Falling For A Hood King 3

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Falling For A Hood King 3 Page 10

by Shvonne Latrice

  “This is Lucy. Lucy has got you feeling this way,” she scowled. “Don’t let that streetwalker cloud your judgment babe,” she pleaded with me. It was almost laughable, but I held in my laughter because I knew she was serious.

  “I felt this way before Lucy, ma,” I responded, shaking my head. “Way before Lucy, I’d become miserable.”

  “So what, are you guys dating?” she asked with furrowed eyebrows.

  “Yeah, we’re just seeing where it goes right now. I really don’t want to discuss this with you and I have somewhere to be Paula,” I said standing. I was really feeling Lucy and thinking about making it official; however, Paula didn’t need to know that.

  “You fucked her?” she glared at me.

  “Unfortunately no,” I exhaled heavily, because I couldn’t wait to smash Lucy.

  Paula stood up and stared at me, then quickly left my house. Thank God.


  “That Goosebumps movie was so good,” Lucy smiled as we walked into my house.

  “I bet it was, eating all my damn snacks,” I chuckled as I locked the door behind her.

  “Sharing is caring,” she cheesed, flashing her beautiful smile.

  “Yes, but I tried to buy you your own and you said ‘nah I’m good,’” I replied imitating her voice, and she laughed.

  “Whatever nigga. That popcorn wasn’t that good anyway,” she smacked her lips.

  “You weren’t saying that when you were grabbing handfuls and stuffing it into that big ass mouth of yours,” I joked.

  “I’m sure you enjoyed watching me eat,” she poked her lips out and I laughed.

  I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her small waist. She draped her arms over my shoulders, and lightly trailed her fingers up and down the nape of my neck. I leaned down, pressed my lips against hers, and started to suck her lips. I backed her into my bedroom as we continued to kiss hungrily. I was still smashing Paula, but I wanted to feel Lucy bad. We reached the bed and I pushed her onto it lightly.

  “Rashad wait, I don’t know about this,” she said pulling from our kiss.

  “Why?” I asked as I panted heavily.

  “To be completely honest, I’m tired of giving my body up with no commitments. I've done it in the past, and it always left me heartbroken. I’m not asking that you be with me, but I’m just saying I can’t do this …like this,” she explained with a concerned expression.

  “Well let’s do it then,” I said pecking her soft lips.

  “Do what?” she quizzed looking into my eyes.

  “Let’s make this official,” I said pulling her closer to me as I laid between her legs.

  “Your real girl, like no funny stuff?” she questioned smiling.

  “No funny stuff. Just me and you,” I smiled.

  She smiled back and pulled me close for a kiss. We undressed each other, trying our best not to break our kiss while doing so. I kissed all over her beautiful physique, and then went to devour her hard nipples as I fingered her.

  “Uhh, Rash- ahhh,” she cooed.

  Once she exploded onto my fingers, I sucked off her juices and then dipped my head down to suck on her clit. I took my fingers and plunged them back inside her, as I continued to attack between her hips. I licked up all her juices once she exploded, and trailed my tongue back up to her mouth. I was about to do all kinds of shit to this sexy ass body of hers.

  I placed her legs over my shoulders and slid deep inside her snug walls. It was so wet, warm, and tight, and I knew I may not last too long. I started off slow while sucking on her full lips. I felt as if I didn’t have enough mouths and hands to do all that I wanted to do.

  “Rashaaad, what are you doing to me,” she whispered as I pumped in a circular motion.

  After she came, I flipped her on all fours, and then proceeded to suck on her clit from the back until she exploded again. I bit her smooth, round, ass making her cry out in pleasure. I slid into her from behind, and spread her cheeks to watch my work.

  “Shit,” I moaned in a low tone.

  “Shaadd, mmm, uhhh,” she whimpered in her soft voice.

  I sped up my strokes, watching her ass jiggle. She looked back at me and her sex faces turned me on to the max. I leaned down and pulled her bottom lip into my mouth, as I pumped away. I sucked her lips, and wrestled with her tongue until I exploded in her from behind.

