A Mate For Jackson

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A Mate For Jackson Page 21

by Selena Scott

  But then he laid his cheek on her thigh, taking his tongue away from her clit. His face was only inches away from her pussy and he seemed entranced by the sight of his fingers inside of her. She looked down his body only to see his hips working against the mattress in the same rhythm as his fingers worked inside of her.

  Well, that did it. She’d had enough. Her fingers still tangled in his hair, she tugged him. “Don’t hump the bed. Hump me, for fuck’s sake.”

  His eyes darkened and he laughed. “Are you sure?”

  She remembered the effect that begging had just had on him. “Please, Jackson. Please. I can’t take it anymore. I need you.”

  And just like that he was crawling back up her body, reaching over her to the nightstand, and pulling out a condom. She watched in unbridled curiosity and fascination as he rolled it onto himself. “We can stop at any time. Or go slower. Nothing you do will be wrong. I’m so fucking grateful to be here with you. I never thought I’d ever be this lucky in my whole life.”

  He punctuated each statement with a kiss somewhere on her body. Her breasts, behind her ears, her mouth, her neck. She was so wrapped up in him that she barely noticed him rolling the two of them until she found herself straddled across his hips.

  “You want me on top?”

  His hands traced up the hourglass of her midsection, stopping to let his thumbs play with her nipples and then continuing up to her cheeks, her hair. “At least at first. That way you can control how much you take of me.”

  She felt her nerves start up a little bit; this would be easier if he were to just take charge and show her how to do this. For the first time, she was scared of her inexperience showing. She lifted her hips tentatively, but then, there he was, reassuring her. He put one firm hand on her hip and used the other hand to line up his cock with her opening. When he was notched half an inch inside of her, he put both hands on her hips and firmly guided her downward. The tension left her heart. He wasn’t letting her flounder in her innocence. He was still guiding her patiently. Even from the bottom.

  The same feeling she’d had in the restaurant swamped her. That as long as she was with Jackson, she was safe. Nothing you do will be wrong. He’d said that to her and meant it. She’d seen it in his eyes. It was that, more than anything, that had her loosening and letting him push her down on his cock.

  She took a full inch and then another. She hissed in a lovely, stinging discomfort and paused. He paused, too. His dick was twitching within her, his eyes completely dilated. Nothing you do will be wrong.

  In a burst of unexpected surety, Kaya brought the pads of two fingers to her clit, and she stroked herself the exact way that he’d been petting her with his tongue. She let her eyes blur, imagining that it was his mouth against her and not her fingers. She felt herself slide down his hot hardness another two inches.

  “Fuck,” Jackson groaned, making the word last for about eight seconds.

  His fingers gripped her hips so hard but it felt good, safe. It felt like protection to her. His arms were a sort of armor against the world. Here in this moment, only the two of them made up the entire population. She stroked herself again and let him in further. When she looked down and saw that there were still a few inches to go, impatience got the best of her. She jammed herself the rest of the way down.

  They were both silent as their bodies arched against one another, Jackson slamming his head back into the bed and Kaya tossing her face to the ceiling. He canted his hips upward, making her take another impossible centimeter. She gasped and let herself tip forward, experimenting with this new feeling. She’d never felt anything like it.

  “So. Full,” she gasped, planting her hands on either side of his head and letting her breasts brush his chest.

  “I wasn’t ready,” he groaned, slamming his head back again. “I so wasn’t ready for this shit.”

  She wasn’t quite sure what he meant and made a note to ask him later. For now, she was too busy experimenting, twisting her hips in one direction and then the next. She lifted an inch and sat back down, wincing when that brought a little pinch of pain. Figuring that an orgasm would probably just make everything even softer and more forgiving down there, Kaya dropped herself forward, burying her face in his neck and rubbing her clit against whatever part of his body was jammed up against it.

  “Kaya,” he choked, his arms banding around her back.

