Falling For A Hood King 3

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Falling For A Hood King 3 Page 7

by Shvonne Latrice

  For the rest of night, I tossed and turned because my thoughts wouldn’t let me sleep. I was thinking about if Hugo had caught wind of what we just did. I hoped he did because I couldn’t wait to get a reaction out of him. Somehow, my mind also drifted to Bianca. I wondered if they released her ass from jail yet. I was gonna make some calls to my boys in Charleston, to see if she was out in the streets.

  Chapter 22: Bianca Evans

  Today was the greatest day of my life. I was getting released from jail after only being in here for ten months. I got eighteen months at my sentencing, but I was released early for good behavior. I had to go through all these psych evaluations to make sure that I wasn’t crazy, and I passed with flying colors. I wasn’t fucking crazy; I was just in love with a man who never loved me. It made me sick to even speak those words, but it was true.

  See, it all became so complicated. I didn’t think my lie through to the end. I was too busy living in the moment to plan a plausible outcome. I needed to present a baby to Julius and I thought, why not just get the one that I’ve been using this whole time. I went to visit Lizzie, you know, the girl who was helping me. Once she left the room to go use the restroom, I snatched up her son and booked out to my car. I was halfway to my apartment by the time she realized what I’d done and started blowing up my phone. I texted Julius that he could come see our baby and then shut my phone off so she would stop bothering me. We weren’t even together for a good five minutes, before that bitch had the police busting into my apartment to arrest Ju and I. Funny enough, the only thing I could think about while being arrested, was if Julius would ever forgive me. Isn’t that crazy? Not once was I worried about being in jail or my record being trashed. All I was worried about was Julius. Julius, Julius, Julius; he had completely taken over my life.

  However, my days of running behind Julius were over. I still loved him, but my time in jail made me realize he’s not worth the good love I have to give. I gave that man everything and for what? For him to run off into the sunset with another woman. That shit hurt like no other pain in the world. As a wise woman once said, you can teach a dog how to walk and he’ll walk off with another bitch. That’s just what Julius did, too. I’ll tell you one thing that would make more money than anything in the world, would be a cure to a broken heart. I would’ve paid top dollar for someone to stitch my shit up, because it was in complete shambles.

  “Ready to go?” the correctional officer asked me after I collected my belongings.

  “Yes, I am,” I replied smiling.

  I walked out to see if my ride was here and it was. A smile crept across my face as I switched over to the all-black Cadillac Escalade. I tugged on the handle and climbed into the backseat smiling.

  “Welcome home,” Hugo smiled.

  Yeah, Hugo. This nigga flew all the way to Charleston to pick me up from jail. We’d pretty much been talking to one another the whole time I was here. He was telling me he had some beef with Julius, outside of the connect. Now he was saying he had some more shit with him and he wanted him dead. As bad as Julius hurt me, I was willing to help anyone who would hurt him as well.

  “It feels good,” I smiled. “So what’s the plan?” I asked as the driver pulled off.

  “So are you really over Julius?” he asked puffing on his cigar. Why does it matter? I thought to myself.

  “Beyond, I just wanna get back at him for doing me so dirty,” I responded coldly.

  “You’re sexy as hell,” Hugo winked.

  Hugo was an okay looking man, but way too old for me. He was about forty-seven years old, but in pretty good shape. He was light-skinned, bald and buff as fuck. I knew he had a wife who was dumb as hell, thinking her husband was faithful to her. They had five kids together and she spent her days caring for them. That sounded so boring to me; sitting at home being a damn babysitter, until my cheating ass husband gets home. Yeah right. A part of me felt bad for her stupid ass.

  “Thanks Hugo,” I said dryly. “So what are we gonna do?” I quizzed.

  “Well, you know his girl very well, so I think we should go for the gusto,” he snickered and licked his lips. Hugo was such a pervert.

  “Kill her?” I asked to make sure.

  “Eventually, but I want to kidnap her. Get me a couple strokes of that pussy and then maybe get some money to give her back. Shit, she may not wanna go back,” he replied running his tongue across his teeth.

