Adrenaline Rush (Death Chasers MC Series Book 4)

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Adrenaline Rush (Death Chasers MC Series Book 4) Page 6

by C. M. Owens

  I shrug. I’m not giving her the twisted compliments she’s fishing for, simply because it drives her insane not to have her crazy be appreciated.

  “Now tell me what Drex wants with me,” she quietly demands.

  “Sure. After you tell me how you knew about his cocksucker daisy.”

  To this, she starts laughing like she’s surprised, and the sound has me gripping the steering wheel tighter. I haven’t heard her laugh like that over the past few months that I’ve been watching her.

  I’d forgotten how it fucking felt to hear a rare, genuine Kara Caine laugh. I hate her exaggerated fake ones she does for the benefit of someone else.

  As her laughter tapers off, she grows a little too quiet, looking out the window.

  “I came to listen to the rumors,” she finally says quietly. “I just wanted to hear something good. Like Herrin was dead or something. I stopped well away from Halo and anyone who might notice me, but I still went to some bars where I knew the rumor mill would be strong.”

  Her gaze shifts from the window to me and back to the window again.

  “The first time I’d smiled in years was when someone started talking about the cocksucker daisy some tattooist had slapped on Drex as punishment for fucking his girl. Just curious, is that guy dead?”

  “Drake’s like a cockroach. He’d survive the apocalypse,” I tell her dismissively, causing more of that laughter.

  “It’d just happened when I heard it,” she goes on. “I decided to leave on that note, and I never went to listen to the rumors again. Nothing had really changed. Everything of importance was still exactly as it had been. Rape. Plunder. Murder. Repeat.”

  She looks back at me.

  “I’ve told you everything you’ve asked. All I want to know is what my brother wants with me.”

  My lips edge in a secretive grin. “He thought you might want to come home to help kill Herrin,” is all I tell her before cutting up the music.

  I barely hear her sharp intake of air before the stereo is blasting.

  And I keep my eyes on the road instead of on her.

  The girl who left me.

  The girl who doesn’t look like she spent seven years hating life the way I have.

  The girl I wish I could hate a hell of a lot more than I do.

  Chapter 6


  My heart is thudding in my chest when we cross Halo’s welcome sign. The O in Halo is shot out, and there are horns drawn over the word by someone fairly unimaginative.

  The long drive has been made longer with silence and ridiculously loud music.

  My eyes scan the town as I ignore the pang in my heart. My heart that foolishly recognizes this hell as home.

  But I’ve thought about one thing: Drex wants Herrin dead.

  What happened?

  He cuts down the music for the first time, and my ears throb as he pulls out his phone. “We’re about to be there,” he tells someone.

  He casts a glance at me, smirking like he has a secret.

  “Yeah. She’s real excited to be home,” the dick says.

  I give him a fuck-off look before returning my gaze to the window, taking in the town that has changed in appearance. But I bet the underbelly is still just as gritty and dark as it’s always been.

  He hangs up and takes a familiar turn. We’re definitely going to the clubhouse.

  “Liar,” I finally say quietly.

  “What?” Rush asks, distraction in his tone as he pulls up next to the curb, definitely stopping at the warehouse I remember too well, even though it seems to have undergone recent construction.

  “You lied. Pop will kill—”

  “Herrin’s not allowed in Halo without risking the loss of his head. Trust me, we’re all looking for him,” Rush says curtly before opening his door and getting out.

  Swallowing thickly, I weigh my limited options. He has no reason to lie to me. I’m his captive, and he knows me too well for me to catch him at a disadvantage, apparently.

  He ruined a getaway scheme I planned for years because he cheated.

  He cuts me loose from the door, but keeps my wrists bound together. My hands have been numb for over an hour. He stopped every three hours to give my hands time to breathe and relax, and that’s because I waited until I couldn’t stand it to finally admit weakness.


