Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates)

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Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates) Page 4

by Jeanette Lynn

  The ‘big blue ape’ better not have blamed something on me again or set something up to embarrass me somehow. Sometimes Neyenn used poor Muna to accomplish his feats...the jerk. Playing his poor mother like a fiddle to get at me. Hmm… he looked kind of nervous too, maybe he didn’t have anything to do with it. Probably thought he was in trouble too.

  Muna can be kind of out of hand when she gets upset. Her retribution is usually worse than what you did to get into trouble with her in the first place. Doesn’t matter how old you are either, I’m twenty eight and I still shake in my boots when she’s on the war path.

  She didn’t seem mad though…she seemed almost… giddy.

  “There you are! My two ‘lovelies’,” she cooed, putting an arm around each of us, giving us a simultaneous squeeze. She was almost too happy.

  I sniffed at her inconspicuously, trying to see if I could catch a whiff of alcohol on her breath. Nope, smelled minty fresh, so that wasn’t it.

  “Magenta’s mother had a wonderful idea! She said she read somewhere that at ‘Old Earth’ weddings, the two who caught the garter and bouquet would share a dance! Isn’t that lovely!”

  She shoved me into Neyenn’s direction, knocking me off balance. I caught myself on his chest with my outstretched palms.

  At that exact moment, he put his hands on my hips to help brace me. It was probably so he didn’t end up with ‘Molilah cooties’ all over him. I rolled my eyes at that and started to push myself away from him, but Muna pushed me again. Apparently she felt I hadn’t invaded her son’s personal space enough yet as it is.

  I made an ‘oomph’ sound as the air was knocked out of me when our bodies collided, my soft one against his rock hard one.

  Good thing I tucked my chin in at the moment of impact or I’d probably have a bruised chin. She motioned at the d.j. to put a song on as I righted myself.

  Nona was at the d.j. booth and she said something to the Cardanian that had him scrambling through his things for something, a grin on his face.

  “I’m not dancing with him…” I started to say at the same time Neyenn said,

  “Make someone else dance with that ‘She Devil’..”

  Muna leaned towards us with her back turned towards the crowd.

  Uh oh, Muna had gone into ‘mom mode’.

  “You two listen up and you listen up real good,” She pointed her perfectly manicured blue finger at us, “I said you two are going to dance, so you’re going to dance damnit!”

  We both shut our traps and nodded our heads. It should tell you something about Muna if, big as hell Neyenn, immediately acquiesces.

  The music started up and Neyenn and I just stood there, staring at each other helplessly. It was a very sexy song, with very explicit content.

  It was a ‘let’s have sex’ song and it wasn’t a slow one.

  What was Nona thinking!….and where had she heard that song before?…ugh… well, I mentally shrugged… when you’re given lemons….

  “What’s the matter ‘Blue Balls’? Afraid to dance with lil ol’ me?” I started to slowly sway back and forth as I quietly murmured taunts at him. A smile pasted on my face the entire time. I wasn’t about to incur Muna’s wrath, but no one said I couldn’t get my kicks in either.

  Neyenn had backed up a few feet earlier and he stood there stock still for a moment. He narrowed his eyes to slits and studied me for a moment, searching my face intently for something.

  He prowled towards me and I was surprised at how graceful he was, his eyes gliding over me from head to toe. He moved toward me, until we were a hair’s breath away, and started to slowly sway along with me. His hands went to my hips and he gripped them tightly. I could feel his body’s heat through the front of my dress and I shivered.

  I realized what I had just done and flushed, embarrassed at my body's reaction. Neyenn chuckled darkly and leaned down until his lips were near my ear. The move brought our bodies flush against each other and I could feel his belt buckle digging in to my stomach. He shifted a little….erhm.. I think that thing is his belt buckle?

  “What’s the matter ‘Lily White’? Do I make you nervous?” he purred in my ear.

  Gggrrrr! That jerk! That fat headed, crooked nosed, cocky, jerk face!

