Love Letters: Saving Gideon (The Angel Chronicles Book 4)

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Love Letters: Saving Gideon (The Angel Chronicles Book 4) Page 25

by Mary May

  Calming down, Sabrina smiled. “No, honey, that’s not it at all. I like Logan; I really do. I think he is an awesome guy. Please don’t think I have anything against him. I promise I don’t. I’m just not ready to let you go…”

  “You’re not losing me, Mama. Nothing and no one can ever take your place in my life. No matter how old I get or when I have babies of my own I will always… always… need my mama. I love you so much!”

  Twenty minutes later Charlie watched as her mother and Keelie made their way downstairs. For the moment she was alone. Taking in a deep breath, she reached up and pulled the short veil down over her face. This was her something borrowed. It was her mother’s veil when she married Devon. It was made of cream netting with tiny rhinestones sprinkled here and there and it curved inward just under her chin. Keelie was able to slip it in behind the braid on the top of her head. Her something new was of course her wedding dress, and the something blue was her lacy blue garter belt around her thigh. Walking over to her bookshelf, she took down her old white Bible. It was worn at the edges and the cover was no longer glossy white, but this was her something old. Lakyn had taped a small bouquet of peach and white roses with matching ribbon on the front. She planned to carry it down the aisle with her. It had seen her through some rough times the last year or so, and she wanted to make sure that God was walking with her into her future. Sitting down in her desk chair, she held the Bible to her chest, careful not to crush the flowers.

  “Jesus, please be with Logan and me as we start our new lives together. Help me to be the wife to him that You would have me to be. Help me be a helpmate and a friend. Bless this union and all that may come from it…oh, and please bless Nate. Help him to find the perfect woman for him and help me to stop loving him so much. Amen.”

  A few minutes later a knock on the door had her getting to her feet. D.J. stuck his head in then gave a low whistle.

  “Looking good, sis! You’re almost as pretty as me!”

  Charlie laughed as she admired how handsome her baby brother looked in his tuxedo jacket and new starched jeans. He was looking more and more like Devon and was already turning heads.

  “You look very handsome, D.J.,” she said with a smile.

  He walked over, giving her a brief hug. “Seriously, Charlie…you’re beautiful…like for real.”

  Slapping at his shoulder, she laughed. “Stop it! Are you trying to make me cry and ruin all of Mom’s hard work?” She hugged him once more then asked if it was time.

  “Dad is a mess so he sent me up here. He will be here for you in just a minute. The siblings sat on the bed and chatted about nothing while waiting for Devon.

  Gideon and Charlotte stared at the scene below them. They, along with all the other guardians, were watching from their favorite spot on the roof.

  “I guess I was wrong…I sure thought she would marry Nate…didn’t you, Gideon?” Charlotte looked up at the angel beside her.

  “I admit I am surprised that it’s Logan. I sure don’t understand why his guardian hasn’t shown up yet.”

  “Maybe it will after they actually say their vows or something,” Skye offered. They all shrugged.

  “Maybe…that is as good a guess as any,” Baylor replied.

  “But didn’t you say that Shana appeared after Nate and Charlie’s first kiss? That wasn’t saying vows,” Evie pointed out.

  “Maybe he is weird and doesn’t have a guardian. It happens, you know,” Zareck mumbled. Leia rolled her eyes at Zareck’s comment.

  “Oh, come on… do you know how rarely that happens? So rare that Edgar is the only one I have ever heard of not to have a guardian.”

  “Did I hear my name mentioned?” the angels all turned to see Sherrilyn and Edgar shimmer into view.

  “Oh, look, Edgar! Isn’t that just as pretty as a new-born colt?” pointing to the spot that was decorated for the wedding.

  “Madam, if you mean wet and covered in afterbirth, I would have to say this is a great deal more attractive.”

  Sherrilyn scowled at him before she greeted all the angels, finally standing before her favorite one. “You know, Big Guy, one would think that being in the presence of the Lord and spending all this time in the heavens that he would grow a sense of humor…but one would be wrong.”