  “Mmmm.” She was lost in this experience, barely able to process anything. Maybe this was weird sex, she didn’t know, she’d never done it before. But it didn’t feel weird. It felt wonderful. Their bodies were grinding together and he wasn’t pulling out almost at all. His cock was an insistent pressure inside her, nudging at the deepest place within her. Her clit scraped against his hard body, against the added delicious scratch of his body hair. She was shivering and grinding and hugging him. He was hugging her back, nuzzling her hair, sucking on her earlobe, biting at her neck.

  She felt him twitch inside her, let his scent fill her nostrils, reveled in the masculine sounds of both denial and reverence. Unexpectedly, she felt herself start to come with very little lead-up. Strangely, it started deep inside of her and started to radiate outwards, in slow, rolling waves that both flattened and lifted her at once.

  When it was over, she collapsed against his chest, amazed he had the strength to roll them over. He braced himself over her, arranging her legs so that they were clasped around his waist.

  “That was… there are no words for that,” he told her. “No one has ever fucked me like that in my life.” He winced, as if he was just realizing that he probably shouldn’t bring up other sexual partners while he was still hard inside of her, but she didn’t care. She took the compliment.

  “Like what? Describe it to me.”

  He grumbled in the back of his throat and pulled out of her by a couple of inches, the most he’d been parted from her since she’d sat down on him. “Like you were trying to climb inside me. Like you were lost with how much you wanted me. Wanted pleasure.” He pushed back into her and she gasped. There was no pain this time, only a lovely electric jolting of sensation as he split her open. He pulled out and did it again.

  “More,” she told him. Wanting more of everything. The sex. The dirty words. Him.

  “You’re so hot, so wet.” His eyes rolled up for a second. “So tight.”

  He lifted one hand and touched his fingers to where they were joined. “You have the prettiest little pussy,” he told her. He started to pump harder, his breath coming in intervals, his mouth open, his teeth bared in a feral grin.

  He came down to his elbows and buried his face in her hair. “I’ve thought about this for so fucking long. Every lonely night I imagined being between your perfect legs. What your mouth would taste like. How you’d look at me.”

  He took her mouth then, his eyes open as his tongue swept into her. His teeth tugged at her bottom lip and then his tongue was invading her again, their teeth clacking. He started fucking her in earnest then, and Kaya realized just how powerful a creature she currently had inside of her. This man was strong. The bed started creaking underneath them and Kaya couldn’t help but wrap her legs and arms even tighter around him, trying to climb onto him. She started raising her hips, catching the rhythm, meeting him halfway and making their skin smack together.

  “I thought about it, too,” she whispered into his ear. “I imagined you coming into my room at night, crawling into bed with me without a word. I imagined you fucking me without a condom. You trying to pull out but I wouldn’t let you. I would feel my own wetness between my legs and pretend it was yours.”

  He made a sound like a wounded animal and thrust into her sharply, changing the angle and making her cry out. He bit her lip hard, his tongue warring with hers. “Is that true?” he panted. “For fuck’s sake, please tell me that’s true.”

  “It’s true.” And it was. She’d never, in her wildest dreams, imagined telling a single soul about her secret fantasy of Jackson barebacking her.
But there it was. Out in the open and she didn’t regret it.

  “You wanted me.”

  “So badly.”

  “You wanted my come inside you.”

  “So badly.” On instinct, she bit down on the place where his neck met his shoulder, holding onto him in yet another way. He groaned again and was plunging into her so hard the bed was knocking against the wall. She heard her empty glass of water tumble to the floor. The lamp went next.

  His face was buried in her hair, his lips at her ear. “I love you,” he told her. “I love you so much. I’m so unbelievably in love with you.”

  Her eyes widened in shock at those words, him never having said them to her before. But almost as soon as he was done saying them he was gritting his teeth and tensing, holding her tighter than he ever had before. She felt his cock jolting inside of her and knew he was coming into the condom. He went lax on top of her, but only for a moment. Seconds later, he was pulling out and crawling down her body, latching his mouth between her legs and kissing her as passionately there as he had on her mouth.

