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Lord of the White Hell Book One lotwh-1

Page 31

by Ginn Hale

  Kiram found it agonizing to watch Hierro pick and nick the Sagrada student's defenses further. It was like watching a cat play with an injured bird. At last when the Sagrada student crumpled to his knees, unable to lift his sword much less his shield, Heirro delivered a single winning blow.

  Javier seized his own victory a moment later and he moved now as if he were dancing, making the swift, triumphant thrust look as easy as a bow.

  As soon as the judge declared his victory, Javier shoved his visor up from his face and grinned at Kiram. Kiram went to his side. He took Javier's sword and inspected his armor.

  "When you're fighting Hierro you're going to have to guard your joints," Kiram told him. "And Elezar…He's really strong."

  "Yfes, I have noticed that from time to time." Javier laughed.

  "He picked up a man in full armor and threw him out of the dueling ring."

  Javier raised his brows and glanced across the dueling rings to Elezar. "Who knew he was such a grandstander? But even he has to tire out sooner of later. Anything else you can tell me about Hierro?"

  "He's very precise and doesn't extend himself for a killing strike until he's worn his opponent down. His defense looked really tight. The other Yllar students are conceding to him, of course, so he's probably nowhere near as tired as most of the Sagrada students."

  "The usual Yllar strategy." Javier flipped his visor back down and took his long sword from Kiram. "Keep watching them."

  A new opponent entered Javier's ring and Kiram hurried out. The next two fights went quickly. Lower ranking students were eliminated and withdrew to the stands, leaving many of the dueling rings empty. Soon, only four undefeated men remained: Hierro and another Yillar student, Elezar and Javier.

  Master Ignacio and the Yllar war master called for a parley and met with two judges. Kiram saw them write names onto slips of paper and then hand them over to the judges. A moment later one of the judges approached Javier and bid him to choose from the three pieces of folded paper in his hand. Javier took one, unfolded it, and grimaced.

  He read the name aloud. "Elezar Grunito."

  Kiram's heart sank. Elezar scowled but both Hierro and his fellow Yllar student grinned at each other. Elezar and his squire, Ollivar, walked to Javier's dueling circle.

  "Long sword and shield." Javier's left arm trembled slightly as he accepted the heavy shield. Kiram tried not to think of the wound running along Javier's wrist.

  Elezar chose his long sword, which he held in his right hand, and his short blade, wielded by his left. He regarded Javier evenly, then asked, "Sure you're up to this?"

  Despite his joking tone, serious worry showed in his expression. He had to know that Javier had been given muerate poison.

  Javier arched a brow. "Well, I might suffer a little guilt after I beat your ass into the ground but I think I'll be able to deal with it."

  "All right then, Tornesal. No mercy." Elezar closed his visor. Javier followed suit.

  The judge gave his signal and they charged each other. Elezar's blade smashed into Javier's shield, embedding into the black sun and driving Javier back several feet. Javier released his shield, letting its weight pull Elezar's long sword down. He lunged forward, aiming a blow at Elezar's chest. Elezar blocked with his short sword and then swung his long sword, with Javier's shield still dangling from it, into Javier's side. The blow sent Javier stumbling and threw Javier's shield out across the grounds. Kiram sprinted out to retrieve it. A roar went up from the crowd.

  While Elezar and Javier circled and pounded each other with deafening blows, Hierro and his fellow Yillar student flipped a coin. Hierro remained in his dueling circle. The other Yllar student bowed to him graciously and stepped out of it.

  "Shield!" Javier shouted and Kiram sprinted into the dueling ring. He thrust the shield up and Javier raised it just in time to block another of Elezar's resounding blows. Splinters of the shield and Elezar's blade flashed as they flew through the air and fell to the dirt floor.

  This close Kiram could smell both sweat and blood emanating from beneath Javier's armor.

  "Out of the ring!" Javier commanded. Kiram darted away.

  A moment later, Elezar hammered his long sword through Javier's shield, cracking his blade apart as he rended the shield in two. Elezar hurled the broken long sword at Javier and then thrust at him with his short blade. Javier dodged the long sword but barely blocked the thrust of Elezar's shortsword. Sparks skipped across the both Javier's and Elezar's blades as the edges ripped into each other. Kiram and Ollivar raced back to the stands to secure other shields and swords.