  What was it about Natalia? She was pretty but damn, she seemed to be some rare dish that everyone wanted to try. I hated that little bitch.

  “So you need me to go get her? I don’t even know where they live out here in Charleston,” I complained.

  “That bitch ass nigga is back there in Indiana and I know he didn’t leave his little sexy wife at home,” he replied. “Bitch ass nigga burned down all my traps,” he said damn near balling his face up in a knot.

  “Oh shit Hugo!” I yelped covering my mouth.

  “Yeah, that nigga has done too much shit to me. Stole my connect, killed my nephew, took one of my best workers and now he’s fucking up my revolving income,” he said lighting up another cigar.

  “I didn’t know Ju was doing you so dirty,” I said shaking my head. “Who is your nephew?” I asked. The thought of Julius out here thuggin’ made my panties super wet. He was always crazy as fuck, but this was a little bit more. I don’t think I would ever be over his ass, which is why he needed to be six feet under.

  “Young man named Frank. I promised my sister I would kill Julius and I will,” he said taking a puff. “I sent his brother Marlon to do it, but he ended up falling for the nigga’s wife,” he added shaking his head.

  “You still got money to pay me right?” I frowned.

  “Bitch, I ain’t broke! I just ain’t got no money coming in!” he boomed. I let it slide because I knew he was just frustrated that his pockets would be temporarily dry.

  “Just set up some new areas,” I shrugged. This drug shit couldn’t be that hard, I thought.

  “The nigga done took over my blocks. He out here selling way better shit. I can’t even find who is working for him to kill they ass. But all I know is, ain’t nobody buying from the little niggas I do have left,” he said running his hand over his face.

  “Damn,” was all I could say. I really ain’t care about what he was bitching about.

  I wasn’t here to console him; I was here to take down the nigga that fucked me over. Hugo and I had a mutual hate and all I wanted to talk about was taking care of that.

  “Well, Natalia is always watching the kids, so I’m sure we can catch her at Julius’ crib, run in there and snatch her,” I smiled.

  “Aight, you know that house well. So give my boys the ins and outs of it so we can get her. My dick is hard already at the thought of pounding that sweet young bitch,” he said biting his lip and looking straight ahead. Pervert, I thought.

  “Yep,” I simply replied.

  “But first I wanna try you,” he bit his lip and released his short fat dick.

  “Hugo, that was not a part of the deal, I’m not fucking you,” I spat, glancing back and forth between the driver and Hugo.

  He grabbed my neck and squeezed as tight as he could. He twisted up his face and then clenched his teeth before speaking.

  “You’ll do whatever the fuck I tell your pretty ass to do,” he whispered through clenched teeth. “Take your fucking jeans off,” he added and threw me backwards.

  I was about to speak up, until an AK emerged from the row of seats behind us. I looked at the shooter, who was frowning and ready to blow my head open. A tear slipped out of my eye, as I slowly began to remove my jeans and underwear. Before I could get them off good, Hugo tugged me over onto his lap. He sucked and licked on my neck, as he opened the condom wrapper and slid it down on his dick. Once it was on, he slammed me down onto his rod.

  “Ahh!” I screamed out at the pain.

  Hugo gripped tightly onto my waist and humped upward like a jackrabbit. I was barely we
t, as he thrust into me as if his life depended on it. He threw his head back and started to shiver a little while, biting his lip.

  “Yeah, take this dick,” he groaned. What dick? I thought.

  He sped up even faster and I looked in the back to see his shooter laughing to himself. I would’ve much rather fucked him than Hugo’s disgusting ass.

  “Arrrgghhhh!” Hugo growled as if he were a bear in the forest. “Fuck!” he yelled, gyrating violently as if he were having a seizure.

  I quickly climbed off him and slipped my panties back onto my dry pussy. Hugo sat there panting with his head thrown back and eyes closed. His small dick was still inside the condom, as he lay there like an old ass grandpa.

  “No wonder Julius wifed you for a little bit,” he smirked as he looked over at me.

