Prince: Diablos MC (Diablos MC Series Book 2)

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Prince: Diablos MC (Diablos MC Series Book 2) Page 8

by Eden Rose

  The only thing I liked about this whole trip is getting to know Bella. Also, I am liking the fact I’m so close to Prince I can smell his natural scent. He keeps giving me little looks over his shoulder to let me know all of the naughty things he is thinking.

  Bella leads me into a store with a whole lot of pink and girly looking clothes. Since I haven’t been able to pick out my own clothes in way too long, I don’t even know what is stylish anymore.

  My sister took the opportunity given by Prince to go into the store a little too easy. I knew there had to be a reason why he didn’t want me out in the main part of the mall. He had a reason.

  The reason makes my brain go into circles.

  “What about this one?” Bella asks holding up a pair of leggings with some weird cat design on them.

  I shrug. I’m over this shopping trip and have been putting up with way too much. My pains from the withdrawal are kicking my ass. I want to throw up and then I want to get high again. I need to get high.

  “Yeah,” I answer instead of voicing what I really need.

  As I’m reaching over the table to look at the leggings, I smell the familiar expensive Italian cologne. The same cologne he wore when he raped me over and over again. That’s also when I feel the sharp tip of a gun being jammed against my ribcage.

  “Hello, my love,” Charles whispers in my ear as Juan is walking behind Bella to capture her.

  “What?” Bella screams, unsure of what is happening.

  I shake my head casually to let her know to calm down. Bella starts screaming and squirming, but she is no match for Juan.

  “Don’t make a scene,” I whisper while we are being led out of the store.

  I know what is about to happen. I have pissed Charles off before and it took a week to recover. He raped me in every hole he deemed necessary.

  “Sweet, Elle. I have missed you,” he says casually. “Did you miss me?”

  “Yes, sir,” I answer.

  The gun is jammed further into my ribs and tears start to well up in my eyes. I miss being high. Being high doesn’t make you feel things.

  “You will keep your mouth shut,” Charles instructs.

  “Yes, sir,” I reply just as the lights from the main part of the mall flood my eyes.

  We make it to the front of the store and I look forward. I already know I’m about to receive the beating of my life before being sold for running away.

  “What the fuck?” Prince says behind us, but we are already in the middle of the aisle being dragged away.

  My brain has already gone into survival mode. I know how to survive and that is to do whatever they want whenever they want.

  “Yo!” Someone yells behind us.

  The way Bella jolts, I can assume it is Beast.

  “So glad you got us another one,” Charles says under his breath.

  Being dragged through the mall should have caused more of a commotion than it did. Not a lot of people stopped to help and that is what made me upset.

  I don’t know why it did. I’m used to no one helping me or saving me. Until Prince, I had given up hope a long time ago.

  Once we get into the corridor for the bathrooms, Charles kicks open the door and drags me inside. It isn’t long before he has a needle in his hand waving it front of me.

  “Are you tired of suffering? You know I have what you need,” he taunts with the magical potion to get rid of my withdrawals.

  “Stop!” Bella screams. Juan has her in the corner and I hear the slap of his hand across her face.

  Charles uses his body to push me against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall. He is using the extra weight he has on his body to control me. In seconds, he grabs my arm to straighten it. I feel the pierce of the needle against my skin just as the door is kicked open again.

  Beast is storming through the bathroom with his eyes on Bella. He looks her up and down to make sure she’s okay and pulls Juan off of her.

  “Stupid mother fucker! Slappin’ around a biker’s ol’ lady?” He shouts before punching him in the face. Juan falls to the ground in a big thud.

  Beast then turns his attention on me. “Elle, are you all right?” He asks.

  That’s when I hear it. That’s when I hear the distinctive loud pop of a gun. I squeeze my eyes shut expecting the bullet to hit me. I knew it was only a matter of time before I’m killed. It might as well be now.

  When I don’t feel the pain, I open my eyes. Bella screams loudly while the two Italian goons run out the door without us.

  “What the fuck?” Prince demands once he darkens the door to the bathroom. He looks pissed. His chest is heaving as he surveys the area.

  Bella is on the floor with her hands on the gun shot wound of Beast.

  “What happened?” He demands cutting the distance between us. I’m in his arms in a matter of seconds.

  He holds my arm out in front of him, staring at the needle that has been stuck in my arm. He busted in before Charles could inject me with the lethal cocktail created to make me behave.

  “Did they…?” He begins to ask me.

  I’m too afraid to answer. I’m too afraid to admit to him how much I want to be high. How the feelings I’m feeling at this moment are too great for me. When I’m high, I don’t feel anything but euphoria. That is what I need right now.