  He liked hearing me admit I needed a second to have freaking normal circulation, because the binds weren’t cutting into me, but they were definitely tight enough to hold me.

  I don’t bother fighting, or kicking, or screaming. Even if I wasn’t worried about someone dying just for hearing my calls for help, we’re back in Halo now. Not too many people would be likely to help.

  Everyone here knows better.

  I’ll just start planning my escape.

  Walking in front of him as I rub my sore wrists, my stomach twisting as we draw closer and closer to the familiar doors that are guarded by unfamiliar faces…along with unfamiliar cuts.

  Death Chasers?

  “The club split,” Rush says like it’s not a big deal as the guys push the doors open for us.

  The loud music spills out and drowns out any possibility for me to formulate a response.

  My twisting stomach drops when I catch sight of my brother with a girl under his arm, as he grins around the rim of a beer at her. It’s scary when Drex smiles. He’s not really a smiler unless he’s just made a lot of money…or…killed someone…

  I swallow thickly as I pretend I’m not the least bit afraid. Too long in a Mayberry style town has softened me more than I realized until this moment.

  I’m scared out of my damn mind the closer we draw, and he trails me with his imposing presence that seems to take up a lot more space than it used to. People move out of his way now, instead of tossing him their garbage to dispose of.

  My footsteps stumble, and Rush’s hands come down on my hips like he’s stopping himself from plowing into me when I come to an abrupt stop. He just barely bumps me, and I stare with wide-eyes, ignoring his touch, as a girl with some roller skating Princess Lea chick glides by very randomly in a figure skating pose.

  I have to make a conscious effort to remain relaxed when Rush pushes my hair to the side and leans in close to my ear. I feel his lips brush there, and I’m supremely embarrassed by the stupid response my body has.

  I blame all the adrenaline. It’s always done something to me. I blame my damage.

  It’s been a stimulating day.

  “I suggest being nice to that one,” Rush says just loud enough for me to hear him over the music.

  I feel his grin, like he intentionally provokes the memory of me saying those nearly exact words to him on his first day through the club when he eyed Axle.

  Speaking of Axle…

  His eyes cut to mine just as I look away from the roller skating enigma who is parting the room with her unconcerned path, and everyone moves accordingly.

  She pulls to an abrupt halt at his side, looks between us, and narrows her eyes on me like I have her full attention now.

  She looks insane, if I’m being honest. I’ll be very nice to her indeed.

  I break eye contact with Axle, since that’s clearly what’s got her interest in me piqued. Don’t speak to Axle and piss off his somewhat disturbing roller girl. Got it.

  Rush’s hands squeeze my hips before gently shoving me forward, forcing me to move toward my brother once again.

  But I hesitate my steps when I find Drex’s eyes already on me, and his face is completely stoic. With as much bravado as I can muster, I fake my confidence and walk tall until I’m standing just a few feet in front of him.

  I don’t really recognize too many people. Only about ten or so faces remain noticeably familiar.

  Drex’s eyes flick away from me and over my head to presumably stare at Rush. I take the chance to glance over the cardigan-wearing girl tucked against his side like he’s trying to ensure she doesn’t get more than an inch away.<
br />
  “Take her upstairs to my room. I’ll be up in a minute,” he tells Rush.

  The girl smiles at me like she’s trying to establish a friendly tone between us. Then she gives me a tentative little wave…

  Is she for real?

  I’m tugged away before I can have any sort of reaction, and my brother doesn’t cast me another look before I force my head away and pretend to be okay with being a captive.

  “Who’s the girl dressed like she belongs in the burbs?” I call over the music as Rush guides me toward a staircase that resembles the proverbial gallows.

  “A girl from the burbs,” he deadpans from behind me as the music tapers down.

  I look over my shoulder, finding his chilling blue eyes immediately fixed to mine as he arches an eyebrow.

  “My brother is dating a girl from the fucking suburbs? What the hell is her damage?” I ask on impulse, because I need a distraction from my mounting anxiety.