  I turned my lip up, folded my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes. I stared out the window thinking about how Julius continued to ruin my life, when all I ever gave him was love. Here I was having to sacrifice my body to a nasty ass old man because of him. Julius was gonna go down and I didn’t care how I had to go about doing it.

  Chapter 23: Natalia

  I was so bored being out here in Noblesville. I wished so badly that we could’ve at least stayed in Indianapolis so I could do some stuff. I knew being here was for my safety but still, I missed going out to eat with Paula, or taking my babies to the park. Julius promised that we would be gone in one week, and I couldn’t wait.

  Being the wonderful husband that he is, he agreed to get some board games for Winnie and I, before he headed out to Indianapolis. We’d been playing Monopoly all morning, but now I was tired and hungry. While Winnie got up to make lunch for the babies and me, I decided to play with Jackson. My phone rang, while I was kissing his fat cheeks and I saw it was Lucy. I missed her, but I refused to admit that and be friends again.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “How are you?” she asked.

  “I'm fine. What do you want?” I frowned as if she could see me.

  “I miss you Natalia! This is dumb. I told you I didn’t know that you and Marlon were dating. I thought you and Julius were good,” she replied pleading.

  “We were good. I just... I don’t know,” I exhaled.

  “I promise I wouldn’t do that. I know that whole thing with Julius in Vegas was not a good look, but I was going through it then. Now I’m good. I’m the old Lucy,” she said and I could hear her smiling.

  “The Lucy that had my back?” I asked.

  “Yes Natalia. I never stopped loving you. Even when I was on my jealous tip,” she chuckled.

  “So what’s been going on?” I inquired, happy that she’d called me.

  “Well, I’ve been in cosmetology school because I want to do hair. Lumar is such a good baby,” she said. I really missed Lucy.

  “Any prospects?” I smiled.

  “No, I’m working on being by myself for now. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had some type of nigga. I need a break,” she huffed.

  “Yeah,” I said cheesing at Jackson and rubbing Harmony’s back as she slept.

  “So Mrs. Tate, what have you been up to?” she questioned.

  “Back in Indiana right now. But before I left, Julius said he would help me open a cupcake bakery,” I beamed at the thought.

  “That is such a good idea Nat. Your cupcakes are so good. I remember you used to make cupcakes for us every Saturday. Remember that?” she giggled.

  “Yeah I do,” I laughed. “I missed you Lucy,” I finally said.

  “I missed you too,” she replied. “When do you come back?” she quizzed.

  “Next week, maybe we can get the babies together,” I offered.

  “I can’t wait,” she said.

  “Okay, talk to you later,” I smiled feeling all giddy inside. I loved my best friend and I couldn’t wait to spend more time with her.

  After about an hour, Winnie had enchiladas and baked beans ready. I was starved and ready to eat like I was in jail. Once I ate and made sure Jackson and Harmony ate, I bathed them and put them to bed. I was lying in the upstairs bedroom, scrolling on Instagram, when a text from Paula came through.

  Paula: Is Rashad near you?

  Me: No, why?

  Paula: That nigga is pissing me off!

  Me: Why?

  I was surprised because I thought she and Rashad were good. He seemed so happy and relaxed out here, so you would never know he was having problems with her. Rashad usually wore his emotions on the outside, so you would know if he was bothered.

  Paula: He barely answers my fucking calls and texts. But the worst part is, that he didn’t bring me with him. Ju brought you!

  Me: To keep me safe Paula, I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.

  Paula: So fuck me? I shouldn’t need to be safe?

  Me: Not that, but nobody really knows you as Rashad's girlfriend. So it’s unlikely that someone would come for you.

  Paula: Oh and everybody knows about you and Julius? Lol

  Me: Everyone knows I’m his wife.

  Paula: Everybody except him. Goodnight.

