A Case of You

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A Case of You Page 3

by Tymber Dalton

  Which had now backfired on him.

  “He’s not going back to work,” Brandon said. “I mean, short of physically restraining him, I can’t force him to not go back to work if he decides to disobey me, but I hope he won’t do that.”

  “Me, too, Master.”

  * * * *

  At some point in the night, Jeff awoke and realized he was alone in bed. After lifting his head to check the time on the cable box, he saw it was nearly two in the morning.

  Even moving that little bit hurt, both the good kind of pain from Nate’s cupping session, and the bad kind of pain from the Lyme disease.


  He hated his body. Loathed it. He wasn’t even forty yet and felt like an old man.

  This is ridiculous.

  Not being able to work was killing him from the inside out. Not only because he felt like a mooch—regardless of what arguments Brandon and Stuart made to the contrary—but because he wasn’t used to being home all day and not being able to…do things. Vanilla things.

  He couldn’t even go to the club with them on the weekends and do kinky things, at this point.

  He got that Brandon and Stuart loved him—and yes, he was in this for life with them—except their love and assurances weren’t enough to overcome how he felt regardless of what logic told him. His entire adult life, he’d had a job. He’d worked first for his dad and the family drywall business, then he’d gone to school to become an auto repair technician.

  I have to get a job.

  Could he work on cars? Probably not. It was physically taxing and he fully realized he couldn’t stand on his feet all day in a service bay without air conditioning and not feel dead every night. He was going to start by calling the dealership he used to work for and see if they had any other openings. Not in sales, though. Parts counter or service writer, anything. Even if it was just part-time.

  If they didn’t have any openings, he’d ask around and apply to other dealerships and auto parts stores.

  Something so he could feel…human again.

  Like he really contributed to their household.

  He dreaded the doctor visit tomorrow. He suspected they were going to want to put in another PICC line.

  That had been misery the last time. A necessary misery to help his health improve, but misery nonetheless.

  Not only the line, and the restrictions it brought to his life, but the medications. Half the time he felt nauseous or crappier than if he just sucked it up and dealt with the symptoms of the Lyme disease.

  The only thing that had helped short-term were Nate’s treatments, and using some essential oils Nate had recommended, taking them internally to help knock back the nausea so he could at least eat.

  He’d already dropped nearly fifteen pounds from being sick.

  It took him a moment, but he finally dragged himself out of bed and to the master bathroom. When he returned, he stopped by the bed and debated whether or not to go wake up Brandon and Stuart to come to bed with him, then decided not to.

  They were probably asleep. Why ruin their night?

  Moving carefully, he climbed into bed and wrapped himself around the pillow Brandon usually used, trying not to cry over how miserable and alone he felt.

  Chapter Three

  The smell of coffee brewing awakened Jeff Wednesday morning. Most likely Emma and Grace who’d started it, since they were always up before anyone else on the mornings Emma had swimming.

  That meant it wouldn’t be too long before Brandon and Stuart were awake and moving. They’d have to get their showers and get dressed. They usually all showered in the master bathroom in the mornings.

  Forcing himself to roll to his side and stretch, he finally reached the lamp on the closer of the two bedside tables and switched it on. Then he waited for the worst of the pain to abate enough he could continue.

  Not as bad as the pain had felt yesterday morning, where just that much movement sent his back and shoulders into agonizing spasms, but still bad.




  On the other hand, that wasn’t exactly accurate or fair. He had two great guys who loved him, who he loved, and then there were Emma and Grace.

  Plus he was going to be an uncle soon, courtesy of his younger sister, Iris, and her boyfriend, Calvin. They still hadn’t decided when or if they were going to get married, but they’d been living together for years.

  He was slowly and painfully forcing himself up into a sitting position when the bedroom door opened. Stuart, seeing him, rushed over to help him.

  “Why didn’t you call for help?”

  “Because I didn’t want everyone in the house thinking I was dying. I just need to go to the bathroom.” He glared at Stuart. “Why did you guys sleep in the other room last night?”