  Elezar broke blades and cracked shields, but he rarely landed a direct blow to Javier's head or chest. In his own way Javier fought as relentlessly as Elezar. He drove in again and again, enduring the savage blows, to land swift strikes. He moved fast and struck from behind when he could. They crashed together and when their blades broke, they pounded each other with their armored fists.

  Kiram watched with growing horror as the duel dragged on. Dirt and blood streaked their armor. Javier's left arm hung in a disturbingly lifeless manner. Elezar limped noticeably. And yet neither of them relented.

  Hierro and the other Yllar student both looked bored. Their squires brought them water and little bowls of cut fruit. Some people in the stands roared and cheered but many simply stared in silent awe as Javier and Elezar steadily ground each other to exhaustion.

  When the end came it was clumsy and brutal. Elezar punched his blade through the left shoulder of Javier's armor. Javier caught the blade and jerked Elezar forward onto his own cracked short sword. Blood poured from Javier's shoulder, but his blade drove into Elezar's breastplate, shattering the enamel bull there.

  "Tornesal!" the judge shouted.

  Elezar released his blade at once and stumbled back. Javier fell to his knees, curling his hands around his bloody shoulder.

  Kiram rushed into the ring and knelt beside him. He reached out to free Javier from his armor but Javier pulled back from him.

  "I'll be fine," Javier said even before Kiram could ask. "It's just a scratch."

  "Let me help you back to the stands. Scholar Donamillo should-"

  "It's fine!" Javier growled.

  "Javier?" Elezar's voice was tremulous, almost frightened. He knelt down beside Kiram.

  "What?" Javier snapped his visor open with his right hand. Annoyance more than pain showed on his face.

  "I didn't mean to-" Elezar broke off. "I was sure you'd dodge."

  "I know. That's why I won, you idiot." Javier rolled his eyes. "For God's sake pull yourselves together, both of you. We still have to beat those smug Yillar bastards."

  "Right." Elezar straightened slowly. "We'll take them down."

  Javier pushed himself up to his feet and Kiram moved to his side, steadying him.

  "I'm fine," Javier said.

  "So you've said," Kiram replied. "And I still don't believe you."

  Javier winced and pulled his head back slightly.

  "You see," Kiram said. "You're hurt."

  "No, I'm not," Javier replied. "It was just your medallion. It was flashing right into my eyes."

  "Sorry." Kiram caught his lotus medallion. As he tucked it into his collar, bright afternoon sunlight reflected off its golden surface and briefly flashed across the dirt.

  "Is there anything you need?" Kiram asked.

  "Another long sword but not a heavy one. Ask Master Ignacio for a cielyo. Hurry."

  Kiram went and procured the sword, though Master Ignacio gave him an odd look when he asked for it and questioned the wisdom of Javier's decision more than once before handing the thing over.

  The ceilyo's hilt and pommel were small, delicate and engraved with a curling ivy motif. It weighed less than even a short sword and just carrying it back across the grounds Kiram felt the thin blade flex and bounce with his steps. Elezar would have snapped such a sword in half. But Hierro fought in a much more restrained manner. And looking at Javier, Kiram knew he wa
s too exhausted to wield the weight of a normal long sword. At the same time a short sword wouldn't offer the range Javier needed to fight a man with Hierro's reach and speed.

  "Cielyo blade." Kiram handed it to Javier. "Master Ignacio told me to tell you that it's the only one he brought and you're a fool if you think it will hold up for long against a real sword."

  "Did he?" Javier didn't sound surprised. "I suppose he expects me to be dancing around with a broadsword after that match with Elezar."

  "If he does then he's an ass." Kiram hated how much Master Ignacio's opinion seemed to matter to Javier.

  "Refreshingly honest as always, Kiram."

  "Well, he is," Kiram replied but he didn't go on.

  Hierro strolled into Javier's dueling ring with his squire, Ariz, following silently behind. When Hierro held out his hand Ariz provided him with a long sword. Hierro waved aside the proffered shield.

  "You know, Tornesal," Hierro called to Javier, "there is no shame in accepting second place."