  He grabs me by my elbows and pulls me to him. I crash into his body like a wrecking ball. Prince lowers his head and I feel his lips caress mine in a gentle way.

  The kiss is so light and beautiful. Totally opposite of everything I thought I would get with him. I always expected him to throw me on the bed and get what he wanted. I mean, especially since I’m the reason why Beast is lying on the floor.

  His tongue breaks the seam of my lips, licking on my rigid teeth. I let out a little moan as I force my body to relax. I’m not used to this gentleness. It has never been this way for me.

  “EMT!” A man yells from the door.

  Three men and one woman bust through the already broken door to take a look at Beast. Beast is opening his eyes, but he isn’t saying too much. In fact, all he said was Bella’s name. That’s it.

  It is all my fault if he dies.

  Feeling like a failure, I let my body go lax against Prince’s body.

  Chapter Twenty-One: Prince

  “How many times do I have to tell you, I don’t know what the fuck happened to my brother!” I yell at the cops who are questioning me outside of Beast’s hospital room.

  Turns out, if there is a gun shooting, the victim automatically gets a ride to the hospital. I knew Beast would need it, but I don’t want him on pills. Those are too much of a trigger for something worse. It would be only a matter of time before he brings out that shit again.

  Elle’s propped up in the corner of the waiting room with a blank look on her face. I completely stopped the cops from questioning her regarding what happened. They were only upsetting her, and she doesn’t need that.

  The shorter cop looks over his notes and stares me down. “You mean to tell me you have no idea who did this to your brother?”

  I shake my head. Of course, I knew! I’m not a fucking idiot and once I get my hands on those assholes, every single one of them are going to die. “No, I have no idea.”

  That’s when Chloe and Howard make an entrance and bee-line straight to me. They flash their badges at the cops who immediately scatter.

  Chloe’s staring at me hard core before saying anything. “What do you know?”

  “All I know is that mother fucker shot my lieutenant and I’m gonna fuck him up,” I answer honestly.

  She nods in understanding. No one has to be in our lifestyle to know the rules. Chloe waves her hand for me to follow her to the corner. I follow behind her, but my eyes are still on Elle.

  Elle still hasn’t moved since I placed her in the corner. She keeps her hand on the elbow I pulled the needle out of.

  “Do you have any idea who did this?”

  “Nope,” I quip and walk awa
y from her.

  She growls under her breath before grabbing my arm to pull me around to look at her. “Look, I know it might not seem like it, but I have a lot invested in this case. I can’t tell you what, but I do. You need to tell me what you know.”

  “The Cavalari Family,” Bella answers behind her. “The same people who made my sister a whore. The same people who turned our dad into a gambler. They are the fucked up ones!” She screams.

  My eyes widen and then glare at her. It is clear this whole situation has been a little too much for her.

  I look from Bella to Chloe trying to figure out my next move. We are still looking for Peter, the girls’ father. He’s been missing for a couple of months and no one has any idea where he is.

  Now this shit.

  I clear my head and glare at Bella. “Shut up,” I mouth.

  She shakes her head, stomping her foot on the hospital floor. “No! I will not shut up! They are fucking everything up!”

  Chloe nods in understanding. “I’ll come by later and discuss this with you guys.”

  With that, they turn and leave leaving me with Bella. The girl who can’t keep her mouth shut.

  “God damn it, Bella!”

  “I’m not sorry! I’m not sorry at all that these assholes ruined my sister’s life!” She stops and then clears her throat. “They ruined everything and now Beast is shot!”

  “I’m not gonna tell you again! Keep your mouth shut.”

  Bella looks back at Elle and then at me again. I can see she is trying to figure out what to say or do to make me not mad at her. The truth is, she almost fucked us. Now we have to talk and I don’t want to. I don’t want to tell the feds about Two Face and his goons.

  We need to find them.

  “Family of Beast?” The doctor asks coming out from the trauma section.

  “Yeah?” I ask with the rest of my brothers following behind me. Bella’s trying to make her way through the crowd as well, but I’m pissed at her.

  “He is very lucky. The bullet missed everything vital and he will be in pain for the next couple of weeks from it. We gave him some drugs to help ease the pain, but he says he doesn’t want them. I’ll give the bottle to you and you can do what you want,” the doctor says to me.

  I look him up and down trying to figure out how he knows so much. How he knows so much about our lifestyle. I’m about to ask when he sticks his hand out for me to shake.

  That’s when I see it. Around his wrist is another motorcycle club symbol around it. I can’t see the logo too clearly as he is older, but he nods his head in understanding.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Elle

  To say I feel responsible for Beast getting shot is an understatement. I’m the reason why Bella’s boyfriend got shot and is now hobbling out of the hospital because he refused to take the wheelchair. They wheeled it out for him and the big guy refused.

