.”

  “Well…now I can size up the competition,” I grinned at Cam as he shook his head.

  “What about Leah?” he mumbled.

  “What about her?” I glared at him. “I called her six times last week after I bought this house. She didn’t answer or call me back. She’s not going to forgive me. Just let it go, ok?”

  “Fine,” he sighed. “She hasn’t been the same since you left. I hope you know that.”

  “Cam…I’m warning you,” I narrowed my eyes at him. I did not want to talk about Leah, especially with a hot little blonde next door. Attached or not, she would be mine by the summer.

  “Help is here,” I heard her sweet voice from behind me before a deeper, manlier voice followed.

  “What can I do to help?” came the deep voice.

  I turned around to introduce myself, and came face first with a giant. I was no slouch being six-two, but this guy was huge. I stepped back and glanced up as my mouth dropped open. “You’re…”

  “Dwayne Hardy,” the giant chuckled at me.

  “Holy Shit!” Cam laughed and threw his head back. “You live next door to Dwayne Hardy? This is so fucking awesome.”

  “Cam could you tone it down a little? You sound like some fan-girl,” I rolled my eyes at him before turning back to Dwayne. “Don’t mind him,” I shook my head and thrust my hand out to him, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “He gets that a lot,” Callie giggled. “This is our summer place. He’s only visiting for the weekend. Preseason games start soon.”

  Dwayne was an offensive lineman for Panthers, and a kickass one too. He’d been drafted three years ago in the first round, and had held up to the hype that he’d created during the draft.

  “So…what do you need help with?” he chuckled.

  “The couch,” I groaned. “If I can get my brother off of it…I need to get it up those stairs.”

  “I think we can manage,” he smiled and moved to grab one end.

  I sighed as I realized, Dwayne was a stand-up guy. No way was I getting Callie in my bed now.

  Here, I was six months later, having dinner with the girl that was every man’s fantasy, and I couldn’t touch her. Callie had become a fixture in my pool, and we shared meals all the time during football season. Dwayne came home when he could, but right now he was at training camp getting ready for the season. Callie stayed at the beach house because she was still in school at UNC-Wilmington. We saw each other all the time, and I constantly had to remind myself that she was off limits.


  “Can I borrow a towel?” Callie called from the porch. “I forgot mine.”

  “Yeah…just a minute,” I had just stepped out of the shower and was drying off. Once I pulled on a pair of mesh shorts, I rounded the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. I’d seen Callie in some pretty skimpy bikinis, but this one took the cake.

  There she stood, dripping wet on my porch with little more than a ribbon covering her. Her tits were barely being contained in the top she was wearing, and the bottoms made it quite obvious that she waxed.

  “Here,” I thrust the towel toward her as I turned away. I couldn’t have her…I knew that, but my body…it wanted her. It was reacting without my permission, and I needed to put as much distance as I could between us.

  “What’s going on with you today,” she smiled as she rubbed that towel over her tanned body.

  “Nothing,” I grumbled as I began to rummage through the fridge.

  “You seemed troubled about something. Anything I can help with?” she wrapped the towel around her middle and made her way into my living room.

  “No…not really,” tumbled out of my mouth. I’d trained myself to tell her no anytime she asked me if she could do something. What I really wanted was for her to strip out of that bikini and let me lick her entire body. I knew that wasn’t happening, so I fought to keep as much indifference in my voice as I could. “I’m fine. Why don’t you change and meet me on the balcony in a bit? I’ll grill tonight.”

  “Sounds great! Here’s your towel back,” she tossed it over one of my kitchen chairs as she made her way to the slider. I told myself not to look, but being the masochist that I am, I did. The sway of her hips in those tiny bottoms sent me striding to the bathroom to take care of myself. I knew that if I didn’t, I’d never make it through dinner. Yep…it seemed I was into self-torture lately, calling Leah and now eating regular meals with a girl I could never have but was insanely attracted to. Something had to be wrong with me. Who in their right mind would want this?

  Chapter 3


  Business had been slow lately at the pizza shop, so my dad had me working less and less. Will had been traveling back and forth between Atlanta and Pittsford trying to split time between his job and being with me, but increasing solitude brought with it loneliness. The long distance relationship was starting to wear on me, but I had told him I would give it a chance. I wanted it to work, but I missed him.

  Avery had been spending more and more time with Logan recently, so our house had been sort of a cave for me. Most days, if Will was gone, I hung out by myself. The backyard had turned into my haven of solitude. I would get up most mornings, have my breakfast, and make my way outside. The sun hit the backyard just right creating optimum tanning conditions. Over the course of the summer, my skin was turning a beautiful bronze.

  Today was no exception to the norm. After eating a bowl of cereal, I grabbed a towel and leisurely made my way out to the backyard. I was hoping to enjoy the last bits of summer before fall made an appearance. It was only August, but fall in North Carolina had a habit of surprising you. Sometimes you would have a hot day followed by a cool one. The fact that hurricane season was just around the corner didn’t go unnoticed either.

  As I was spreading out my towel, my phone began buzzing. I had no idea who would be calling me this early. Usually my dad was working on the receipts from the night before, and Avery was sleeping…somewhere. When I glanced down at the screen, and saw whom it was, my face lit up.

  “Hey!” I squealed into the phone. “I didn’t expect to hear from you today.”

  “I missed you,” Will’s soft voice came through the line.

  “Awww, I miss you too,” I flopped down on the towel as a grin began to stretch across my face. “Everything ok?”

  “Yeah…fine…I just wanted to talk to you while I have a minute. I got a new assignment,” he paused, and I could hear the tension in his breathing.

  “Will? What’s wr
ong?” I knew he was worried, I just didn’t know what he was worried about.

  “Nothing,” he murmured. “I just don’t want things to change right now, and this new assignment is going to change them.”

  “Change them how?” I sat up as my smile faltered. I didn’t like where this conversation was going.

  “Leah…they asked me to help recruit. You know…go with the coaches and scout?” he sighed. “It means traveling…a lot.”

  “Oh,” my excitement for his call deflated as quickly as it had come. This meant more time apart. Will on the road, all over the country, with me here…alone. “It’ll be ok,” I reassured him. “We’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” he hedged. “I hate being away now. This means more of that.”

  “I get it Will. This is a great opportunity for you. This means so much to your career. We’ll make it work,” I fought to hold my voice steady. It was breaking my heart to act like this was no big deal that the idea of Will being away all the time was ok with me that I’d be fine and would take the time I get with him as just that.

  “I haven’t told them yes yet. I wanted to talk to you first,” the unsureness in his voice firmed my resolve.

  “Tell them yes. Tell them you’d love to do it. We’ll make it work,” I could hear the tightness of my throat as I forced the words out, but I knew this was for the best. We would make it work. I was not going to let my selfishness break up another amazing relationship. Me wanting Nick to stay last fall ultimately drove us apart. Now, Will had an opportunity to better his career. I was not going to make the same mistake.

  “I do have some good news for you,” he brought me out of my thoughts. “My first scouting job is this weekend, and I thought you might want to come with me. It’s in North Carolina, not far from Pittsford. We could make a little mini-vacation out of it. You and me…on the beach…sound nice?”

  “Sounds wonderful,” I sighed. Will chuckled on the other end, and as what he said began to sink in, reality slapped me in the face. “Did you say beach?”


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