  Stuart blinked at his tone. “I’m sorry. We didn’t want to wake you up after you fell asleep.”

  “Yeah, nothing makes a guy feel cared about like waking up alone in bed in the middle of the night.” He stumbled his way into the bathroom. “And I don’t need help taking a piss, either.” He slid the door closed on the toilet alcove and slumped down onto it after managing to get his shorts down.

  He wasn’t even sure he could pee standing up that morning without getting it all over himself.

  That would only add insult to injury.

  He finished and washed his hands. When he emerged from the bathroom, Stuart wasn’t in the bedroom, but Brandon was. He stood there with his arms crossed and wearing a stern look that, under other circumstances, would likely mean Jeff was getting a punishment spanking.


  Although Jeff knew damn well what.

  “You hurt his feelings.”

  “Well, excuse me that my life is shit.” He had fully planned to storm around Brandon and go get himself some coffee, but Brandon stuck an arm out, blocking his progress.

  And Jeff realized he didn’t even have the strength to push past him.

  “Stop,” Brandon quietly said. “This isn’t about us sleeping in the other room last night, and we both know it.”

  I will not fucking cry. I will not fucking cry!

  Brandon wrapped his arms around Jeff and carefully pulled him close, not squeezing. Jeff didn’t miss that. But Brandon’s grip felt firm, unbreakable.

  “If you need to take it out on someone, please take it out on me, not him, and not the girls.”

  Jeff didn’t realize he was crying until he tried to speak and his voice was all…snotted up and wheezing. “I hate this.”

  “I know, buddy.” Brandon gently maneuvered him over to the edge of the bed and sat with him. “I’m sorry we didn’t sleep with you last night.”

  “I want my life back.”

  “I know.”

  Jeff leaned in, his head on Brandon’s shoulder. “I want to be able to go to the club and have you beat my ass. Or play slave boy with Stuart for you when the girls aren’t home. I hate sitting there and watching him get to do everything I wish I could do, even normal stuff like chores.”

  Brandon nuzzled his temple. “Do you want me to pull things back to vanilla mode for a while? Until you’re feeling better? I don’t mind.”

  “What if I never feel better?”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  Jeff sniffled. “No, because Stu loves it.”

  “He wouldn’t if he knew it was hurting you.”

  “He’s not hurting me. This goddamned disease hurts me. He hasn’t done anything wrong.”

  “Then why is he nearly in tears out in the kitchen?”

  More damn guilt. “I’m sorry.” His breath hitched. “I…I hate feeling like this.”

  Brandon kissed him. “Sit here for a minute, okay?”


  Brandon left the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Jeff sat on the far side of the bed, closest to the sliders. The vertical blinds were shut, but he could already see hints of grey light trying to sneak in around the bot
tom and sides.


  People everywhere going to work.

  How he wished he was one of them.

  All because one stupid, fucking little goddamned tick that wasn’t even as big as the end of his pinky made a meal out of him and infected him with this motherfucking disease.

  He didn’t look over when the door opened and closed again. Stuart rounded the end of the bed, a mug of coffee in his hands. Jeff realized it was his favorite mug, one with an Edsel on it that Emma had gotten him for his last birthday.

  Stuart slowly knelt in front of him, holding the mug up for him. “I made your coffee for you.”

  Now he really wanted to cry. Bless his heart, Stuart was a sweetie, totally a bottom. Jeff took it from him and took a sip. “Thank you, boy. It’s perfect.” He set it on the bedside table and spread his legs a little, patting his thigh.

  Stuart edged in, resting his head in Jeff’s lap. Jeff started stroking his hair.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t sleep with you last night,” Stuart said.

  “No, I’m sorry I snapped at you, buddy. I…I’m sorry. In the future when I’m like this, feel free to call me an asshole and remind me it’s the pain making me be a butthead.”

  Stuart’s arms gently encircled Jeff’s waist as he nuzzled in closer. “I love you. I wish I could make you feel better.”