  "Of course there isn't, cousin," Javier replied. "If you wish to forfeit to me, I would accept your surrender with the utmost respect."

  Hierro smirked at the response and shook his head.

  "Some men can't be saved from themselves," Hierro commented.

  "No, indeed not," Javier agreed then he turned to Kiram and spoke quietly. "If I call for my shield, I'll need it and my short sword right away."

  Kiram nodded, then he and Ariz withdrew from the dueling ring. Across the grounds, Elezar and his Yllar opponent began their duel with a resounding crash of metal. Javier and Hierro, on the other hand, circled each other in silence. Suddenly Javier lunged forward, thrusting in for Hierro's stomach. Hierro blocked the blow. Javier's cielyo blade bowed back and Javier suddenly flicked the blade up, making it strike Hierro's extended arm like a whip.

  Hierro jerked back as blood spilled from his slashed palm and wrist. Javier drove after him and for an instant Kiram though he might win the duel in this one attack. Then Hierro took his blade in his left hand and deftly drove Javier back. This time, when Javier flicked the cielyo's flexible blade, Hierro parried before it could touch him. He blocked four of Javier's attacks and then scored two hard blows of his own. The cielyo did little to slow Hierro's heavier sword and Javier was forced to bound back to the edge of the dueling ring to keep Hierro from scoring a deadly blow against him.

  Kiram felt a terrible dread, realizing that Hierro was not only better rested than Javier but he was also a master swordsman and apparently ambidextrous. He assailed Javier as precisely as he had his previous opponents, raining blows down against Javier's elbows, shoulders, and knees. All with his left hand. Blood poured from Javier's left shoulder.

  "Shield!" Javier bellowed.

  Kiram leapt forward and then suddenly something caught his foot. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ariz, and then he fell. Javier's shield and short sword skidded across the ground. Kiram lifted his face from the dirt to see Javier collapse to his knees. Hierro arched over him, sunlight flashed across the edge of his blade.

  Kiram gripped his lotus medallion and turned it to catch the bright light, reflecting it at Hierro's face. He flinched as the light flashed in his eyes and Javier drove his sword into the swan emblazoned over Hierro's heart.

  "Tornesal!" the judge shouted. For an instant Hierro seemed too stunned to move. Then he simply bowed his head to Javier and stepped back from him.

  In the stands the crowd leapt to its feet with a mighty roar and the prince's trumpets sounded loud triumphant notes.

  Kiram scrambled to his feet and went to Javier. As he helped Javier get out of his helmet and onto his feet Javier leaned into him, whispering, "You have to be the sneakiest, most brilliant young man it has ever been my pleasure to know."

  Kiram felt as if his chest would burst with pride at Javier's words.

  "You're welcome,' Kiram replied.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Javier's left arm hung in a sling and dark bruises colored both his hands. Yet he beamed as he knelt before Prince Sevanyo and accepted the gold cloak and circlet of a Grand Champion. Hierro received a silver circlet as did Elezar, both of them winning the title Honorable Champion. The three of them stood and Prince Sevanyo bade the crowd to recognize the brave sons of Cadeleon, the defenders of the kingdom.

  Though the throngs of people gathered in the stands were of far different classes, from common laborers and servants, to merchants and nobles, they all cheered raucously. A deafening roar burst across the stands and didn't fade. From his vantage point in the Grunito box, Kiram could see the slightest discomfort in Javier's stance. He was used to being respected and certainly feared, but this kind of broad admiration was not common for him. Kiram shouted his name as loudly as he could. Beside him, Nestor grinned and clapped like a madman.

  At last Prince Sevanyo raised his gloved hands and the crowds in the gold pavilion quieted. Javier, Elezar, and Hierro returned to their seats in the stands and the prince spoke briefly on the subject of valor. Javier crumpled down into the seat next to Kiram. Elezar dropped down on the other side of Javier. Both fighters looked exhausted and pleased with themselves. When the prince led the crowd in a prayer, neither Elezar nor Javier opened their eyes, just mouthed the words as if saying them in their sleep.

  Kiram bowed his head in respectful silence. He felt Javier's fingers brush against his hand, tracing the sensitive curves of his fingers. The prayer ended and Javier withdrew his touch.

  "You're feeling better?" Kiram asked him.

