Between You and Me

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Between You and Me Page 20

by Jennifer Gracen

  “Wait,” she panted. “Logan . . . let me touch you. You’re the one who needs to come, not me.”

  He almost lost it right then. He groaned against her swollen flesh, the vibrations making her cry out loudly; her back arched off the bed. “Oh God, wait . . . I . . .” She panted hard, writhing against him. “I can’t hold back much longer.”

  In answer, he flicked her clit with his tongue, sucking hard on it as he slid two fingers inside her. Roused by her wet heat, he moved them in and out, fast and sure. She came with a throaty shout, breaking apart beneath him. Her thighs clamped around his head and her hips rocked against his face as she cried out again and again, her hands in his hair as the orgasm made her limbs shake. He didn’t stop his efforts and held her tight, driving her to another level, not letting up as another orgasm hit and she moaned low, holding on to him as if for her life. Loving her erotic response, his whole body hummed with lust, with every nerve ending lit up with desire.

  After her last raspy moan, when her grip on his head lessened and her legs fell open, he pulled back and shifted up. He was so hard, the pleasure of it bordered on pain. She was still trying to catch her breath as he aligned his body with hers and pushed into her with one fast, hard thrust.

  His mind spun out from the astonishing feeling; he hadn’t been inside a woman like this, without a condom, since he’d been married. The incredible feel of being inside Tess without barriers made him shudder and groan, his eyes slipping closed in ecstasy. Thank God he didn’t have to worry about coming too fast, because he was going to and he knew it. He gripped her hips and swiveled his, going deep, thrusting hard.

  She looked up at him as her legs, those long, beautiful legs, lifted to lock around his waist. She held on to his shoulders, her warm breath against his skin, nipping and kissing him as her hips rose to meet his. The sensations overwhelmed him . . . She felt so damn good . . . too good. He was lost. Moving faster, it only took a few more thrusts before his body tensed and he went flying over the edge. He came hard, groaning into her neck, fingers digging into her hips as his body emptied deep inside her. They held each other tight, both of them breathless as he shuddered, then stilled.

  She kissed his shoulder and he lifted his head to look at her, still feeling dazed. Her skin was flushed and her blue eyes sparkled with carnal satisfaction. “That was fantastic,” she whispered. Then a tiny grin lifted the corners of her mouth. “I’m sorry, but could you let me up?”

  Still panting, he could only nod as he withdrew and lifted himself off of her. She immediately swiveled her body around the opposite way and swung her legs up over the massive headboard. Blinking away the haze that still fogged his brain, Logan grabbed one of the four pillows. As he slid the pillow beneath her, raising her hips on an angle, Tess smiled at him gratefully.

  “Is that good?” he asked.

  “That’s perfect.” She reached out to stroke his beard. “Goddamn, Logan. You are good at your job. Lucky, lucky me.”

  He laughed and couldn’t help himself, he leaned over to kiss her. “And here I was thinking I was the lucky one.” He brushed a stray curl away from her eyes. “You’re okay?”

  “Are you kidding? You didn’t hear me when I came? Both times? I must’ve scared away the deer outside.”

  He laughed even harder. “Made me feel like a superhero. I admit it.”

  “You are, Thor.” With a wink and a smile, she took a deep breath and brushed all of her hair back with both hands, then let her arms flop to her sides. Her eyes closed and she took a few deep, cleansing breaths.

  When he felt clear again, he leaned up on an elbow and watched her. “How long do you have to stay like this?”

  Her eyes opened to look at him. “Dr. Fuller said ten to fifteen minutes is fine, not more than that.”

  “Huh. Okay.” He eased himself down to lie beside her. They both relaxed; her eyes slipped closed again, and he let his gaze wander over her. In the dimly lit room, she looked serene, sexy, and sated. Like an absolute goddess, as far as he was concerned. “You are so damn beautiful, Tess. And passionate. That got a little . . . whoa.”

  “It did.” Eyes still closed, she grinned. “Yay us.”

  He chuckled warmly. “This is going to be the best job I’ve ever had.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” She smiled wider. “You liked the lingerie?”