  I wasn’t trying to be mean to Paula, I was trying to make her feel better. I didn’t want her to think that Rashad didn’t bring her because he didn’t care. I wanted her to think that he didn’t bring her because he felt she was safe where she was. I guess it backfired, because she was taking the Lucy approach by insulting my relationship. Those comments didn’t hurt anymore, because I knew Julius had changed. I didn’t care about the past any longer. Julius had matured and I knew he was being faithful to me like he promised. He hadn’t hit me since the day he promised he wouldn’t either, so I had no reason to doubt him.

  A part of me was curious to know why Rashad was dissing Paula. If she wouldn’t have gotten mad with me just now, I would’ve asked her for more details. I’ve never known Paula to be the jealous or crazy type, so I was sure that whatever was going on was Rashad’s fault.

  Chapter 24: Lucy Ouistin

  I decided to surprise Natalia in Indiana, so I booked a mid-week flight since it was the cheapest. I was so happy that she agreed to make up after that whole Marlon thing, because I felt like I was dying without her. We became so attached to each other over the years, and I needed her. I honestly thought she and Marlon’s relationship didn’t go past the night at IHOP. I mean, she hadn’t talked to me in forever, so how was I supposed to know what was going on in her life? Whatever. All I knew is that I missed my best friend and that I wanted to be like we were before.

  As far as Marlon, I stopped fucking with him after Natalia caught us together. He tried to pretend like he was so into me, but I realized that shit was a lie. The way he left me naked in his bed to go chase after Natalia, showed me that his feelings for me weren’t there or weren’t as strong as the ones he had for Natalia. After him, I told myself I needed a break from guys. I just needed to focus on my career and raising my son. If a good man came along, then so be it, but my looking days were over. They’d brought me nothing but trouble, heartbreak and humiliation.

  “This is the house,” I said to the taxi driver so that he’d pull over.

  “That’ll be twenty-nine dollars and forty-four cents,” he said giving me the total. I handed him $35, and got out of the car with my small suitcase.

  I walked up the walkway and knocked lightly on the screen door. No one came to answer, so I had to end my surprise. I pulled out my cell phone and pressed Natalia’s name so she could come to the door for me.

  “Hey Lucy!” she answered.

  “Hey, are you home?” I asked smiling.

  “Yeah, I’m always out here,” she exhaled.

  “Okay. Come to the door, I’m outside,” I grinned and fixed my shirt.

  “What? Why?” she asked.

  “Cause I’m in Indiana hoe!” I laughed. “I’m outside your house,” I added.

  “I don’t see you,” she said.

  “I’m right at-” before I could finish, a black sack wa
s placed over my head. “Ahhh! What!” I yelled and squirmed as I tried to get the bag off my head.

  I heard Natalia yelling my name, as my phone slipped from my grasp. I was being dragged backwards as I fought wildly to either get the sack off my head or get away altogether. I was shouting to let me go, which came out low and muffled. I felt myself being put into a car and the car started to move, making me scream harder and louder. All of a sudden, the sack was snatched off and I didn’t recognize any of these men. They all appeared to be about twenty-five or younger and had on all black.

  “Where are you-”

  Before I could finish, the guy sitting next to me placed a cloth over my mouth and nose. I fought violently, as he pressed my head against the glass while laughing. I felt myself getting weak, until I finally passed out.


  “Who the fuck is this?!” I heard a deep voice yell.

  “The girl, boss,” someone replied.

  My eyes fluttered and I kept blinking hoping to clear my vision up. I saw a big, buff, bald, light-skinned guy yelling at one of the guys that were in the car with me earlier.

  “Did you go to the right house? This is not Natalia!” the buff guy yelled. Natalia? Why were they trying to kidnap Natalia? I wondered.

  “Yes boss, I went to this address here!” he replied pointing to a crumpled up piece of paper.

  “This is fucked up. This all fucked up,” the buff guy yelled as he paced the room.

  Suddenly, he pulled a gun from his waist and shot the guy in the head. I jumped and screamed, making him look at me. I tried to move away, but realized I was tied up. An evil grin appeared on his face as he walked over to me.

  “You’re just as beautiful though,” he said kneeling in front of me. I turned my face away from him, as a tear slid down my face. “Who are you? You must know Natalia and Julius,” he quizzed.


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