  Gideon chuckled as he hugged his friend. “I suppose even the power of heaven has its limits.”

  Sherrilyn propped her hands on her hips as she shook her head. “I suppose so! Now how are you? How’s our girl?”

  “She seems to be just fine,” he answered.

  “Seems to be just fine? What kind of answer is that? Don’t you know if she is or not?”

  Gideon arched a brow. “That’s the best answer I can give you. Other than marrying someone unexpected, she is fine. She seems happy.”

  “So what’s the deal? Why isn’t she marrying Nate?” Sherrilyn asked.

  Once more Gideon shrugged. “We have been asking ourselves that for weeks now.”

  Charlie got up when she heard Devon’s firm knock on her door. She smiled at D.J.

  “I guess it’s time, huh?” Opening the door, she smiled up at the man that had raised her. She swallowed hard to push back the knot in her throat.

  “Hey, Daddy,” she said softly.

  “Hey, yourself, Charlie-girl…” He glanced over at D.J. “Son, do you mind giving me and your sister a few minutes alone?”

  “Yeah, sure…I know it’s about to get real sappy in here.” He walked past them then stopped and walked back to Charlie. “Hey, if Logan gives you any crap, you just tell me, and I will handle it. Ok?”

  Charlie laughed then nodded, promising she would.

  Once they were alone, Devon looked at Charlie from the tips of her wedding boots to the sparkling veil that covered her face.

  “Hey…is this the same one your mom wore?” Charlie nodded, still fighting the stupid knot in her throat.

  “I thought it looked familiar. You look as beautiful as she did.”

  “It’s my something borrowed,” she explained.

  “Ah, I see…Do you have a penny in your boot for luck?”

  “I actually don’t…I don’t suppose you have one on you that I can borrow?”

  Patting down his pockets, Devon held up a penny. “Found one!” Bending down he pulled off her boot then sat in stunned silence as he stared at her multicolored toe socks. Charlie busted out laughing at his expression.

  “Ok, you have to promise not to tell Mama. But these boots rub my feet raw! I have been trying to break them in for days. I have blisters! These particular socks are the only ones I can wear with them that won’t leave me crippled for life! Please promise you won’t say anything!”

  Shaking his head, he placed the penny in the boot then carefully slid it back onto her foot.

  “I will take it to my grave, Charlie-girl…you have my vow.”

  “You always have taken care of me. Even though I’m not really yours…” She stopped when he gave her a hard look.

  “Don’t you ever say that again. You are as much mine as the twins. The only thing we don’t share is DNA, and those are just letters in the alphabet as far as I’m concerned. You are my daughter in every sense of the word. I have loved you from the moment you crawled up into my lap and wrapped your chubby little fingers around my hair and my heart. I will always be your daddy and you will always be my Charlie-girl. I pray you fly to the greatest heights, but remember you will always have a place to fall. I love you, little girl.” Unable to stop the flow of tears, Charlie hugged him tightly.

  “I love you too, Daddy.”

  A few minutes later after she had carefully touched up her makeup Devon held out his arm for Charlie. She picked up her Bible bouquet and smiled, letting him know she was ready.

  Chapter 23

  “What do you mean you’re not going?” Mac stared in disbelief as Nate flipped channels repeatedly.

  “I mean I’m not going. How would that look, the ex crashing the wedding?”
  “Ummm… It’s not crashing when you’re invited! I know you were invited because I was there when you were invited.”

  “I’m not going, Mac, so drop it,” he warned with a sideways glance. The angel shrugged his shoulders then plopped down on the couch next to Nate.

  “Ok, fine. I was only thinking of your reputation. But if you don’t mind that people will likely think you were too broken up to attend, that you were just too dejected and that you were likely weeping and yowling in despair, then I guess that’s your call.” He schooled his features into a mournful expression.

  Nate rolled his head to give the angel a bland look. “Weeping and yowling, huh?”