  Lily White! I’ll show him ‘Lily White’! That was the last straw! Of all the nick names he’d ever given me, ‘Lily White’ was the worst.

  The blue idiot’s referring to my lily white arse. My swim bottoms had, somehow, slipped off when we were all swimming and gotten lost forever in the ocean.

  Everyone had seen everything.

  It was humiliating and I hate to be reminded of it. I still say he sabotaged the ties somehow, I always tied those puppies up tight. I don’t know what I’d have done if Jaye hadn’t let me wear his shirt as bottoms for the walk back to the cottages our parents had rented for spring break.

  I mentally hitched up my big girl panties.

  This was war.

  I slipped out of his arms and turned, putting my back to his front. I pushed my body flush against his and ground my bottom into his crotch. I improvised, tossing my hands up and settling them in his hair. Neyenn hates when people touch his hair. I started to twirl the dark blue strands through my fingers and continued my back and forth grinding motion to his front, keeping up with my sway to the music.

  He growled and leaned in closer to me, his hands once again on my hips. I turned my head to look at him and opened my mouth to say something. Whatever I was going to say was forgotten as he thrust his pelvis into my backside. My breath caught and a gasp came out.

  Sweet Baby Jesus! He really did have an iguanodon in there! Or it felt like one, if the bulge he was rockin’ was any indication. We continued like this, almost in a trance, rocking back and forth together in time with the music.

  The song ended and we just stood there, staring at each other, glassy eyed. I was the first one to snap out of it, I guess. I shook my head to slough off my wayward thoughts, turned around and started walking back to the table. I hope I don’t look like I feel, confused, excited, flushed, horny.

  My heart was still beating frantically in my chest, I felt tingly all over and my skin felt too sensitive.

  What the heck was I doing? What the heck had I done! I just dry humped Jaye’s brother!.. At a wedding….in front of everyone! What does one do in a situation like this? Can’t really blame it all on him either ..I started it!.. and there were witnesses.

  I frowned as I finally reached my table and sat down next to Mags. I must have been delving too deeply into my own disturbing thoughts at that moment. I only caught the fanning motion Mags was making and looked over at her.

  “What was that Mags?” I asked.

  She nudged me and started the fanning motion again.

  “I swear that was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Did you two plan it like that to fake everyone out or something? Like the ultimate prank on everyone? I can’t picture you two working together. You two pulling pranks on each other is bad enough, but together? You two would make a very scary dynamic duo….. let me just say that everyone was surprised at the display you two just put on.”

  I had to think quickly here or be found out.

  “Erm…yep. Heh. You caught us. Ha! Ha! A prank, yup. Surprised you all didn’t we, huh?”

  “It was awesome! You really had me going there for a minute,” Mags enthused.

  “I thought my mom was going to have a heart attack!” she guffawed.

  Looks like she was buying it…now I just have to play it off until I can get the heck out of here. I’m never going to another wedding again! Ever!

  Stick a fork in me, I'm done!


  I stood there, frozen on the dance floor, staring at the back of her as she hurried off. She didn’t even turn around and look back at me. She just…took off..

  For some reason, this really bothered me.

  What am I, chopped liver?

  Her red covered rump was swaying from side
to side as she hurried off. I felt like I was a bull and she was the matador, waving her red flag(or in this case red rump) around as if to say ‘hey, come and get me’.

  She would probably slap me for that thought, but I have no plans of repeating it, let alone acting on it. She had scurried off like she was on fire… like she was embarrassed or something.

  I huffed at that thought. What did she have to be embarrassed about? I’m the one who’s going to be trying to walk with a steel pole in his pants. I grimaced and looked around to see if anyone was looking, so I could adjust said pole.

  A pair of liquid gold peepers were focused in my direction. The owner of those peepers started towards me, but got held up when Mama intercepted him. Jaye kept glancing at me, through the corner of his eye, and at the same time, he was trying to act like he was listening to whatever it was Mama was saying.

  I know what the ‘Chia Pet’ was thinking and I don’t have to explain myself, to anyone. Least of all that little blue midget. I didn’t do anything wrong!