  “I know, buddy. But I’m serious. Please, look at me.”

  Stuart finally did.

  “I mean it. When I get like this, call me out on it.”

  “You can’t help it.”

  “I can help it. I also need to be reminded of it.” He raked his nails along Stuart’s scalp the way he knew their little subby boy loved. “How about I grab a shower with you this morning?”


  “Yeah, really. Hot water might make me feel a little better. Please get me a pair of shorts from my room, and grab your coffee and bring it in. I’ll get the shower started, and you meet me there.” He tipped Stuart’s head up before crooking a finger at him to stand.

  When Stuart did, Jeff reached between Stuart’s legs, palming his cock through the sleeping shorts he wore.

  He hardened immediately.

  Jeff gently squeezed. “I’ll give you a little morning reward for putting up with my grumpy ass. How’s that sound?”

  Finally, a genuine smile from Stuart. “Thank you. I’ll be right back.” He brushed a kiss across Jeff’s lips and hurried for the bedroom door after Jeff released his cock.

  Crisis averted.

  Bonus—Stuart wouldn’t be there to see how much it hurt him trying to stand up again.

  * * * *

  Jeff had made it into the shower by the time Stuart returned and joined him in the bathroom. He pulled Stuart under the spray with him and kissed him, not bothering to wonder where Brandon was.

  He knew.

  Brandon was giving him this time alone with Stuart to make amends, repair the tiny rift before it could become a big one.

  Smart fucking man, that husband of mine.

  Jeff suspected Brandon and Stuart hadn’t made love last night. Brandon had fallen into an unspoken pattern of making sure if the three of them didn’t make love that the one not involved was okay with that.

  Which the third always was. Lately, he was nearly always that third, and it was because he hurt too much to do more than watch.

  Another point, that usually Brandon made love to Stuart there, in bed with Jeff, so Jeff could still be part of things in some way.

  Although, sometimes, Brandon set up little interludes like this for him and Stuart. Lately, those had happened few and far between.

  Again, his stupid, painful, uncooperative body to blame there.

  Jeff reached down and fisted Stuart’s cock, which had softened only a little. “A quick one before work?” Stuart’s flesh hardened in his hand.

  His sweet green eyes stared up at Jeff as he smiled and sank to his knees in front of him. “Only if I can take care of you, first.”

  When his own cock stirred, Jeff knew this time, at least, he’d be able to participate. “Deal.”

  Stuart’s eager mouth engulfed his prick. Hot, sweet, wet, Stuart’s tongue perfectly tracing every ridge and sucking just the right amount to finish hardening him to full length.

  It’d been over a week since Jeff had felt like fooling around, and that had been little more than Brandon holding him in bed while Stuart went down on him before the two of them had fucked. So he damn sure wasn’t going to turn up his nose at this opportunity.

  Jeff leaned back against the wall, cuffed his hands around Stuart’s head and let him go to town. Bobbing his lips up and down Jeff’s shaft, Stuart reached up and cupped Jeff’s balls with one hand and reached behind him with the other. Jeff widened his stance while Stuart’s finger burrowed between Jeff’s ass cheeks and found his rim.

  “Fuck, yeah, boy,” Jeff whispered. “Right there.”

  Stuart gently rubbed his rim, just enough pressure to make it feel really good while his other hand lightly tugged on his balls exactly the way Jeff loved.

  Stuart always knew what they loved. He’d spent his months with them learning them from the inside out, it felt like, wanting to please them.

  Wanting to be perfect for them.

  He loved them perfectly.

  “Such a good boy,” Jeff said. “This one’s all for you.” And it didn’t take long. He hadn’t had his morning meds yet, nothing to upset his stomach, and he was reasonably vertical.

  Jeff’s orgasm built before finally cresting, breaking, warm pleasure sweeping through his system, the good kind of ache as his cum pumped into Stuart’s awaiting mouth. Stuart’s happy moans rolled through Jeff’s cock and balls and he cradled the man’s head against his abs.

  “That’s it,” Jeff said. “Good boy.”