  “Hey! It’s a thing! I’ve seen it and it isn’t pretty or manly! But if you go then people will think that you must be strong and brave. Just look at you standing there with a smile letting Charlie marry another man. Letting her build her life and dreams with him…have babies…hey, what are you doing?”

  “I’m getting dressed!”

  Charlie stood with Devon waiting for the music to start. She couldn’t shake the feeling of déjà vu when she looked at the scene before her. In her dream she had looked up into Nate’s eyes, but she knew today it would be Logan’s.

  Kinsley was waiting with Luke, and D.J. was escorting Lakyn. The boys looked like twin heartthrobs in their tuxedo jackets. Kinsley turned around to smile at her.

  “You look beautiful, Kinsley! It will be your turn some day!” she whispered. The young girl giggled then turned back around as the sound of violins started.

  Luke quickly walked back to where Charlie and Devon stood. He folded her into his arms. “God bless you, sis! Love you!” Then he walked away before anyone saw the tears that hung heavily on his lashes…

  Kinsley and Luke went first, followed by Lakyn and D.J. Finally the sound of the wedding march started and she and Devon started down the aisle.

  Gideon knew that, unlike Catherine or Sabrina, Charlie had a father figure to walk her down the aisle, but that didn’t stop him from stepping up to her left side and walking with her anyway.

  Charlie’s heart was racing so hard she felt slightly sick. Logan’s gaze caught hers and he smiled. That seemed to calm her heart down just a little. She knew she loved Logan. He was her anchor in the storm and her rock for all these long hard months. She also knew that he loved her and they would be happy together. Surely God wouldn’t allow this if it wasn’t His will.

  Stopping once they reached the front, they waited for the final notes to fade away before Pastor Eddie asked for everyone to bow their heads for prayer.

  “Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your blessing on this young couple. Logan and Charlie seek your will for their lives and I ask that You would lead them and guide them in this new journey that they are about to start. Bless them with wisdom and love, laughter and patience. Unite them with the bonds created in heaven that cannot be destroyed by man. We thank You…Amen.” Lifting his head, he looked at the small crowd of friends and family that had gathered to witness the wedding of Logan and Charlie.

  “Friends, family, and loved ones, we gather here today to witness the union of Logan Brennan Russell and Charlotte Marie Blakely Lane in wedded matrimony. Who gives this young lady’s hand today?”

  Devon lifted up Charlie’s hand and placed a tender kiss on her knuckles then said, “Her mother and I.” He then placed her hand into Logan’s.

  Charlie looked up into Logan’s hazel eyes, not Nate’s deep brown ones. The flutter of her stomach didn’t quite go away with that revelation.

  “Marriage is a sacred union and not one to be entered into lightly. In Genesis 2:23 and 24 Adam said of Eve: “This woman is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken from man. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one flesh.” He paused then looked out at the crowd that was seated in the pews.

  “Does anyone here have any objections or know of any reason why this marriage should not take place? Speak now or forever hold your peace.” The crowd remained silent. All that could be heard was the slight rolling of the water as the geese and the ducks splashed in the nearby pond. Pastor Eddie smiled then he turned to Logan.

  “I believe the couple have written their own vows. Logan you may say yours.”

  Logan smiled down at Charlie. She was truly the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

  “Charlie, I love you more than I ever loved anyone. I want nothing more than to see you happy…truly happy. I made a promise to someone not long ago that I would do everything in my power to make sure that happened…and that’s why I can’t marry you today.”

  A gasp of shock rippled across the pews. Charlie stared up at him in disbelief and confusion.

  “I’m not the man that should be standing here. We both know that; even he knows that. But both of you are either too nice or too stupid, I’m not real sure which, to put a stop to this…so I will. There are very few people that have the happily–ever-after kind of love that you and Nate Jackson have. I won’t be the man to stand in the way of that.”

  “Logan…what are you doing?” Charlie whispered tearfully. He gave her a tender smile.

  “I’m setting you free, Charlie, free from your promises.” He stepped back, looking across the crowd.