  She started it.

  Granted, I could have stopped it at any time, but I’m not one to back down from a challenge. Plus it was kind of hot…my whole body flushed just thinking about it. Her soft body pressed up to mine, undulating in time to the music.

  Oh, and my hair!

  I don’t normally like anyone touching the ‘do’… but, man, when she ran her fingers through my hair and scraped her nails slightly against my scalp…. And then she tugged a little as she pulled her hands down through it… my body shivered at the memory... I thought I was going to bust my nut, in front of everyone, from that alone.

  I looked down at my little friend in consternation. This train of thought is doing nothing for my current problem. I grimaced a little and shifted to the side, in hopes of a more comfortable position.

  No can do... That sucker was at full mast and I don’t think he had any plans of leaving anytime in the near future.

  Auntie Nona walked up behind me and slapped me on the back.

  “Oh honey, I haven’t seen anything that entertaining in a long time!” She turned thoughtful for a moment. Her lips pursed in thought and she tapped her index finger on them lightly.

  “Well, besides that incident with Jaye and the fire liquor, but that’s a different kind of exciting, you know what I mean?” she winked, elbowed me in the ribs and continued on,

  “You two were setting the room on fire my dear. You remind me of myself and your uncle Horven, bless his heart. Back in the day, we humped like Earth bunnies…” There was a dreamy expression on her face now.

  Oh, ewww!

  There went my boner problem. Poor guy is probably going to crawl so far in he’s never gonna come out.

  “Uh that’s… uh nice?.. Auntie ‘N’... but I gotta get going I.. uh ..have something I have to do.. over there...ok? I will.. Um.. see ya later. K. bub bye..”

  I beat a hasty retreat. I’m never going to another wedding, ever again. These people are a bad influence..

  Why, just look at me, I’m already making poor decisions! I grumbled as I reflected on the evening. I hate weddings!

  One Month Later


  I adjusted my sunglasses and made sure my sarong was tied securely around my waist. I hitched up my purse a little higher on my shoulder.

  “Here’s your backpack Mol. What the heck do you have in that thing anyways? Its heavier than that tote bag you call a ‘purse’.” Jaye handed my backpack over and I put it on my opposite shoulder.

  “Hey! Hey now. Don’t diss the purse my friend. ‘Big red’ has been more faithful to me than you ever could be.” I took off my sandals and nudged my toes into the wet sand at the edge of the lake.


  I love this place. The nice breeze, the fresh air, the sun shining in the clear blue sky.

  The Planet of Natural Forestry was a great place to have a picnic. We shuttled down here every year for Jaye’s birthday, it was one of his favorite places to go. Everyone had requested Friday off so we could all celebrate Jaye’s big ‘two eight’.

  “So, do you feel old yet Jayeleebean?”

  He chuckled at my question and tossed his arm around my shoulders casually as we walked along the waters edge.

  “Nope, how about you? Did you feel old when you turned twenty eight?” Jaye asked as we came to a stop by the edge of the forest. It was beautiful here.

  “No. And to answer your next question, I don’t feel old because we’re not,” I smiled at him and then returned my attention to the rippling waves that lapped gently at our feet.

  “Ask me again when we turn eighty and I might feel different.”

  Jaye laughed with me and squeezed my shoulder. Then, just to be a butt, he gripped my shoulder and jiggled me until I started laughing and pushed his arm off. What a goofball.

  A loud ‘thunk’ distracted us and we both turned to see what was making all the racket. Neyenn was at the picnic tables and he had just plunked down two of the coolers. He was staring at Jaye with a tight expression on his face. He didn’t look very happy at the moment…and I made a mental note to myself to ‘avoid the blue baboon today’.

  “Weren’t you supposed to help him grab one of those coolers from the Forestry’s shuttle cab?” I asked.

  Jaye looked up at me impishly and shrugged. “Eh… maybe… Let the big lug carry them. He’s had a pole up his butt lately. The exercise will do him some good. Besides, I had your backpack remember?”