  “Jesus. I almost fell off the couch when I saw you in it. Hell yes, I liked it.”

  “I can get more . . . Wear something different every time, if you want.” She turned her head to look at him and reached out to gently stroke his beard. He liked when she did that, and that she seemed to like doing it. “I want to make you happy when you’re . . . working with me. You like the lingerie? It’s the least I can do.”

  Something warm flowed through him. He was doing this for her, and she was thinking of how to please him? “I appreciate that. And sure, you can if you want to. But you can wear a damn burlap sack and I’d still want to get into bed with you.” He trailed the backs of his fingers down the middle of her body. Her pale skin was like velvet. “Besides, you look best like this. Naked. There’s nothing more stunning than that.”

  Her eyes rounded and she smiled again, pure delight. “You’re a flatterer.”

  “Nah, I tell the truth.”

  “Either way, thank you for the compliments.”

  He dropped a light kiss on her lips, then shifted to sit up. “I’m getting some water. I’ll bring you back some. You stay put.”

  “That’d be fantastic, actually. Thank you.”

  He rose from the bed and padded out into the hallway. As he walked through the quiet house, it hit him that he was walking around naked, like he belonged there. He didn’t. He’d do well to remember that. He was their house manager, and just a friend. They were having sex, but they weren’t lovers. Shit. The lines were a little blurred right then...

  As he grabbed two small bottles of water from the fridge, it occurred to him he wasn’t sure what to do now. Probably time to leave. Surely she didn’t expect him to stay the night? Or did she? Shit, this part was weird. Now what?

  By the time he got back upstairs, he’d made up his mind. He’d go home. But in the door frame, he stopped cold at the sight of her. Her graceful, naked body stretched out sinuously on the huge bed, her long legs still curved up over the headboard. Her long mane of curls fanned out beneath her, the dark brown of her hair an appealing contrast to the caramel-colored sheets.

  Damn, damn, damn. She was beautiful in every way. And she’d chosen him for this. Would he ever get over the wonder of that? He didn’t know.

  When he cleared his throat, she turned her head to smile at him.

  “Here you go.” He crossed the room to sit on the edge of the bed, handing her a bottle as she sat up. Turning to position herself beside him, she thanked him as she took it and gulped half of it down. He grinned at her thirst, then worked to make his voice light as he said, “I’m gonna get going in a few minutes. Let you get some sleep.”

  She blinked, and he caught a split second of surprise in her eyes. Had she wanted him to stay longer? Then she covered quickly like the pro she was and said brightly, “Okay. That’s fine.” She flashed him a grin as she drank down more water.

  He drank his too as his mind worked. “That’s okay, right? I mean . . .”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Logan. We’re friends. That’s it. I want you to be comfortable. You want to stay or go, it’s up to you. Whatever you want to do, it’s fine with me.”

  “I just figured . . .” He shrugged. Lovers spend the night wrapped in each other’s arms. They weren’t lovers. They were just friends, with a specific agenda that they’d successfully completed. “Seems like the right way. I’ll come over every night if you want . . . but then I’ll go home. Okay?”

  “Okay. I told you, whatever you want,” she said, no hint of ire or hurt in her tone. “Besides, I know you get up very early for work in the morning. It makes sense.”

  She sm
iled again and he relaxed a bit. She wasn’t clingy, had no expectations . . . Goddamn, she was great. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “How are you feeling?”

  “Amazing, thanks. How about you?”

  “Same,” he assured her. “This was fantastic.” He grinned again before rising to his feet. “So . . . how do you want to do this? Every night this week? Every other night? What’s the plan? Your call.”

  “Well, I actually was at peak ovulation last week,” she said. “Truth is, I don’t know how effective this cycle is going to be. I’m already at day nineteen in my cycle; we might have missed the window. So . . . maybe the next three or four nights, and then we can start again in a few weeks, closer to my next ovulation start, like maybe day ten? That way, your sperm count will really build up again, and the timing is just right.” She peered up at him. “Is that okay with you? Sounds so clinical, I know. Sorry.”