  “Nate Jackson! I know you’re out there. I saw you slip in at the last minute. If you don’t come down here and marry this woman who loves you more than makes sense, and more than you deserve, then you are a blasted fool.” Leaning down, he placed a sweet kiss on Charlie’s cheek then walked away, leaving her standing alone.

  The crowd all turned looking for Nate while Charlie stood there in shock. Sabrina started to get up, but Devon placed a hand on her arm.

  “Wait… just a minute.” He nodded his head and when Sabrina followed his gaze she saw Nate dressed in his formal military suit get to his feet and slowly make his way toward Charlie, his expression unreadable from behind his dark sunglasses. He finally reached her side and looked down at her confused, tear-stained face.

  “Charlie, I don’t know if I’m too late or what. But I sure hope not. I was sitting back there praying to God for a miracle. I love you so much… I always have and I always will. I know I treated you so badly and pushed you away. I will spend the rest of my life gladly making it up to you.” He placed his hand across his chest over his heart.

  “Baby, I know I have nothing to offer but this busted up body and my whole heart, but I’m laying what I have and all that I am at your feet.” Taking her hand, he dropped to one knee. “Will you marry me, Charlie?”

  Charlie looked down at Nate, tears streaming down her face, then she looked over to Sabrina.

  “Mama? I don’t…what do I do?”

  Sabrina hurried over and pulled her to the side. “Baby, what do you want to do? I know you love Nate…it seems to me that God made a way for the two of you to be together. But it really boils down to…do you want to marry Nate Jackson?”

  Charlie looked at Nate, who was watching her every move.

  “But what about Logan?” she whispered.

  Sabrina shook her head. “Honey, I think Logan saw things for what they really were and took himself out of the equation. He was very wise to pull out before it went too far. Now I’m going to ask you again. Do you want to marry Nate? There is nothing stopping you, no promises, no prior commitments. All you have to do is say yes.”

  Charlie looked once more to Nate and saw every childhood dream, every memory flash before her eyes. Then she saw the man who had gone through so much had nearly been destroyed but had fought his way back. He had loved her enough to watch another man marry her if that’s what she wanted and stay silent. She no longer saw his scars or noticed his slight limp. All she saw was Nate…her Nate.

  Walking over to where he stood, she smiled up at him then nodded.

  “Yes, Nate Jackson…I will marry you!” Looking down at her, he searc
hed her face carefully as if afraid he had misunderstood her. Suddenly he smiled, wrapping his arms around her, kissing her breathless!

  “Hey now!! It’s not time for that yet!” Pastor Eddie joked as he pulled them apart. “Well…this is certainly one for the record books! Ok do we need to postpone this for a few minutes or anything?”

  “Oh, no! We are doing this right here and right now! I was a fool to let her get away once…I’m not foolish enough to risk it twice!” Nate said with a grin; then he looked around.

  “Can someone go get my parents?”

  “No need, son! We are right here! Logan told us to be here…I think somehow he knew how this was going to end.”

  Nate looked down at Charlie. “Do you need a few minutes or do you want to wait for an…”

  Reaching up, she placed her finger over his lips. “Will you just marry me already?”

  The audience laughed as Pastor Eddie continued on with the highly unusual ceremony.

  “Alright, where were we? Oh, yes…vows. Nate, you can go first.”

  Nate looked at him with a small grin. “I kind of said mine already, I think.”

  The pastor smiled, clearly thrown off his groove. “Ok then, Charlie? Or have you said yours already as well?”

  “No…not yet!” She looked down at the ground for moment; then she spoke.

  “Nate, you have been a part of my life for just about as long as I can remember. I have loved you for pretty much that same amount of time. You were my best friend when I was a child, my knight in shining armor when I was a teenager and my first love. During this past year I have learned so much. I have learned that I’m a lot stronger than I ever thought possible. I have learned that the human heart can be shattered and restored and I have learned that with God all things are possible. I loved you always, Nate Jackson.”


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