  She knew he was soothing her and thanking her and loving her. But he was so freaking good at whatever the hell he was doing that it didn’t take long for her hips to buck upwards and her body to pull tight and unravel in a final, soft, sweet orgasm. She fell to the bed in a sweaty heap.


  Time spun out for Jackson as reality caught up to him. He’d just had sex with Kaya. He’d just had sex with Kaya. He’d just had sex with Kaya. His brain turned over this information a hundred different ways. If it weren’t for the completely relaxed and sated feeling in his body, he might not have believed it, he’d been waiting for it for so long, telling himself it would never happen.

  But he’d never felt quite this relaxed before. In all his days on this earth, with all the other women he’d been with, he’d never felt this bone-deep rightness. It was like he’d finally found the right place to come. Right between her legs.

  He never wanted to do it any other place. He wanted to live between those long, golden legs. He wanted to make a home in that perfect, pretty pussy. His heart wanted him to roll over and lose himself within her again. But he was a mortal. And he’d had more sex in the last hour than he’d had in the last year. He figured he needed some food and sleep before they could try any of that again.

  She wiggled and moaned a little, making him find the energy to lift his head and check on her. “How you doing?”

  “Mmm,” she groaned. “No words. So sweaty. So hungry. So sleepy.”

  He laughed. “Hopefully that’s a good thing.”

  “Yes. Good.”

  Grateful for the opportunity to tend to her even further, Jackson yanked them both up from the bed. He basically frog-marched her into the bathroom where he started to draw a bath and sat her down in the filling tub. “Think you can manage to stay afloat while I’m gone?”

  “Mmm,” she said, sinking down into the two inches of water.

  He laughed again, immensely enjoying the sated, satisfied, relaxed look on her face. He’d never quite seen her look like that before and it was thrilling him to no end.

  He was back in less than three minutes with their food from the restaurant, another glass of water, and a beer.

  She leaned forward to let him in behind her and that’s how they ended up eating Mexican food in the bathtub, sharing a beer, reveling in the warm water, in the quiet sounds of the water lapping the sides of the tub.

  “The sex with you was the best I’ve ever had,” he told her after a while, when the food was cleared away and they’d dragged themselves out of the tub, into sweatshirts and sweatpants, and out into the living room where she was searching for a movie to watch on TV. She turned to look at him. “But this right here, this might be the happiest moment of my life.”

  “This moment?”

  “Yeah. I mean, every moment with you is so freaking special to me. But it’s also always defined by longing. Wanting. Unquenched desire. But right now I’m close to you, touching you, smelling you. And I’m satisfied. I never thought that could happen.”

  She smiled at him. “You’re not feeling quite as tortured as usual?”

  “Not at all.”

  Her smile turned smug. “Glad I could help.”

  He watched her profile as she channel surfed. He’d never been much of a talker after sex so he was surprised that he felt so compelled to keep her chatting. “How are you feeling? I know that can be a big moment.”

  She clicked off the TV and turned to look at him, an indecipherable expression in her eyes. “Which moment? The moment where I lost my virginity? Or the moment where you told me you loved me for the first time.”

  Jackson felt all the blood run right out of his face. He’d been running their sex through his head on a constant loop since it had happened. But he hadn’t really been thinking about the things he’d said to her. He had just sort of filed it under sex talk. Not that that made it untrue. But perhaps he’d been a little more carried away than he’d thought he’d been.

  He leaned forward and dragged his hands over his face.

  All he ever wanted was to make things good for this woman. All he ever wanted was to give her as much as he possibly could. All he ever wanted was to not be a dumb putz where she was concerned.

  He turned and looked at her, unable to wipe the chagrined look off of his face. “Oh God. I said it during sex. That sucks. Fuck. I wanted to tell you in a romantic way. Give you a memory you’d treasure forever. And instead I blurt it out like… God. This is so embarrassing.”