  “I’m not a fuckin’ invalid! I can walk out with my girl and my club!” He yells at the nurse.

  The evening discharge nurse is about five feet and a little petite thing. Her skin is mocha colored with her hair braided in an intricate design.

  The nurse stands up straight to call him out on it. “I don’t give two shits about how big and bad you think you are. You’re getting in this seat!” She answers.

  “No!” He shouts back and stands up to his full height. He wags a finger at Bella and she comes rushing over to him. He wraps his arm around her shoulders for support as they walk out of the room.

  “Ahem!” Someone clears their throat at the door when I’m alone.

  I jump and turn to see an orderly waiting to get in the room to clean it. Jesus. I’m so jumpy. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is only a matter of time before Two Face, Charles and Juan find me again.

  I know they are waiting for me to be alone. I just know it. They are going to come out of nowhere and attack me.

  “Elle?” Prince calls out to me.

  Jerking my head to look at him, he crosses the distance between us quickly. Before I know it, he is wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up. My legs wrap around his muscular waist on their own. Being with Prince is so natural.

  So unforced.

  It shouldn’t be this good. There is no reason why it should be this good.

  My hips grind without me telling them to do so against his thick erection in his jeans. The roughness against my smooth skin is enough to make me moan.

  He maneuvers his nose to make my face look at his. I look into his majestic eyes and sincere smile he gives me.

  “I am so fuckin’ sorry, baby. I’m so fuckin’ sorry I put you at risk. I will never forgive myself for what I did,” he declares.

  I brush my lips against his in a swift kiss. His lips are soft- totally kissable. Everything about Prince screams sex. I need him.

  “I don’t want to wait anymore,” I inform him. I want him.

  “Ahem!” Someone clears their throat at the door.

  I turn to look at them still in Prince’s arms. Prince’s hands slide to hold my ass. His meaty fingers are biting into my ass.

  “Yeah?” Prince asks with hostility in his voice.

  “We, uh, we need this room…” The nurse says shifting on her feet.

  I wince.

  Prince’s harsh voice cuts through to my ear. “Baby, never be embarrassed.”

  He kisses me roughly and swats me on my ass before dropping me to my feet. My legs are a little unsteady from all the blood currently in my sex muscles. Good thing I’m not a guy or I would have the biggest boner right now.

  I rub my hand down my hair and look at my hand as it pulls away some of the strands of hair and a couple of strands get caught in my fingers. Damn it. All of that bleach I was given for those years has fried my hair completely.

  “Want me to get someone to do your hair for you?” He asks me.

  I nod. “Can they come to the clubhouse?” I whisper.

  He grabs my hand, pulling me out of the room. “Yeah, baby. Whatever you need.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Prince

  “There is no way I’m lettin’ you get your bitch ass back on that bike!” Fat Cat shouts at Beast who is trying to mount a motorcycle.

  I chuckle under my breath and hold Elle close to my chest. Yeah, this chick is definitely mine. Everything about her is mine. I kiss the top of her head and listen to her hum her satisfaction.

  Oh yeah. Best decision ever was taking her.

  “Fuck off!” Beast yells back and grabs Bella.

  “I’m not getting on the back of that bike with you,” she squawks back.

  Elle nuzzles her face into my chest and breathes me in like she’s trying to remember how I smell. I hold her closer to my body.

  “You ready to go, baby?” I ask her.

  “Yeah,” she winks at me.

  “We’ll see you fuckers later!” I holler over my shoulder and walk to the van. There’s no way I’m putting Elle on the back of the bike yet. I need to get her more comfortable.

  “So, when’s your birthday?” Elle asks.

  I chuckle. “Really? You want to have first date questions?”

  She giggles. “Sure. Why not?”

  “October twelfth.”

  “Of what year?” She probes.

  “Nah, we’re not goin’ there.”


  “When’s your birthday?” I ask turning the van onto the road which leads us to the clubhouse.

  “December fifth.”

  “Of what year?” I counter.

  She giggles again. “If you don’t tell me, I’m not going to tell you.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  By the time I throw the van into park, I’m jumping out of the driver’s side and opening Elle’s door. She has unclipped her seatbelt making it easy for me to swoop her into my arms. She falls into me perfectly.

  “Are you sure?” I ask to make sure. The last thing I want to do is push her into doing something she doesn’t want to or isn
’t ready. I love sex like the next red-blooded man, but I’m not gonna force it from my woman.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  That’s all I needed to hear. I don’t bother locking the van or locking the clubhouse. I’m anxious to get her into my bed for real this time. I’m ready to fill her body up with me.


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