  He finally coaxed Stuart onto his feet and once against fisted his cock. Jeff wished he could drop to his knees and reciprocate in kind, but that wouldn’t be possible this morning with how much pain he was in.

  Jeff kissed Stuart as he jacked his cock, taking his time and building him up, loving the way Stuart got into it. His whole body tensed and he held on to Jeff’s shoulders, his lower lip caught under his teeth, eyes focused on Jeff’s.

  “That’s my good boy. Show me how it feels. Give it to me.”

  Stuart’s fingers dug in, but that was the good kind of pain Jeff would gladly tolerate. Especially when Stuart came. His juices slicked Jeff’s hand as he stroked him, not stopping at first, until Stuart’s tell-tale whine started, the sweetly adorable desperation that Jeff knew marked the point of too-much, but he’d take it.

  Because he was their good boy.

  Jeff stopped and Stuart immediately grabbed his hand and brought it up to his mouth, licking and sucking his juices from Jeff’s fingers.

  Jeff cupped his other arm around Stuart’s shoulders and cuddled him close. “Good boy. My very good boy.”

  Jeff heard the bathroom door open. “The girls have left. Room for one more?” Brandon asked.

  “Of course, Master.”

  He stepped in, smiling, kissing Jeff and then Stuart. “All better?”

  Stuart let out a happy sigh, his eyes falling closed as he snuggled against Jeff. Brandon wrapped his arms around Stuart from behind, sandwiching him between them.

  “You are almost going to be running late,” he said to Stuart. “And someone needs to eat breakfast and take his morning meds.” Brandon’s blue gaze fixed on Jeff.

  “Yes, Master,” Jeff said.

  Brandon patted Stuart on the ass. He usually jumped into the shower in the mornings only long enough to wake up, since he always needed a shower when he got home from work anyway.

  Usually, he got in with Brandon, or Jeff, if he was up, to scrub their back or work in a quick snuggle.

  Starting his morning right.

  Stuart finally straightened and kissed Jeff, then Brandon, before one final rinse and climbing out to dry
off and go shave in the third bathroom, where the mirror wasn’t steamed up.

  Brandon stepped in to hug Jeff. “Better?”

  “Thanks.” He let Brandon hold him, his head resting against Brandon’s shoulder. “Why do you guys put up with me when I get like that?”

  “Because we love you and couldn’t get by without you. And thank you for taking care of that with him. I know it made him feel better.” He nuzzled the top of Jeff’s head. “I wish I could stand here with you longer, but I need to go pick up Tracey and drive her to work.” After one more kiss, he turned them so Brandon stood under the spray and started getting his shower. “You need to take your morning meds and try to eat something before your appointment.”

  Jeff was getting out when Stuart returned, shaved, a towel wrapped around his hips. In one hand he carried a glass of water, and in the other he had the pill caddy with Jeff’s meds.

  “Thank you, buddy.”

  Stuart brightened. “You’re welcome.”

  Jeff snagged Stuart’s hand before he could get away, pulling him in for a kiss. “Love you.”

  Stuart’s smile brightened even more, finally driving away the shadows in Jeff’s heart. “Love you, too.”

  As he sighed and started to take the pills and capsules, one by one, he knew he was lucky, all things considered.

  He just wished his happy ending hadn’t come with this crappy string attached.

  Chapter Four

  Despite the little hiccup that morning, Stuart didn’t let it ruin his mood. He’d left the house happy that he’d been able to bring Jeff some pleasure to offset his pain, and wishing he could do more for Jeff.

  He was halfway to work when his cell phone rang. He almost didn’t answer it, because it wasn’t one of the custom ring tones he used for Brandon, Jeff, or the girls, until he saw it was his sister Eileen calling. Two years older than him, she was the second youngest of the four siblings.

  With his gut suddenly tensing in a bad way, he answered the call. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Do you have a minute to talk?”

  Well, hopefully it wasn’t something bad, like one of their parents dying. “I’m driving to work, so I guess. What’s going on?”


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