  He dragged his hands over his face again, shutting his eyes against his own stupidity. His eyes popped open again when he heard Kaya laughing.

  She had one hand over her mouth, her eyes wide and mirthful. She was swimming in his oversized sweats. He wanted to eat her alive.

  “You’re laughing?”

  “Well,” she said on a chuckle, cocking her head to one side. “It’s pretty funny. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you quite so off-kilter. You should see your hair right now.”

  Considering he’d just been tugging at it in distress, he wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it looked fucking ridiculous. He tried to get his mind to understand her reaction. “You’re not mad that that’s the way I told you?”

  “Mad? No.”

  “Skeptical? Irritated?” He swallowed. “Disappointed?”

  Her eyes searched his for a long moment. “Jackson, did you mean it when you said it?”

  “Yes,” he answered immediately, giving no hesitation because there wasn’t a molecule worth of hesitation in his body. “I meant every word of it.”

  “Then, no, I’m none of those things. Instead, I’m happy. Relieved. Warm. Satisfied. Snuggly.” On the last few words, she crawled the short distance over to him and snuggled up against him. “Now, what should we watch?”

  He wrapped his arms around her, nice and firm, and tried to convince his brain that this was all real. That this was all happening.

  They watched a shitty action movie, raided his freezer for ice cream, and fell into bed. They slept the night, not making love again until the morning when he woke up to one of his all-time favorite fantasies, Kaya naked in his bed, kissing on his neck and putting her hand in his underwear. He spooned her and took her from behind, loving her slowly, luxuriously, until she came, and then he rolled her over, finishing as furiously as his body demanded of him. He told her he loved her over and over again, because apparently he couldn’t be inside her without telling her.

  She didn’t say it back, but for Jackson, that was okay. He felt it in the way they came together. He felt it in the way their bodies fit with one another. They were mates, and with that, love inevitably followed. If she didn’t love him yet, she would. For the first time in his life, he was utterly certain.


  It was Sunday dinner and every member of Jackson’s family was present and accounted for. It was the best Sunday dinner of his life. Mostly b
ecause since he’d started sleeping with Kaya earlier in the week, every single day had been the best day of his life since then. But also because tomorrow was the full moon and for the first time in living memory, Jackson wasn’t dreading it.

  His family had greeted the news of his non-full-moon shift with joy and relief and many wonderings over why now? And what had changed? He and Kaya still hadn’t told anyone about the two of them and Jackson felt that perhaps they were both waiting for the full moon to pass. He’d have a good shift, a calm shift, with his brothers and Bauer and everyone would be so relieved and excited for him that the news that he and Kaya were dating would barely be a blip on the radar.

  Or something.

  Or maybe they were just too chickenshit to tell their family. Or, most likely, they were having such a good time, just the two of them in their little bubble of dating and getting to know one another and sex, that they were reticent to let anyone else in.

  For instance, right at that very moment, Kaya caught his eye across the dinner table and nudged her fork off the table with one elbow. With an almost absurdly innocent look on her face she ducked down to get it.

  Jackson almost groaned aloud. She was teasing him about the fantasy he’d revealed. About getting head during Sunday dinner. He put a dry expression on his face and waited for her to resurface, to smirk at him about her joke. But then a soft hand slicked over the bulge between his legs and Jackson jumped so much he almost spilled his soup.

  “Jackson! Are you all right?” his mother asked.

  “Yeah. Um.” Fuck. “Charley horse.”

  He reached under the table and made a show of rubbing out his calf.

  Kaya resurfaced on the other side, holding up her fork and looking like she might pop a blood vessel to keep from laughing. Jackson couldn’t decide if he wanted to kiss her or spank her. Maybe both.

  He got his chance at retribution when the group retired into the living room to watch a movie by the fire. Luckily the volume was up all the way to the top, so Jackson didn’t worry at all when he grabbed Kaya’s arm on her way back from the bathroom. He ducked them both into the pantry behind the kitchen.


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