  I just exploded in her, fuck, I thought as I panted heavily.

  Chapter 32: Paula Wright

  The saying “life isn’t fair” is all too true. How is it that I do everything right and hoe ass Lucy does everything wrong, yet she ends up with Rashad? The term “hoes is winning” is really true. The bitches that spread their legs for anybody always end up getting the best niggas, while the chicks with morals like myself, always end up alone and single.

  I totally understand that what I did was wrong. I should’ve never sabotaged his condoms or made him think I was on birth control, but I wanted what the people around me had. I wanted marriage, the new baby, the house, everything. But no, Rashad wanted to continue being a little ass boy, continuing to shack up, fuck and play temporary daddy to my daughter, Gabby. Julius and Rashad had the same blood running through their veins, so why didn’t they want the same fucking thing and at the same fucking time? I was a better woman than Natalia, so Rashad should’ve been trying to hurry up and lock me down. Shit, even Julius should’ve been looking this way.

  I mean, I was a college graduate with a good life ahead of me. I lowered my standards to be with a damn dope boy, and this is how he does me? Rashad was beneath me, but I still gave him a chance because he was sexy. He should be begging to get a bitch like me pregnant. This is what happens when you date niggas that aren’t on your level. I gave that nigga a chance and he didn’t even appreciate it.

  Now back to Ms. Lucy Ouistin. A nineteen-year-old single mom, with plenty bodies under her belt, and whose education stops at a high school diploma. It’s laughable that he would shoot for something so low on the totem pole. Yeah, I was a single mom too, but you don’t go from diamonds to rhinestones, and that’s definitely what he was doing. Lucy wasn’t even a cubic zirconia in my eyes. I chuckled at my thoughts.

  I was gonna go talk to Natalia today and see if she wanted to help me break them up. She and Lucy weren’t cool anymore, so I knew she would be down to get back at her. Plus, she and I were best friends now, so she had no choice but to comply. If she didn’t, I would take her down too.

  “Paula?” Natalia frowned when she opened the door.

  “Hey boo!” I smiled as I walked in her house as if we’d been on good terms this whole time.

  I followed her to the den area, so we could sit down and talk. The last time we had any communication, she insulted Rashad’s and my relationship. I was gonna forgive her though, because I needed her help in getting rid of Lucy. After that though, I was gonna check her ass for downplaying me and my nigga.

  “Would you guys like some passion fruit tea?” Winnie peaked in to ask us.

  “Yeah, thank you Winnie,” Natalia half smiled. “So Paula, I didn’t even think we were still friends,” she stared at me with a confused expression.

  “I know, I forgive you though,” I nodded.

  “Forgive me for what?” she frowned.

  “For insulting my relationship. For saying that Rashad and I weren’t as serious as you and Julius,” I turned my lip up. Was she dumb? Calm down Paula, I said to myself.

  “I didn’t insult you, Paula. I was trying to make you feel better by stating facts,” she replied like the fool that she was.

  “Whatever, I have plenty of facts on you and Julius, but I’m sure if I said them it’d feel like an insult,” I fake smiled. She didn’t want to go there with me.

  “Like what?” she asked in a snobby tone. Was she crazy? All the shit I knew about their situation and here she was acting like we’d just met.

  “Like the fact that he cheats on you all the time and that he hit you a lot,” I said
in a condescending tone. Maybe after I knocked her ass down a couple notches, she would snap out of her fantasy world.

  “Correction, he used to cheat and used to hit me all the time,” she fake smiled.

  “Natalia, this is not what I came here for,” I said defeated.

  “Then what did you come here for?” she raised a brow. I wanted to slap her ass but that wouldn’t help me.

  “I need you to help me come up with something to get Rashad back. I need to get Lucy away from him,” I replied.

  “What?” she frowned. “I don't do stuff like that,” she added in that innocent tone of hers.

  “No one is gonna get hurt,” I lied.