  He looked at me innocently and I didn’t buy it for a minute. I snorted at him and lightly smacked him.

  “Oh, so is that why you decided to become chivalrous, all of the sudden, and carry it for me? To get out of cooler duties?”

  “Maybe..” He smiled and I laughed again, shaking my head at him.

  Everyone was starting to gather at the picnic tables, so we turned around and started making our way back to the group.

  Oh fudge!.. I mean Pudge!


  I never, in a million years, thought I would say this, but as I watched Jaye playing at the waters edge with Mol, I realized something…I felt...jealous.

  I’m jealous of my little brother. It sounds so foreign to say that, even if I’m only saying it in my head, but it was.

  I’ve never felt jealous about the ‘little turd’ in that way before.

  Nothing has been right since that stupid wedding. It’s like a switch was flipped and I don’t know how to turn it off.

  Was mama right?

  Did I subconsciously want Mol and torture her instead, because I saw her as ‘off limits’? I never thought about it that way before. Well, I never really thought about it at all before. It just was and we just were. I’ve always found Mol attractive, sure, but no, I’ve never thought about acting on it. Lately it’s all I’ve been able to think about.

  It’s been a month, a whole month of distracting thoughts about that woman. For whatever reason, I’m also sure she’s avoiding me today and that’s pissing me off, even more.

  “Neye, honey?”

  “Yeah?” I looked over at Nona as she hurried over to the table. She looked worried.

  “Could you be a dear and help Mol find Pudgy? He ran into the forest again. It’s getting late and we need to get going soon.” She started gnawing on her lip and wringing her hands worriedly.

  ‘Pudge’, the terrier, was Nona’s baby. Mol gave him to her as a birthday present one year when her mom’s dog had pups.

  “The last shuttle out is on its way in and I don’t want him to be stuck here. They’ll be closed for the galaxy wide holiday this weekend. If we don’t find him now he could be stuck here for three days!” she looked like she was about to start wailing.

  “Hold on there. Don’t worry Auntie ‘N’, we’ll find him, it will be okay. Alright?” I rubbed her back a little as I said this.

  She gave me a watery smile and continued on her way, probably in search of the elusive Pudge.


��Here boy! Here Pudge Pudge! Come on! Here Boy! Come to Auntie Mol!”

  I stood there in the middle of the forest, my hands planted on my hips. “Where the heck are you dog?”

  “Did you find him?” a familiar deep voice said from a few yards behind me.

  “No and I’ve looked everywhere.”

  I cupped my hands over my eyes to shade them and maybe get a better view. “I haven’t even seen a sign that he is or has been, anywhere near here. He normally yips when I start calling for him,” I told him.

  He moved up behind me and I didn’t notice until I felt the heat from his body at my back. I shivered, involuntarily, and tried to pretend I was unaffected. I cleared my suddenly dry throat and motioned towards the direction I had come from.

  “Maybe we should head back? They probably already found him. I don’t want to miss the last shuttle out. Come on.”

  I started to walk towards the way I’d come, but Neyenn stopped me when his hand firmly gripped my wrist.

  “Wait. I want to talk to you for a minute.”

  His fingers felt like they were branding my wrist with their heat. He looked at me for a minute and then ran his free hand through his hair. It reminded me of our sexy dance at the wedding and my fingers itched to run through the silky soft mass again.

  He blew out a long breath and looked back at me, “Are you mad at me?”

  “Whaaa… uhm what?” I was so thrown off by his question it took me a minute to get my wits about me.

  Neyenn care?

  This conversation feels an awful lot like a set up for a nasty remark or something.

  I smirked at him a moment and then said, “And since when does the mighty Neyenn, ‘King of the Blue Balled Baboons’, care about what I, the lowly Mol, thinks, or how I’m feeling?”

  He released my wrist and his expression hardened. His cheeks flushed lavender. He scowled at me, quickly turned and then started stomping off towards the direction in the forest that would lead us back to the lake and the picnic tables.


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