  The thought of not sleeping with her for a few weeks was disappointing. But this was a job, not a pleasure run. “Don’t be sorry. Having to plan like this, of course there are elements that sound clinical. That’s fine. It’s whatever you need, Tess. You call the shots, tell me when to come over, and I’m on board. Okay?”

  “Okay. Thank you.” She raised her water bottle in a toast, and he clinked his to hers. “To the Dream Team,” she said.

  He raised his bottle in salute to her and drank down the rest of the water. “You stay here, stay warm. I’ll get dressed and let myself out.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, of course. Um . . .” He winked and reminded her, “I do have the key. I can lock up.”

  She chuckled. “That’s true . . .” She finished off her water, set the empty bottle down on the nightstand, and lay down. She grabbed a different pillow and pushed it beneath her head. As her curls spilled everywhere—over the pillow, her shoulders—he pulled the soft, thick comforter up over her, tucking her in beneath the swirls of rust, caramel, and brown.

  “You’re good to me,” she murmured with a smile.

  “You make it easy to be. And you? You just got tired, I can see it.” Her eyes had grown hooded and heavy. “Get some sleep now. With dreams of that baby dancing in your head.”

  She smiled broadly. “That sounds perfect.”

  He dropped a kiss on her forehead as she snuggled into the pillows. She looked radiant, sexy, adorable, and just plain sweet. Something in his chest pinged as he touched her cheek. “Sleep well. I’ll text you tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good. Good night, Logan. And um . . .” She bit down on her bottom lip. “Thanks again.”

  “Okay, that’s the last time you thank me for this, got it?” He went to where he’d dropped his briefs and jeans. Pulling on the briefs, he demanded, “You are not going to thank me every time. In fact, you’re not going to thank me again in the bedroom, ever.”

  “Jeez. I didn’t mean to irk you,” she said. “I believe in expressing my gratitude and appreciation whenever it’s warranted.”

  “And I think that’s great. A very admirable trait, really. But about this? No more.” He zipped up his jeans and pinned her with a look. “I know how you feel about my help. I promise I do. So that’s that.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Carter.” She yawned. “So, the plan is, we’ll do it again tomorrow night. And the night after that, too. Then we’ll leave this cycle and wait for the next one, starting up again on day ten. Okay?”

  “Okay.” He pulled on his sweater, then located his socks.

  “And,” she added, her voice softer as she grew more drowsy, “let me know which night this week you’d like me to come have dinner with you and your mother.”

  “That’d be great. Will do.” He gazed down at her. She looked so warm and cozy, he was tempted to climb back into bed with her. But no. They weren’t like that. “All right, I’m going. Good night, Long Island Lady.”

  “Good night, Thor.” She grinned and her eyes slid closed.

  He gazed at her for a few seconds longer, then went to turn off the lamp on the dresser. The room went dark and he quietly left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tess rolled up her yoga mat slowly, frowning. The class hadn’t helped; she still felt a little crampy. Deep in her heart, she knew she wasn’t pregnant, that her period was coming. Dammit.

  “Hey, Tess. You okay?”

  She looked up, blinking. It was Carrie, the yoga instructor. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “You just don’t seem like yourself today. You’re always smiling . . . today, not so much.” Carrie’s pale blue eyes peered harder. “You sure you’re all right?”

  Tess nodded and edged closer. “Just getting my period. So I’m a little off. That’s all.”

  “Ahh. Say no more. I hate those days.” Carrie gave her arm a little squeeze. “Feel better. See you next time.”

  “You bet.” Tess took her things and left the room. Ten minutes later, she was sitting in her SUV. Snow had started to lightly fall; the flakes floated in the air, drifting like tiny bits of icy magic. She stared at the beauty outside her windshield . . . and a harder cramp hit, making her suck in her breath. Her eyes filled with tears. She sniffed them back willfully and started the engine, wanting to get home before the snow got heavier.