  He shrugs his shoulder. “Long story. Move.”

  He slaps my ass like he’s prompting me along, and I narrow my eyes. “Do that again, and I’ll knee you in the balls at my first chance.”

  His lips twitch like he thinks I make empty threats or something.

  When he just continues to give me an amused look, I turn and head up the stairs, receiving no more demeaning ass-slaps. I glance over the railing to see Drex leaned over to the burbs girl’s ear.

  She’s definitely damaged. Has to be. There’s no way he can make a normal girl smile like that, no matter what he says. Drex doesn’t exactly have a way with words meant for girls to smile like lovesick puppies.

  “How long they been together?” I ask as Rush steers me away from the edge.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “My brother looks suspiciously happy,” I point out.

  “That girl is the reason he turned on Herrin,” he says as he starts guiding me into a room, pulling me away from viewing the girl as she pats Drex’s chest like the man is a teddy bear.

  “Care to elaborate?” I ask as he shuts the door, quietening the room so much that I can actually hear my heart heavily thumping in my chest.

  He casually moves over to a mini bar and starts pouring himself a drink.

  “I’ll have one of those too, while you elaborate,” I add when he just remains quiet.

  He pours a second glass of whiskey, and swirls it in the glass before leisurely walking back toward me. Those cold, assessing eyes rake over me once before he hands me the glass.

  I’m not sure if the brush of fingers is intentional or not, but I know the way he steps into me and crowds my space is intentional.

  Glaring up at him, I watch as he stares down at me like he has all the power. A lot has changed since last I was in Halo.

  “You missed the reconstruction,” he says as he breaks the eye contact and moves to take a seat in a chair. “Be thankful of that. It was paranoia central, from what I’ve heard.”

  I don’t even know where to begin with responding to that confusing statement.

  “I don’t understand what that—”

  The door swings open, and my heart lodges in my throat when Drex steps inside, his burbs girl trailing him. His eyes land on me with that same hard look he’s always had, as the girlfriend shuts the door.

  “Long time, no see,” he states in a very underwhelming sort of anti-greeting.

  “Not long enough,” I say with a bitter smile.

  He seems taller, even though I know he’s not. I don’t remember my brother taking up this much space. I feel a lot smaller than usual, and I find myself taking a step toward Rush when Drex doesn’t crack a single expression.

  Rush leans up, elbows on knees.

  “Are we going to stare at each other all night, or are you going to tell me the stipulations of my newfound captivity?” I drawl, hoping to lighten the tension, while also feeling out the escape-planning boundaries.

  Drex levels me with a slightly worrisome sinister look.

  “You want revenge. I want Pop dead. I think it’s time we be family, Kara. We’re finally working toward the same goal. I can make your fucking dreams come true, and no one thinks like Herrin the way I’m sure you do by now.”

  I can’t tell if he’s complimenting me or calling me an evil bitch.

  From Drex’s mouth, calling me an evil bitch could very well be a compliment.

  I really don’t get the burbs girl. She just stands out in her ridiculous cardigan.

  “I’m Eve, by the way,” she says with another awkward wave.

  Seriously, I don’t know how to deal with this.

  I cut my gaze to Rush to figure out if this is for real. He slips and almost lets his lips tug up on one side, but he stifles it before he can smile.

  “I’m confused,” I confess, looking back over at her.

  She nods like she understands. “I had a family thing today. My brothers had a birthday party yesterday, and I flew back today. I usually don’t wear stuff like this.”

  Family thing…

  My gaze cuts back to Drex, and I arch a questioning eyebrow.

  He rolls his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose while exhaling. “It’s a long story,” he says in answer. “We have more pressing matters to discuss.”

  “Violent kidnapping is always a way to lead into hospitable discussions,” I deadpan as I take a seat on another chair, avoiding the bed that has an actual matching comforter set.