  “Lucy will and maybe even Rashad,” she said.

  “Oh, and what about me? I’m just supposed to let her have him?” I bucked my eyes.

  “Yes, let him go, and if it’s meant, he will come back,” she smiled.

  “I don’t believe in fairytales like you, Nat. Are you gonna help me or not?” I said standing up.

  “Not,” she responded.

  “Cool, you remember this bitch,” I said. I downed the tea Winnie brought us and then stormed out.

  Operation get rid of Lucy, just became operation get rid of Lucy and Natalia.


  I sat inside my Lexus, filing my nails. I was waiting for Lucy to come out of her cosmetology class. I was gonna give her a chance to bow out gracefully, before just taking the bitch out.

  The clock read 3:00pm, so I prepared myself to get out the car. I knew she would be coming out in about ten minutes and I wanted to catch her as soon as she walked out the door. I jogged across the street and leaned up against the wall to wait for her.

  “Lucy!” I called out as she walked outside.

  “Yes?” she raised a brow as she turned to face me.

  “Can I talk to you for a second?” I asked.

  “You already are,” she spat. Don’t hit her Paula. Don’t hit her, I chanted to myself.

  “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Rashad is taken. We are actually about to have a baby,” I smiled and rubbed my baby-less stomach.

  “Oh word?” she laughed as if I’d just told the funniest joke.

  “Word,” I nodded.

  “Well, you are right about one thing boo, Rashad is taken. He’s my man for sure. Now as far as you being pregnant, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say yo’ ass is lying,” she cocked her head to the left. “Didn’t he leave because you tried to get pregnant, but by the grace of God, failed?" she smirked.

  “Look bitch, I tried to be nice but you’re making that real hard for me. Now either you stay away from Shad or pay for it with your life. Is he worth it?” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Well, I usually would’ve said no, but seeing how bat shit crazy you’ve become, he must be worth it,” she laughed. What was funny to her? I was serious! I was serious!

  “Alright, well make sure to shoot me your mother’s address so I can make sure to invite her to your funeral,” I smiled and turned on my heels to leave.

  There, you can’t say I didn’t give her a fair chance to live. I damn near begged her to save her own life, and she refused. Anything that happened to her at this point was all her fault.

  Chapter 33: Julius

  Since our honeymoon, Natalia and I hadn’t been on a nice trip. Since everything was going smoothly, I booked us a trip to Venice, Italy. This time, we were bringing Winnie, Harmony, and Jackson, because I wanted it to be a family trip as well. I also wanted Winnie to enjoy herself and get away. Rashad was bringing Lucy, and I knew that Paula was gonna have something to say about it. Natalia had already told me she came over yelling out threats and shit. I wasn’t feeling that, but how harmful could she be, right? That was also for Rashad to deal with, not me.

  We were staying at a hotel called Ai Cavalieri di Venezia, in Venice. We chose to stay in the royal suites, which were fit for kings and queens. All the curtains and bedding were white and gold and the bathrooms were all white marble, with hints of chestnut brown. The place was beautiful and I felt like royalty.

  “I don’t even know which one I like better,” Natalia smiled as she toured our suite with Harmony in her arms.

  “You mean between this and the one in Paris?” I smiled as I laid Jackson down.

  “Yeah, this is so beautiful honey,” she beamed.

  “Here you go with that honey shit,” I chuckled as she walked up to me.

  “You don’t like it?” she laughed.

  “I love anything you do,” I smiled down at her.

  “Well, let me put her to sleep and then we can do some other things you love,” she replied biting her sexy bottom lip.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I winked.


  “I feel like a queen or something,” Winnie joked as we sat down at the restaurant.

  Ristorante Quadri was our restaurant of choice. Just like our room, it reminded me of a dining area for a king. It felt as if King Henry Tudor dined here before, just because it had that look. There were men playing violins and since it was nighttime, all the beautiful lights were on. The food was pricy, but it was supposedly the best place to eat here in Venice. This city was extremely romantic I was starting to see.