  "Good as new." Javier gave him a crooked smile. Kiram was in no way fooled, but the faint white flashes that flickered through Javier's bandages assured him that Javier would soon recover.

  "I'm all right too. Thanks for asking." Elezar slowly flexed his bandaged knee and scowled.

  "Shouldn't Ollivar be attending you?" Kiram hadn't seen Ollivar since all four of them had dragged themselves to Scholar Donamillo to have their respective sprains, cuts, and bruises treated.

  "Scholar Donamillo kept him. He got a nasty bump when that last Yllar bastard flew out the dueling ring and landed right on top of him," Elezar replied with a pleased smile.

  "You could have aimed him a little better, don't you think?" Javier asked.

  Elezar shrugged. "Too much blood in my eyes. Anyway, Ollivar will be fine. He might miss out on the evening's festivities, but he'll live."

  "He might not want to when he finds out he missed his chance to dance with the prettiest girls in the city." Nestor stole a quick glance across the stands to Riossa. "You're coming to my mother's party, aren't you, Javier?"

  "I'll be there, despite the pretty girls and their glowering mothers," Javier replied. "I'm bringing Kiram to use as a human shield, in fact."

  Elezar snorted and Nestor frowned. Kiram just rolled his eyes.

  "Some Grand Champion, hiding behind a scrawny Haldiim from a bunch of girls." Kiram was cut off when Master Ignacio chose that moment to call all of the Sagrada students out onto the grounds. They and their Yillar adversaries marched past each other, briefly grasping hands in ceremonial friendship as they crossed the grounds and left the gold pavilion to a theatre troupe.

  Master Ignacio informed them that he expected to see them all back at the school in time for afternoon chapel tomorrow and warned them not to sully honor won in battle with poor behavior off the field. Then, to Kiram's surprise, Master Ignacio dismissed them to enjoy the rest of the day as they pleased.

  For Javier, that meant an afternoon nap. Kiram joined him, dozing on the bed fully dressed. As they slept their bodies sought each other. When a servant's knock at the door roused them, they woke with their arms entangled and their faces bowed together. Kiram jerked back guiltily and almost fell off the bed.

  "I locked the door, though God knows no one would come in even if it weren't locked." Then he raised his voice and shouted towards the dark wood door, "What is it?"

  "You instructed that you should be woken before fifth bell, m
y lord." The servant called politely through the closed door.

  Javier rose and opened the door. "Have water heated. My underclassman and I will both require baths. Oh, and Kiram will need some other clothes to wear to Lady Grunito's celebration. See what you can find of mine that might fit him."

  "As you wish, my lord." The servant spoke without lifting his gaze to Javier's face and bowed deeply before departing to prepare the baths.

  "I do have clothes of my own, you know," Kiram said.

  "Yss, but I'd rather to see you in my colors than the academy's." Javier sauntered back to the bed and dropped down beside him. "Though if I had my choice I'd prefer you naked."

  "Lady Grunito would find that delightful as well, I'm sure," Kiram replied.

  "Lady Grunito isn't here right now." Javier began to unbutton the front of Kiram's shirt, but Kiram caught his hands. It was the middle of the afternoon and he could hear servants in the nearby rooms.

  Javier gazed at him, with both expectation and uncertainty. His hands relaxed in Kiram's grip. That small submission touched Kiram and he leaned into Javier, kissing his mouth. Javier responded immediately, pushing into the kiss and pinning Kiram back against the blankets. The weight of his body felt good. Kiram was intensely aware of where Javier's hip pressed against his groin. He pulled Javier closer into that contact. Javier gasped, and Kiram could feel his body tensing.

  Another knock at the door broke them apart.

  "What?" Javier growled.

  "The baths are ready, my lord." It was the same servant. "And cook was wondering if you will be dining here this evening."

  "Yes." Javier shoved his hair back from his face and went to the door as Kiram quickly re-buttoned his shirt. Javier wrenched the door open. The servant bowed before him. "Tell cook that Kiram and I will have a very quick dinner here. We'll be leaving just after sixth bell so nothing elaborate."

  "Will you want the Veloz carriage, my lord?"

  "I doubt we'll need anything larger this evening."

  "Very good, my lord." Again the servant bowed.


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