  What’s with all the drawings scattered on all the tables in this room? Drex has a problem with butterflies and shit.

  “I wouldn’t call it violent,” Rush drawls as he leans back, acting bored with all of this.

  Eve glances at him, canting her head like she’s studying him in confusion.

  “Someone should start at the beginning if you want me to take this seriously. Because I need to know how real this is,” I tell them, slowly getting somewhat comfortable, even though I don’t yet have time to process any emotions.

  The adrenaline is still present and pressing down all else.

  Rush lazily rakes his gaze over me again, as he says, “I’ll leave you to it. Call me when you need her cuffed down for the night.”

  With that, he stands and walks out like that’s the official plan.

  “Since when does he get to talk to the P that way?” I muse, noticing the patch on my brother’s cut.

  Drex scrubs a hand over his jaw, showing zero emotion about seeing me. I pretend I’m not bothered by that.

  “Rush is in charge of you during your stay. He’ll be by your side around the clock,” Drex tells me as if it’s law because he says so.

  Same shit. Different P.

  “Glad I have some say in all this,” I point out in a wry tone as I idly start picking at imaginary lint to play the aloof girl who can pick up right where she left off before our brief intermission of however many years it’s been.

  “Rush is protective of you, so Drex thought it would be a good—”

  Eve stops talking when Drex shoots her a look, and she swallows the rest of her words while rocking back on her heels. Still, I perk up. Rush is protective of me?

  “Right, so, I’ll go get a shower now,” she says before heading toward the bathroom.

  As soon as the door shuts, I prop up and stare over at my brother. I wait until I hear the shower start running before I speak again.

  “Got her trained right, I see. Do you pat her head and give her treats when she obeys?” I ask with a fuck-the-patriarch grin.

  “She gets plenty of treats. Don’t worry about that,” the misogynist prick volleys as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed. His eyes fix on mine again as he adds, “There’s a lot I need to catch you up on.”

  Chapter 7


  I exhale harshly, scrubbing a hand over my face, two hours later after Drex has broken down just the hellacious shit that’s gone down lately. Eve is tucked in bed, sleeping soundly like she’s not bothered by any noise at all.

sp; I suppose she’s used to all this by now. I can’t help but notice how he occasionally reaches back and rubs her leg through the covers, even though she can’t feel it. He’s showing a weakness, and it’s a fucking fragile burbs girl.

  “You’re an idiot,” I point out, gesturing at Sleeping Beauty.

  “You’re not going to use some girl like Eve against me,” he says with an unapologetic shrug.

  “No, but Herrin or one of his flunkies will destroy her just to fuck with you. How good is her trigger finger and what’s she carrying?”

  He clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck. “Eve’s not exactly qualified for carrying any sort of weapon. She’s trying, but it’s like she misses the targets on purpose, because she’s that bad.”

  I shake my head in frustrated disbelief.

  “She’s the one who needs twenty-four hour surveillance,” I inform him.

  “If I’m not on her, Dash or Snake fills in for me,” he answers as if that makes it a nonissue.

  “She needs a team of protectors, Drex. Don’t be reckless. Herrin knows you think about as far ahead as you can throw a cannon ball.”

  “Careful, Kara. You don’t really know me anymore,” he counters very seriously. “I’ll bring you in on tomorrow’s meeting, but watch your mouth. Pop’s not running the show, and I need my guys comfortable with my lead. Don’t make me look bad.”

  Again, same shit. Different P.

  I just give him a tight smile. “Can I sleep now? Is that fucker really going to cuff me to something?”

  He shrugs as he stands and pulls his shirt over his head, tugging the covers back on the empty side of the bed like he’s turning in for the night.

  “It’s up to him how he manages you. He’s spent months watching you. He knows more about you than I do,” he states.

  I hate the normalcy that comes with stalking, kidnapping, and captivity. I’ve spent so long in the real world that I’d forgotten how very desensitized they all are about everything.


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