  “I’ve been so hungry these days,” Lucy commented as she looked over the menu and adjusted Lumar in her lap. Rashad looked worried when she said that and I wondered why.

  Rashad was always careful in the bedroom like myself, so I knew she couldn’t have been pregnant. I low key got Natalia pregnant on purpose, but was just in denial of my actions and feelings. I was immature and wasn’t sure what the hell was wrong with me. It was hard for a nigga like me to admit I was in love back then.

  After figuring out what half of this shit was, we went ahead and ordered our dishes. I was starved from traveling all day and couldn’t wait to dig in. I kept seeing my brother carry a worried expression, and I knew something was up. I just hoped it wasn’t too bad because I was getting used to living without any problems and enemies.

  “You can share with daddy because mommy is hungry,” Natalia joked as she handed Jackson to me. Harmony was sleeping in her carrier, in between Natalia and Winnie.

  My wife was so perfect. She was beautiful, smart, sweet and most of all she loved a nigga. All the shit I did to her and she still loved me the same; maybe even more. Sometimes, I couldn’t believe the way that I used to treat her. I couldn’t imagine putting my hands on her and I hated to think about it. I was really crazy as hell back then.

  Dinner was actually really good and I was relieved that we hadn’t just wasted money on bullshit ass food. Rashad loosened up during dinner and was hella cozy with Lucy. I thought she was just a rebound at first, but I was seeing that he actually fucked with her. Afterwards, we toured around the city since we thankfully brought the strollers. A couple of hours went by, and we headed back to the room after realizing how late it was.

  “I love you baby,” I said once we walked into the bedroom of the suite.

  “I love you too,” she beamed.

  I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. We sucked each other’s lips slowly and gently, as we undressed one another. I laid on my back and she mounted my rock hard dick. She pushed herself down on it and we moaned in unison. She rocked her hips and bounced slowly, just the way I liked it. My mouth watered at the sight of her small perky breasts bouncing, and her stomach muscles slightly flexing. She placed her small hand on my abs for leverage, as she bit her lip.

  “I’m cumming Ju,” she cried out.

  I gripped her small waist tightly and then rubbed my hands up and down her sweaty body. I reached around the back of her, then squeezed and smacked her small, round, fat ass.

  “Fuck Nat. Ahhh, shit,” I moaned in the way only she could make me do.

  I pulled her down close to me, as she released on my pole. I pulled her soft lips into my mouth, and dipped my tongue into hers. I flipped her over so that now I was on to
p, with my dick still inside. We were sweating like crazy, and she looked so sexy to me. I licked her beautiful face, as I felt my nut rising.

  “You’re so fucking sexy to me baby girl,” I whispered as I thrust into her hard but slow.

  She whimpered softly and stared into my eyes the way I liked her to. I sucked her chin and then caressed the sides of her smooth, sweaty thighs. I pushed one of her legs back and went ham as I bit her inner thigh by the knee. You could hear the sound of how wet she was, our moans and our sweaty bodies pressing against each other. I wished I could record that shit to listen back.

  “Ahhhh!” we yelled out in unison as we both exploded.

  We hugged each other tightly, as our bodies jerked together. I couldn't get enough of her.

  “Don’t let me go Julius,” she whispered as we kissed, still in one another’s embrace.

  Chapter 34: Natalia

  It was the last day of our vacation. We had been here for one whole week and I was not ready to get on that plane tomorrow. I needed this to last forever. I saw why people moved out of America to places like this. It was so relaxing and just all around different. People seemed so much nicer and welcoming than in America.

  Today we were gonna go on a tour in a gondola. Lucy didn’t really like water, so she was scared to go. I always saw them on movies and couldn’t believe that I was gonna be on one. I made sure my phone was on and charged, so I could take as many pictures as I needed to.

  “Why aren’t you dressed Ju?” I asked when I walked into the bedroom.

  “Cause I’m tryna figure out why Marlon is calling and texting you,” he said angrily as he sipped on some Hennessey.


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