  When she got home, she took a quick shower, then got into her favorite fleece pajamas, the red ones with the baby penguins. She pulled back the curtains so she could watch the snow fall outside the wide windows, then turned on the gas fireplace. It was one o’clock, when she usually ate lunch, but she wasn’t hungry. She got into her bed, curled up under the blankets, and let herself have a little pity party.

  Very few women got pregnant with the first attempt. She and Logan had only had sex three times last week, then she’d let it go, knowing it was too late in her cycle. The odds had been slim and she knew it. In her head, she knew all of that. But her heart . . . the disappointment welled inside her, merciless. Tears slipped free and rolled down her cheeks. She swiped them away and burrowed deeper beneath the covers.

  Her cell phone buzzed with a text. Logan. How goes it, Long Island Lady? I texted this morning and you didn’t answer . . . ?

  She sighed. He’d texted a few minutes before she’d gone into her yoga class, so she hadn’t been able to respond then. But she hadn’t responded after it, and she could have. What should she say? Hi, I’m here, in a fetal position, crampy as hell and feeling sorry for myself? No. He was her friend, not her boyfriend. She couldn’t lean on him like that, even though he’d told her she could. Yes, they texted or talked daily, and had spent time together over the last few weeks. But it felt like whining for her to tell him the truth. So she didn’t answer the text. She pushed the phone away, closed her eyes, and decided on a nap instead. Exhaustion overcame her fast and hard, and she gladly let it drag her under.

  * * *

  Bubbles was licking her face. As Tess opened her eyes, she was foggy and disoriented. The light outside had changed; the sky was a darker gray and the snow was still falling. She reached for her phone to check the time and her eyes widened. She’d been asleep for almost two hours. She had texts and emails waiting, the many icons across the top letting her know people were looking for her. And she could feel it . . . She’d gotten her period. With a sigh, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After that, she took Bubbles out for a quick potty break and filled her bowls with fresh water and food. She made herself a quick cup of chai spice tea, grabbed a bag of white cheddar popcorn, and went back to bed.

  When she was settled under the covers again, she checked her voice mails first. There were two messages: one from Logan, one from Dane.

  “Hey, Tess.” Logan’s deep, sexy voice in her ear sent a shiver over her skin. “Not like you to not answer texts. Hope you’re okay? Let me know. Call me, text me, something. I’ll come and check on you by dinner if I don’t hear from you. Bye.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. He was sweet to be concerned. And yes, she hadn’t
answered for just a few hours, but she couldn’t accuse him of being overbearing. He was right, she always answered right away. If it were the other way around, she might be concerned too. She’d text him back after listening to the second voice mail.

  “Tesstastic! How are ya, girl?” Dane’s jovial voice boomed over the line. “It’s me. Julia and I got back from Cancun yesterday, we’re home. New York is fucking cold and gray and I’m ready to leave again. Going back to work sucks. And you’re not around, and that sucks too. I miss you. Call me, let’s catch up. When are you coming home? Hope all is well. Love you.”

  She smiled, feeling his warmth. Her brothers adored her, and she adored them. She was very lucky to have such close siblings, and friends. Why was she still keeping her plans from them? She wasn’t sure. She’d have to think about that some more.

  Burrowing into her pillows, she texted Logan. Hi, I’m sorry I worried you. I’m alive.

  His text came back almost immediately. There you are. Hi. Glad you answered, I was starting to worry. Just wasn’t like you.

  I know, sorry. Not feeling great today, she wrote. Had yoga, fell asleep after, took an unplanned two hour nap. And got my period. So . . . yeah. That.

  Ah. Sorry you’re not feeling well.

  I’m fine. Just tired, crampy, and in a bit of a funk.

  Ahhh. I get it. Well, don’t be. We’ll just try again.

  Don’t worry, Tess. It’ll happen.

  His kind words made tears spring to her eyes. Stupid hormones. Thanks, she wrote. I know. I’m fine.

  Okay. Need anything?

  Nope. Having popcorn in bed. Maybe wine for dessert.

  He didn’t answer right away. Then his text came in: Thought you weren’t drinking these days?

  She winced. I was joking, she wrote back. No worries.


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